C H A P T E R  2

Installing the Sun XVR-500 Graphics Accelerator Software

This chapter provides the Sun XVR-500 graphics accelerator software installation information.

Software Requirements

Note - If your system does not have the Solaris 8 operating environment installed, you must install it. Use the text command version of suninstall to install the required Solaris operating environment. Refer to the main Solaris installation manuals for this information.

Sun XVR-500 Graphics Accelerator Software Packages

The Sun XVR-500 graphics accelerator software is delivered on a CD provided with your installation kit.

Software Package Locations

TABLE 2-1 lists the directory location of the Sun XVR-500 graphics accelerator software packages.

TABLE 2-1 Location of Sun XVR-500 Graphics Accelerator Software Packages

Software Packages

Directory Location

Solaris 8 software


Solaris 9 software


Sun XVR-500 Graphics Accelerator Software Package Names

TABLE 2-2 lists the Sun XVR-500 graphics accelerator software package names and descriptions.

TABLE 2-2 Solaris 8 and Solaris 9 Software Package Names

Package name



32-bit device driver for the PCI bus Sun Expert3D graphics accelerator


Configuration utility for the PCI bus Sun Expert3D graphics accelerator


Boot-time device initialization support for the PCI bus Sun Expert3D graphics accelerator


X-server loadable module for the PCI bus Sun Expert3D graphics accelerator


64-bit device driver for the PCI bus Sun Expert3D graphics accelerator

Sun XVR-500 Graphics Accelerator Patches

TABLE 2-3 lists the patches for Sun XVR-500 graphics accelerator software packages.

TABLE 2-3 Sun XVR-500 Graphics Accelerator Patches

Solaris Release



Solaris 8 software



Solaris 9 software



Note - Always check for the latest software patches at: http://sunsolve.sun.com/

Solaris patches for the Sun XVR-500 graphics accelerator software are available at:


Sun OpenGL for Solaris Software

The Sun XVR-500 graphics accelerator is supported in Sun OpenGL Versions 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.2.3 and subsequent compatible Sun OpenGL versions, for Solaris operating environments.

Software Package Locations

TABLE 2-4 lists the directory locations of the Sun OpenGL for Solaris software packages.

TABLE 2-4 Location of Sun OpenGL for Solaris Software Packages

Sun OpenGL for Solaris Software Packages

Directory Location

Sun OpenGL 1.2.1 software


Sun OpenGL 1.2.2 software


Sun OpenGL 1.2.3 software


Updated versions of Sun OpenGL for Solaris are available at:


Sun OpenGL for Solaris Software Package Names

TABLE 2-5 lists the Sun OpenGL for Solaris software package names and descriptions.

TABLE 2-5 Package Names for Sun OpenGL Version 1.2.1, 1.2.2, and 1.2.3

Package Name



Sun OpenGL for Solaris Elite3D support


Sun OpenGL for Solaris 64-bit Elite3D support


Sun OpenGL for Solaris Creator Graphics (FFB) Support


Sun OpenGL for Solaris 64-bit Creator Graphics (FFB) Support


Sun OpenGL for Solaris Gfb Support


Sun OpenGL for Solaris 64-bit Gfb Support


Sun OpenGL for Solaris Documentation and Man Pages


Sun OpenGL for Solaris Header Files


Sun OpenGL for Solaris Runtime Libraries


Sun OpenGL for Solaris Platform Specific Runtime Libraries


Sun OpenGL for Solaris 64-bit Runtime Libraries


Sun OpenGL for Solaris Runtime Generic Software


Sun OpenGL for Solaris 64-bit Optimized SW Rasterizer


Sun OpenGL for Solaris Optimized SW Rasterizer


Sun OpenGL for Solaris Expert3D Graphics Support


Sun OpenGL for Solaris 64-bit Expert3D Graphics Support

Sun OpenGL for Solaris Patches

TABLE 2-6 lists the Sun OpenGL Version 1.2.1 for Solaris patches.

TABLE 2-6 Sun OpenGL Version 1.2.1 for Solaris Patches

Sun OpenGL Version


Directory Location

Sun OpenGL 1.2.1 (32-bit)



Sun OpenGL 1.2.1 (64-bit)



TABLE 2-7 lists the Sun OpenGL Version 1.2.2 for Solaris patches.

