Sun Secure File Transport User Guide

Chapter 2 Frequently Asked Question

This document provides answers to questions about Sun SFT software.

About the Sun™ Secure File Transport


What is the Sun™ Secure File Transport (Sun SFT)?


Sun SFT is a configurable and automated method for sending data collected by Sun Explorer software, or other system telemetry data, to Sun Microsystems, Inc.


On what architecture or machines does Sun SFT run?


Sun SFT runs on Solaris™ versions 9 and 10 on SPARC and Solaris 10 only on x86 architecture. Java 1.5.0 or higher is required on these systems.


What Sun SFT command options are available?


Run sftransport -h to see a list of acceptable command options. For more information, see the sftransport(1m) man page.


How many Explorer clients can Sun SFT support?


Sun SFT can support any number of Explorer clients. It might be appropriate to use multiple Sun SFT instances for manageability and to ensure that files are sent to Sun without unreasonable delay. A single Sun SFT instance can support up to 32 concurrent transfers . You need to define the concurrency appropriate to your specific needs and infrastructure. The number of concurrent transfers depends on the volume of Explorer files you need to send, the average size of the files, and your network bandwidth. If a single Sun SFT instance does not satisfy the file transfer volume, then additional Sun SFT instances should be installed on other hosts.

Downloading and Installing Sun SFT


How do I obtain Sun SFT?


Information and download link for the software are included on the Services Tools Bundle page, located at:


Do I need a Sun Online Account for Sun SFT?


Yes, a Sun Online Account is required to run Sun SFT. If you do not have a Sun Online Account or if you have forgotten your user name or password, go to Your username and password will be requested when running the /opt/SUNWsasm/bin/sasm transport -r command to register Sun Automated Service Manager for data transport.

Note –

Your username is stored in a configuration file, but the given password is used only for a one time registration process and is not stored anywhere by Sun SFT or Sun Automated Service Manager.


How do I install or upgrade Sun SFT?


Install it using the Solaris pkgadd command. Full details about the installation are included in Chapter 3, Sun SFT How-To.


On what system should I install Sun SFT?


Install Sun SFT on a system that has direct or proxied access to the Internet. Sun products running Explorer software need to be able to transfer files to the system where Sun SFT is installed.


Are authenticated proxies or Windows NTLM proxies supported?


Sun SFT supports basic proxy authentication and Windows NTLM version 1.

When NTLM is in use, it might generate some extra log output. To mask this, in /etc/opt/SUNWsftransport/ change org.apache.commons.httpclient.level = WARNING to org.apache.commons.httpclient.level = SEVERE and restart the SASM process.

An alternate workaround (not tested, endorsed, or supported by Sun) is the open source "NTLM Authentication Proxy Server" project located at


How large should the Sun SFT target transfer directory be?


It depends on the number of Explorer files that you choose to send and the average size of your Explorer data. Since Explorer output is the data that will be gathered together in the transfer directory and then sent by Sun SFT, plan the size of the transfer directory accordingly.

By default, Sun SFT saves only the files that failed to be sent; it removes files that were sent successfully unless configured to archive these files.


How do I configure Sun SFT to run with a specific Java install?


At the top of the /opt/SUNWsftransport/bin/sftransport and /opt/SUNWsasm/bin/sasm files, modify the JAVA= line, for example: JAVA=/usr/jdk/jdk1.5.0_13/bin/java

Using Sun SFT


What file types does Sun SFT 2.0 support?


Sun SFT 2.0 supports two data types:

If a file in the transfer directory does not match the filename pattern for any active slot, the file simply remains in the transfer directory and no information about that file is logged.

Note –

Only validated files that are awaiting transfer are reported with the sftransport --info command.


How do I place the Explorer data (and other files) in the transfer directory for Sun SFT transfer?


Sun SFT does not place restrictions on how you get the files to the transfer directory for Sun SFT to transfer. You can use any appropriate solution to transfer files from the systems running Explorer to the system where Sun SFT is installed. NFS, SCP, FTP, or any other solution may be used. In addition, Sun SFT includes an HTTP Listener that can be used to receive files directly from systems running Sun Explorer 5.8 (and higher) Data Collector.


What is HTTP Listener?


HTTP Listener is a separate daemon process from the main transfer process that receives data. It can be setup and enabled during the Sun SFT installation procedure.

If you choose to enable the Listener, the Listener port can be verified or changed during the Sun SFT installation.

Note –

Make sure that there will be no conflict using port 80 (the default port) on the Sun SFT host. If this port is already being used, then change the listener port to another acceptable value.


