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iPlanet Application Server Installation Guide

Chapter 2   Easy iPlanet Application Server Installations

This chapter includes the following topics:

Read this chapter before using the ezsetup, Typical, or Express iPlanet Application Server installations. For any late breaking updates to these instructions, check the Release Notes at:

For more information about configuring your application server after installation, refer to the iPlanet Application Server Administrator's Guide.

About the Easy Installations

The easiest iPlanet Application Server software installation options are as follows:

  • ezsetup; at most, a two step installation, which sets ports, usernames, and passwords to default values

  • Express; requires slightly more user input than ezsetup

  • Typical; requires most user input but yields an installation that is essentially the same as that performed by ezsetup

The ezsetup installation, is an standalone application you launch from the desktop. It is the easiest of the installation options. The ezsetup installer runs a script which assigns default values to administrator user names and passwords. You only have to questions to answer in two dialog boxes before the installation performs.

The Express and Typical options afford more flexibility. As a result of this, you answer more questions during the installation process. It is recommended that you keep it simple by postponing configuration of the iPlanet Application Server until after installation is complete. You can then configure your iPlanet Application Server instances by using the Administration Tool.

About Database Access

To configure a new iPlanet Application Server instance for database access, it is recommended that you use one of the iPlanet Application Server database setup tools after installation. You can use these tools to configure your applications and components for third party JDBC access.

Note In addition to the JDBC third party driver support that began in iPlanet Application Server 6.0 SP1, the current Custom Installation provides wizard panels for configuring iPlanet Application Server Type 2 database access. However, these drivers are planned for deprecation in the next major release of iPlanet Application Server.

Configuring Database Drivers

Third party JDBC drivers need be identified to iPlanet either during application server installation, or by using registration tools after installation. Registration must occur on each application server instance that houses applications which use third party JDBC driver datasources.

During Installation

You can configure the third party JDBC drivers only through the Custom installation option. If you use the Express or Typical installation, see the next section for configuring the third party JDBC drivers after installation of the application server.

After Installation

Configure third party JDBC drivers after installation by executing a JDBC driver configuration tool. When configuring after installation, you must restart the application server to apply the driver changes.

  • For NT, execute the jdbcsetup.exe program. (Registration of iPlanet Type 2 JDBC drivers for the supported database platforms is automatic since iPlanet recognizes the presence of the supported native client libraries).

  • For Solaris, execute the script. (Same command used to configure iPlanet Type 2 drivers).

What You're Installing

The software you're installing for iPlanet Application Server, actually consists of a group or stack of components, including:

  • iPlanet Directory Server, Enterprise Edition 4.1 (SP5) or later

  • iPlanet Console, which has its own Administration Server

  • iPlanet Web Connector Plug-in

  • iPlanet Application Server Administration Server and the tools that use it:

    • iPlanet Application Server Administration Tool

    • iPlanet Application Server Deployment Tool

See Chapter 1 "Getting Started," for an overview of the iPlanet Application Server features and components. For more specific information about any of the other server or components, check the iPlanet Web site at:

Using Easy Installation Options for Windows NT

The easy installation options consist of the standalone ezsetup application, plus the two Wizard installation options: Express and Typical.

Checklist for Windows NT

Prepare to install by making sure you provide the requirements in the following checklist:

  • Your system satisfies the following requirements:

    • Microsoft Windows NT version 4.0 with Service Pack 5 or 6

    • Minimum of 256 MB memory; 512 MB of memory recommended

    • Disk space: 250 MB NT (NTFS)

      Tip On a FAT file system, the installer may not calculate the needed space correctly and may run out of disk space without warning.

  • Login to the Windows NT system as a user who has administrative privileges

  • Have the product key nearby; it's in the Welcome letter

  • Ensure that a static IP address is assigned to the installation machine (contact your system administrator to get one)

  • Install and run either of the following Web servers:

    • iPlanet Web Server, Enterprise Edition 4.1 or later

    • Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0 or later


      You can download the iPlanet Web Server 4.1, Enterprise Edition from:

  • Install and run either of the following Web browsers:

    • Netscape Communicator 4.5 or later

    • Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or later

Using ezsetup on NT

The standalone ezsetup application performs an iPlanet Application Server installation that sets the default values in Table 2-1.


