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Configuring JMS Clients for Oracle Java CAPS     Java CAPS Documentation
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Configuring Java CAPS JMS Clients

Configuring JMS Clients

To Configure a JMS Client

Root Properties

Basic Properties

Redelivery Handling Properties

Advanced Properties

Redelivery Handling Properties

Redelivery has to do with the way messages are re-delivered after previous attempts at delivery have failed. You can override the default behavior of the message redelivery process by configuring your own custom characteristics for the JMS client. Additional details are given in the Java CAPS JMS Reference , including an alternate method of configuring redelivery.

Figure 5 JMS Client Redelivery Handling Properties Dialog Box (Consumer)

image:Screen capture of Redelivery Handling Configuration Properties dialog for JMS Consumer.

Table 3 JMS Client Redelivery Handling Configuration Properties

Applies to
All consumers
Specifies the delay(s) to apply following a number of retries. The format is <retries:delay>, where the number of retries is counted from the original rollback and the delay time is in milliseconds. The maximum allowed delay is five seconds (5000 ms). Progressive delays can be specified by concatenating retry:delay pairs separated by a comma and a space.
Move/Delete after N times
All consumers
Specifies the number of retries to allow before moving (redirecting) or deleting the message. The number of retries is counted from the original rollback.
All consumers
Specifies whether to move (redirect) or delete the message after the number of retries specified by the previous property. The default is no final action, which specifies continued retries until received.
Move to queue/topic
All consumers
Specifies whether to redirect to a queue or a topic, when move is selected as an action. The default is auto, which specifies redirection to a destination of the same type as the producer.
Move to destination name
All consumers
Specifies a name for the destination to which the message is to be redirected. The special character <$> specifies the original destination name.