Sun Cluster 2.2 System Administration Guide

Cluster Control Panel Configuration File Locations

The CCP stores properties and other information in configuration files within a configuration directory. By default, the configuration directory is located at /opt/SUNWcluster/etc/ccp.

Note -

You must be root (superuser) to write to this default location. Only root can add, delete, or change CCP items in this configuration directory.

You can, however, create your own configuration directory and define its location using the environment variable $CCP_CONFIG_DIR. The $CCP_CONFIG_DIR variable specifies the configuration directory in which the configuration files containing item properties are stored. If the path name is not set, it defaults to the standard location, /opt/SUNWcluster/etc/ccp. To create your configuration directory, create a new directory and set the environment variable $CCP_CONFIG_DIR to the full path name of the new directory.

These files do not need to be edited manually, because they are created, modified, or deleted by ccp whenever you create, modify, or delete an item.