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Oracle® On Track Communication SDK Documentation
Release 1(1.0)


Uses of Class

Packages that use XRealmInfo
waggle.common.modules.realm Realm Module API. 
waggle.common.modules.realm.infos Data transfer objects defined by the Realm Module API. 


Uses of XRealmInfo in waggle.common.modules.realm


Methods in waggle.common.modules.realm that return XRealmInfo
 XRealmInfo XRealmModule.Server.createLDAPRealm(String realmName, XUpdater updater)
          Create an LDAP Realm.
 XRealmInfo XRealmModule.Server.getRealm(XObjectID realmID)
          Get Realm.
 XRealmInfo XRealmModule.Server.updateRealm(XObjectID realmID, XUpdater updater)
          Update the Realm.


Methods in waggle.common.modules.realm that return types with arguments of type XRealmInfo
 List<XRealmInfo> XRealmModule.Server.getRealms()
          Return a list of all Realms.


Uses of XRealmInfo in waggle.common.modules.realm.infos


Subclasses of XRealmInfo in waggle.common.modules.realm.infos
 class XRealmDatabaseInfo
          Realm Database Information DTO.
 class XRealmExternalInfo
          Realm External Information DTO.
 class XRealmInternalInfo
          Realm Internal Information DTO.
 class XRealmLDAPInfo
          Realm LDAP Information DTO.


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Oracle® On Track Communication SDK Documentation
Release 1(1.0)


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