What is HTTPS Listener?


HTTPS Listener provides the same basic functionality as the HTTP listener, but with added SSL encryption. To enable HTTPS, please follow the Sun SFT installation process to enable the HTTP Listener. In addition, you must complete the following steps to configure and setup the HTTPS Listener:

  1. To generate the SSL certificate for the Sun SFT host, please follow the SSL Certificate directions located at:

  2. Modify the /etc/opt/SUNWsftransport/listener.xml configuration file to enable SSL.

    1. The listener.xml file has a section for SslSocketConnector that is commented out by default; un-comment this section and add the appropriate port and key/password configuration.

    2. Make sure that there will be no conflict with using port 443, the default port on the Sun SFT host.

      If port 443 is already being used, then change the Listener port to another acceptable value.

    3. Comment out the jetty.nio.SelectChannelConnector <Item> element, so that is the only active connector.

    Note –

    Please consult the Jetty documentation for additional information.


How do I use the HTTP Listener to receive files from Explorer 5.8 (and higher)?


Use one of the following options to send data to the HTTP Listener from Explorer:

Note –

The server:port variables in both options are the Sun SFT server and the port number for the Listener.


How do I send core files or other case-data files to the HTTP Listener?


If the system has Explorer installed, use this command to transfer a file to the SFT transfer directory: /opt/SUNWexplo/bin/curl.{sparc or i386} -T {file} "{Listener-URL}/?file={filename}"

Example: /opt/SUNWexplo/bin/curl.sparc -T /var/core.gz "http://my-sft-server:8080/?file=12345678-core.gz"


  1. It is recommended to compress files to reduce the size of the data transfer, as shown in the core.gz example above.

  2. The {file} parameter may include a path to the file location on the local system, but {filename} in the target URL must be a filename only (no path).

  3. The {filename} in the target URL must use the correct filename format (including case number), but this does not have to match the filename on the local system, as shown in the example above.


Does Sun SFT run in the background?


Sun SFT is a daemon process. A daemon process runs in the background, rather than under your direct control. The daemon process restarts automatically on system reboots and continues running until it receives a system-wide interrupt command.


Can I archive files that are sent?


By default, files are deleted after successful transfer. To save files, configure the archivePath setting in the /etc/opt/SUNWsftransport/sftransport.xml file for each slot and restart SFT (for more information, see How-To Edit the Configuration File.


Can I be notified of transfer failures?


Email notification of log messages can be configured in /etc/opt/SUNWsftransport/ file. Setup instructions are included in this file.


If transfer of a large file fails part-way through the transfer, what happens?


There are two attributes in the sftransport.xml file that work together to control how a file is re-sent after a failed attempt:

For more information, see the sftransport(4) man page.


Where can I find log files?


Log files are located in /var/opt/SUNWsftransport. Information about all transfer attempts and any errors that occur are recorded here. Log files are in XML format. They may be viewed with any text viewer, or see the/opt/SUNWsftransport/logviewer/README.txt file for information about a browser- based log viewer.

The /opt/SUNWsftransport/logviewer/README.txt outlines the following two options for browser-based log viewing:

On Solaris 10, you can use svcs -x sftransport-listener command to show the listener log location.



What are the firewall requirements for the Sun SFT software?


Sun SFT communicates with Sun's servers using HTTPS; therefore, the system where Sun SFT is running requires outbound access to port 443.

If your firewall limits the hostnames that may be contacted, Sun SFT communicates only with or Check your /etc/opt/SUNWsftransport/sftransport.xml file to confirm which is in use for active slots. If your firewall limits communication by target IP address, you might perform a lookup for the addresses of these hostnames; however, keep in mind that Sun reserves the right to change the IP addresses of these hostnames.


How does Sun SFT encrypt the information that it sends to Sun?


Sun SFT uses 128-bit SSL encryption.

Man Pages


Where are the Sun SFT man pages located?


Sun SFT man pages are distributed with the Sun SFT Solaris package.

To access the man pages, you can use either of the following commands:

Support and Contact Information


Where can I find more support for the Sun™ Secure File Transport software?


Use SunSolve ( to find patches, application notes, and troubleshooting guides for Sun SFT and other Sun Services tools.


Where can I submit my comments and suggestions about the Sun™ Secure File Transport?


You can use the following email alias to send your Sun SFT— related comments:


Where do I go for support for Sun Secure File Transport?


End users with maintenance contracts can go to the Customer Care Center:


Where can I obtain status and outage information about Sun Secure File Transport service?


You can obtain this type of Sun SFT information at: