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Configuring Environment Components for Oracle Java CAPS Communications Adapters     Java CAPS Documentation
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Configuring Java CAPS Environment Components for Communications Adapters

Configuring Adapter Environment Properties

To Add an External System to the Environment

To Configure the Environment Properties

TCP/IP Adapter Environment Properties

TCPIP Server (Inbound) Adapter - General Inbound Settings

TCPIP Server (Inbound) Adapter - TCPIP Inbound Settings

TCPIP Server (Inbound) Adapter - MDB Pool Settings

TCPIP Client (Outbound) Adapter - General Outbound Settings

TCPIP Client (Outbound) Adapter - TCPIP Outbound Settings

TCPIP Client (Outbound) Adapter - Connection Pool Settings

EMail Adapter Environment Properties

Inbound Email Adapter => Connection Settings

Inbound Email Adapter => SSL

Inbound Email Adapter => SSL => CACerts

Inbound Email Adapter => MDB Settings

Outbound Email Adapter => Connection Settings => Send SMTP

Outbound Email Adapter => Connection Settings => Receive POP3

Outbound Email Adapter => SSL

Outbound Email Adapter => SSL => CACerts

File Adapter Environment Properties

Inbound File Adapter - Parameter Settings

Inbound File Adapter - MDB Settings

Outbound File Adapter - Parameter Settings

MSMQ Adapter Environment Properties

Inbound MSMQ Adapter -- MSMQ Environment

Inbound MSMQ Adapter -- MDB Settings

Inbound MSMQ Adapter -- Connection Retry Settings

Outbound MSMQ Adapter -- MSMQ Environment

Outbound MSMQ Adapter -- Connection Retry Settings

CICS Adapter Environment Properties

Oracle Java CAPS CICS Listener

CICS Gateway

CICS Client


Connection Retry Settings

Connection Pool Settings

COM/DCOM Adapter Environment Properties

HTTPS Adapter Environment Properties

Property Categories Configured in the Application Server Environment

HTTPS Adapter HTTP Settings

HTTPS Adapter Proxy Configuration

To Edit the Property Permission Utility of the server.policy File

HTTPS Adapter Security

HTTPS Adapter Authentication


Additional SSL Section Notes

Verify Hostname

HTTPS Adapter Connection Pool Settings

IMS Adapter Environment Properties

IMS Adapter TCP/IP Configuration

IMS Adapter IRM Header

Configuring the Client ID for the IMS Adapter

Duplicate Client IDs

IMS Adapter Serial Mode Settings

IMS Adapter Connection Retry Settings

IMS Adapter Connection Pool Settings

LDAP Adapter Properties

LDAP Adapter Connection Properties

LDAP Adapter Security/SSL Properties

LDAP Adapter Connection Retry Settings

LDAP Adapter Connection Pool Settings

Configuring the SNA Adapter Environment Properties

Property Categories Configured in the Application Server Environment

SNALU62 Inbound Adapter Properties

SNA Settings

General Settings

MDB Pool Settings

SNALU62 Outbound Adapter Properties

SNA Settings

General Settings

Connection Pool Settings

CICS Adapter Environment Properties

The CICS Adapter configuration parameters, accessed from the NetBeans Services window, are organized into the following sections:

Oracle Java CAPS CICS Listener

The Oracle Java CAPS CICS Listener section of the CICS Environment properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in the following table.

Table 23 Environment Properties - Oracle Java CAPS CICS Listener Section

Required Value
Specifies the name of the mainframe host you are connecting.
Enter CICS.

The value always defaults to CICS for CICS connections.

Specifies the TCP/IP port where the Oracle Java CAPS CICS Listener (and the CICS Listener) is listening. This is the port to which the CICS Adapter will connect.
The TCP/IP port to which Oracle Java CAPS CICS Listener is listening.
Oracle Java CAPS CICS Listener TransId
Specifies the Oracle Java CAPS CICS Listener TransId on the mainframe host. This is the CICS Transaction that the Oracle Java CAPS CICS Listener is installed under.
The valid TransId of the Oracle Java CAPS CICS Listener.

