i-Planet Administration Guide


This section contains links that allow you to modify or set values for configuring the i-Planet Desktop, NetMail, Netlet, and NetFile applications.


Clicking the Desktop link displays the Desktop Configuration page, shown in Figure 2-7 and Figure 2-8.

Figure 2-7 Desktop Configuration--Upper Half of the Page


Figure 2-8 Desktop Configuration--Lower Half of the Page


You change the user i-Planet Desktop configuration by changing the values on this page. You can specify the:

Colors can be RGB hexadecimal values (for example, #0000FF for blue), or an approved HTML word for a color. The HTML names and the RGB values are generally listed in any HTML reference.

You can test the changes by making them, stopping and restarting the web server, logging out of the Administration Console and, then logging in to the i-Planet Desktop.

Note -

If you change any of the parameters on this page, before you leave the page, you must click Enter to save your changes. After you have made all the changes in your editing session, you must stop and restart the web server for the changes to take effect. See the procedure "To Stop and Restart the Web Server on the i-Planet Server" in Chapter 3, Other Administrative Tasks.

Also see Default User Preferences in the "User Profiles and Preferences Section".


Note -

If you change any of the parameters on this page, before you leave the page, you must click Enter to save your changes. After you have made all the changes in your editing session, you must stop and restart the web server for the changes to take effect. See the procedure "To Stop and Restart the Web Server on the i-Planet Server" in Chapter 3, Other Administrative Tasks.

Clicking the NetMail link displays the NetMail Default Configuration page for new users. It consists of two sections: Default Values for New NetMail Users - Overridden by user preferences and Default Values for New NetMail Users - Not overridden by user preferences.

The mail feature of NetFile from the i-Planet Desktop uses the preferences set by NetMail. Outgoing mail will be sent using the SMTP server that is defined in NetMail. You can change the mail settings through the NetMail preference dialogue or the end user can change them on the Preference page of the i-Planet Desktop.

Figure 2-9 NetMail Default Values for New NetMail Users - Overridden by User Preferences


End users can override these settings with information that they enter on the Preference dialogue for NetMail.

You can change the default new users settings, including the:

Set the time to check for new email so that it is greater than the Inactive Session time that you set on Authentication Parameters page. This will prevent failure to time out when the end users are using NetMail and NetFile until the maximum time out for the session is reached.

If you do not want the end user to be able change the time to check for new mail parameter on the Preference page of the i-Planet Desktop, type the parameter inactivityinterval from Table 2-4 in the Names of Uneditable Preferences field.

Figure 2-10 NetMail Default Values for New NetMail Users - Not Overridden by User Preferences


LDAP Parameters

You configure access to up to five LDAP servers through the Administration Console. Each parameter has the following form:

attribute,display name

You replace the values in italics as follows:

attribute--Attributes used to connect to the directory server.

Each attribute:

Table 2-2 Values and Their Encoding


Encoded as 


plus sign (+) 


comma (,) 


percent sign (%) 


You can use the arguments shown in Table 2-3.

Table 2-3 Arguments and Their Descriptions

Argument Names 



LDAP server domain name. This argument is required because it specifies the domain name of the LDAP server to be searched. 


TCP port on which the LDAP server is listening. This parameter defaults to port 389. 


The maximum time in seconds that the LDAP server should spend searching. 


The base argument for the search. Use the base argument to narrow the search to a specific area. 

An example of a base argument that specifies the base LDAP search parameters using URL encoding is: 



The dn (username) to use when accessing the LDAP server.


The password to use when accessing the LDAP server. 


One of base, one, or sub. This value specifies the type of search. The default value is sub.


One of never, search, find, always. This value specifies how to handle aliases. The default value is never.

You must end the last argument with an ampersand (&) because the NetMail (Java) applet adds arguments for the search string and the count to the URL before doing the search.

Example One

The following parameter is an example that references the InfoSpace LDAP server:


Because the LDAP parameters are in the Administration Console, every user gets the same LDAP server list.

Example Two

The following parameter is an example that references server x with options.

LDAP server

When you use Netmail's Address Search feature to obtain access to a directory service, the LDAP request is passed to the web server that runs the LDAP CGI program. The CGI program requests information from the LDAP server. The web server must be able to communicate with the LDAP server. If the web server and the LDAP server are both behind a firewall, NetMail users can still search the directory even if they are outside the firewall.

Configuring Names of Uneditable Preferences

You can enter any or all of the parameters shown in Table 2-4 in the Names of Uneditable Preferences field on the page for Default Values for New NetMail Users in the Administration Console. The end user cannot change these preferences. Multiple values are separated by commas. The preferences that you enter will not be visible as editable values in NetMail's Preferences dialogue.

Table 2-4 Names of Uneditable Preferences for NetMail


Possible Value 


Preference Field 




Read|Purge deleted messages from Inbox: 


Any string 


Read|IMAP folder directory: 


An IMAP server host name or IP address 


Servers|Incoming mail (IMAP): 


Integer 5 or greater 

Read|Check for new mail every minute: 


Any string 


Send|Quote prefix for replies: 


Any positive number 


Read|Initial headers: 


Boolean [A Boolean value is considered true if the value is yes or true. Anything else is considered false. The value is not case sensitive.]


