Sun GlassFish Communications Server 2.0 High Availability Administration Guide
 AddressList, and default JMS host ( Index Term Link )
 Administration Console
  using to configure the JMS Service ( Index Term Link )
  using to create JMS hosts ( Index Term Link )
  converged load balancing ( Index Term Link )
  RMI-IIOP failover ( Index Term Link )
 alternate endpoints, RMI-IIOP failover ( Index Term Link )
 and element ( Index Term Link )
 asadmin create-jms-host command ( Index Term Link )
 asadmin get command ( Index Term Link )
 asadmin set command ( Index Term Link )
 authentication realms, node agent ( Index Term Link )
  EJB container level ( Index Term Link )
  enabling and disabling ( Index Term Link )
  for stateful session beans ( Index Term Link )
  for web modules ( Index Term Link )
  levels of ( Index Term Link )
 central repository, node agent synchronization with ( Index Term Link )
 checkpoint-at-end-of-method element ( Index Term Link )
 checkpointing ( Index Term Link )
  selecting methods for ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 checkpointing of stateful session bean state ( Index Term Link )
 cluster, self-load-balancing ( Index Term Link )
 clustered server instances, configurations ( Index Term Link )
 clusters ( Index Term Link )
  shared ( Index Term Link )
  standalone ( Index Term Link )
 configurations., See named configurations
 cookie-based session stickiness ( Index Term Link )
 cookie element ( Index Term Link )
 create-node-agent command ( Index Term Link )
 data centric rules file ( Index Term Link )
  variables ( Index Term Link )
 DCR file ( Index Term Link )
  variables ( Index Term Link )
 default-config configuration ( Index Term Link )
 delete-node-agent command ( Index Term Link )
  rolling upgrade ( Index Term Link )
  setting availability during ( Index Term Link )
 disabling, server instances for load balancing ( Index Term Link )
 distributable web applications ( Index Term Link )
 distributed HTTP sessions ( Index Term Link )
 distributed SIP sessions ( Index Term Link )
 Domain Administration Server
  node agent synchronization ( Index Term Link )
  server instance synchronization ( Index Term Link )
 EJB container, availability in ( Index Term Link )
 else element ( Index Term Link )
 enabling, server instances for load balancing ( Index Term Link )
 endpoints, RMI-IIOP failover ( Index Term Link )
 equal element ( Index Term Link )
 exist element ( Index Term Link )
  about converged ( Index Term Link )
  for web module sessions ( Index Term Link )
  JMS connection ( Index Term Link )
  of stateful session bean state ( Index Term Link )
  RMI-IIOP requirements ( Index Term Link )
 failure detection, GMS ( Index Term Link )
 fd-protocol-max—tries setting ( Index Term Link )
 fd-protocol-timeout-in-millis setting ( Index Term Link )
 GMS ( Index Term Link )
  and converged load balancing ( Index Term Link )
  settings ( Index Term Link )
 Group Management Service, See GMS
 hardware IP sprayer ( Index Term Link )
 header element ( Index Term Link )
 health-checker, for converged load balancer ( Index Term Link )
 HTTP_LISTENER_PORT property ( Index Term Link )
 http-rules element ( Index Term Link )
 HTTP sessions ( Index Term Link )
  distributed ( Index Term Link )
 HTTP_SSL_LISTENER_PORT property ( Index Term Link )
 if element ( Index Term Link )
 IIOP_LISTENER_PORT property ( Index Term Link )
 IIOP_SSL_MUTUALAUTH_PORT property ( Index Term Link )
 IOP_SSL_LISTENER_PORT property ( Index Term Link )
 IP sprayer ( Index Term Link )
  configuring ( Index Term Link )
  connection failover ( Index Term Link )
  connection pooling ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  creating hosts ( Index Term Link )
 JMS host list, and connections ( Index Term Link )
 JMX listeners, node agent ( Index Term Link )
 JMX_SYSTEM_CONNECTOR_PORT property ( Index Term Link )
 load balancing
  converged, about ( Index Term Link )
  converged load balancing algorithm ( Index Term Link )
  disabling server instances for ( Index Term Link )
  health checking using GMS ( Index Term Link )
  load balancer configuration ( Index Term Link )
  log messages ( Index Term Link )
  RMI-IIOP requirements ( Index Term Link )
  self-load-balancing cluster ( Index Term Link )
  setup ( Index Term Link )
  load balancer ( Index Term Link )
  viewing the node agent log ( Index Term Link )
 match element ( Index Term Link )
 named configurations
  about ( Index Term Link )
  default-config ( Index Term Link )
  default names ( Index Term Link )
  port numbers and ( Index Term Link )
  shared ( Index Term Link )
 node agents
  about ( Index Term Link )
  auth realm ( Index Term Link )
  creating ( Index Term Link )
  deleting ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  deployment ( Index Term Link )
  installation ( Index Term Link )
  JMX listener ( Index Term Link )
  logs ( Index Term Link )
  placeholders ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  starting ( Index Term Link )
  stopping ( Index Term Link )
  synchronizing with Domain Administration Server ( Index Term Link )
 notexist element ( Index Term Link )
 or element ( Index Term Link )
 persistence, session ( Index Term Link )
 persistence store, for stateful session bean state ( Index Term Link )
 ping-protocol setting ( Index Term Link )
 port numbers, and configurations ( Index Term Link )
 primary endpoints, RMI-IIOP failover ( Index Term Link )
 realms, node agent authentication ( Index Term Link )
 redeployment, rolling upgrade ( Index Term Link )
 request-uri element ( Index Term Link )
 rolling upgrade ( Index Term Link )
 self-load-balancing cluster ( Index Term Link )
 server, clusters ( Index Term Link )
 server instances, disabling for load balancing ( Index Term Link )
 session-case element ( Index Term Link )
 session persistence
  and single sign-on ( Index Term Link )
  for stateful session beans ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  for web modules ( Index Term Link )
 session store
  for HTTP sessions ( Index Term Link )
  for SIP sessions ( Index Term Link )
  for stateful session beans ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  HTTP ( Index Term Link )
  persistence ( Index Term Link )
 settings, GMS failure detection ( Index Term Link )
 single sign-on, and session persistence ( Index Term Link )
 SIP container, availability in ( Index Term Link )
 sip-rules element ( Index Term Link )
 SIP sessions, distributed ( Index Term Link )
 start-node-agent command ( Index Term Link )
 stateful session beans ( Index Term Link )
  session persistence ( Index Term Link )
  session persistence of ( Index Term Link )
 stop-node-agent command ( Index Term Link )
 sun-ejb-jar.xml file ( Index Term Link )
 Sun Java System Message Queue, connector for ( Index Term Link )
  and session persistence ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 upgrade, rolling ( Index Term Link )
 user-centric-rules element ( Index Term Link )
 variables, data centric rules file ( Index Term Link )
 vs-protocol-timeout-in-millis setting ( Index Term Link )
 web applications, distributable ( Index Term Link )
 web container, availability in ( Index Term Link )