5 Installing the SuperSPARC Module on the 1000 System Board

This chapter provides the information you need to remove the 1000 system board and install or replace SuperSPARC modules on the following system:

Warning -

Procedures contained in this chapter must be performed by qualified service-trained maintenance providers.
See the section entitled "Notes, Cautions, and Warnings" found in the Preface of this manual.

Caution -

Individuals who remove any outer panels or open covers to access this equipment must observe all safety precautions and ensure compliance with skill level requirements, certification, and all applicable local and national laws.

5.1 Handling System Boards and Assemblies

Caution -

Use the Sun ESD kit provided when performing these procedures. Instructions are printed on the ESD mat.

Caution -

The system chassis power must be turned off and the AC power cord must remain plugged in to ensure a proper ground.

Caution -

The 1000 system boards, modules, and cards have surface-mount components that may break when the board is flexed.

To minimize the amount of board flexing, observe the following precautions:

5.2 Removing the System Board from the Enclosure

Caution -

See the "Shutting Down the System" section in Chapter 2 to make sure the system is shut off. Turn off the power at the main AC breaker before you insert or remove boards and disk drives. Do not disconnect the AC power cord from its receptacle. The system chassis power must be turned off, and the power cord must remain plugged in to ensure a proper ground.

Caution -

Use the ESD kit provided when installing integrated circuits, printed circuit boards, and drives in a SPARCserver 1000. Instructions for use are printed on the mat.

To access the system board:

    1. Move the system so that you have easy access to the board enclosure.
    2. Place the ESD mat in the area where you are working.

    The ESD mat and the wrist grounding strap will protect against electrostatic discharge. Connect the ground clip to the chassis and mat.

    3. Disconnect and set aside any cable connectors from the system board back panel.
      a. Detach the keyboard cable, network cable, SCSI cable, and any other cables connected to the back panel.
      a. Label these if necessary, and label any other cables that are similar in appearance to avoid confusion later.
    4. Remove the two screws that secure the system board to the card cage.

    See Figure 5-1. Set the screws aside for later reinstallation.

    5. Pull the curved ends of both extraction levers outward simultaneously to release the board from the backplane connectors.

    See Figure 5-1.

    Figure 5-1 Removing the System Board

    6. Holding the board by both of the extraction levers, gently slide the board out of the card cage.

Caution -

The board is cutout on the right side, so the right side of the board will clear the card guides before the left side.
Ensure you grip the edges of the board firmly or the board may fall and damage components.

    7. Place the board on the ESD mat or in an antistatic bag.

5.3 Removing Modules

Warning -

The heatsinks on the SuperSPARC modules may be hot. Use caution when removing or installing SuperSPARC modules and avoid contact with the heatsinks. Hold SuperSPARC modules only by the edges.

To remove a SuperSPARC or other MBus module, first remove the system board from the card cage. See Section 5.2, "Removing the System Board from the Enclosure."

Each system board can have two SuperSPARC modules: module A and module B.

See Figure 5-2 for SPARC module locations on the 1000 system board.

    Figure 5-2 Location of SPARC Modules A and B

5.3.1 Removing a Module in Slot A

    1. Unlock the four standoffs securing the module to the system board.

    Pull up on the tip of each standoff to unlock. See Figure 5-3.

    2. Hold the module by the edges near the connector.
    3. Lift the module off the connector.

    Do not "rock" the module off the connector. Ensure vertical movement of the module during the insertion or removal process.

Caution -

The connector housing will break if the module is tilted too far.

    4. Place the module on the ESD mat or in an antistatic bag.

    Figure 5-3 Locking and Unlocking Standoffs

5.3.2 Removing a Module in Slot B

    1. Unlock the module by pulling up the tips of the two standoffs.

    Pull up the tip insert of a standoff to unlock it.

    2. Hold the module by the edges near the connector and gently loosen the module from the socket.
    3. Lift the module from the socket at an angle while guiding the other side of the module out from the back panel filler.

    Each module hole rests on a small pin. Gently free the module from the back panel filler. See Figure 5-4.

Note - It may be necessary to remove SPARC module A or the SBus card in slot 1 to get a firm grip on SPARC module B. A firm grip is necessary to remove the module from the connector without breaking the connector.

