TotalNET Advanced Server 5.2 Administration Guide

4.1.2 Shutting Down TAS Services

Follow these steps to shut down the TAS system and set all services to reject client connections:

  1. Follow these links:

    • System->System Administration->Shutdown Services

      The System Shutdown screen appears:

  2. Enter values for the following attributes, as needed:

    • Minutes until shutdown -- The amount of time you want to elapse before shutdown. This option does not appear if you already initiated a shutdown.

    • Message to connected users -- A brief message to send to connected file service clients as shutdown nears and when shutdown commences. TAS sends your message every five minutes until shutdown occurs. Five minutes until shutdown, TAS sets all services to reject client connections. This option does not appear if you already initiated a shutdown.

    • Cancel a pending shutdown -- The option to stop a shutdown in progress. This option only appears when you already initiated a shutdown.

  3. Click Submit.

    The Shutdown Services screen appears.

  4. Click OK.

    To cancel the shutdown, click Cancel, select Cancel a pending shutdown, and click Submit.

    To shut down TAS services from the UNIX command line, use the tnshut command.