Sun Open Telecommunications Platform 1.1 Installation and Administration Guide
 active host
  determining ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 adding a host
  cluster ( Index Term Link )
  shared storage ( Index Term Link )
 application programing interfaces ( Index Term Link )
 application programming interfaces (APIs) list ( Index Term Link )
  external OTP installation server ( Index Term Link )
  OS images and profiles ( Index Term Link )
  provisioning service
   external OTP installation server ( Index Term Link )
   removing remote agent from backup source ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
   source OTP host ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  remote agent
   removing from external OTP installation server ( Index Term Link )
   removing from restore target before backup ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  system management services ( Index Term Link )
 bare metal OTP host
  deploying OS and OTP ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  clustered OTP hosts installation ( Index Term Link )
  enabling and disabling management service ( Index Term Link )
  enabling and disabling service provisioning ( Index Term Link )
  standalone OTP host installation ( Index Term Link )
 CLI installation, external OTP installation server ( Index Term Link )
  adding a host ( Index Term Link )
  removing a host ( Index Term Link )
  repairing a host ( Index Term Link )
 clustered OTP host
  adding hosts to the external OTP installation server ( Index Term Link )
  enabling high availability on first host
   GUI installation ( Index Term Link )
  set up high availability on additional hosts
   GUI installation ( Index Term Link )
  set up high availability on first host
   GUI installation ( Index Term Link )
  set up services on additional hosts
   GUI installation ( Index Term Link )
  set up services on first host
   GUI installation ( Index Term Link )
 clustered OTP hosts
  CLI installation ( Index Term Link )
  converting standalone OTP host to ( Index Term Link )
  creating shared storage ( Index Term Link )
  determining online host ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  GUI installation ( Index Term Link )
  restoring provisioning service ( Index Term Link )
  restoringprovisioning service ( Index Term Link )
 clustered OTP system
  adding a host ( Index Term Link )
  removing a host ( Index Term Link )
  repairing a host ( Index Term Link )
  site planning considerations ( Index Term Link )
 command line
  deploying OS using production OTP host ( Index Term Link )
  discovering bare metal hosts using production OTP host ( Index Term Link )
  enabling and disabling management service ( Index Term Link )
  enabling and disabling service provisioning ( Index Term Link )
  installing OTP ( Index Term Link )
  OTP installation overview ( Index Term Link )
  OTP installation prerequisites ( Index Term Link )
 components, hardware ( Index Term Link )
  creating OS image ( Index Term Link )
  creating XML discovery file on production OTP host ( Index Term Link )
  determining of port 162 is in use ( Index Term Link )
  enabling FTP ( Index Term Link )
  IPMP ( Index Term Link )
  plan setting descriptions ( Index Term Link )
  preparing production OTP host to deploy OTP ( Index Term Link )
  single-host plan worksheet ( Index Term Link )
  two-to-eight host plan worksheet ( Index Term Link )
  updating /etc/default/nfs ( Index Term Link )
  updating /etc/hosts ( Index Term Link )
 connectivity, network interface card requirements ( Index Term Link )
 considerations ( Index Term Link )
 converting, standalone host to clustered OTP host ( Index Term Link )
 CORBA ( Index Term Link )
 discovery, creating XML discovery file on production OTP host ( Index Term Link )
 disk space
  partitioning requirements ( Index Term Link )
  server requirements ( Index Term Link )
 DNS ( Index Term Link )
 download server
  NFS-mounting OTP installation directory ( Index Term Link )
  NFS-mounting Solaris OS ISO image ( Index Term Link )
 downloading and preparing software ( Index Term Link )
 DSDL ( Index Term Link )
 EIS compliance, OTP ( Index Term Link )
 enable and disable
  service provisioning
   command line ( Index Term Link )
   GUI ( Index Term Link )
  system management
   command line ( Index Term Link )
   GUI ( Index Term Link )
 /etc/default/nfs, updating ( Index Term Link )
 /etc/hosts, updating ( Index Term Link )
