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Configuring Environment Components for Oracle Java CAPS Communications Adapters     Java CAPS Documentation
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Configuring Java CAPS Environment Components for Communications Adapters

Configuring Adapter Environment Properties

To Add an External System to the Environment

To Configure the Environment Properties

TCP/IP Adapter Environment Properties

TCPIP Server (Inbound) Adapter - General Inbound Settings

TCPIP Server (Inbound) Adapter - TCPIP Inbound Settings

TCPIP Server (Inbound) Adapter - MDB Pool Settings

TCPIP Client (Outbound) Adapter - General Outbound Settings

TCPIP Client (Outbound) Adapter - TCPIP Outbound Settings

TCPIP Client (Outbound) Adapter - Connection Pool Settings

EMail Adapter Environment Properties

Inbound Email Adapter => Connection Settings

Inbound Email Adapter => SSL

Inbound Email Adapter => SSL => CACerts

Inbound Email Adapter => MDB Settings

Outbound Email Adapter => Connection Settings => Send SMTP

Outbound Email Adapter => Connection Settings => Receive POP3

Outbound Email Adapter => SSL

Outbound Email Adapter => SSL => CACerts

File Adapter Environment Properties

Inbound File Adapter - Parameter Settings

Inbound File Adapter - MDB Settings

Outbound File Adapter - Parameter Settings

MSMQ Adapter Environment Properties

Inbound MSMQ Adapter -- MSMQ Environment

Inbound MSMQ Adapter -- MDB Settings

Inbound MSMQ Adapter -- Connection Retry Settings

Outbound MSMQ Adapter -- MSMQ Environment

Outbound MSMQ Adapter -- Connection Retry Settings

CICS Adapter Environment Properties

Oracle Java CAPS CICS Listener

CICS Gateway

CICS Client


Connection Retry Settings

Connection Pool Settings

COM/DCOM Adapter Environment Properties

HTTPS Adapter Environment Properties

Property Categories Configured in the Application Server Environment

HTTPS Adapter HTTP Settings

HTTPS Adapter Proxy Configuration

To Edit the Property Permission Utility of the server.policy File

HTTPS Adapter Security

HTTPS Adapter Authentication


Additional SSL Section Notes

Verify Hostname

HTTPS Adapter Connection Pool Settings

IMS Adapter Environment Properties

IMS Adapter TCP/IP Configuration

IMS Adapter IRM Header

Configuring the Client ID for the IMS Adapter

Duplicate Client IDs

IMS Adapter Serial Mode Settings

IMS Adapter Connection Retry Settings

IMS Adapter Connection Pool Settings

LDAP Adapter Properties

LDAP Adapter Connection Properties

LDAP Adapter Security/SSL Properties

LDAP Adapter Connection Retry Settings

LDAP Adapter Connection Pool Settings

Configuring the SNA Adapter Environment Properties

Property Categories Configured in the Application Server Environment

SNALU62 Inbound Adapter Properties

SNA Settings

General Settings

MDB Pool Settings

SNALU62 Outbound Adapter Properties

SNA Settings

General Settings

Connection Pool Settings

LDAP Adapter Properties

The Adapter External System consists of the following properties categories.

LDAP Adapter Connection Properties

The LDAP Adapter Connection Section Properties allow you to define the connection to the LDAP system.

Table 39 LDAP Adapter— Connection Settings

Required Value
Allows you to select the authentication to be used (none or simple). Select the desired authentication as follows:
  • None: No authentication, that is, an anonymous login. If you use this setting, ensure that the LDAP server supports anonymous logins.

  • Simple: Authentication is based on a user name and password. You must provide the user name and password in the appropriate fields (Principal and Credentials).

Select None or Simple.

The default is None.

Allows you to enter the credentials needed when using an authentication mechanism other than anonymous login (authentication = None).
The appropriate credentials, in the form of a valid password.
Allows you to enter the factory to be used for creating the initial context for the LDAP server. By default, the LDAP service provider provided as part of the Java Software Developers’ Kit (SDK) is used.
A valid Java factory name; the default is:

It is recommended that you do not change this value unless you want to use an LDAP service provider other than the default.

Allows you to specify the principal needed when using an authentication mechanism other than anonymous login (authentication = None).
The fully qualified Distinguished Name (DN) of the user, for example:
Allows you to specify the URL of the LDAP Server.
A valid URL with the protocol as ldap.

