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Configuring Oracle Java CAPS JBI Components for GlassFish Clustering     Java CAPS Documentation
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Configuring Oracle Java CAPS JBI Components for Clustering

JBI Component Clustering Overview

Clustering Overview

Component Support for Clustering

Load Balancing and Failover

Clustering Setup Summary

Creating a GlassFish Cluster

To Create a GlassFish Cluster

Adding a Java CAPS JBI Component to a Cluster

To Add a Shared Library to a Cluster

To Add a Java CAPS JBI Component to a Cluster

Modifying Server Properties for Java CAPS JBI Components in a Cluster

To Modify Runtime Properties for a Component in a Cluster

To Create Application Configurations and Variables for a Component in a Cluster

To View the Descriptor for a Component in a Cluster

To Set Logging Properties for a Component in a Cluster

To Monitor a Component in a Cluster

Configuring the BPEL Service Engine for Clustering

Setting Up the BPEL Database

To Set Up the BPEL Database

Adding the BPEL Service Engine to the Cluster

To Add the BPEL Service Engine to the Cluster

Debugging a Business Process Deployed in a Cluster

To Debug a Business Process Deployed in a Cluster

Configuring the IEP Service Engine for Clustering

Setting Up the IEP Database

To Set Up the IEP Database

Adding the IEP Service Engine to the Cluster

To Add the IEP Service Engine to the Cluster

Configuring the XSLT Service Engine for Clustering

To Add the XSLT Service Engine to the Cluster

Configuring the Java EE Service Engine for Clustering

To Enable the Java EE Service Engine on the Cluster

Configuring the Data Mashup Service Engine for Clustering

To Add the Data Mashup Service Engine to the Cluster

Configuring the Database Binding Component for Clustering

Creating the Clustering Database for the Database Binding Component

To Create the Clustering Database for the Database Binding Component

Adding the Database Binding Component to the Cluster

To Add the Database Binding Component to the Cluster

Configuring the File Binding Component for Clustering

Adding the File Binding Component to the Cluster

To Add the File Binding Component to the Cluster

Configuring the File BC WSDL File for Clustering

To Configure the File BC WSDL File for Clustering

Configuring the FTP Binding Component for Clustering

Adding the FTP Binding Component to the Cluster

To Add the FTP Binding Component to the Cluster

Configuring the FTP BC WSDL for Clustering

To Configure the FTP BC WSDL for Clustering

Configuring the HTTP Binding Component for Clustering

Enabling the HTTP Binding Component on the Cluster

To Enable the HTTP Binding Component on the Cluster

Configuring the HTTP BC Port Numbers for Clustering

To Configure the HTTP BC Port Numbers for Clustering

Configuring the JMS Binding Component for Clustering

To Add the JMS Binding Component to the Cluster

Configuring the LDAP Binding Component for Clustering

To Add the LDAP Binding Component to the Cluster

Configuring the Scheduler Binding Component for Clustering

To Add the Scheduler Binding Component to the Cluster

Deploying a Service Assembly to a Cluster

To Deploy a Service Assembly to a Cluster

Configuring Components for Standalone High Availability and Failover

Configuring the BPEL Service Engine for Multiple Standalone Instances

To Configure the BPEL Service Engine for Multiple Standalone Instances

Configuring the IEP Service Engine for Multiple Standalone Instances

To Configure the IEP Service Engine for Multiple Standalone Instances

Adding a Java CAPS JBI Component to a Cluster

You add Java CAPS JBI components to a cluster using the GlassFish Admin Console. The process for adding a component to a GlassFish cluster is the same for most components, though some components require additional configuration once they are added. Most components are dependant on one or more shared libraries, which need to be added to the cluster first.

Note - Java CAPS JBI components can only be added to a cluster and configured for clustering using the GlassFish Admin Console. NetBeans does not currently recognize or support GlassFish clustering, so any runtime configuration changes made on NetBeans are not seen by the cluster.

To Add a Shared Library to a Cluster

Before You Begin

Make sure the cluster and all server instances are created and running. To verify they are running, select Nodeagent in the left navigation bar on the Admin Console and review the cluster information.

  1. Launch the GlassFish Admin Console.
  2. In the navigation bar on the left, expand JBI and then expand Shared Libraries.
  3. Select the name of the shared library to add.

    The Properties page appears.

  4. Click the Targets tab.
  5. On the Shared Library Targets page, click Manage Targets.
  6. Under Add to Available Targets, select the cluster to which you want to add the shared library.
    image:Figure shows the Manage Targets page for a shared library.
  7. If the shared library is already added to another cluster or server to which it should not be, select that cluster or server under Remove From Installed-To Targets.

    Note - Removing a shared library from the default “server” target removes the library from the NetBeans Services window.

  8. Click OK.

    Note - Validations are performed to ensure that no dependencies are broken when adding or removing a shared library. In order to successfully remove a shared library from a server or cluster target, you might need to shut down service engines or binding components that are currently running on that target.

To Add a Java CAPS JBI Component to a Cluster

Before You Begin

Make sure the cluster and all server instances are created and running. To verify they are running, select Nodeagent in the left navigation bar on the Admin Console and review the cluster information. Also be sure any libraries on which the component is dependent have been added to the cluster.

Note - The BPEL SE, IEP SE, and Database BC require additional steps before and after adding them to a cluster in order to configure and create the persistence databases. In addition, most components require some configuration steps. Be sure to review the sections for each component you add before you begin. Links to each section are provided at the end of these instructions.

  1. Launch the GlassFish Admin Console.
  2. In the navigation bar on the left, expand JBI and then expand Components.
  3. Select the name of the service engine or binding component to add.

    The Properties page appears.

  4. Click the Targets tab.
  5. On the Targets page, click Manage Targets.
  6. Under Add to Available Targets, select the cluster to which you are adding the component.
    image:Figure shows the Manage Targets page for a JBI component.
  7. Configure any runtime properties that appear below the target.
  8. If the component is already added to another cluster or server that it should not be, select that cluster or server under Remove From Installed-To Targets.

    Note - Removing some components from the default “server” target removes them from the NetBeans Services window.

  9. Click OK.

    The Targets page reappears.

  10. In the Targets list, select the check box next to the cluster, and then click Start.