4 Subassembly Removal and Replacement

This chapter describes how to remove and replace all GT Graphics Subsystem assemblies designated as Field Replaceable Units (FRUs).

The procedures and illustrations in this chapter show you how to remove and replace:

Caution -

Before removing any panels or subassemblies, follow the "System Power-Down" procedures on page 72.

System Power-Up and Power-Down

System Power-Up

Before powering up, make sure the equipment is installed according to the Hardware Installation Manual for the GT Graphics Subsystem, 800-5258. Power-up the system in the following order:

    1. The monitor
    2. The Graphics Tower
    3. External drives (if any)
    4. The system unit

The ac power switches are "ON" when the "1" is pressed. Figure 4-1 shows the location of all system power switches.

Note - If the system is not powered-up in the above sequence, the system unit openboot power-on sequence will fail to properly probe and initialize the GT Graphics Subsystem.

    Figure 4-1 System Power Switches

System Power-Down

To turn off the power when your system is working normally, become superuser and save all your work, as described in the following steps:

Note - For additional information about superuser passwords, see "Becoming Superuser" in Chapter 2 of the, Sun System and Network Manager's Guide.

    1. Save all your work.

    See the Sun System User's Guide for more information about ending a work session and saving your files. If you do not save your work, you could lose it when you switch off the power.

    2. Return to the Sun OS or Solaris operating system environment and become superuser.

    Type: su and press Return.

    3. Type your superuser password and press Return.
    4. Suth down the system.

    For the SunOS 4.x operating system, type the following:

    For the Solaris 2.x operating system, type the following:

    5. After shutdown, you should get the following message:

    When this message appears, you can safely turn off the power to your system, as described in the next step.

    6. Turn off the power in sequence to:
      a. External drives (if any)
      b. System unit
      c. Color monitor
      d. Graphics Tower

Note - To end a work session and save your work when your system does not respond to the mouse, you need to use a different procedure.

1. Press L1-a (or Stop-a for type 5 keyboards) to enter the PROM monitor command mode. The monitor command prompt is indicated on the screen with a "greater than" symbol ().

2. Type n followed by a carriage return.

3. When you see the message ok on the screen, type sync followed by a carriage return.

The sync command attempts to save your work.

After typing the above commands, turn off the power as described in step 6 above.

Replacing the Monitor

Removal and replacement of the color monitor consists of disconnecting and reconnecting cables. Follow these steps:

Monitor Removal

    1. Power-down the entire system.

    See "System Power-Down" on page 72.

    2. Disconnect the Video cable from the monitor.

    See Figure 4-2 for cable identification. Turn the two connector screws counter-clockwise to disconnect the connector.

    3. Disconnect the Power cable from the monitor.

Monitor Replacement

    4. Make sure that the entire system is powered down.
    5. Connect the Video cable to the monitor.

    See Figure 4-2.

    6. Connect the Power cable to the monitor.
    7. Power-up the system.

    See "System Power-Up" on page 70.

    Figure 4-2 GT Graphics Subsystem Video Cable

Replacing the GT SBus Adapter Board

The GT SBus Adapter Board is in the system unit. To remove and replace the GT SBus Adapter Board:


    1. Power down the entire system.

    See "System Power-Down" on page 72. Leave the system unit power cable plugged in.

    2. Disconnect the host adapter cable from the system unit rear panel.

    The host adapter cable connects between the GT SBus Adapter Board in the system unit and the Graphics Processor Front End Board in the Graphics Tower.

    3. Remove the system unit top cover.

    The top cover attaches to the chassis at the front with molded plastic tabs. Push the cover forward to release the front cover from the points of attachment to the chassis.

      a. Remove the two screws holding the cover to the back panel.

      See Figure 4-3.

      b. Grasp the sides of the cover from the rear and tilt the cover until the protector loop clears the chassis.
      c. Gently push the cover forward about 1/2 inch (13 mm) so that the plastic tabs clear the chassis.
      d. Remove the cover by lifting vertically.