Table 2-1    The following usernames and passwords are set as defaults




Configuration Server Administrator  



Directory Manager


Directory Manager  


iPlanet Administration Server




To Run ezsetup

  1. Ensure conditions in "Checklist for Windows NT" are met.

  2. Launch the ezSetup application by double-clicking on the file ezSetup.exe, which you find in the ezSetup directory.

    If you have multiple Web server instances running, the following dialog box appears:

  3. Select the Web server instance to associate with iPlanet Application Server.

    After you click OK, the following dialog box appears:

  4. Select the default pathway or click the ellipsis (...) to browse through your computers' files and select another directory.

  5. Click OK and the server installs without any further prompts.

To Start the Wizard Installations

The iPlanet Application Server Installation Wizard's Express and Typical Installation options both require very little user input. The first six (6) screens of all the Wizard Installations are the same for all.

Note A Web server and browser must be installed and running before you begin iPlanet Application Server installation. You can download iPlanet Web Server, Enterprise Edition 4.1 (SP5) from:

  1. Ensure conditions in "Checklist for Windows NT" are met.

  2. If you are installing from a CD-ROM, the installation wizard should start automatically. If it does not, browse the CD-ROM drive to locate and launch the file: setup.exe.

  3. Click Next after the Welcome screen appears.

  4. To continue, you must accept the license agreement by clicking Yes.

  5. This installation, by default, installs the iPlanet Server group. If you select iPlanet Console, this software wizard installs the iPlanet Administration Console as a standalone application.

  6. After clicking Next, the Type of Installation panel appears..

The Express and Typical installations are described following this. For information on Custom installation, see Chapter 4 "Advanced Installations for Windows NT."

Using Express Installation

Since the first steps of the Installation wizard are the same for all of its options, execute the steps in, "To Start the Wizard Installations" on page 30, before you start the following procedure. Click Next after each step.

Note A Web server and Web browser must be installed and running before you begin iPlanet Application Server installation. You can download iPlanet Web Server, Enterprise Edition 4.1 (SP5) or later from:

To Start the Express Installation

  1. Select Express as the type of installation to perform.

  2. On the Location of Installation panel, do either of the following:

    • Accept the default pathway as the location in which to install the server

    • Click the ellipsis (...) to browse through your computers' files and select another directory.

  3. On the Components to Install panel, the default choices indicate those installed during a full installation. In addition, you can click the Change button to further refine your choices. This displays the subcomponents associated with each component selection.

    Your selections at the component level of the Components to Install panel enables you to:

    • De-select the Directory Suite component and thereby not install it or its subcomponents; do this if you have an already installed directory service available.

    • De-select Administrations Services if you don't want the iPlanet Console

    • Install only the iPlanet Application Server by de-selecting everything else; or click Change and deselect the Web server for a "Webless" install. For more information, see "Installing the Web Connector Plug-in" on page 101.


      Note The iPlanet Directory Server provides a "Synch Service" for synchronizing directory data between multiple instances of Directory Servers set up in a group configuration. For information about setting up this configuration, see the iPlanet Directory Server Installation Guide at:

Installing the Directory Suite

For an overview of the various functions of the Directory Server, see the iPlanet Directory Server Installation Guide.

Within the iPlanet Application Server installation there are several panels having to do with installing and configuring the Directory Suite. The Express Installation Wizard panels set up the:

  • Administrator for the Configuration Directory Server

  • Administrator for the Directory Server directory data; this "superuser" is identified by the Directory Manager Distinguished Name (DN)

These panels and their function are described in the following procedures.

To Set up the Configuration Directory Server Administrator

  1. Assign the Administrator ID and Password for the Configuration Directory Server, on the Directory Server 4.1 panel, as follows:

  2. Configuration Directory Administrator ID; admin is the default, keeping it makes it easier to remember later

  3. Password; can be letters and numbers

    For more information about the Configuration Directory Server, see iPlanet Directory Server Deployment Guide, on the Web at:

To Set Up the Directory Manager Distinguished Name

The Directory Manager's Distinguished Name is the special directory entry to which access control does not apply. You can think of the Directory Manager as your directory's superuser.