The default is STCL.

Start Type
Specifies the startup type. This can be either IC for CICS interval control, or TD for CICS transient data. This is the CICS Startup type for the program being executed.
Select IC or TD .

The default value is IC.

Start Delay
Specifies the hours, minutes and seconds (interval of time) to delay starting the transaction program (TP) on the CICS server for the IC Start Type. This field is optional, but must specify all 6 digits if used.
A 6 digit integer. All 6 digits must be given if this is specified (for example, 123456).

The default value is 000000.

Listener Timeout
Specifies the amount of time (in milliseconds) for the Oracle Java CAPS CICS Listener to wait for the next incoming transaction program request from the CICS Adapter.
A number indicating the Listener timeout in milliseconds (for example, 120000 milliseconds equals 2 minutes).
TP Timeout
Specifies the amount of time the CICS Adapter will wait for the Oracle Java CAPS CICS Listener to return results for a current transaction program request.
A number indicating the TP Timeout in milliseconds (for example, 120000 milliseconds equals 2 minutes).
Polling Rate
Specifies the polling rate. This is the number of times the Oracle Java CAPS CICS Listener queries the current TCP connection for incoming traffic before issuing an EXEC CICS DELAY for one second.
An integer indicating the Oracle Java CAPS CICS Listener polling rate.
Transport Timeout
Specifies the timeout used by both the local and host side for send or receive.
A number indicating the Transport Timeout in milliseconds (for example, 5000 milliseconds equals 5 seconds).
COMMAREA Padding Character
Specifies the EBCDIC code for the character used by the SBYND listener to pad the COMMAREA at the CICS server when the actual length of the payload in the COMMAREA is shorter than the length given by CommAreaLength. The default value is hexadecimal 40 - EBCDIC space.
A character value coded in Hexadecimal. For example: 40 for Blanks, 00 for Low Values, FF for High Values, and so forth.

The default value is 40.

Specifies the Send Buffer Size (in bytes) for the underlying socket.
A number indicating the Buffer Size in bytes (for example, 2048 bytes equals 2 KB).
Specifies the Receive Buffer Size (in bytes) for the underlying socket (provided as a hint).
A number indicating the Receive Buffer Size in bytes (for example, 10240 bytes equals 10 kilobytes).
Specifies whether the system can delay connections or requests. Generally, True (no delay) is required for high-volume or critical transactions. In cases of low-volume and noncritical transactions, you can use False. (Specifies whether to disable Nagle’s Algorithm.)
Enter Trueor False.

True is the default.

Specifies whether to enable the socket’s SO_KEEPALIVE option when it creates a socket connection to the CICS listener. SO_KEEPALIVE maintains active connections by enabling periodic transmission of messages (if this is supported by the protocol). If the connected socket fails to respond to these messages, the connection is broken and the processes writing to that socket are notified with an ENETRESET errno. This option takes an int value in the optval argument. This is a BOOL option.

The socket’s SO_KEEPALIVE option is used to enable pinging of the connection to the peer during connection to keep the connection “alive”. This is used to prevent connections from going idle and timing out.

SO_KEEPALIVE periodically sends a message to the connection socket of the peer to ensure that the connection is still “alive” (active). One of three responses is expected:

  1. The peer responds with the expected ACK. The application is not notified (since everything is OK). TCP will send another probe following another 2 hours of inactivity.

  2. The peer responds with an RST, which tells the local TCP that the peer host has crashed and rebooted. The socket is closed.

  3. The peer fails to return a response. The socket is closed. The purpose of this option is to detect whether the peer host has crashed.

Enter True to enable SO_KEEPALIVE, or False to disable the option.

True is the configured default.

CICS Gateway

The CICS Gateway section of the CICS Environment properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in the following table.

Table 24 Environment Properties - CICS Gateway Section

Required Value
Specifies the remote or local Gateway to which you are connecting.

Note - This parameter requires specific JAR files when using local: as the value.

The default value local:, does not work with CTG running on z/OS. For CTG running on a z/OS system, the URL property value must be set to localhost or to the server name.

