TotalNET Advanced Server 5.2 Administration Guide

4.4 Administering Users

This section contains instructions for the following tasks:

4.4.1 Viewing TAS Connections

Follow these steps to list TAS connected users by UNIX name, along with their realms, connection dates and times, number of connection requests, server names and types, client names, and network addresses:

  1. Follow these links:

    • System->TAS Connected Users->User Information

      The Users screen appears.

  2. Select from the list or type in the text field the names of the users whose information you want to view.

  3. Click View.

    The TAS Users information screen appears:

  4. When finished, click OK.

4.4.2 Disconnecting TAS Users

Follow the steps below to disconnect selected users. Network clients that automatically reconnect broken connections cannot effectively disconnect.

  1. Follow these links:

    • System->TAS Connected Users->Disconnect Users

      The Disconnect Users screen appears:

  2. Select or enter values for the following attributes, as needed:

    • Name of users -- The users whose sessions you want to disconnect.

    • Minutes before disconnection -- The number of minutes before forced disconnection.

    • Reason for disconnection -- A brief message TAS sends to client users before terminating their sessions.

  3. Click Submit.

    The Disconnect Users screen appears.

  4. Click OK.

    To disconnect a TAS user from the UNIX command line, use the tnkill command.