  1. Enter the Directory Manager DN or keep the default.

    In most cases, it is best to keep the default value, which is set to the common name of Directory Manager, as follows:
    cn=Directory Manager

  2. Enter the Directory Manager's password; it must be at least 8 characters long.

To Enter the Product Key

The Product Key is in the Welcome Letter you received with iPlanet Application Server. You must enter this number correctly for installation to continue.

  1. Locate the Welcome letter that comes with your newly purchased iPlanet Application Server, enter this number into the Product Key field.

To Configure for Web Server Communication

The iPlanet Application Server installer configures the Web Server for communication by installing the Web connector plug-in.

  1. Set the Web Server type by choosing one of the following options:

    • iPlanet Application Server supports iPlanet Web Server and Microsoft Internet Information Server. If more than one instance is running, use the Web Server Instance drop-down menu to locate an instance to associate with iPlanet Application Server.

    • Select None if you do not have a Web server installed. This causes iPlanet Application Server Installer to continue without installing the Web Connector plug-in. This is referred to as a "webless" installation. For more information, see "Installing the Web Connector Plug-in" on page 101.

      Note This type of installation is necessary if your Web server is installed on a remote machine. After you are finished installing iPlanet Application Server, you must go to that machine and install the Web connector. See "Installing the Web Connector Plug-in" for the Solaris instructions or see page 101 for the Windows NT procedure details.

To Set up Administration Server Authentication

This sets up the user name and password for the iPlanet Console.

  1. To set up the Administration Server access, you must enter an Administrator Username and Password.


To Install Internationalization Support

  1. To enable support for standard Java internationalization, select Yes on the Internationalization panel.

To Finish Installation

  1. Check the settings you chose using the installer on the Configuration Summary panel.

  2. If there are errors, click Back to page back through the panels and correct them.

  3. When the settings are correct, click Install.

After the Installer finishes, reboot the machine so the new settings can take effect.

Using the Typical Installation Option

Since the first steps of the Installation wizard are the same for all of its options, execute the steps in, "To Start the Wizard Installations" on page 30, before you start the following procedure. Click Next after each step.

To Run the Typical Installer

  1. Select Typical as the type of installation to perform.

  2. On the Location of Installation panel, do either of the following:

  3. Accept the default pathway as the location in which to install the server

  4. Click the ellipsis (...) to browse through your computers' files and select another directory.

  5. On the Components to Install panel, the default choices indicate those installed during a full installation. In addition, you can click the Change button to further refine your choices. This displays the subcomponents associated with each component selection.

    Your selections at the component level of the Components to Install panel enables you to:

    • De-select the Directory Suite component and thereby not install it or its subcomponents; do this if you have an already installed directory service available.

    • De-select Administrations Services if you don't want the iPlanet Console

    • Install only the iPlanet Application Server by de-selecting everything else; or click Change and deselect the Web server for a "Webless" install. For more information, see "Installing the Web Connector Plug-in" on page 101.


      Note The iPlanet Directory Server provides a "Synch Service" for synchronizing directory data between multiple instances of Directory Servers set up in a group configuration. For information about setting up this configuration, see the iPlanet Directory Server Installation Guide at:

Installing the Directory Suite

For an overview of the various functions of the Directory Server, see the iPlanet Directory Server Installation Guide.

By definition, the Directory Server stores configuration data and directory data. An administrator, who has the privileges to administer this data, exists for the Directory Server's configuration and data storage databases.

Within the iPlanet Application Server installation there are several panels which:

  • Install a Directory Server

  • Register the Directory Server's data tree by indicating what Directory Server stores:

    • Configuration data

    • Directory data

  • Sets up following administrators:

    • Configuration Data Administrator

    • Directory Data Administrator, known as Directory Manager

  • Records general settings for the Directory server's

    • LDAP communication port

    • Local host machine

    • Data Tree Root Suffix for the iPlanet Application Server you're installing

  • Sets Administrative Domain boundaries for the Directory Server

To Designate the Configuration Directory Server

The Configuration Directory Server contains the data tree used by iPlanet Application Server. The Directory Server stores these configuration settings in the data tree: o=NetscapeRoot under the suffix that you set up to identify your organization. Multiple server installations can store their configuration settings on this Configuration Directory Server.

