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Alert Codes and Error Messages for Oracle Java CAPS JBI Components     Java CAPS Documentation
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JBI Component Alert Codes and Error Messages

BPEL Service Engine Alert Codes

Intelligent Event Processor Service Engine Alert Codes

Java EE Service Engine Alert Codes

XSLT Service Engine Alert Codes

Database Binding Component Alert Codes

File Binding Component Alert Codes

FTP Binding Component Alert Codes

HL7 Binding Component Alert Codes

HTTP Binding Component Alert Codes

JMS Binding Component Alert Codes

LDAP Binding Component Alert Codes

Scheduler Binding Component Alert Codes

XSLT Service Engine Logging Codes

Email Binding Component Logging Codes

HL7 Encoder Logging Codes

POJO Service Engine Logging Codes

Scheduler Binding Component Logging Codes

Component Toolkit Logging Codes

Common Utility Logging Codes

Quality of Service Logging Codes

Runtime Framework Error Messages

Runtime NMR Error Messages

Runtime Management Error Messages

Runtime Management Facade Error Messages

Runtime Application Verifier Error Messages

Runtime Common Client Error Messages

Runtime Utility Error Messages

Runtime Command-Line Interface Error Messages

Runtime Command-Line Interface Error Messages

File Binding Component Alert Codes

The following table lists each alert code generated by the File Binding Component and describes the cause of the alert along with the recommended action for you to take.

Alert Code
Alert Text, Cause, and Action
Service unit {0} failed to deploy, an exception was raised. {1}

Cause: Exception caught during deployment of a service unit.

Action: The action to take depends on the type of alert:

  1. Endpoint lock registration error:

    • Persistence base directory exists but not a directory (FILEBC-E00211).

      Remove the non-directory entry that conflicts with the configured persistence base location or set the PersistenceBaseLoc to other path.

    • mkdir failed for the persistence base directory (FILEBC-E00212).

      Check the file system for permission, entry name conflict, and so on.

    • Failed to register per endpoint lock (FILEBC-E00210).

  2. Service unit deployment throws an exception:

    • Application variable or application configuration resolution error.

      Check the corresponding application variable definitions and application configuration definitions on the target application server, as well as the tokens in related WSDL files, for any undefined application variables, application configurations, and so on. Also check for any mismatch of references and their definitions.

    • For other exceptions, analyze further depending on the exception message and other related messages in the server log.

Service unit {0} failed to initialize, an exception was raised. {1}

Cause: Exception caught when initializing the service unit.

Action: The action to take depends on the type of alert:

  1. Endpoint lock registration error:

    • Persistence base directory exists but not a directory (FILEBC-E00211).

      Remove the non-directory entry that conflicts with the configured persistence base location or set the PersistenceBaseLoc to other path.

    • mkdir failed for the persistence base directory (FILEBC-E00212).

      Check the file system for permission, entry name conflict, and so on.

    • Failed to register per endpoint lock (FILEBC-E00210).

  2. Endpoint validation error or endpoint uniqueness checking:

    Reconfigure endpoint accordingly if validation error occurs

  3. Service unit deployment throws an exception:

    • Application variable or application configuration resolution error.

      Check the corresponding application variable definitions and application configuration definitions on the target application server, as well as the tokens in related WSDL files, for any undefined application variables, application configurations, and so on. Also check for any mismatch of references and their definitions.

    • Encoder reference error.

      Check message encoded settings for the endpoint (operation) and the availability of the corresponding encoder library.

    • For other exceptions, analyze further depending on the exception message and other related messages in the server log.

Service unit {0} failed pre-processing (inbound endpoint locks registration), an exception was raised. {1}

Cause: An exception caught during register per endpoint lock before staring the service unit.

Action: Check the exception details in server log and correct the error as described below.

  • The persistence base directory exists but not a directory (FILEBC-E00211).

    Remove the non-directory entry that conflicts with the configured persistence base location or set the PersistenceBaseLoc to another path.

  • mkdir failed for the persistence base directory (FILEBC-E00212).

    Check the file system for permission, entry name conflict, and so on.

  • Failed to register per endpoint lock (FILEBC-E00210).

Service unit {0} failed to start, an exception was raised. {1}

Cause: An exception was caught while starting the service unit.

Action: Check the exception details and related error messages in the server log to correct the error.

Service unit {0} failed to stop, an exception was raised. {1}

Cause: An exception was caught while stopping the service unit.

Action: Check the exception details and related error messages in the server log to correct the error.

Service unit {0} failed post-processing after stop, an exception was raised. {1}

Cause: An exception was caught while cleaning up registered locks for the endpoints in the service unit.

