i-Planet Administration Guide

LDAP Parameters

You configure access to up to five LDAP servers through the Administration Console. Each parameter has the following form:

attribute,display name

You replace the values in italics as follows:

attribute--Attributes used to connect to the directory server.

Each attribute:

Table 2-2 Values and Their Encoding


Encoded as 


plus sign (+) 


comma (,) 


percent sign (%) 


You can use the arguments shown in Table 2-3.

Table 2-3 Arguments and Their Descriptions

Argument Names 



LDAP server domain name. This argument is required because it specifies the domain name of the LDAP server to be searched. 


TCP port on which the LDAP server is listening. This parameter defaults to port 389. 


The maximum time in seconds that the LDAP server should spend searching. 


The base argument for the search. Use the base argument to narrow the search to a specific area. 

An example of a base argument that specifies the base LDAP search parameters using URL encoding is: 



The dn (username) to use when accessing the LDAP server.


The password to use when accessing the LDAP server. 


One of base, one, or sub. This value specifies the type of search. The default value is sub.


One of never, search, find, always. This value specifies how to handle aliases. The default value is never.

You must end the last argument with an ampersand (&) because the NetMail (Java) applet adds arguments for the search string and the count to the URL before doing the search.

Example One

The following parameter is an example that references the InfoSpace LDAP server:


Because the LDAP parameters are in the Administration Console, every user gets the same LDAP server list.

Example Two

The following parameter is an example that references server x with options.

LDAP server

When you use Netmail's Address Search feature to obtain access to a directory service, the LDAP request is passed to the web server that runs the LDAP CGI program. The CGI program requests information from the LDAP server. The web server must be able to communicate with the LDAP server. If the web server and the LDAP server are both behind a firewall, NetMail users can still search the directory even if they are outside the firewall.