
<< 8-1

">>" 8-1


About CST 8-1

Action 8-1

Add 8-1

addsunfire 1-13

agent 2-4

agent component 2-19, 1

Agent install 2-2

All Events 8-2

AMS 1-2

Apache 2-5

API 1-20

app_event 1-20

Append Comments 8-2

applet 3-1

Apply 8-2

attach 2-12

attach an agent 2-9

automated backup 1-2


backup 1-8

benefits 1-2

board power-on 1-3, 1

boot 1-3


Cancel 8-2

cause code 2-9

cause_code 1-9

Cluster 8-2


Device Group Information 1-14

failover events 1-15

membership 1-13

Membership Status 1-14

nodes 1-13

Quorum Votes 1-15

Resource Group Information 1-14

Resource List 1-14

Resource Type Information 1-14

Summary Information 1-14

Transport Path 1-14

Cluster & Volume Manager Events 8-2

command line 2-9

Comments 8-2

configuration changes 1-2

configuration management 1-5

Configurations 8-2

Disk group 1-19

Disk Media 1-19

Sub Disks 1-19

Volumes 1-19


Plexes 1-19

Configurations folde 1-4

Create Service Event 8-2

CST 8-2

agent 2-7

agent installation 2-7, 1

applet 2-15

data 1-8

database 2-5

installation script 2-18

repository 1-8

server 1-8

server requirements 2-4

service agent 1-10

tar file 2-17

CST 1.0.1 2-10

CST 1.1.3_AMS 2-10

CST console 1-2, 1

CST on Clusters 1-13

CST package

removal 1-3

CST package upgrade 1-3

CST Server Requirements 2-4

CST Status 8-2

cst.pref 1-9

cst_history 1-8

cstattach 2-9, 1, 2, 3

cstd 2-15

csthb 2-15

Current Configurations 8-2

Current Event 8-2

Custom Info 8-2

custom information 1-3

Customer Contact 8-3


data files 1-8

Date/Time 8-3

Decommis-sioned_Agents 8-3

Delete 8-3

Description 8-3


4u 1-11

detachment of system hardware 1-3

Device Group 8-3

DHMS 8-3

disk space requirements 2-17

DiskGroup 8-3

DiskMedia 8-3


additions 1-3

deletions 1-3

domain changes 1-12

domains 1-3, 1

Down% 8-3

dynamic attachment 1-3


E10K 2-12, 1, 2

E10k 2-12

Edit Custom Info 8-3

Email 8-3

Email Address 8-3

Email Recipients 8-3

emails 1-2

Event 8-4

Event Cause Code 8-4

event measurement precision 1-2

Events Assigned 8-4


feedback Preface-3

Fresh install 2-2

fresh installation 2-5

FRU 1-4, 1

FRU Information 8-4


Get All 8-4

Get More 8-4

Get Statistics 8-4

Global Event Cause Code Update 8-4

GUI 2-9


hang 1-3

hardware changes

domains 1-3

heartbeat 1-8

hierarchical directory structure 1-8

Hierarchy 8-4

hierarchy 2-12

hierarchy view 2-8

high-end 1-11

History 8-4

History file 1-8

History folder 1-20

History log 1-20

HTTP 2-6


Inception Configuration 8-4


Net Connect framework 2-3

installation script 2-18

Installed Hardware 1-4, 1

installed hardware 1-3


JDK 1.1.5 1-11


Label 8-5

log 1-5


Member Status 8-5

middleware 1-4, 1, 2, 3, 4

mid-range 1-11

Modify 8-5

multi-domain 2-11

multi-user availability 1-2


Notification 8-5


online documentation Preface-2

OS upgrade 1-3, 1, 2

Other Events 8-5

Outage Events 8-5


panic 1-2, 1


hardware 1-2

software 1-2

Peripheral Hardware 8-5

pkginfo | grep cs 2-21

pkgrm 2-20

Planned 8-5

platform configuration changes 1-12

Plexes 8-5

Preferences 8-5

Preferences file 1-8

Print 8-6

Printer 8-6

probe.current 1-8

probe.inception 1-9


Quorum Votes 8-6


reboot 1-2, 1, 2

Refresh 8-6

Reinstall 2-2

Resource Group Information 8-6

Resource Information 8-6

Resource List by Group 8-6

Resource Type Information 8-6

Revision # 8-6

root 2-6

runlevel change 1-3


SC 2-11

secure data feed 1-2

Selected Event 8-7

Serial # 8-7

server component 2-19, 1

Server install 2-2

server platforms

4d- & 4u-based 1-11

service events 1-5

shutdown 1-2

Site Info 8-7

Site Registration 8-7

snapshot 1-3


installation 1-3

removal 1-3

Software Packages 8-7

software packages 1-3

software patch

removal 1-3

Software Patches 8-7

software patches 1-4

addition 1-3

Solaris Preface-2, 1, 2

documentation Preface-2

Solaris Internal Info 8-7

Solaris Operating Environment 1-4

Sparc III 1-11

SSC 2-13

SSP 1-11, 1, 2, 3

ssp.tar 2-14

Statistical report 1-5

Statistics 8-7

Sub Disks 8-7

Summary 8-7

Sun Cluster

3.0 1-13

3.1 1-13

Sun Enterprise 10000 1-11

Sun Fire 1-11, 1

3800, 4800, 1, 2

high-end 1-12

midrange 1-12

Sun Fire 15K 2-12

Sun Fire 15K and 12K 1-12

Sun platforms

multi-domain 1-11


system controllers 2-4

SUNWcst 2-7, 1, 2

SUNWcstu 2-1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

SUNWcstue 2-20

SUNWcstve 2-5, 1, 2

SUNWecst 2-2, 1

SUNWecsts 2-1, 1, 2

SUNWfrusg 2-4

superuser 2-17, 1, 2

Supported CST Upgrades 2-3

Supported Systems 1-11

system administration 1-4

system availability 2-9

system configuration 1-1, 1

system configuration changes 1-12

system controller

events 1-12

system controllers 1-12

System Displayed 8-8

System Events 8-8

system events 2-9

System Hardware 8-8

System Info 8-8

System Information 8-8

system information 1-3

system parameter changes 1-2

system shutdown 1-3

System Status 8-8


text repository 1-2

three-tier architecture 1-2

Time Down 8-8

Time Up 8-8

timestamps 1-2

Total Time 8-8

Transport Path 8-9


ufs 2-5

Uncompress 2-17

Uninstall 2-23

UNIX Preface-2, 1, 2

Unplanned 8-9

Up% 8-9

uptime statistics 1-2

User Comments 8-9

user_data 1-9


viewing events 1-4

Volume Manager 1-18

Volume Manager (VM) 8-9

Volume Manager configuration 1-4

Volumes 8-9


Web browser 3-1

Web servers 2-4

Why? 8-9