Send|Keep copy of sent messages: 




Read|Multiple read windows: 


Any string 


Send|Sent Messages Folder: 


Any combination of author, body, or date 


Send|Include in reply: 


Any string 


Send|Reply to address: 


An SMTP server host name or IP address 


Servers|Incoming mail (SMTP): 

Note -

The values you specify for the parameters in the NetMail of the Administration Console override the default values.


Note -

If you change any of the parameters on this page, before you leave the page, you must click Enter to save your changes. After you have made all the changes in your editing session, you must stop and restart the web server for the changes to take effect. See the procedure "To Stop and Restart the Web Server on the i-Planet Server" in Chapter 3, Other Administrative Tasks.

This is the client program that works together with the reverse proxy server on the i-Planet gateway to allow secure access from the Internet to TCP/IP application on your intranet. You can specify which predefined application rules will be enabled as well create rules for your own TCP/IP applications that you want to access through the Netlet.

Clicking the Netlet link displays the Netlet Administration page, shown in Figure 2-11.

Figure 2-11 Netlet Administration Page


Note -

The predefined Netlet rules work in conjunction with NetFile. For them to be active, you must enable them on this page and on the NetFile Configuration page.

The Netlet Administration page shows the predefined applications and provides a the place and the means for writing user-defined Netlet rules (up to a limit of 30).

The predefined function and rules are:

The destination system is given at runtime through the NetFile application. You must also enable the Netlet functions on the NetFile Configuration page. The defined applications are:

The i-Planet product also supports the software CarbonCopy, LapLink, RapidRemote, ReachOut, RemotelyPossible (all Microsoft Windows 95, 98, and NT remote-control products). If you want to use them, you must buy these products separately.

Table 2-5 shows the ports that are reserved for the predefined Netlet rules. Do not use these reserved ports in writing your own Netlet rules.

Table 2-5 Reserved Listen Ports for Predefined Netlet rules 

Predefined Netlet rule 

Reserved Ports 








4631, 5632 











loopback [loopback is an internal Netlet rule that is used for internal functions.]


loopback is required because of the Java security model. Applets are only allowed to make connections back to the server from which they were loaded. In order to make the included client applets work with the Netlet, they must appear to be downloaded from server localhost. This is accomplished by telling the Netlet to fetch the desired applet. Traffic requests on the loopback port are requests to the Netlet to go back to the i-Planet server and download the object whose path is given in the URL.

The syntax for defining these applications is: name^client-listen-port^destination-host^destination port, in which:

For example, the following procedure shows how to write a Netlet rule that will allow telnet traffic to a specific system.

To Write a Netlet for Special Telnet Handling
  1. Write a Netlet rule for special handling of Telnet in one of the fields for writing user-defined Netlet rules, as follows:

    telnetspecial^23^machine-on-the intranet^23

  2. Click the Enter button at the bottom of the page to save this Netlet rule.

    This Netlet allows Telnet traffic from any remote machine and directs it to machine-on-the-intranet. Any normal Telnet traffic on port 23 (the destination Telnet port) to the machine on which the netlet is running will be redirected to machine-on-the-intranet. You can specify different names or port numbers, depending on your requirements. You must not have any other handler for port 23 for this to work (that is, no Telnet service/daemon specified).

  3. As root on the i-Planet server, stop and restart the web server so that the Netlet rule you just defined will take effect.

    See the procedure "To Stop and Restart the Web Server on the i-Planet Server" in Chapter 3, Other Administrative Tasks.

    Note -

    If you monitor incoming or outgoing traffic through your firewall, you will see that all Netlet traffic on the outside actually passes on your SSL port (likely 443). The TCP protocols used by the Netlet rules are tunnelled through your SSL port.


Note -

If you change any of the parameters on this page, before you leave the page, you must click Enter to save your changes. After you have made all the changes in your editing session, you must stop and restart the web server for the changes to take effect. See the procedure "To Stop and Restart the Web Server on the i-Planet Server" in Chapter 3, Other Administrative Tasks.

Clicking the NetFile link displays the NetFile Configuration page shown in Figure 2-12.

Figure 2-12 NetFile Configuration Page


Note -

For defined applications on the Netlet Administration page to be active, they must be turned on here and on the Netlet Administration page.

Allow Access to FTP, NFS, Microsoft Windows, and NetWare Systems

These options enable or disable support for access to FTP, NFS, Microsoft Windows, and NetWare systems. You must obtain the NetWare software separately. NetFile will automatically detect the type of file system for a selected system. Access to a system that supports multiple access types is assigned in the following order:

All of the remote windowing functions and applications below are only available through the Java version of NetFile.

All remote control software (except pcANYWHERE) must be configured to send all traffic to localhost. The Netlet will intercept this local traffic, encrypt it, and route it through the i-Planet proxy. If end users want to use pcANYWHERE software, they must install the pcANYWHERE host on the PCs that they want to control remotely on the private network. See the section "pcANYWHERE" in Appendix C, Third-Party Software for instructions on installing and configuring pcANYWHERE.

Note -

With pcANYWHERE's Java client, you do not need to install client software.

End users must install the appropriate client remote-control software on their local PC and appropriate server software on remote systems, if they want to use a remote-control application. (The GO-Joe server software is included on the i-Planet CD-ROM, "Contains 3rd Party Software Packages Only.") They should check the documentation of the remote-control application for any requirements.

Caution - Caution -

End users should verify that the remote-control software is working properly before attempting to use it through i-Planet.