 external OTP installation server
  adding new OTP hosts to ( Index Term Link )
  backing up provisioning service ( Index Term Link )
  CLI installation ( Index Term Link )
  creating OTP installation directory ( Index Term Link )
  installing operating system ( Index Term Link )
  NFS-mounting OTP installation directory ( Index Term Link )
  overview ( Index Term Link )
  remote agent ( Index Term Link )
  removing remote agent ( Index Term Link )
  restoringprovisioning service ( Index Term Link )
 FC/FCP ( Index Term Link )
  summary ( Index Term Link )
  system management service ( Index Term Link )
  server requirements ( Index Term Link )
  storage device requirements ( Index Term Link )
 FTP, enabling ( Index Term Link )
 /globaldevices, creating ( Index Term Link )
  clustered OTP hosts installation ( Index Term Link )
  deploying OS using production OTP host, GUI ( Index Term Link )
  discovering bare metal hosts using production OTP host ( Index Term Link )
  enabling and disabling management service ( Index Term Link )
  enabling and disabling service provisioning ( Index Term Link )
  enabling high availability
   first clustered OTP host ( Index Term Link )
   standalone OTP host ( Index Term Link )
  OTP installation overview ( Index Term Link )
  OTP installation prerequisites ( Index Term Link )
  set up high availability
   additional clustered OTP hosts ( Index Term Link )
   first clustered OTP host ( Index Term Link )
   standalone OTP host ( Index Term Link )
  set up services
   additional clustered OTP host ( Index Term Link )
   first clustered OTP host ( Index Term Link )
   standalone OTP host ( Index Term Link )
  standalone OTP host installation ( Index Term Link )
  external OTP installation server ( Index Term Link )
  graphical overview ( Index Term Link )
  server requirements ( Index Term Link )
  storage device requirements ( Index Term Link )
 high availability
  enabling on first clustered OTP host
   GUI installation ( Index Term Link )
  enabling on standalone OTP host
   GUI installation ( Index Term Link )
  setting up additional clustered OTP hosts
   GUI installation ( Index Term Link )
  setting up first clustered OTP host
   GUI installation ( Index Term Link )
  setting up standalone OTP host
   GUI installation ( Index Term Link )
  adding to a cluster ( Index Term Link )
  converting standalone host to clustered OTP host ( Index Term Link )
  removing from a cluster ( Index Term Link )
  repairing ( Index Term Link )
 IIOP ( Index Term Link )
  adding hosts to the external OTP installation server ( Index Term Link )
  clustered OTP hosts, CLI ( Index Term Link )
  clustered OTP hosts, GUI ( Index Term Link )
  command line-based discovery of bare metal hosts ( Index Term Link )
  creating OS image ( Index Term Link )
  creating XML discovery file on production OTP host ( Index Term Link )
  deploying OS from production OTP host, command line ( Index Term Link )
  deploying OS from production OTP host, GUI ( Index Term Link )
  determining of port 162 is in use ( Index Term Link )
  enabling FTP ( Index Term Link )
  external OTP installation server ( Index Term Link )
  GUI-based discovery of bare metal hosts ( Index Term Link )
  operating system ( Index Term Link )
  OSP plug-in
   external OTP installation server ( Index Term Link )
   external OTP installation server ( Index Term Link )
  OTP installation directory ( Index Term Link )
  overview ( Index Term Link )
  plan setting descriptions ( Index Term Link )
  remote agent
   external OTP installation server ( Index Term Link )
  service provisioning remote agent
   external OTP installation server ( Index Term Link )
  single-host plan worksheet ( Index Term Link )
  standalone OTP host ( Index Term Link )
  standalone OTP host, CLI ( Index Term Link )
  standalone OTP host, GUI ( Index Term Link )
  T2000 required patches ( Index Term Link )
  two-to-eight host plan worksheet ( Index Term Link )
  updating /etc/default/nfs ( Index Term Link )
  updating /etc/hosts ( Index Term Link )
  using a production OTP host ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 IPMP, configuration ( Index Term Link )
 iSCSI ( Index Term Link )
 Java interfaces ( Index Term Link )
 Java RMI ( Index Term Link )
 LDAP ( Index Term Link )
 management service
  enabling and disabling
   command line ( Index Term Link )
   GUI ( Index Term Link )
 network interface card, requirements ( Index Term Link )
