TotalNET Advanced Server 5.2 Administration Guide

5.2.19 Disconnecting Users

Follow these steps to disconnect connected users:

  1. Follow one of these sets of links:

    • NetWare Realm->NetWare Connected Users->Disconnect Users

    • NetWare Realm->Manage File Services->[select a service] ->Administer->Disconnect Users

    The Disconnect Users screen appears:

  2. Select or enter values for the following attributes, as needed:

    • Name of users -- The users to disconnect.

    • Minutes before disconnection -- The time, in minutes, before you want to disconnect the users.

    • Reason for disconnection -- A brief message to the users to disconnect. Users must have message reception enabled to see this message.

  3. Click Submit.

    The Disconnect Users screen reappears, this time containing the statement "Command Successful".

  4. Click OK.

    To disconnect a user from the UNIX command line, use the tnkill command.