LDAP Adapter Security/SSL Properties

The LDAP Adapter Security/SSL Section Properties are used to set the basic security features for SSL. For more information on SSL Section properties, refer to Additional Security/SSL Property Notes in Configuring Project Components for Oracle Java CAPS Communication Adapters.

Table 40 LDAP Adapter— Security/SSL Settings

Required Value
JSSE Provider Class
Specifies the fully qualified name of the JSSE provider class. For more information, see the Oracle documentation site.
The name of a valid JSSE provider class; the default is:

If you are running the application server on AIX, specify:
Specifies the default KeyStore file. The keystore is used for key/certificate management when establishing SSL connections.
A valid package location; there is no default value.
KeyStore password
Specifies the default KeyStore password. The password is used to access the KeyStore used for key/certificate management when establishing SSL connections; there is no default.
A valid KeyStore password. There is no default value.
KeyStore type
Allows you to specify the default KeyStore type. The keystore type is used for key/certificate management when establishing SSL connections. If the KeyStore type is not specified, the default KeyStore type, JKS, is used.
A valid KeyStore type.
KeyStore username
The user name for accessing the keystore used for key/certificate management when establishing SSL connections.

Note - If the keystore type is PKCS12 or JKS, the keystore user name property is not used. PKCS12 and JKS keystore types require passwords for access but do not require user names. If you enter a value for this property, it is ignored for PKCS12 and JKS.

A valid KeyStore user name.
SSL Connection Type
Allows you to specify the type of SSL connection to be used.
Select None, Enable SSL, or TLS On Demand. Enter the desired value as follows:
  • None: No SSL, simple plain connection.

  • Enable SSL: SSL is enabled. All communication to the LDAP server uses a secure communication channel.

Note - If you are using the Enable SSL option, the ProviderURL property must point to a secure LDAP port (the default is 636).

For additional information on required values for this property, see SSL Connection Type.

SSL Protocol
The SSL protocol to use when establishing an SSL connection with the LDAP server.
Select one of the following:
  • TLS

  • TLSv1

  • SSLv3

  • SSLv2

  • SSL

Specifies the default TrustStore. The TrustStore is used for CA certificate management when establishing SSL connections.
A valid TrustStore file; there is no default value.
TrustStore password
Allows you to specify the default TrustStore password. The password is for accessing the TrustStore used for CA certificate management when establishing SSL connections.
A valid TrustStore password; there is no default value.
TrustStore type
Allows you to specify the TrustStore type of the TrustStore used for CA certificate management when establishing an SSL connection. If the TrustStore type is not specified, the default TrustStore type, JKS, is used.
A valid TrustStore type.
Verify hostname
Determines whether the host name verification is done on the server certificate during the SSL handshake.

You can use this property to enforce strict checking of the server host name in the request URL and the host name in the received server certificate.

Select True or False.

The default is False.

For additional information on required values for this property, see Verify Hostname.

X509 Algorithm Name
Specifies the X509 algorithm name to use for the trust and key manager factories.
The name of a valid X509 algorithm.

The default is SunX509.

If you are running the application server on AIX, specify IbmX509.

LDAP Adapter Connection Retry Settings

The LDAP Adapter Connection Retry Settings properties include the following parameters:

Table 41 LDAP External Adapter Properties— Connection Retry Settings

Required Value
Maximum Retries
Maximum number of retries to establish a connection upon failure to acquire one.
There is no required value.

The default value is 5.

Retry Interval
The number of Milliseconds to wait between connection retries.
Any valid number.

The default value is 10000.

LDAP Adapter Connection Pool Settings

The LDAP Adapter Connection Pool Settings properties include the following parameters:

Table 42 LDAP External Adapter Properties— Connection Pool Settings

Required Value
Steady Pool Size
The minimum number of connections that must be maintained in the pool.
The default value is 1.
Maximum Pool Size
The maximum number of connections allowed in the pool. 0 (zero) indicates that there is no maximum.
The default value is 10.
Maximum Idle Timeout
The maximum time in Seconds that a connection can remain idle in the pool. Zero indicates that there is no limit.
The default value is 300.

Note - The current Connection Pool behavior of LDAP Adapter uses the steady pool size from the Environment and the outbound LDAP connection from the Connectivity Map properties. The two values are multiplied to determine the number of connection established at runtime.

As an example, the properties are set to the following values:

  1. Steady Pool Size is 3.

  2. Outbound LDAP connections used in the Connectivity Map is 5.

    At runtime, 3*5=15 connections are established.