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iPlanet ECXpert™ Getting Started

Appendix B   Reinstalling Current ECXpert

This appendix provides instructions on reinstalling ECXpert 3.5 over an existing installation of ECXpert 3.5. The following topics are covered:

Reinstalling ECXpert 3.5

Reinstalling ECXpert 3.0 is a major operation. We suggest reading this entire section before attempting a re-installation. This process will require that you plan carefully for both the disk space and the time slot in which to carry out the task. Without proper planning, you may be forced to abort partway through.

You need to complete the following tasks to reinstall ECXpert:

  1. Shutdown all ECXpert services.

  2. Setup and test database connectivity.

  3. Backup your Oracle database.

  4. Preserve files from current installation.

  5. Test database connectivity.

  6. Reinstall ECXpert.

  7. Remove the previous installation and database backup.

Shut Down All ECXpert Services

If you are using a previous installation of ECXpert, you must log out of the Product Administrative Interface (Support UI) and shut it down. Follow these steps to log out and shut down ECXpert. For figure references, see the screen shots in Appendix A.

  1. Log out of the ECXpert Product Administrative Interface.

  2. Click the Logout link, then choose Applet > Quit if using the Applet Viewer.

  3. Shut down all ECXpert services.

  4. Display the ECXpert Main Menu in your browser by entering the URL:


    where hostname is the name of your ECXpert host and port# is the port number it uses.

    Click the Admin link to display the ECXpert Server Administration menu.

    Click any service switch icon that is ON to toggle the service OFF and exit your browser window.

  5. If running SNMP, make sure the SNMP agent is shut down.

  6. Manually kill the process ID for Program.o.

Set up and Test Your Database Connectivity 

This section tests to make sure that user root has access to the database, so that you can successfully reinstall ECXpert. If user root doesn't have access to the database, you will get error messages during the ECXpert reinstallation process.

  1. Log in as user root.

  2. # su - root

  3. Determine the shell that root uses.

  4. # echo $SHELL

    The output of this command identifies the shell that root uses, which determines its associated environment file:


    Shell Being Used

    Environment File









    .profile or .kshrc

  5. Determine the shell that oracle uses.

  6. # cat /etc/passwd | grep oracle

    The output of this command lists the shell at the end, as in the sample below:



    where the shell is csh.

  7. Get into the oracle shell.

  8. Locate the shell in the "Output" column of the table in Step 2 above, then look up the entry in the "Environment File" column for the same row.

    • If you are using the C shell, enter the following command:

    • # source ~oracle/.cshrc

      where oracle is your Oracle user, typically oracle oracle8.

    • If you are using the Korn shell or the Bourne shell, enter the following command:

    • # . ~oracle/your_environment_file

      where oracle is your Oracle user, and your_environment_file is the name of your environment file.

  9. Check the environment settings.

  10. # env

    The following sample output of this command lists the environment variables that must be set:

    $ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_HOME from worksheet
    $NLS_LANG=$NLS_LANG from worksheet

  11. Correct environment variable definitions as necessary.

  12. If any of the above environment variables are not properly defined, do the following:

    1. Log in as, or change to, your Oracle user, typically oracle oracle8. For example:

    2. # su - oracle.

    3. Open the environment file that you referenced in Step 4 above in a text editor and add or modify the definitions as necessary.

    4. Save the environment file and exit the text editor.

  13. Enable changes in environment variable definitions.

  14. If you made changes in the environment file in Step 6 above, you can enable those changes now by switching to another user and then switching back to your Oracle user. For example:

    # su - root
    # su - oracle

    Alternatively, you could restart your system and log in as your Oracle user.

  15. Check your tnsnames.ora file.

  16. Check your tnsnames.ora file to make sure it contains the correct information. The following are likely locations of your tnsnames.ora file:

    • $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin

    • /var/opt/oracle

    • The directory specified by the $TNS_ADMIN environment variable

  17. Connect to the database from the UNIX commandline.

  18. # sqlplus ECX/ECX@your_connect_string

    where ECX/ECX is the username/password of the ECXpert table-owner. If this test fails, skip to Step 11.

  19. Repeat the test from inside SQL*Plus:

  20. SQL> connect ECX/ECX@your_connect_string
    SQL> exit

    where ECX/ECX is the username/password of the ECXpert table-owner.

  21. Correct any connectivity problems.

  22. If the test at either Step 9 or Step 10 failed, check the tnsnames.ora and listener.ora file to validate the settings, such as hostname and SID.

    After making any necessary changes, go back to Step 9 above.

    If you have successfully connected to the database using SQL*Plus, you will be able to connect during the ECXpert reinstallation.

    If you cannot connect to the database using this method, you definitely will not be able to connect during the ECXpert reinstallation.

Backing Up Your Existing ECXpert 3.5 Database


The database backup is a major operation. You should plan carefully for both the disk space that will be required and the time slot in which the backup is executed.

The backup will require as much disk space as the current database and the rollback tablespace in Oracle must be set to as much as 1.5 times the tablespace setting.

The backup process can take 12 hours or more for a large database. Without proper planning the process may abort part-way through.

Refer to your Oracle documentation for additional guidelines and recommendations.

Follow the steps in this section to back up your existing ECXpert database.

  1. Change to the $NSBASE/NS-apps/ECXpert/dbadmin/oracle directory.

  2. Open the file in a text editor.

  3. Change the character string name/password@dbAlias in the first line to be the username/password@dbAlias of your ECXpert table-owner user.