If you don't install Directory Server with iPlanet Application Server, you must designate an existing Directory Server as the configuration directory. The Directory Server you designate as the configuration directory must contain the data tree: o=NetscapeRoot.

  1. On the Directory Server 4.1 panel, choose one of the following options:

  2. Set a new Directory Server as the Configuration Directory by keeping the default setting.

  3. Use an existing Directory Server by selecting "Use existing configuration Directory Server," then fill in the information used to identify that server.

The next panel sets up the Directory Server's data storage.

To Set Up iPlanet Application Server Data Storage

The Directory Server gives you the option to distribute data amongst multiple Directory Server databases. It does this by using a plugin that chains together distributed data. For more information, see iPlanet Directory Server Deployment Guide, which is available on the Web.

Choose one of the following options:

  • To store directory data in the newly installed Directory Server, select that option.

  • To use an already installed Directory Server for data storage, select that option and supply the following general settings of the existing Directory Server:

    • Host name and port number.

    • Default binding or Distinguished Name (DN) is cn=Directory Manager.

    • Suffix: if your organization uses the DNS name of, for instance,, then the suffix should be


To set the Directory Server's General Settings

These settings consist of an identifier for the Directory Server's host machine, the port number of the LDAP communication port, and the data information tree suffix that is used to identify the root of the database tree for this iPlanet Application Server installation or the Directory Server.

The suffix is the name of the entry at the top of the Directory Server data tree, below which iPlanet Application Server data is stored. For more information on standard directory suffixes, see the iPlanet Directory Server Administrator's Guide.

  1. The Server Identifier is set to the local host (which is the computer you are installing the Directory Server on.)

  2. The default Server Port number is389 (the standard LDAP port number); if that port is not in use, otherwise it's a randomly generated number.

  3. The default is set to the domain name for the computer you're installing on.

To Finish Setting up the Directory Server's Administration Services

Since a Directory Server may store Configuration information for multiple domains, the Administration Domain is used to keep these separate. For more advanced configurations and information about using the Directory Server to store information about multiple domains, see see the iPlanet Directory Server Administrator's Guide.

  1. The default setting for the Administration Domain is set to the installation computer's domain. If you need to change this value, you should use a name that corresponds to the organizations that control the servers in each domain.

  2. Enter a Directory Administrator (Manager) user name and password.

  3. Set the Administrator Port Number to the default port number by clicking Next.

  4. The Directory Manager's Distinguished Name is the special directory entry to which access control does not apply. You can think of the Directory Manager as your directory's superuser. On the Directory Manager Settings panel, enter a Directory Manager DN or keep the default.

    The default value is set to the common name of Directory Manager, as: cn=Directory Manager

  5. Enter the Directory Manager's password; it must be at least 8 characters long.

  6. Enter the Product Key; it's in the iPlanet Application Server Welcome letter.

  7. Indicate the Web Server type (which must be installed already) by choosing:

    • iPlanet Web Server

    • Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS)

    • None; in this case a Webless install proceeds. After you are finished with this installation you must install the Web Connector Plug-in. See the procedure, "Installing the Web Connector Plug-in".

  8. Click Next and enter the user name and password for the iPlanet Administration server.

    The Internationalization panel appears.

  9. Choose to either install support for Internationalization or not and click Next.

    The Configuration Summary panel appears.

  10. Scroll down the Current Settings list to check the settings you specified. If you need to change anything click Back, otherwise click Install.

    An Installation Progress indicator bar appears.

  11. To finish, restart your computer so the new settings can take effect.

Verifying Installation

You can use a preinstalled application to verify that iPlanet Application Server is running. This basic application uses servlets and JSPs without a database, so that it runs without any post-installation setup.