 new OTP host, adding to the external OTP installation server ( Index Term Link )
  OTP installation directory
   download server ( Index Term Link )
   external OTP installation server ( Index Term Link )
  Solaris ISO image
   download server ( Index Term Link )
 NIC, See network interface card
 node, converting standalone host to clustered OTP host ( Index Term Link )
 non-shared storage, repairing a host ( Index Term Link )
 online host
  determining ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 Open Telecommunications Platform, See OTP
 operating system, requirements ( Index Term Link )
 OS images and profiles, backup and restore ( Index Term Link )
 OS installation
  external OTP installation server ( Index Term Link )
  OTP host ( Index Term Link )
  standalone OTP host ( Index Term Link )
 OSP plug-in
   external OTP installation server ( Index Term Link )
  application programing interfaces ( Index Term Link )
  command line-based discovery of bare metal hosts using production OTP host ( Index Term Link )
  command line install overview ( Index Term Link )
  command line installation prerequisites ( Index Term Link )
  creating OS image on production OTP host ( Index Term Link )
  creating XML discovery file on production OTP host ( Index Term Link )
  deploying OS using production OTP host, command line ( Index Term Link )
  deploying OS using production OTP host, GUI ( Index Term Link )
  EIS compliance ( Index Term Link )
  enable and disableservice provisioning
   command line ( Index Term Link )
   GUI ( Index Term Link )
  enable and disablesystem management
   command line ( Index Term Link )
   GUI ( Index Term Link )
  enabling and disabling service provisioning ( Index Term Link )
  features ( Index Term Link )
  GUI-based discovery of bare metal hosts using production OTP host ( Index Term Link )
  GUI install overview ( Index Term Link )
  GUI installation prerequisites ( Index Term Link )
  hardware components ( Index Term Link )
  hardware requirements ( Index Term Link )
  installing using command line ( Index Term Link )
  preparing production OTP host to deploy OTP ( Index Term Link )
  protocols ( Index Term Link )
  remote agent installation
   external OTP installation server ( Index Term Link )
  software requirements ( Index Term Link )
  topologies ( Index Term Link )
 OTP host
  adding to the external OTP installation server ( Index Term Link )
  backing upprovisioning service ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  GUI-based install
   clustered OTP host ( Index Term Link )
   standalone OTP host ( Index Term Link )
  installing operating system ( Index Term Link )
  partitioning requirements ( Index Term Link )
  removing from a clustered OTP system ( Index Term Link )
  removing remote agent
   before provisioning service backup ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  removing remote agent before provisioning service backup ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  repairing ( Index Term Link )
 OTP installation directory
  creating on external OTP installation server ( Index Term Link )
  NFS-mounting on download server ( Index Term Link )
  NFS-mounting on external OTP installation server ( Index Term Link )
 PAM ( Index Term Link )
 partitioning requirements, OTP host ( Index Term Link )
  server requirements ( Index Term Link )
  T2000 server ( Index Term Link )
 plan settings, descriptions ( Index Term Link )
 plan worksheets
  standalone OTP host ( Index Term Link )
  two-to-eight host plan ( Index Term Link )
 port 162, determining if in use ( Index Term Link )
 POSIX ( Index Term Link )
  OTP command line installation ( Index Term Link )
  OTP GUI installation ( Index Term Link )
 protocols ( Index Term Link )
 provisioning service
  backing up external OTP installation server ( Index Term Link )
  backing upOTP host ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  enable and disable
   command line ( Index Term Link )
   GUI ( Index Term Link )
  restoring clustered OTP host ( Index Term Link )
  restoringclustered OTP host ( Index Term Link )
  restoringexternal OTP installation server ( Index Term Link )
 RAM, See memory
 random access memory, See memory
 remote agent
  removing from external OTP installation server ( Index Term Link )
  removing from restore target OTP host ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  removing from the backup source OTP host ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 removing a host, cluster ( Index Term Link )