Action: Cleanup includes de-registering lock entries and destination entries associated with endpoints in the service unit, and closing the IO channels for the lock files. Take the appropriate action according to the details of the error.

Service unit {0} failed to shut down, an exception was raised. {1}

Cause: An exception was caught while shutting down the service unit.

Action: Check the exception details and related error messages in the server log to correct the error.

Service unit {0} failed shutdown postprocessing, an exception was raised. {1}

Cause: An exception was caught while cleaning up registered locks for the endpoints in the service unit.

Action: Cleanup includes de-registering lock entries and destination entries associated with endpoints in the service units, and closing the IO channels for the lock files. Take the appropriate action according to the detail of the error.

Status provider MBean registration failed, an exception was raised. {0}

Cause: An error occurred while registering the MBean for collecting message exchange statistics. Component initialization failed.

Action: Check the error details in the server log to determine how to correct the error, and then redeploy or restart the component.

Configuration MBean registration failed, an exception was raised. {0}

Cause: An error occurred while registering the MBean for runtime configuration. Component initialization failed.

Action: Check the error details in the server log to determine how to correct the error, and then redeploy or restart the component.

An exception occurred while attempting to register the management MBean: {0}

Cause: An error occurred while registering the MBean for component administration (list endpoints, suspend, resume endpoints, and so on). Component initialization failed.

Action: Check the error details in the server log to determine how to correct the error, and then redeploy or restart the component.

Unable to obtain the delivery channel. {0}

Cause: An error occurred while obtaining a delivery channel for the component.

Action: Check the server log for related errors and details to correct the error, and then redeploy or restart the component.

Outbound message receiver failed to start, an exception was raised. {0}

Cause: An error occurred when the component life cycle start() was called and the JBI container was starting outbound message receivers. The component startup failed.

Action: Check the server log for related errors and details to determine how to correct the error, and then redeploy or restart the component.

Inbound message receiver failed to start, an exception was raised. {0}

Cause: An error occurred when the component life cycle start() was called and the JBI container was starting inbound message receivers, The component startup failed.

Action: Check the server log for related errors and details to determine how to correct the error, and then redeploy or restart the component

Outbound receiver failed to stop, an exception was raised. {0}

Cause: An error occurred when the component life cycle stop() was called and the JBI container was stopping outbound message receivers. The component stop failed.

Action: Check the server log for related errors and details to correct the error. You might need to further shutdown the component, and then restart the component to bring the component to a consistent state.

Status provider MBean deregistration failed, an exception was raised. {0}

Cause: An error occurred when the component life cycle shutdown() was called and while the JBI container was deregistering the administration Messages Bean (collecting message exchange statistics) associated with the component. The component shutdown failed.

Action: Check the server log for related errors and details to determine how to correct the error. You might need to restart and then shutdown the component, or uninstall and install the component to bring it to a consistent state.

Configuration MBean deregistration failed, an exception was raised. {0}

Cause: An error occurred when component life cycle shutdown() was called and while the JBI container was deregistering the runtime configuration MBean associated with the component. The component shutdown failed.

Action: Check the server log for related errors and details to determine how to correct the error. You might need to restart and then shutdown the component, or uninstall and install the component to bring the component to a consistent state.

An exception occurred while attempting to unregister the management MBean: {0}

Cause: An error occurred when the component life cycle shutdown() was called and while the JBI container was deregistering the component management MBean (list endpoints, suspend and resume component outbound processors) associated with the component. The component shutdown failed.

Action: Check the server log for related errors and details to determine how to correct the error. You might need to restart and then shutdown the component, or uninstall and install the component to bring the component to a consistent state.

Parsing the JBI descriptor ({0}) failed. Version information for this component is not available. An exception was raised: {1}

Cause: A SAXException was caught when parsing descriptive info from /META-INF/jbi.xml of the component. This occurs at the end of the component life cycle start().

Action: This warning alone does not affect the healthiness of the component life cycle since the descriptive information dumping is for information only, but check the component status and server log for other fatal error info to make sure the component is started and running.

Read error: Input file {0} does not exist or may be empty.

Cause: The staged inbound message no longer exists or the content is empty.

Action: For inbound processors, this error is further handled as FILEBC-E00717.

Input file {0} failed processing, an exception was raised: {1}

Cause: An error occurred while the inbound worker was processing a staged inbound message. This causes the message being processed to be moved to the error message area (optionally after redelivery attempts are exhausted) along with a file containing detailed error information.

Action: The inbound processor continues processing, but the message saved in the error message area needs manual intervention to be consumed again. For example, the message processing might fail the normalization due to malformed content. The error is further handled as FILEBC-E00717.