To Verify Installation

  1. Open your browser and enter the following URL:


  2. Press Enter.

  3. Click the Test Connectivity to iPlanet Application Server link to run a basic application.

  4. Press the Shift key and click the browser's Reload button to ensure the application repeatedly returns a new HTML stream.

Using the Easy Installation Options for Solaris

Before you begin installing check to see that you satisfy the system requirements. Once these are satisfied, you can follow your choice of the following installation procedures:

Checklist for Solaris

Before beginning installation, your system must meet the following requirements:

  • Have your product key nearby; it's in the Welcome letter

  • Ensure that a static IP address is assigned to the server machine (contact your system administrator to get one)

  • Sun SPARC running Solaris 2.6 or Solaris 8

  • Login as root

  • Minimum Memory of 256 MB per CPU; 512 MB per CPU recommended

  • 400 MB disk space

  • Establish a UNIX user and group for iPlanet Application Server. You use this account to install and manage iPlanet Application Server.

  • Install and run a iPlanet Web server 4.1 Enterprise Edition, or later.

  • Install and run Netscape Communicator 4.5 or later.

Using ezsetup on Solaris

The ezsetup application requires almost no user input because it assigns default values for the iPlanet Application Server's component's usernames and passwords.This installation is not intended for working developers or production environments.

Table 2-2    Default values assigned for username and password




Configuration server administrator  



Directory manager


Directory Manager  


iPlanet Application Server Administration Server




To Run ezsetup

  1. Make sure the Web server is installed and running.

  2. Access ezsetup from the CD-ROM or command line.

  3. Enter the username and group used to represent the iPlanet Application Server in the installation of the Web server.

  4. Enter the iPlanet Application Server installation directory.

  5. When prompted for the installation location, enter the full path where the Web server is installed.

    The iPlanet Application Server is installed with the configuration shown in Table 2-2.

Starting Solaris Installations

Before you begin installing iPlanet Application Server, see "Checklist for Solaris" on page 42.

Note A Web server and Web browser must be installed and running before you begin iPlanet Application Server installation. You can download iPlanet Web Server, Enterprise Edition 4.1 (SP5) from:

During iPlanet Application Server installation on the Solaris platform, use the following keystroke commands:

  • Enter key; accepts that screen's default setting and goes to next screen.

  • CTL+B; goes back to the previous screen within an installation section, as defined by the title at the top of the screen. You cannot use CTL+B to go back to a screen in a different section.

  • CTL+C; exits the installation once exited, the installer starts over at the beginning.

  • Comma (,) delineated list; specifies more than one item.

To Begin Installation

The following procedure is common to all the Solaris installations.

  1. Login as root.

  2. Insert the iPlanet Application Server Install CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.

  3. At the prompt, run the following command: /cdrom/cdrom0/solaris/setup

    The Tips screen appears.

  4. When the license agreement appears you must enter Y to continue.

  5. The installer installs, by default, the iPlanet Servers group unless you select the iPlanet Console instead.

    If you select iPlanet Console (formerly Netscape Console), the iPlanet Console is installed as a standalone application, which can be used from any machine to administer your iPlanet Application Server configuration.


The next screen allows you to choose the installation type. The Express Installation is described next. For a description of the typical installer, see "Using the Typical Installation" on page 49.

Using the Express Installer

Before beginning this iPlanet Application Server installation:

To Run the Express Installer

  1. Enter the number 1 to select the Express Installation type.

  2. The default iPlanet Application Server installation directory location is: /usr/iplanet/ias6

    If you enter a different location, do not include spaces in the path name.


    Note You must have at least 400 MB available on this drive to install. All components are installed in this directory

  3. On the Components to Install panel, the default choices indicate those that are installed during a full installation. You may choose to:

    • Accept the default choices.

    • De-select the Directory Suite component if you have an already installed directory service available.

    • De-select Administrations Services if you don't want the iPlanet Console

    • De-select everything but the iPlanet Application Server

  4. Type in the system user and group names.

    This user and group should be set up prior to running the installation program.

Installing the Directory Server

For an overview of its various functions, see the iPlanet Directory Server Installation Guide.

