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Alert Codes and Error Messages for Oracle Java CAPS JBI Components     Java CAPS Documentation
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JBI Component Alert Codes and Error Messages

BPEL Service Engine Alert Codes

Intelligent Event Processor Service Engine Alert Codes

Java EE Service Engine Alert Codes

XSLT Service Engine Alert Codes

Database Binding Component Alert Codes

File Binding Component Alert Codes

FTP Binding Component Alert Codes

HL7 Binding Component Alert Codes

HTTP Binding Component Alert Codes

JMS Binding Component Alert Codes

LDAP Binding Component Alert Codes

Scheduler Binding Component Alert Codes

XSLT Service Engine Logging Codes

Email Binding Component Logging Codes

HL7 Encoder Logging Codes

POJO Service Engine Logging Codes

Scheduler Binding Component Logging Codes

Component Toolkit Logging Codes

Common Utility Logging Codes

Quality of Service Logging Codes

Runtime Framework Error Messages

Runtime NMR Error Messages

Runtime Management Error Messages

Runtime Management Facade Error Messages

Runtime Application Verifier Error Messages

Runtime Common Client Error Messages

Runtime Utility Error Messages

Runtime Command-Line Interface Error Messages

Runtime Command-Line Interface Error Messages

Runtime Common Client Error Messages

The following table lists each error message generated by the runtime common client, and describes the cause of the log message as well as providing a recommended action for you to take.

Message ID
Message Text, Cause, and Action
jbi.xml not found in META-INF directory.

Cause: Component installer archive file does not contain the required JBI descriptor (jbi.xml).

Action: Verify that the archive file passed is actually the component installer archive.

jbi.xml not found in META-INF directory.

Cause: The archive file used with the operation does not contain the JBI descriptor (jbi.xml).

Action: Verify that the archive file passed is either installable or deployable with the correct JBI descriptor (jbi.xml)

xml text is not a valid jbi decriptor xml.

Cause: The JBI descriptor in the installable or deployable archive file is not a valid XML schema JBI descriptor.

Action: Verify that the jbi.xml file in the archive is a valid XML schema.

Error during remote file upload.

Cause: An error occurred during remote file upload to perform installation or deployment.

Action: Verify that the runtime is started without errors or restart the server, and try again. The low-level error messages in the result message or server log provide more details about the error.

Error during remote file download.

Cause: An error occurred during remote file download.

Action: Verify the application configuration and application variables on the specific target. Verify that the specified server target is started without errors or restart the server, and try again.

{0} is not a valid boolean value string. Please specify either "true" or "false".

Cause: The value of the parameter passed to the operation or task is expected as a String representation of a Boolean value.

Action: Make sure the String value for the parameter passed to the operation or task is either true or false.

{0} is not a valid object value string for an object of type {1}.

Cause: The value of the parameter passed to the operation or task is expected as a string representation of the object of certain type.

Action: Make sure the String representation if correct for the object of the required type specified in the message.

Invalid MBeanServerConnection object passed in.

Cause: An internal error occurred during JMX invocation.

Action: Verify that the server is up and running without errors. Verify the JMX Connection settings. If it is not resolved, contact Oracle for support, and provide the diagnostic information from the server log including any stack trace.

Connection failure connecting to MBeanServer with parameters: host:{0}, port:{1}, userName:{2}, password:(not displayed), protocol:{3}

Cause: Connecting to the server using JMX failed.

Action: Verify the connection settings and ensure that the server is running.

Connection failure connecting to MBeanServer with parameters: url:{0}, userName:{1}, password:(not displayed)

Cause: JMX connection authentication failed.

Action: Change the user name and password used in the JMX connection to valid values for JMX authentication.

Connection failure connecting to MBeanServer with parameters: protocol:{0}, host:{1}, port:{2}

Cause: JMX connection failed due to an invalid hostname or port number.

Action: Change the host name or port values to valid connection settings and ensure that the server is running.

Unknown host {0} - Cannot determine whether its local or remote.

Cause: JMX connection failed due to an invalid host name.

Action: Make sure the host name is correct in the JMX connection settings.

Error during remote file upload.