 repairing a host
  cluster ( Index Term Link )
  non-shared storage ( Index Term Link )
  shared storage ( Index Term Link )
  network interface card ( Index Term Link )
  OTP host disk partitions ( Index Term Link )
  server disk space ( Index Term Link )
  server hardware, operating system, patch, and firmware ( Index Term Link )
  server memory ( Index Term Link )
  storage device firmware ( Index Term Link )
  storage hardware ( Index Term Link )
  configuring system management services before ( Index Term Link )
  OS images and profiles ( Index Term Link )
  provisioning service
   clustered OTP host ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
   external OTP installation server ( Index Term Link )
  system management services ( Index Term Link )
 RMAPI ( Index Term Link )
 RMI ( Index Term Link )
 RMI-IIOP ( Index Term Link )
 segments, OTP software ( Index Term Link )
  disk space requirements ( Index Term Link )
  memory requirements ( Index Term Link )
  requirements ( Index Term Link )
 service provisioning
  backing up external OTP installation server ( Index Term Link )
  backing upOTP host ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  enable and disable
   command line ( Index Term Link )
   GUI ( Index Term Link )
  enabling and disabling ( Index Term Link )
  remote agent
   installing on external OTP installation server ( Index Term Link )
  restoring clustered OTP host ( Index Term Link )
  restoringclustered OTP host ( Index Term Link )
  restoringexternal OTP installation server ( Index Term Link )
  setting up on additional clustered OTP host
   GUI installation ( Index Term Link )
  setting up on first clustered OTP host
   GUI installation ( Index Term Link )
  setting up standalone OTP host
   GUI installation ( Index Term Link )
 shared storage
  adding a host ( Index Term Link )
  creating on clustered OTP hosts ( Index Term Link )
  repairing a host ( Index Term Link )
 single-host, plan worksheet ( Index Term Link )
 site planning, clustered OTP system considerations ( Index Term Link )
 SNMP ( Index Term Link )
  determining of port 162 is in use ( Index Term Link )
  downloading OTP ( Index Term Link )
  downloading Solaris 10 Update 2 ( Index Term Link )
 Solaris OS
  command-line based discovery of bare metal hosts using production OTP host ( Index Term Link )
  creating OS image on production OTP host ( Index Term Link )
  deploying using production OTP host, command line ( Index Term Link )
  deploying using production OTP host, GUI ( Index Term Link )
  determining of port 162 is in use ( Index Term Link )
  downloading ( Index Term Link )
  enabling FTP ( Index Term Link )
  NFS-mounting ISO image
   download server ( Index Term Link )
  updating /etc/default/nfs ( Index Term Link )
  updating /etc/hosts ( Index Term Link )
 SSH/SSL ( Index Term Link )
 standalone OTP host
  CLI installation ( Index Term Link )
  converting to clustered OTP host ( Index Term Link )
  enabling high availability
   GUI installation ( Index Term Link )
  GUI installation ( Index Term Link )
  installing operating system ( Index Term Link )
  set up high availability
   GUI installation ( Index Term Link )
  set up services
   GUI installation ( Index Term Link )
 storage devices
  firmware ( Index Term Link )
  requirements ( Index Term Link )
 StorEdge, See storage devices
 Sun Fire T2000, required patches ( Index Term Link )
 system management
  configuring services before restore ( Index Term Link )
  enabling and disabling
   command line ( Index Term Link )
   GUI ( Index Term Link )
  restore ( Index Term Link )
  setting up first clustered OTP host
   GUI installation ( Index Term Link )
  setting up on additional clustered OTP host
   GUI installation ( Index Term Link )
  setting up standalone OTP host
   GUI installation ( Index Term Link )
  summary ( Index Term Link )
 system management services, backup ( Index Term Link )
 TCP/IP ( Index Term Link )
 topologies, N*N, Pair+N ( Index Term Link )
 two-to-eight host plan, plan worksheet ( Index Term Link )
 verify, OTP installation ( Index Term Link )
  setting descriptions ( Index Term Link )
  single-host plan ( Index Term Link )
  two-to-eight host plan ( Index Term Link )
 XML discovery file, creating on production OTP host ( Index Term Link )
 ZIP files for OTP software ( Index Term Link )