Within the iPlanet Application Server installation there are several panels having to do with installing and configuring the Directory Suite. The Express Installation Wizard panels set up the:

  • Administrator for the Configuration Directory Server

  • Administrator for the Directory Server directory data; this "superuser" is identified by the Directory Manager Distinguished Name (DN)

These panels and their function are described in the following procedures.

To Set up the Configuration Directory Server Administrator

The Configuration Directory Server is the part of the Directory Server used to store configuration information. This ID and password is used to login to the iPlanet Console. To learn more about the Directory Server, see the Directory Server documentation on the iPlanet Web site.

  1. Assign the Administrator ID and password for the Configuration Directory Server:

  2. The default Configuration Directory Administrator ID is: admin

  3. Enter a password: it can contain letters and numbers.

    Note Record and keep the Configuration Directory Administrator ID and password for future reference. They are required to login to the iPlanet Console and to uninstall the iPlanet Application Server and the Directory Server.

To Set Up the Directory Manager Distinguished Name

The Directory Manager's Distinguished Name is the special directory entry for the administrator of the Directory Server. Access control does not apply to the Directory Manager.

  1. Keep the default value Directory Manager DN, which is set to the common name of Directory Manager (cn=Directory Manager). Or, if necessary, enter a different Directory Manager.

  2. Enter a password for the Directory Manager that is at least 8 characters long.

    The Directory Server is now configured for installation.

To Enter the Product Key

  1. Enter the Product Key; it's is in the Welcome letter you received with iPlanet Application Server.

    You must enter this number correctly for installation to continue.

To Configure the Web Server

  1. Enter the full path to your running Web server instance.

    The iPlanet Application Server Web Connector Plug-in is installed and configured to the Web Server instance that is identified here.

To Create an Administration Server Username

  1. Type in the user name and password.

  2. Record these. After installation, you'll need these to register iPlanet Application Server with the iPlanet Application Server Administration Tool.

To Enable Standard Java Internationalization

  1. To enable standard Java internationalization for iPlanet Application Server applications, type Y, otherwise accept the default.

To Record the Port Numbers

  1. Pressing Enter on the previous screen completes the Installation and generates a report of the port number assigned.

  2. Scan the port numbers report and record or print them out.

    After installation, the numbers are used to administer this installation.

  3. Use the command at the end of the Port Number Report to start iPlanet Console.

Using the Typical Installation

Before beginning this iPlanet Application Server installation:

To Run the Typical Installer

  1. Enter the number 2 to select the Typical Installation type.

  2. The default iPlanet Application Server installation directory location is: /usr/iplanet/ias6. If you enter a different location, do not include spaces in the path name.

    Note You must have at least 400 MB available on this drive to install iPlanet Application Server. All components are installed in this base directory.

  3. On the iPlanet Server Products Components panel, the default choice of [All] indicates which components are installed during a full install of iPlanet Application Server. You may choose to:

    • Keep the default selection. If you choose [All], the parts of each component are listed in subsequent screens, so that you can refine your choices further.

    • De-select the Directory Suite component if you have an already installed directory service available.

    • De-select Administrations Services if you don't want the iPlanet Console

    • De-select everything but the iPlanet Application Server

  4. After you move through all the components windows and make your choices, enter the name of the computer you are installing on - it should be the default.

  5. Type in the system user and group name you set up for use with the iPlanet Application Server prior to running the installation program.

To Set Up the Directory Server

The Configuration Directory Server is used to store configuration information. This ID and password is used to login to it using the iPlanet Console. For an overview of the Directory Server's functions, see the iPlanet Directory Server Installation Guide. It may be a dedicated server instance or a branch of a single Directory Server. The Directory Server also stores directory data. The following steps set up the Directory Server configuration for use with this new iPlanet Application Server instance.

  1. To register iPlanet Application Server's configuration information with a Directory Server instance that you already installed, enter Yes.

    The default choice is No, so that the Directory Server instance installed with this installer is registered for use by iPlanet Application Server.