Input file {0} failed processing, has been moved to: {1}. Error details have been written to: {2}.

Cause: An error occurred during inbound message processing (file read, normalization, message send, and so on).

Action: Administrative intervention is needed to examine the error detail and other related error information in the server log to take corrective action.

Attempting to flag input file {0} for error resulted in an exception. {1}

Cause: An error occurred when moving a staged inbound message into the error message area.

Action: Check the server log for more details regarding the failure of error handling of the concerned inbound message. Administrative intervention of the inbound message might needed

The {0} redelivery on-failure option is not supported for InOut exchanges. The redelivery configuration will be ignored and the message exchange processing will proceed without redelivery attempts.

Cause: On-Failure is configured for an IN-OUT exchange.

Action: None, the redelivery setting will be ignored.

{0} message for operation {1} failed processing, an exception was raised. {2}

Cause: This is an exception caught at the inbound processor thread level, and indicates that a severe error occurred at one polling for inbound messages. This does not terminate the poller thread, and the poller will execute next poll after the fixed polling interval.

Action: Check the server log for error details and other related error messages to determine how to correct the error.

Message exchange reply status specifies an unsupported message exchange pattern of {0}

Cause: The File BC supports InOnly and InOut message exchanges. When processing ACK/NACK responses for an inbound message routing, the reply message exchange pattern is checked. Anything other than InOnly or InOut is an indication of a software error, and the message exchange is incomplete. For example, inbound message archiving is not performed even if it is configured, the inbound message concerned remains in inbound staging area (which might be subject to recovery when the service unit restarted).

Action: If the cause is not permanent, then the incomplete inbound message delivery might be recovered by restarting the service unit; otherwise, administrative intervention might be required to analyze the root cause and take corrective actions, and then feed the inbound message again.

Archiving processed file {0} failed, renaming it to {1} failed.

Cause: An error occurred during post processing of inbound message routing or of outbound on-demand read, where the renaming of the staged inbound file failed. Most likely, the message remains in the staging area. For an inbound message, it might be recovered if the service unit is restarted.

Action: Check the server log for more information on the root cause of the rename failure. Administrative intervention might be needed to correct the error, such as archiving the inbound message in the staging area to prevent it from being recovered upon service unit restart.

Failed to send InOut message

Cause: The exception javax.jbi.messaging.MessagingException was caught when delivering an inbound message on message channel. The messaging exception will be rethrown, and higher level error handling of the inbound worker will eventually archive the concerned message in the error message area.

Action: Check the server log for detailed information and the root cause of the error. Also check the error information file associated with the archived message in the error message area to help determine the action to take.

Robust in-only message exchanges are not supported. Message ID: {0}.

Cause: An unsupported message exchange pattern was encountered in the outbound processor thread, the message exchange was ignored, and the outbound thread was put back to the NMR queue.

Action: None, or change the service definition so that the unsupported exchange pattern is not used.

In-out message exchanges are not supported. Message ID: {0}

Cause: An unsupported message exchange pattern was encountered in the outbound processor thread, the message exchange was ignored, and the outbound thread was put back to the NMR queue.

Action: None, or change the service definition so that the unsupported exchange pattern is not used.

Message processing loop terminated, an exception was raised: {0}

Cause: A runtime exception was thrown in the outbound processor thread main loop, an indication of a fatal software error.

Action: Check the server log for detailed error information and the root cause if there is any. Contact support for additional assistance.

Invalid exchange pattern encountered. Message ID: {0}

Cause: An invalid or unrecognizable exchange pattern was encountered in the outbound processor thread main loop, an indication of fatal software error. The outbound processor thread exits.

Action: Check the server log for detailed error information and the root cause if there is any. Contact support for additional assistance.

Solicited Read Failed. service: {0}, endpoint: {1}, operation: {2}. Error was: {3}.

Cause: An exception was caught when performing an on-demand read. A fault is generated and send to the upstream component

Action: The fault can be handled by the application logic; that is, in the upstream component (such as the BPEL SE). Alternatively, check the server log for detailed information and the root cause of the error to determine the action to take.

Solicited Read Failed. But error message could not be sent to the invoking service due to: {0}.

Cause: An exception was caught when handling error FILEBC-E00791, either from fault generation, send fault, or updating exchange error status.

Action: Check the server log for detailed information and the root cause of the exception. Contact support for assistance.

Attempt to write a message for service: {0}, endpoint: {1}, operation: {2}, failed. Error was: {4}

Cause: An exception was caught when the outbound processor was processing a one-way outbound write operation. There are numerous possible root causes: an IO error in file write, a file manipulation error during post operation, or an error when sending a response through message exchange, and so on.