Cause: An error occurred during remote file upload.

Action: Check the server log for errors. If the error can not be corrected, report the issue to Oracle for support and provide the diagnostic information from the server log including the stack trace.

Archive file "{0}" does not exist.

Cause: An error occurred during remote file upload

Action: Make sure that the archive file path passed to the admin commands exists.

An unknown error occurred in JMX access.

Cause: An internal error occurred in the JMX layer that cannot be identified

Action: Check whether the server startup is complete without any errors and try again. If it is not resolved, contact Oracle for support and provide the diagnostic information from the server log including any stack trace.

Cannot create JMX connection factory using the class {0}

Cause: A JMX connection setup error occurred.

Action: Verify that the JMX settings from the client side are correct.

Not connected to JMX Server.

Cause: The JMX connection to the server is not established.

Action: Verify that the JMX settings such as host name, port, user name, and password are correct.

The port number {0} specified for the JMX connection is not valid.

Cause: The port number specified for the JMX connection is not valid.

Action: Change the port number to a valid JMX port configured for the server.

An error occurred in validating the host for JMX connection.

Cause: An error occurred while validating the host for JMX connection.

Action: Change the host name to a valid host name for connecting to the server.

An error occurred while opening a JMX Connection with JMX Service URL: {0}.

Cause: The JMX Service URL created from the connection parameters is invalid and cannot connect to the server.

Action: Change the JMX Connection parameters according to the server's JMX settings. Verify that the server is started without errors.

An io error occurred while opening a JMX Connection. Make sure that the connection parameters (host,port,username,password) are correct and server is running for JMX Service URL: {0}.

Cause: The JMX Service URL created from the connection parameters is invalid and cannot connect to the server

Action: Verify that the JMX connection parameters are correct. Verify that the server is started without errors.

A Security error occurred while opening a JMX Connection. Make sure that the connection parameters (host,port,username,password) are correct and server is running for JMX Service URL: {0}.

Cause: JMX connection validation failed.

Action: Make sure that the connection parameters (host name, port, username, and password) are correct and that the server is running.

An error occurred during JMX MBean method invocation.

Cause: An error occurred during JMX MBean method invocation.

Action: Make sure that the server started without errors and completed initialization. If it is not resolved, contact Oracle for support and provide the diagnostic information from the server log including any stack trace.

An error occurred while closing a JMX Connection.

Cause: An error occurred while closing a JMX Connection.

Action: Verify that the server is running without errors.

Installing a component to JBI Runtime on a remote machine is not supported. Make sure that the host parameter ( host = {0} ) passed is for the local machine.

Cause: Trying to install the component to a JBI Runtime on a remote machine, which is not supported.

Action: Make sure that the host parameter passed is for the local machine.

Installing a component with configuration parameters to Jbi Runtime on a remote machine is not supported. Make sure that the host parameter ( host = {0} ) passed is for the local machine.

Cause: Trying to install the component to JBI Runtime on a remote machine, which is not supported.

Action: Make sure that the host parameter passed is for the local machine.

Installing a shared library to Jbi Runtime on a remote machine is not supported. Make sure that the host parameter ( host = {0} ) passed is for the local machine.

Cause: Trying to install a shared library to a JBI Runtime on a remote machine, which is not supported.

Action: Make sure that the host parameter passed is for the local machine.

Unable to connect to host = {0}, port = {1} for user {2}. Check the connection settings and ensure that the server is running.

Cause: The JMX connection settings are incorrect for the server or the server is not running.

Action: Verify the connection settings and change them if needed. Ensure that the server is running.

The directory name {0} is invalid.

Cause: A directory cannot be created to download the application configuration template ZIP file.

Action: Verify that the server instance has the permission to create the specified directory.

Component name {0} does not exist in the JBI Runtime.

Cause: There is no component in the runtime with the component name used in the task.

Action: Change the component name to a valid component name. To verify that the component with the name exists in the JBI Runtime, use the list components command.

No installation configuration MBean implemented by the installer to set the installer configuration attributes.

Cause: Install-time configuration parameters are passed to the install command, but the component being installed is not supporting the install time configuration.