  4. Enter the following command to run

  5. # ./

    If this command is successful, you should see output similar to the following:

    (c) Copyright 2000 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

    Connected to: Oracle8i Release - Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    Export done in US7ASCII character set and US7ASCII NCHAR character set
    About to export specified tables via Conventional Path ...
    . . exporting table MEMBERS 10 rows exported
    . . exporting table MBADDRESSES 15 rows exported
    . . exporting table PARTNERSHIPS 3 rows exported
    . . exporting table PNSTD 3 rows exported
    . . exporting table PNGROUP 3 rows exported
    . . exporting table KEYPAIRS 8 rows exported
    . . exporting table CERTIFICATES 8 rows exported
    . . exporting table TRACKING 1 rows exported

    . . exporting table TRKDOC 0 rows exported
    . . exporting table PNDOCS 3 rows exported
    . . exporting table TRKDOCDETAILS 0 rows exported
    . . exporting table CRL 0 rows exported
    . . exporting table PNCARD 0 rows exported
    . . exporting table MDNINFO 0 rows exported
    . . exporting table BLOBINFO 8 rows exported
    . . exporting table CERTTYPEINFO 5 rows exported
    Export terminated successfully without warnings.

If instead you get the following error message:

./ Permission denied

Enter the following command to set the proper permissions on the file:

# chmod 775

and repeat this step.

Preserve Your Files

Follow the steps in this section to back up the important files from your current ECXpert installation:

  1. Set up a temporary holding directory that is:

    • outside both the current ECXpert version directory tree and any previous ECXpert installation's directory tree.

    • outside the ECXpert Version 3.5 directory tree.

    • outside the /tmp directory

  2. Copy the following files into your temporary holding directory:

    • In all cases, from $NSBASE/NS-apps/ECXpert/config, copy the file ecx.ini.

    • If your Netscape Enterprise Server is running secured, from
      $NSBASE/NS-apps/ns-home/https-machine_name/config, copy the files ServerCert.db, ServerCert.nm, ServerKey.db, magnus.conf, obj.conf, mime.types and any *.acl (access control list) files

    • If using SNMP, copy the $NSBASE/NS-apps/ECXpert/SNMP/config/CONFIG file.

    • Copy your maps and extra input card files from:
      - $NSBASE/NS-apps/ECXpert/maps/
      - $NSBASE/NS-apps/ECXpert/data/input/

    • Copy your live data—the following complete directories:
      - $NSBASE/NS-apps/ECXpert/data/work/trk
      - $NSBASE/NS-apps/ECXpert/data/output
      - $NSBASE/NS-apps/ECXpert/data/bundle
      - $NSBASE/NS-apps/ECXpert/smtp/inbound
      - $NSBASE/NS-apps/ECXpert/smtp/outbound

Reinstall ECXpert

  1. Begin to install the current ECXpert version, as described in Chapter 2 "Installing ECXpert." The current version also includes the server install of Partner Agent.

  2. After the command-line-based installation completes, a browser appears with the browser-based installation steps.

  3. Proceed normally through the screens for Installer Step One to Step Four.

  4. Refer to Running the ECXpert Installer for detailed instructions. Be sure to stop when you reach "ECXpert Installer Step Five" on page 101. There is a Note there reminding you to return to this Appendix.


    You will return to the browser-based installation at step five but do not execute Step Five or Step Six of the installation — skip these on-screen installation steps, as instructed in Step 3 and Step 4 which follow on this page.

  5. Click Skip on Step Five of the browser-based installation.

  6. Click Skip on Step Six of the browser-based installation.

  7. Note

    Important Note: In case you missed it above, YOU MUST SKIP ON-SCREEN INSTALLATION STEPS FIVE AND SIX.

  8. Proceed normally through the screens for Installer Step Seven to Step Ten and complete the rest of the tasks in Chapter 2 "Installing ECXpert."

  9. Refer to pages 65-73 for detailed instructions. (Page numbers are approximate)

  10. Restore configuration settings from the temporary holding directory for your previous installation.

    1. If using SNMP, copy the entire CONFIG file back to the new $NSBASE/NS-apps/ECXpert/SNMP/config/ directory.

    2. Open your old ecx.ini file and the newly installed ecx.ini in a text editor and manually update the newly installed file very carefully by copying in from the old one:

    3. any [...] sections for user-defined comms in their entirety

      any other parameters, from any [...] sections, where the old settings
      differ from those in the newly installed file.


      Always work very carefully when manually editing your bdg.ini or ecx.ini file. What appear to be relatively small mistakes here can seriously impact system function and eat up valuable time in troubleshooting and correcting. In particular, be aware of the following two restrictions:

      • Never duplicate a section heading ([...]) within the ecx.ini file.

      • Never duplicate a parameter assignment within a section.

  11. Re-establish Netscape Enterprise Server security.

  12. Restore live data from your full database backup.

Removing the Previous Installation and Database Backup

If you have followed the recommendation to move the earlier ECXpert install directory to a temporary location, leave the archival copy of the previous installation and the Oracle database backup in place until you are certain that the new installation of ECXpert is working properly.

When the current version of ECXpert has been in production mode for a week or so, you may safely delete the previous installation and the Oracle database backup.

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Copyright © 2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Some preexisting portions Copyright © 2000 Netscape Communications Corp. All rights reserved.
Last Updated January 08, 2001