The remote or local Gateway node name or IP address.

The configured default is local.

Specifies the TCP/IP port where CTG is running.
An number indicating the TCP/IP port.
Specifies a server to use from the servers listed in the CTG configuration.
The name of a server as specified in the CTG server list. If this value is left blank, the first server specified in the list is used by default.
SSL KeyRing Class
Specifies the classname of the SSL KeyRing class.
The full classname of the SSL KeyRing class.
SSL KeyRing Password
Specifies the password for the encrypted KeyRing class.
The password for the SSL KeyRing class.

CICS Client

The CICS Gateway section of the CICS Environment properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in the following table.

Table 25 Environment Properties - CICS Client Section

Required Value
Specifies the ID of the CICS user. Maximum length is eight characters.
A CICS user ID that uses eight characters or less.
CICS Password
Specifies the password for the CICS user. Maximum length is eight characters.
A password of eight characters or less.


The Tracing section of the CICS Environment properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in the following table.

Table 26 Environment Properties - Tracing Section

Required Value
CTG specific. Specifies the level of trace information recorded available. The options are:

0: None. No CICS Java client application tracing.

1: Standard. Only the first 128 bytes of any data block (for example the COMMAREA, or network flows) are displayed by default. This trace level is equivalent to the Gateway trace set by the ctgstart -trace option. (This can also be set using the system property gateway.T.trace=on).

2: Full Debug. Traces out the whole of any data blocks by default. The trace contains more information about CICS Transaction Gateway than the standard trace level. This trace level is equivalent to the Gateway debug trace set by the ctgstart -x option. (This can also set using the system property gateway.T=on).

3: Exception Stacks. Traces most Java exceptions, including exception which are expected during normal operation of the CICS Transaction Gateway. No other tracing is written. This trace level is equivalent to the Gateway stack trace set by the ctgstart -stack option. (This can also set using the system property gateway.T.stack=on).

An integer from 0 to 3 that indicates the specified trace information level.

The configured default is 0.

CTG specific. Specifies a file location for writing the trace output. This is an alternative to the default output on stderr. Long filenames must be surrounded by quotation marks; for example, "trace output file.log".

Note - The filename can also be set using the system property gateway.T.setTFile=xxx, where xxx is a filename.

The output file name.
Truncation Size
CTG specific. Specifies the maximum size of any data blocks written in the trace.

Note - The truncation size can also be set using the system property gateway.T.setTruncationSize=xxx, where xxx is a number.

A number indicating the maximum data block size.

A value of 0 indicates that no data blocks will be written in the trace. No value (leaving the property blank) indicates that no truncation size is specified.

Dump Offset
CTG specific. Specifies the offset from which the display of any data blocks will start.

Note - The dump offset can also be set using the system property gateway.T.setDumpOffset=xxx, where xxx is a number.

CTG specific. Specifies the offset from which the display of any data blocks will start.
Specifies whether or not to display timestamps in the trace.
Select On or Off.

On indicates that the timestamp is displayed in the trace.

The default setting is On.

Note - Timing can also set using the system property gateway.T.timing=on.

Connection Retry Settings

The Connection Retry Settings section of the CICS Environment properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in the following table.

Table 27 Environment Properties - Connection Retry Settings Section

Required Value
Maximum Retries
Specifies the maximum number of connection retries.
A number indicating the number of times the Adapter will try to establish a connection.

The configured default is 5.

Retry Interval [ms]
Specifies the number of milliseconds to wait between connection retries.
A number indicating the time (in milliseconds) that the Adapter waits between connection attempts.

The configured default is 5000 (or 5 seconds).

Connection Pool Settings

The Connection Pool Settings section of the CICS Environment properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in the following table.

Table 28 Environment Properties - Connection Pool Settings Section

Required Value
Steady Pool Size
Specifies the initial and minimum number of connections to be maintained.
A number indicating the initial and minimum number of connections to be maintained.

The configured default is 2.

MaxPool Size
Specifies the maximum size of the connection to EIS.
A number indicating the maximum size of the connection to EIS.

The configured default is 10.