Action: Install the component without the install-time configuration parameters passed to the install command.

Error occurred while setting the installer configuration attribute {0}.

Cause: The install-time configuration attribute cannot be set on a component during component installation.

Action: Verify that the specified attribute is supported in the component. Modify or remove the attribute from the configuration parameters and try again.

InstallerMBean Object name does not exist for unloading the InstallerMBean.

Cause: An internal error occurred. The MBean object for the installer MBean of the component does not exist.

Action: The component might not have implemented the InstallerMbean properly. Check the server log for more information and contact Oracle support.

InstallerMBean ObjectName does not have ComponentName for unloading the InstallerMBean. InstallerMBean Object name: {0}

Cause: An internal error occurred. The InstallerMBean ObjectName for the component being installed is not correctly constructed.

Action: The component installer implementation is not correct. Check the server log for more information and contact Oracle support.

Installation Configuration Mbean attribute info not found for attribute "{0}".

Cause: The attribute is not supported by the component installation configuration.

Action: Check with the component provider for the supported attributes, and check the server log for more information.

Can not convert attribute string value "{0}" to attribute type "{1}" for attribute "{2}".

Cause: The String form of the attribute value passed for component install-time configuration is not a valid value to convert to an attribute type.

Action: Fix the value of the configuration attribute. See the component documentation for supported attributes.

Error occurred while setting the installer configuration attributes.

Cause: Some of the install-time configuration attributes cannot be set on a component during component installation.

Action: Modify the value of the attribute or if the attribute is not supported, remove it. See the component documentation for supported attributes.

deploy method in DeploymentServiceMBean returned NULL.

Cause: An internal error occurred and the deployment result is invalid.

Action: contact Oracle for support, and provide the diagnostic information from the server log, including the stack trace.

undeploy method in DeploymentServiceMBean returned NULL.

Cause: An internal error occurred and the undeployment result is invalid.

Action: contact Oracle for support, and provide the diagnostic information from the server log, including the stack trace.

Component with name {0} is not registered in target {1}.

Cause: The component with the specified name might not have been installed in the specified target.

Action: Change the component name to a valid component name that exists in the target. To verify that a component with the specified name exists in the target, use the list components command.

Component with name {0} is not registered in target {1}.

Cause: There are multiple lifecycle MBeans present for a particular component name in a target.

Action: The component installation might not have been completed correctly on the specified target. Restart the target, check the server log for any errors, and retry.

An exception occurred while getting the state of the service unit ({0}) on component({1}). Exception message: {2}

Cause: The component on which the service unit is deployed might not be in a correct state for this query.

Action: Check the component state and check the server log for any error messages from the component. Restart the component if required.

Deployer mbean not found for component Name {0}. There is no component deployer mbean found with mbean server query pattern: {1}.

Cause: A component with the specified component name does not exist, or the deployer MBean registration failed during component startup.

Action: Check whether the component with the specified name exists in the server.

Deployer mbean not found with component Name {0}. There are multiple component deployer mbeans found with mbean server query pattern: {1}.

Cause: An internal error occurred. There are multiple deployer MBeans found for the specified component.

Action: Restart the JBI Runtime to reset the component MBeans registration. If this problem occurs consistently, contact Oracle for support, and provide the diagnostic information from the server log including the stack trace.

The state value passed is invalid. state = {0}.

Cause: An invalid state valued was passed.

Action: Modify the state value to one of these valid states: Started, Stopped, Shutdown, and Unknown.

Cannot perform lifecycle operations on domain target.

Cause: An invalid target was passed to the command. "domain" is not a valid target for the operation.

Action: Change the target name.

Invalid target: {0}.

Cause: The target with the specified name does not exist or the name of the target is invalid.

Action: Change the target name.

loadNewInstaller method in InstallationServiceMBean failed to return the component installer MBean name.

Cause: The component installer did not implement the installation contract correctly.

Action: Check whether the component installer archive is the correct one. Check the server log for more messages specific to the component, and contact Oracle support if necessary.

Extension mbean not found for component Name {0}. There is no component extension mbean found with mbean server query pattern: {1}.