Caution -

The plastic tabs at the bottom of the cover are fragile. Be sure the tabs clear the chassis before removing the cover.

    Figure 4-3 Remove the System Unit Top Cover

    4. Remove the GT SBus Adapter Board.
      a. Gently lift up on the handle on the SBus-end of the board to unplug the board from the socket.

      The SBus-end of the board is the end furthest away from the system unit back panel.

      b. Slide the board at an angle out of the system unit back panel.


    1. Make sure that the system unit power is OFF.
    2. Install the replacement GT SBus Adapter Board into the system unit.

    Make sure that the mounting plate on the GT SBus Adapter Board hooks into the slot on the system unit back panel.

      a. Slide the GT SBus Adapter Board at an angle into the system unit back panel.
      b. Align the plug with the socket and gently press down on the handle to plug the board into the socket.

      See Figure 4-4.

    Figure 4-4 Align the Plug with the Socket.

    3. Replace the system unit top cover.

Caution -

Holding the cover at angles greater than 30 degrees can prevent insertion of the tabs into the tab slots. Once the tabs are in the slots, raising the cover to angles greater than 30 degrees can break the tabs.

      a. Align the cover to the chassis.

      Hold the cover at an angle of 30 degrees relative to the chassis and gently guide the plastic tabs on the cover into the tab slots on the front of the chassis. Continue to hold the cover with your hands.

      b. Lower the cover onto the chassis.

      Slowly lower the cover onto the chassis and be sure the protector loop clears the disk drive and seats into the protector loop on the bottom of the chassis.

      c. Insert and tighten the two screws that hold the top cover to the back panel.
Warning -

Do not power up the system unit without replacing the cover and securing it. Failure to take this precaution may result in personal injury and system damage.
    4. Re-connect the host adapter cable to the system unit.
    5. Power up the system.

    See "System Power-Up" on page 70.

    6. Re-run the diagnostics.

    See "SunDiag Diagnostics" on page 46.

Replacing the Graphics Tower Printed Circuit Boards

The following steps describe how to replace the Graphics Tower printed circuit boards: Graphics Processor Front End, Graphics Processor Rendering Pipeline, and Frame Buffer.

Caution -

Springfingers are metal strips that are installed between the edge of the printed circuit board and the outer panel to reduce RFI emissions. Serrated metal fingers protrude from either side of the strip.

Installation of a board without springfingers may affect FCC compliance. Sun will no longer be responsible for FCC compliance if a board without springfingers is installed in the tower.

When removing and replacing boards with springfingers, check the condition of the insulator strip/shields and replace if damaged. Contact your customer support center for information on how to obtain additional insulator strips or shields.

Removing the Foreplane EMI Cover and Connector

    1. Power down the entire system.

    See "System Power-Down" on page 72.

    2. Remove the cables from the cable management brackets on the rear of the Graphics Tower.

    See Figure 4-5.

    3. Remove the cable brackets from the Graphics Tower.

    Pivot the brackets off of the plastic rails as shown in Figure 4-5.

    4. Unplug the power cable from the rear of the Graphics Tower.
    5. Disconnect the signal and video cables from the Graphics Tower.

    Figure 4-5 Graphics Tower Cable Management Brackets

    6. Remove the foreplane EMI cover.

    See Figure 4-6. Loosen the four screws with a flat blade screwdriver. The screws are captive and cannot be completely removed.

    7. Remove the foreplane connector.

    The foreplane connector connects the Frame Buffer Board to the Graphics Processor Rendering Pipeline Board. See Figure 4-6. Loosen the four screws with a flat-blade screwdriver. The screws are captive and cannot be completely removed.

    Figure 4-6 Foreplane EMI Cover and Connector

Removing the Frame Buffer Board

    1. Remove the foreplane EMI cover and foreplane connector.

    See page 80.