Action: Check the server log for detailed information and the root cause to determine the action to take.

An request-reply inbound message exchange failed to process. An exception was raised when perform the file write. {0}

Cause: An exception was caught when performing the file write during request-reply inbound processing. The are numerous possible root causes: a file IO error, a file renaming error when moving the file from the staging area to the target, and so on.

Action: Check the server log for detailed error information and the root cause to determine the action to take.

An inbound request-reply message failed to process. An exception was raised. {0}

Cause: An exception was caught when processing a request-reply inbound message exchange. There are numerous possible root causes: set or send message exchange status, update endpoint status, and so on.

Action: Check the server log for detailed information and the root cause to determine the action to take.

An outbound one-way message failed to process. An exception was raised. {0}

Cause: An exception was caught when performing one-way outbound message routing. There are numerous possible root causes: set or send message exchange status, update endpoint status, and so on.

Action: Check the server log for detailed information and the root cause to determine the action to take.

Maximum redelivery attempts has been exhausted, endpoint with service name {0} and endpoint name {1} will be suspended as per the configured Re-delivery on-failure option...

Cause: The redelivery maximum is exhausted and the inbound processor thread is suspended.

Action: Check the server log for detailed information and the root cause of the inbound messaging failure, take corrective actions, and then resume the suspended inbound processor thread with a JMX client, such as jconsole.

Failed to process the 'suspend' redelivery on-failure option for endpoint with service name {0}, endpoint name {1}: {2}

Cause: An MBeanException was caught when invoking suspend() on the FileBC management MBean

Action: Check the server log for detailed error information and the root cause of the failure to determine the action to take.

Provider for service {0} endpoint {1} responded with an error status. Error detail is: {2}

Cause: The message exchange status has been set to ExchangeStatus.ERROR. Redelivery might occur if it is enabled

Action: None if the error status is transient and message exchange succeeds before redelivery is exhausted. Otherwise, the corresponding inbound message routing will fail and administrative intervention might be required to resolve the problem.

Provider for service {0} endpoint {1} responded with an error status. No detail was provided.

Cause: Same as FILEBC-E00767 above, but without the error details from the message exchange.

Action: Same actions as as FILEBC-E00767 above.

An exception occured while attempting to redeliver a message exchange with message group ID: {0}, message ID: {1}.

Cause: An exception was caught during an attempt to redeliver. Most likely the exception is javax.jbi.messaging.MessagingException, indicating an error on the messaging channel.

Action: Check the server log for detailed information and the root cause for the redelivery failure, and then take appropriate corrective actions.

Service unit {0} deployment failed, an exception was raised. {1}

Cause: An exception was caught when deploy() was called for a service unit. The root cause is most likely one of the following: service unit descriptor parsing error (corrupted service unit descriptor) or application variable loading error.

Action: Check the server log for detailed error information to determine the action to take. This error is handled by higher level error handling as FILEBC-E00201.

There are no endpoints to create. None are listed in the jbi.xml for the {0} service unit {1}.

Cause: No endpoints are found in the service unit.

Action: None

No {0} web service definition exists for Service Unit {1} to handle.

Cause: The WSDL document does not contain a service definition.

Action: Check the corresponding WSDL file.

Service unit {0} initialization failed for service endpoint {1}/{2}, an exception was raised. {3}

Cause: An exception was caught when init() was called for a service unit.

Action: Check the server log for detailed error information and the root cause, and take appropriate corrective actions. Note that this error is handled as a sub-case by higher level error handling as FILEBC-E00202.

Service unit {0} initialization failed, an exception was raised. {1}

Cause: Same as FILEBC-E00304 above, but without current endpoint information.

Action: Same as FILEBC-E00304 above.

Service unit {0} start failed for service endpoint {1}/{2}, an exception was raised. {3}

Cause: An exception was caught when start() was called for a service unit.

Action: Check the server log for detailed error information and the root cause, and take appropriate corrective actions. Note that this error is handled as a sub-case by higher level error handling as FILEBC-E00204.

Service unit {0} start failed, an exception was raised. {1}

Cause: Same as FILEBC-E00305 above, but endpoint information is not available.

Action: Same as FILEBC-E00305 above.

Inbound message processor start failed, an exception was raised. {0}

Cause: An exception was caught when starting inbound processors for a service unit. This is a sub-process when a service unit start() is called.

Action: Check the server log for detailed error information and the root cause to determine the action to take. Note that this error is handled by higher level error handling as a sub-case of FILEBC-E00305 or FILEBC-E00306.