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Writing Device Drivers     Oracle Solaris 11 Express 11/10
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Part I Designing Device Drivers for the Oracle Solaris Platform

1.  Overview of Oracle Solaris Device Drivers

2.  Oracle Solaris Kernel and Device Tree

3.  Multithreading

4.  Properties

5.  Managing Events and Queueing Tasks

6.  Driver Autoconfiguration

7.  Device Access: Programmed I/O

8.  Interrupt Handlers

9.  Direct Memory Access (DMA)

10.  Mapping Device and Kernel Memory

11.  Device Context Management

12.  Power Management

13.  Hardening Oracle Solaris Drivers

14.  Layered Driver Interface (LDI)

Part II Designing Specific Kinds of Device Drivers

15.  Drivers for Character Devices

16.  Drivers for Block Devices

17.  SCSI Target Drivers

18.  SCSI Host Bus Adapter Drivers

19.  Drivers for Network Devices

20.  USB Drivers

Part III Building a Device Driver

21.  Compiling, Loading, Packaging, and Testing Drivers

22.  Debugging, Testing, and Tuning Device Drivers

23.  Recommended Coding Practices

Part IV Appendixes

A.  Hardware Overview

B.  Summary of Oracle Solaris DDI/DKI Services

Module Functions

Device Information Tree Node (dev_info_t) Functions

Device (dev_t) Functions

Property Functions

Device Software State Functions

Memory Allocation and Deallocation Functions

Kernel Thread Control and Synchronization Functions

Task Queue Management Functions

Interrupt Functions

Programmed I/O Functions

Direct Memory Access (DMA) Functions

User Space Access Functions

User Process Event Functions

User Process Information Functions

User Application Kernel and Device Access Functions

Time-Related Functions

Power Management Functions

Fault Management Functions

Kernel Statistics Functions

Kernel Logging and Printing Functions

Buffered I/O Functions

Virtual Memory Functions

Device ID Functions

SCSI Functions

Resource Map Management Functions

System Global State

Utility Functions

C.  Making a Device Driver 64-Bit Ready

D.  Console Frame Buffer Drivers


Fault Management Functions

The fault management functions are:


Allocates and initializes resources based on declared fault management capabilities


Cleans up resources that were allocated for this device instance to support fault management capabilities declared to ddi_fm_init()


Returns the capability bit mask currently set for this device instance


Registers an error handler callback routine with the IO Fault Management framework


Removes an error handler callback routine that was registered with ddi_fm_handler_register()


Returns the error status for an access handle


Returns the error status for a DMA handle


Clears the error status for an access handle


Clears the error status for a DMA handle


Queues an encoded fault management error report name-value pair list for delivery to the Fault Manager daemon, fmd(1M)


Reports the impact of an error


Initializes support for error report generation and sets up the resources for subsequent accesses to PCI, PCI/X, or PCI Express configuration space


Releases any resources allocated and setup by pci_ereport_setup() for this device instance


Scans for and posts any PCI, PCI/X, or PCI Express bus errors