    2. Locate the Frame Buffer Board.

    The Frame Buffer Board is the left-most board when viewing the Graphics Tower from the rear. See Figure 4-6.

    3. Use a 2mm hex wrench to remove the two hex screws at the top and bottom of the board.

    See Figure 4-7.

    4. Push the two board ejection levers out to unseat the board from the backplane connectors.

    Push the top lever up and the bottom lever down. See Figure 4-7.

    5. Slide the board out of the chassis.

    Figure 4-7 Graphics Tower Printed Circuit Board Removal

Removing the Graphics Processor Rendering Pipeline and Graphics Processor Front End Boards

The Graphics Processor Rendering Pipeline Board and the Graphics Processor Front End Board are attached together as a single assembly. To replace either board, you first remove the assembly, then disassemble the two boards, as described below.

    1. Remove the foreplane EMI cover and foreplane connector.

    See page 80.

    2. Locate the Graphics Processor board assembly.

    See Figure 4-6 on page 83.

    3. Use a 2mm hex wrench to remove the four hex screws at the top and bottom of the assembly.

    See Figure 4-7 on page 85.

    4. Push the two board ejection levers out to unseat the assembly from the backplane connectors.

    Push the top lever up and the bottom lever down.

    5. Slide the assembly out of the chassis.
    6. Remove the Front End Board from the seven Nylon snap-in standoffs.

    Gently pinch the top of the standoff with a pair of long-nose pliers to allow the standoff to pass through the hole in the Frame Buffer Board, as shown below. Also, see the assembly diagram, Figure 6-5 on page 117.


    1. Make sure that the Graphics Tower power is OFF.
    2. Install the replacement printed circuit board or board assembly into the Graphics Tower.

    Insert the board with the component side facing to the right side of the tower.

    If you are replacing either the Graphics Processor Rendering Pipeline Board or the Graphics Processor Front End Board, you must first re-assemble the two boards. Align the inter-board connectors and press the Front End Board onto the seven snap-in standoffs, as shown in the assembly diagram, Figure 6-5 on page 117.

    Push the board or assembly into the chassis slide rails until it is seated into the backplane connectors.

    3. Secure the board to the chassis with the two hex screws.

    Use a 2mm hex wrench.

    4. Re-attach the foreplane connector to the Frame Buffer Board and Graphics Processor Rendering Pipeline Board.

    See Figure 4-6 on page 83.

    5. Re-attach the foreplane EMI cover.

    See Figure 4-6 on page 83.

    6. Re-connect the host adapter cable to the Graphics Tower.
    7. Re-connect the video cable to the Graphics Tower.
    8. Reinstall the cable management brackets.

    See Figure 4-5 on page 81. Snap the cables into the brackets, if required.

    9. Make sure that the Graphics Tower power switch is OFF, then plug in the power cable.
    10. Power up the system.

    See "System Power-Up" on page 70.

    11. Re-run the diagnostics.

    See "SunDiag Diagnostics" on page 46.

Removing the Graphics Tower Trim

To remove the power supply or fan assembly or to gain access to the backplane, you must first remove the Graphics Tower trim, consisting of

Removing the Legs

To remove the Graphics Tower legs:

    1. Power down the system and disconnect the power cable from the Graphics Tower.
    2. Disconnect the interface cables.
    3. Remove the cable management brackets.

    See Figure 4-5 on page 81.

    4. Place a pad or cushion on a flat work surface to protect the tower from scratches.

    Place the tower on its side on the work surface.

Note - The GT Graphics Subsystem tower weighs about 40 pounds (18 kg). Having two people available makes the operation easier and safer.

    5. Remove the air filter from the slot at the base of the tower.
    6. Locate and remove the two round plastic covers on the legs.

    See Figure 4-8. Push in on the small recessed dot on the cover, causing the cover to protrude, then remove the cover.

    7. Using a 10mm nut driver or a flat-blade screwdriver, remove the two screws that attach the leg to the tower.

    Remove the leg.