Cause: The component did not implement the JBI MBean contracts correctly.

Action: Check whether the component installer archive is the correct one. Check the server log for more messages specific to the component, and contact Oracle support if necessary.

getLoggerMBeanNames operation invoked from getComponentLoggerLevels returned NULL.

Cause: Internal operation results were invalid.

Action: This is an internal error. contact Oracle for support, and provide the diagnostic information from the server log including the stack trace.

setLoggerMBeanNames operation invoked from setComponentLoggerLevels returned NULL.

Cause: Internal operation results were invalid.

Action: This is an internal error. contact Oracle for support, and provide the diagnostic information from the server log including the stack trace.

Logger {0} does not exist in the JBI Runtime.

Cause: The logger name passed to the operation does not exist in the JBI Runtime.

Action: Change the logger name to a valid logger name.

Invalid key "{0}" passed in as part of runtime configuration value set.

Cause: The name of the runtime configuration attribute is not valid.

Action: Change the name of the invalid attribute to a valid attribute name.

Clustered Server "{0}" is down. Please try this operation when it is back up.

Cause: The server specified for the operation is not running.

Action: Fix any server startup problems or restart the server.

Target "{0}" is not a supported target type for this operation.

Cause: The specified target is not a supported target type for this operation.

Action: Change the target name to a valid target name.

Exception caught while getting component configuration attributes.

Cause: A component's configuration attributes could not be retrieved from a specified target.

Action: Check if the target is up and running. Check the nested result and the server log for more information about the exception.

Exception caught while setting component configuration attributes.

Cause: The component configuration attributes could not be set.

Action: Correct any invalid attribute names and values for this component configuration.

Component "{0}" is not in Started state. Please start it and retry this operation.

Cause: The component is not in the Started state.

Action: Please start the component and retry this operation.

Cannot find Configuration MBean for component "{0}" on target "{1}".

Cause: The component with the specified name was not found on the target or it was not started properly.

Action: Check whether the component is installed and started on the specified target correctly.

Failed to set component configuration attributes for component {0}. {1}

Cause: The component's configuration attributes were not set on a specified target

Action: Check whether the component is installed and started on the specified target correctly. Also verify that the configuration attributes passed to the operation are valid for the component.

Target "{0}" is not up. Please start the target and retry this operation.

Cause: The target is not running.

Action: Please restart the target and retry this operation.

Failed to list runtime logger levels for server instance {0}.

Cause: The server instance is not running.

Action: Start the instance and retry this operation.

getLoggerMBeanNames operation invoked from getComponentLoggerLevels returned NULL.

Cause: An internal error occurred and the results of the operation were invalid.

Action: Check whether the specified component exists at the target instance and is started properly. If this problem occurs consistently, contact Oracle for support, and provide the diagnostic information from the server log including the stack trace.

getLoggerMBeanNames operation invoked from getComponentLoggerDisplayNames returned NULL.

Cause: An internal error occurred and the results of the operation were invalid.

Action: Check whether the specified component exists in the target instance and is started properly. If this problem occurs consistently, contact Oracle for support, and provide the diagnostic information from the server log including the stack trace.

Component {0} is not installed on target {1}.

Cause: The component is not installed on the specified target.

Action: Install the component on the specified target and try the operation again.

Runtime configuration is managed at the cluster level. Target "{0}" is a clustered instance. Please use the cluster target "{1}" for this command.

Cause: The specified target is not valid for the runtime configuration.

Action: Use the cluster target specified for this command.

Deploying the Service Assembly to Jbi Runtime on a remote machine is not supported. Make sure that the host parameter ( host = {0} ) passed is for the local machine.

Cause: You are trying to deploy the Service Assembly from this machine to a remote machine, which is not supported.

Action: Make sure that the host parameter passed is for the local machine.

Component {0} is not installed on target {1}. Please install the component and retry this operation.

Cause: The component is not installed on the target for component application configuration.

Action: Install the component and retry this operation.

Failed to add application configuration {0} for component {1} on target {2}.

Cause: An exception occurred while adding the application configuration for the specified component on the specified target.