    Figure 5-4 Installing SPARC Module B

    4. Place the SuperSPARC module on the ESD mat or in an antistatic bag.

5.4 Installing or Replacing Modules

Warning -

The heatsinks on the SuperSPARC modules may be hot. Use caution when removing or installing SuperSPARC modules and avoid contact with the heatsinks. Hold SuperSPARC modules only by the edges.

To install or replace a SuperSPARC module, first remove the system board from the card cage. See Section 5.2, "Removing the System Board from the Enclosure."

The system board can have up to two SuperSPARC modules: module A and module B.

Note - Dual module configurations require Solaris 2.2 (or later) or other compatible operating system.
See Table 2-1 on page 2 of Chapter 2 for software requirements specific to your system.

Caution -

Use the wrist grounding strap that came with the module.

Note - Visually inspect the pins on the SuperSPARC module and in the MBus connector to make sure the pins are not bent before installing the module.

To install or replace a module:

    1. Unlock the standoffs for the chosen location, slot A or slot B.

    Pull up on the tip of a standoff to unlock it. See Figure 5-3.

    2. Open the protective packaging and take out the SuperSPARC module.

    Inspect the connector for bent pins.

    3. Place the SuperSPARC module on the standoffs and align the module connector with the system board socket.

    For a module in slot B, slide the back panel end (the side opposite the connector) into place under the lip of the back panel filler panel, then align the connector with the socket.

    Ensure the holes in the board align with filler panel pins. See Figure 5-4.

Caution -

Make sure the heatsinks do not catch on the lip of the system board back panel during installation. This will help ensure the board seats properly in the backplane.

    4. Hold the SuperSPARC module by the edges near the connector.
    5. Firmly press the module down until the connector is fully seated.

    Press on the module firmly but gently.

Caution -

Do not rock the module onto the socket; the plastic connector housing may break.

    6. Starting from the side opposite the connector, press each corner of the SuperSPARC module to ensure that it rests on the collar of the standoff.
    7. Press down on the tip of each standoff to lock the module in place.

5.5 Installing the System Board in the Enclosure

To install or replace the system board in the enclosure:

Caution -

Use the Sun ESD kit provided when installing integrated circuits, printed circuit boards, and drives in a SPARCserver 1000 system. Follow the instructions printed on the ESD mat.

    1. Carefully insert the board in the proper slot in the card cage, ensuring the board does not slip out of the left and right card guides.

    The component side of the board must face up.

    2. Ensure the extraction levers are in the outward position while sliding the board toward the backplane connectors.

    See Figure 5-1. The board will not seat fully unless the levers are in this starting position.

Caution -

DO NOT FORCE a board into a slot - you may damage the board and system. The board should insert and seat smoothly. If it binds, remove the board and inspect the card cage slot for any obvious obstruction. Also inspect both the board and the backplane for bent pins or other damage. Correct the problems before attempting to reinsert the board.

    3. Press firmly on the board rear panel to seat the board onto the backplane connectors.

    The extraction levers should swing into the locked position.

    4. Install two screws to secure the board to the card cage.

    See Figure 5-1.

    5. Connect any applicable interface cables to the system board back panel.
    6. Move the system to its normal operating location.
    7. Remove and store the wrist strap and Sun ESD mat.

5.6 Starting Up the System and Verifying Installation

    1. Set the power switch on the chassis to the ON position.

Note - Once power-on self tests are completed and functional modules are recognized, the operating system will configure itself automatically to take advantage of all available processors.

Note - Check the front panel LEDs to see if the SuperSPARC module is installed correctly. If the two outer LEDs are ON and the middle LED is OFF, the module is installed correctly and has passed self-test.

    2. Wait for the system to boot. When the login: prompt is displayed, log in and run /usr/kvm/prtdiag.

    This will confirm that all processors are recognized and display system information.

    3. Type the command /usr/kvm/prtdiag to display system information. For example:

Note - This screen display is an example only. The actual message displayed on the screen will depend on the software running on the system.

The screen display shows that the system recognizes a 50 MHz SuperSPARC module in slots A and B of board 0, board 1, and board 2.