    8. Turn the tower over and repeat steps 6 and 7 to remove the leg from the other side.

Caution -

Do not place the tower in the vertical position without the support legs installed.

    Figure 4-8 Graphics Tower Leg Mounting Hardware

Removing the Louvered Top Cover

To remove the louvered top cover:

    1. Remove the Graphics Tower legs.

    See "Removing the Legs" on page 88.

    2. Turn the tower around so you are facing the ON/OFF switch.
    3. Remove the four M4 slotted, hex-head securing screws that secure the end of the cover to the tower.

    See Figure 4-9.

    Figure 4-9 Removing the Louvered Top Cover

    4. Locate the snap detail on the edge of the cover that secures the middle part of the cover to the top of the tower.

    See Detail A in Figure 4-9.

    5. Insert a flat-blade screwdriver between the louvered top cover and the side of the tower.
    6. Gently raise the screwdriver to release the snap.

    See Figure 4-10.

    Figure 4-10 Release the Top Cover Snap

    7. Turn the tower over.

    Repeat steps 4 through 6 to release the second snap on the other side of the top cover.

    8. Gently pivot the cover about 30 degrees upward and slide the cover toward you.

    See Figure 4-11.

    Figure 4-11 Removing the Louvered Cover

Removing the Front Bezel

To remove the Graphics Tower front bezel, you must first remove the louvered top panel as described on page 90.

To remove the front bezel:

    1. Rotate the Graphics Tower so that you are facing the front side.

    The Graphics Tower front side is the side with the GT Graphics Subsystem emblem.

    2. Release the front bezel snap detail in the same manner as described in steps 4 through 6 of the previous procedure.

    See page 91.

    3. Pivot the bezel outward and pull it away from the tower to remove it.

    See Figure 4-12.

    Figure 4-12 Removing the Front Bezel

Removing the Backplane EMI Cover

Remove the backplane EMI cover only if you need to access the backplane.

To remove the EMI cover, you must first remove the louvered top panel, as described on page 90, and the front bezel, as described on page 92.

To remove the EMI cover and expose the backplane:

    1. Remove the two M4 \xb4 0.7 screws that hold the EMI cover in place.

    See Figure 4-13.

    Figure 4-13 Removing the EMI Cover Mounting Screws

    2. Pivot the EMI cover about 30 degrees outward and away from the backplane.

    See Figure 4-14.

    3. Pull the EMI cover upward until the locking tabs are free from the bracket in the base.

    Figure 4-14 Removing the Backplane EMI Cover

Re-Installing the Graphics Tower Trim

After replacing the power supply/fan module or accessing the backplane, replace the tower trim (EMI cover, bezel, and louvered panel) as described below. See the assembly diagram, Figure 6-3 on page 114.

    1. Insert the EMI cover tabs into the slots in the bracket on the tower base.

    Press the cover into place.

    2. Replace the screws removed in Step 1 of "Removing the Backplane EMI Cover" on page 94.
    3. Engage the bezel locking tabs in the tabs on the bottom louvered panel.

    Pivot the bezel toward the EMI cover until the bezel is in place.

    4. Insert the tabs on the louvered top panel you first removed into the locking tabs on the bezel.

    Gently press until the top panel is in place.

    5. Replace the two screws removed in Step 3 of "Removing the Louvered Top Cover" on page 90.
    6. Re-install the legs.

    See Figure 4-8 on page 89.

    7. Clean and re-install the air filter.

    See "Graphics Tower Air Filter Cleaning or Replacement Procedure" on page 106.

Replacing the Power Supply or Fan Assembly

Note - To replace either the power supply or the fan assembly, you must remove the power supply/fan module. The fan assembly is mounted to the bottom of the power supply assembly.

Removing the Power Supply/Fan Module from the Graphics Tower

To remove the power supply/fan module:

    1. Remove the Graphics Tower air filter, legs, louvered top panel, bezel, and EMI cover.

    See "Removing the Graphics Tower Trim" on page 88.

