Sun WorkShop TeamWare 2.1 User's Guide

Distributed Make

Distributed Make (dmake) marks the evolution of the make utility into a powerful and flexible tool that permits you to take full advantage of the potential of today's networks and powerful multiprocessor workstations. Using dmake, you can concurrently distribute the process of building large projects, consisting of many programs, over a number of workstations and, in the case of multiprocessor systems, over multiple CPUs.

You execute dmake on a dmake host and distribute jobs to build servers. You can also distribute jobs to the dmake host, in which case it is also considered to be a build server. The dmake utility distributes jobs based on makefile targets that it determines (based on your makefiles) can be built concurrently. You can use any machine as a build server that meets the following requirements:

From the dmake host you can control which build servers are used and how many dmake jobs are allotted to each build server. The number of dmake jobs that can run on a given build server can also be limited on that server.

For more information about dmake see Chapter 18, Using the dmake Utility."