  2. To register iPlanet Application Server's data storage, for like user and group information, with a Directory Server instance that you already installed, enter Yes.

    The default choice is No, so that the Directory Server instance installed with this installer is registered for directory data storage use by iPlanet Application Server.

  3. Set the listener port for the Directory Server; by default it is set to the standard port number: 389. For more information, see "Port Numbers" on page 103, in Appendix A.

  4. Enter a unique identifier for the Directory Server. By default, it's set to the name of the computer it's being installed on.

  5. Assign the Administrator ID and password for the Configuration Directory Server, as follows:

  6. Enter a Configuration Directory Administrator ID, the default is: [admin].

  7. Enter a password: it can contain letters and numbers.

    Note Record and keep the Configuration Directory Administrator ID and password for future reference. They are required to login to the iPlanet Console and to uninstall the iPlanet Application Server and the Directory Server.

  8. Enter the data information tree suffix for your organization. For instance, if an organization uses the distinguished name service (DNS) of, then a reasonable suffix for identifying that organizations' data is:

  9. Enter a distinguished name (DN) for Directory Server Administrator identification. The default value Directory Manager DN, which is set to the common name of Directory Manager (cn=Directory Manager).

    The Directory Manager's Distinguished Name is the special directory entry for the administrator of the Directory Server. Access control does not apply to the Directory Manager.

  10. Enter a password for the Directory Manager that is at least 8 characters long.

  11. Enter an administration domain to use for keeping software configuration information stored in the Configuration Directory Server distinct from other such information.

    The Directory Server is now configured for installation.

  12. Set the port number of the iPlanet Console's Administration Server.By default it is set to a random unused port number between 1024 and 65535. For more information, see "Port Numbers" on page 103, in Appendix A.

  13. Set the username who will have the privilege to write configuration information to the Directory Server by using the iPlanet Console. By default, this is set to: root

To Finish Installation

  1. Enter the product key number in the Product Key field.

    The Product Key is in the welcome letter you received with iPlanet Application Server. You must enter this number correctly for installation to continue.

  2. Enter the full path of the Web server instance that is already installed and running.

    The iPlanet Application Server Web connector is installed and configured to the Web Server instance that is identified here.

  3. Type in the username and password to use for the iPlanet Application Server Administration and Deployment Tools.

    After installation, you'll need these to register iPlanet Application Server and to use the iPlanet Application Server Administration Tool.

  4. To enable standard Java internationalization for iPlanet Application Server applications, type Y, otherwise accept the default, which is No.

  5. Pressing Enter on the previous screen completes the Installation and generates a report of the port number assigned.

  6. Scan the port numbers report and record them or print them out.

    After installation, the numbers are used in the iPlanet Application Server Administration Tool, to administer this installation.

Verifying Installation

The iPlanet Web site provides an application that verifies connectivity of your iPlanet Application Server installation. Since this basic application, which uses servlets and JSPs, does not rely on a database, it runs without any extra setup.

To Verify Installation

  1. Open your browser and enter the following URL:


  2. Press Enter.

  3. Click on Test Connectivity to iPlanet Application Server to run a basic application. Press the shift key and click on the browser's Reload button to ensure the application repeatedly returns a new HTML stream.

Using the Sample Applications

To better understand specific technology features provided by iPlanet Application Server, run the iPlanet Application Server Technology Samples.

To Use the Sample Applications

  1. Start running iPlanet Application Server.

  2. Open your browser, enter the following URL, and press Enter:


  3. Select the iPlanet Application Server J2EE Application Samples link and select a specific sample application. Follow the application-specific setup instructions to establish the necessary database settings and to run the application.

After you become familiar with the iPlanet Application Server sample applications, run the Sun Samples, which are applications based on those found at The Java Pet Store example in particular demonstrates how a popular J2EE application is deployed to iPlanet Application Server.

You can review the source code of the sample applications and associated J2EE XML Deployment Descriptors by browsing in the following location:


You can also find compile scripts at this site for experimenting with the sample code.

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Copyright © 2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Some preexisting portions Copyright © 2000 Netscape Communications Corp. All rights reserved.

Last Updated February 09, 2001