Action: See the nested exception in the management result message for more details, and check the server log for any information about the error.

Failed to set application configuration {0} for component {1} on target {2}.

Cause: An exception occurred while setting the application configuration for the specified component on a specified target.

Action: See the nested exception in the management result message for more details, and check the server log for any information about the error.

Failed to delete application configuration {0} for component {1} from target {2}.

Cause: An exception occurred while deleting the application configuration for the specified component on a specified target.

Action: See the nested exception in the management result message for more details, and check the server log for any information about the error.

Failed to get application configurations for component {0} from target {1}.

Cause: An exception occurred while retrieving the application configuration for the specified component on a specified target.

Action: See the nested exception in the management result message for more details, and check the server log for any information about the error.

The target domain is not supported by component configuration operations.

Cause: The target specified for the operation is a domain that is not supported for component configuration operations.

Action: Change the target to the valid server instance name.

Component {0} is not started on target {1}. Cannot configure a component which is not started or not stopped.

Cause: The state of the specified component on the specified target is not suitable for managing the component's configuration.

Action: Start the component if it is already installed, or install and start the component on the specified target before trying to change the component's configuration on this target.

Application configuration "{0}" is not defined for component {1} on target {2}.

Cause: Application configuration for the specified component is not defined on the specified target.

Action: Add the application configuration for the component on the target.

Failed to get application variables for component {0} on target {1}.

Cause: An exception occurred while trying to retrieve the application variable for component on a target.

Action: Check whether the component is installed and running on the specified target. Check the nested result message for more details about the exception, and check the server log for additional information about the error.

Failed to add application variable {0} to component {1} on target {2}.

Cause: An exception occurred while adding the application variable to the component on a target.

Action: Check whether the component is installed and running on the specified target, and check whether the variable already exists. Check the nested result message for more details about the exception, and check the server log for more information about the error.

Failed to update application variable {0} in component {1} on target {2}.

Cause: An exception occurred while updating the application variable for the component on a target.

Action: Check whether the component is installed and running on the specified target. If a variable with the specified name is not already present, add it before updating. Check the nested result message for more details about the exception, and check the server log for more information about the error.

Component {0} on target {1} does not support application variables.

Cause: Application variables are not supported on the specified target for the component.

Action: Change the target to a valid target for managing the application variables.

Component {0} on target {1} does not support application configurations.

Cause: Application configuration is not supported on a specified target for the component.

Action: Change the target to a valid target for managing the application configuration.

Server "{0}" is down. Please try this operation when it is back up.

Cause: The specified target server is not running.

Action: Start the server and try again.

Target "{0}" is not a supported target type for this operation.

Cause: The specified target is not a supported target for this operation.

Action: Change the target name to a valid target name and try again.

Component type could not be determined for {0}.

Cause: Component information was not found for the specified component.

Action: Check whether the component with the specified name is installed and started properly.

Statistics not available for component {0}.

Cause: Statistics are not available for the component.

Action: Check whether the component supports statistics. See the component documentation or contact Oracle support for more information.

MBean {0} is not available.

Cause: The statistics MBean is not available for the component.

Action: Check whether the component supports providing extra statistics. See the component documentation or contact Oracle support for more information.

Component {0} is not started in target {1}.

Cause: The component is not started in the target.

Action: Start the component.

An error was encountered in composing composite data for {0}.

Cause: An error was encountered in composing JMX composite data. This is an internal error.

Action: contact Oracle for support, and provide the diagnostic information from the server log including the stack trace.

The endpoint "{0}" does not exist.

Cause: The endpoint does not exist on the specified target and instance.

Action: Check for any deployment errors on the specified target and instance.

Component {0} is not installed in target {1}.

Cause: The component with the specified component name is not installed on the target.

Action: Check whether the component is in the list of components on the target. If necessary, install the component with the specified name before performing this operation.

The Service Assembly "{0}" does not exist.

Cause: A Service Assembly with the specified name does not exist.

Action: Check whether the Service Assembly with the specified name exists in the target.

Component "{0}" does not exist.

Cause: A component with the specified component name does not exist.

Action: Check whether the component with the specified name is installed.