    2. Remove the screws that secure the red +5V and black ground cables to the backplane bus bars.

    See Figure 4-15.

    Figure 4-15 Disconnect the +5V and Ground Cables

    3. Disconnect the eight-pin Molex-type connector that provides dc voltages to the backplane.

    See Figure 4-16.

    Figure 4-16 Disconnect the Eight-Pin Molex Connector

    4. Disconnect the two-pin power sense connector located near the eight-pin connector.
    5. Remove the two M4 screws that are located on each end of the power supply module, closest to the backplane.

    See Figure 4-17.

    Figure 4-17 Remove the Power Supply/Fan Module Mounting Screws

Note - The following steps are much easier if you have a second person to assist you.

    6. Loosen the side panels and have someone hold them outward.

    See Figure 4-18.

    7. Grasp both ends of the power supply/fan module and lift it away from the cardcage.

    Figure 4-18 Removing the Power Supply/Fan Module

Removing the Fan Assembly

To remove the fan assembly from the power supply/fan module:

    1. Remove the power supply/fan module from the Graphics Tower.

    See "Removing the Power Supply/Fan Module from the Graphics Tower" on page 97.

    2. Remove the 14 screws that secure the fan assembly to the power supply module.

    See the assembly diagram, Figure 6-6 on page 118.

    3. Disconnect the main dc power connector from the fan tray printed circuit board.

    See the assembly diagram, Figure 6-6 on page 118.

    4. Remove the fan assembly.

Removing the Power Supply from the Module

To remove the power supply from the power supply/fan module:

    1. Remove the power supply/fan module from the tower.

    See "Removing the Power Supply/Fan Module from the Graphics Tower" on page 97.

    2. Remove the fan assembly from the module as described above.
    3. Disconnect the ac power and power good sense connectors from the ac convenience module.

    See the assembly drawing, Figure 6-7 on page 120.

    4. Turn the power supply over and remove the screws that secure the power supply to the top of the module.
    5. Slide the power supply out of the module.

    Feed the dc cables through the opening at the end of the tower.

Re-Installing the Power Supply/Fan Module

To re-install the power supply/fan module:

    1. Have someone pull the side panels outward.
    2. Grasp both ends of the power supply and insert it into the opening.

    See Figure 4-18 on page 100.

    3. Attach the power supply with two M4 screws on each end of the power supply.
    4. Re-connect the two-pin power sense connector.
    5. Re-connect the eight-pin Molex connector.

    See Figure 4-16 on page 98.

    6. Re-attach the red +5V and black ground cables to the backplane bus bars.

    See Figure 4-15 on page 97.

    7. Replace the enclosure EMI cover, bezel, louvered top panel, and legs.

    See "Re-Installing the Graphics Tower Trim" on page 96.

Removing the Backplane

To remove the Graphics Tower backplane:

    1. Remove the printed circuit boards from the Graphics Tower.

    See "Replacing the Graphics Tower Printed Circuit Boards" on page 80.

    2. Remove the Graphics Tower trim.

    See "Removing the Graphics Tower Trim" on page 88.

    3. Remove the two screws that secure the bottom louvered panel.

    The bottom louvered panel attaches the same as the top louvered panel (see Figure 4-9).

    4. Remove the two remaining screws that hold the side panels in place.

    See Figure 4-19. The other two screws were removed with the tower legs.

    Figure 4-19 Side Mounting Screws

    5. Turn the tower over and remove the other side panel.

Caution -

To prevent bending the second side panel when turning the tower over, make sure that you turn the tower end-for-end.

    6. Remove the power supply/fan module.

    See "Removing the Power Supply/Fan Module from the Graphics Tower" on page 97.

    7. Disconnect all the cables from the backplane.
    8. Remove the eight screws that secure the backplane to the card cage.

    See the illustrated parts breakdown, Figure 6-9 on page 124.