TABLE 2-7 Sun OpenGL Version 1.2.2 for Solaris Patches

Sun OpenGL Version


Directory Location

Sun OpenGL 1.2.2 (32-bit)



Sun OpenGL 1.2.2 (64-bit)



TABLE 2-8 lists the Sun OpenGL Version 1.2.3 for Solaris patches.

TABLE 2-8 Sun OpenGL Version 1.2.3 for Solaris Patches

Sun OpenGL Version


Directory Location

Sun OpenGL 1.2.3 (32-bit)



Sun OpenGL 1.2.3 (64-bit)



Installing and Removing Patches

The Sun XVR-500 graphics accelerator installation script installs patches automatically, if the patches are required.

You can manually install or remove these patches by using patchadd and patchrm.

single-step bulletTo add a patch in the Solaris 8 or 9 operating environment, type:

# patchadd patchnumber

single-step bulletTo remove a patch in the Solaris 8 or 9 operating environment, type:

# patchrm patchnumber

Installing the Software

Note - If your system has pre-release versions of the Sun XVR-500 graphics accelerator software, Sun OpenGL for Solaris, or Solaris 9 operating environment, you must remove the pre-release Sun XVR-500 graphics accelerator software before installing the software on the installation kit CD-ROM. Use the remove script to remove previous software versions (see Removing the Software), then do the install procedure.

Install the Sun XVR-500 graphics accelerator software from the CD provided with your installation kit.

1. Log in as superuser.

2. Insert the CD into the drive.

3. Mount the CD-ROM drive.

  • If the drive is already mounted, type the following, and go to Step 5:
  • # cd /cdrom/cdrom0

  • If the CD-ROM is not already mounted, type:
  • # mount -F hsfs -O -o ro /dev/dsk/c0t6d0s0 /cdrom
    # cd /cdrom

Note - The CD-ROM device may be different on your system. For example,

4. To install the software, as superuser type:

# ./install

The following is displayed:

This program installs the software for the Sun XVR-500 Graphics Accelerator, Sun
Expert3D, and Sun Expert3D-Lite family of graphics accelerators. This install
process refers to Sun XVR-500 Graphics Accelerator, but applies to the Sun
Expert3D and Sun Expert3D-Lite accelerators as well.
*** Checking if Sun XVR-500 Graphics Accelerator support is already installed...
*** Checking for required OS patch(es) ...
*** Checking for incompatible OS patch(es) ...
*** Checking if Sun OpenGL is installed...
Select one of the following Sun OpenGL installation options:
1) Install Sun OpenGL 1.2.3
2) Install Sun OpenGL 1.2.2
3) Install Sun OpenGL 1.2.1
4) Do not install Sun OpenGL
Select an option: 

The installation program verifies if the Sun XVR-500 graphics accelerator software is already installed. If a version of this software is installed, the program verifies which version is installed.

  • If a version of the Sun XVR-500 graphics accelerator software is already installed, and it is lower than the version you are installing from the CD, then the program prompts you to confirm an upgrade to the latest release. The program then installs the patch version.
  • If the same version of the Sun XVR-500 graphics accelerator software is already installed, the program verifies that the software is fully installed and displays the following:
  • *** Checking if Sun XVR-500 Graphics Accelerator support is already installed...
    *** Checking for required OS patch(es) 108576-30...
    *** Checking if Sun OpenGL is installed...
    All required software for Sun XVR-500 Graphics Accelerator and Sun OpenGL
    support is already installed. No software will be installed at this time.

  • If a higher version of the Sun XVR-500 graphics accelerator software is already installed, the program will not install the software.

The installation program also displays similar prompts when checking for
Sun OpenGL for Solaris versions. If Sun OpenGL for Solaris is fully installed on
your system, the program checks for required patches. If no patches are found, the program installs the appropriate patches during the installation process.

5. Select the appropriate Sun OpenGL for Solaris version.

Option 1, Sun OpenGL 1.2.3 for Solaris, is selected for this example:

About to take the following actions:
- Install Sun XVR-500 Graphics Accelerator support for Solaris 8
- Install Sun OpenGL 1.2.3
To cancel installation of this software, press 'q'.
Press any other key to begin installation:

6. Press any key and Return to start installation.

Once complete, the following is displayed and the program provides a directory for locating a file log of the installation process. The program also provides configuration and reboot instructions.

*** Installing Sun XVR-500 Graphics Accelerator support for Solaris 8...
*** Installing Sun OpenGL 1.2.3...
*** Installation complete.
To remove this software, use the 'remove' script on this CDROM, or
the following script:
A log of this installation can be found at:
To configure a Sun XVR-500 Graphics Accelerator, use the fbconfig
utility.  See the fbconfig(1m) and SUNWifb_config(1m) manual
pages for more details.
This system must be rebooted for the new software to take effect.
Reboot this system as soon as possible using the shutdown command and the
'boot -r' PROM command (see the shutdown(1M) and boot(1M) manual pages
for more details).

7. Shut down the system after the Sun XVR-500 graphics accelerator software is installed:

# shutdown

See the shutdown(1M) and boot(1M) manual pages for more details. To view the shutdown and boot man pages, type:

# man shutdown
# man boot

8. Install the Sun XVR-500 graphics accelerator hardware (see Chapter 3).

9. Reboot the system at the ok prompt to complete the installation:

ok boot -r

Removing the Software

1. Log in as superuser.

2. Insert the Sun XVR-500 graphics accelerator CD into the drive.

3. Mount the CD-ROM drive.

  • If the drive is already mounted, type the following, and go to Step 4:
  • # cd /cdrom/cdrom0

  • If the CD-ROM is not already mounted, type:
  • # mount -F hsfs -O -o ro /dev/dsk/c0t6d0s0 /cdrom
    # cd /cdrom

4. To remove Sun XVR-500 software, type:

# ./remove

The following list of options is displayed.

This program removes the software for the Sun XVR-500 Graphics Accelerator, Sun
Expert3D, and Sun Expert3D-Lite family of graphics accelerators. This removal
process refers to Sun XVR-500 Graphics Accelerator, but applies to the Sun
Expert3D and Sun Expert3D-Lite accelerators as well.
1) Remove Sun XVR-500 Graphics Accelerator support
2) Remove Sun OpenGL
3) Remove All (Sun XVR-500 Graphics Accelerator and Sun OpenGL)
4) Quit
Select an option: 3
About to take the following actions:
- Remove Sun XVR-500 Graphics Accelerator support
- Remove OpenGL
Press 'q' to quit, or press any other key to continue:

5. Type 3 to remove all packages.

The following then is displayed:

About to take the following actions:
- Remove Sun XVR-500 Graphics Accelerator support
- Remove OpenGL
Press 'q' to quit, or press any other key to continue:

6. Press any key and Return to start the removal process.

Once all the packages have been removed, the following is displayed and the program provides a directory for locating a log of the removal process:

*** Removing packages...
*** Done.  A log of this removal can be found at:

Important Note for JumpStart Users

If you are adding the Sun XVR-500 graphics accelerator Solaris 8 operating environment software to a JumpStartTM server, add the following patches (located on the installation kit CD-ROM in XVR-500/Solaris_8/Patches) in the following order:


If you are adding these patches to a Solaris 8 2/02 operating environment JumpStart image, only patches 109888-16 and 108576-30 are required. No patches are required for the Solaris 9 operating environment.

Man Pages

The Sun XVR-1000 graphics accelerator man pages describe how you can query and set frame buffer attributes such as screen resolutions and visual configurations. The man pages are included in the Solaris SUNWman packages bundled with the Solaris operating environment.

Use the fbconfig(1M) man page for configuring Sun graphics accelerators.
SUNWifb_config contains Sun XVR-500 graphics accelerator device-specific configuration information. fbconfig and SUNWifb_config is included in the Solaris 8 and Solaris 9 operating environments.

Use the help option to display the attributes and parameters information of the
man page.

single-step bulletTo access the fbconfig man page, type:

# man fbconfig

single-step bulletTo access the SUNWifb_config man page, type:

# man SUNWifb_config