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Configuring Oracle Java CAPS JBI Components for GlassFish Clustering     Java CAPS Documentation
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Configuring Oracle Java CAPS JBI Components for Clustering

JBI Component Clustering Overview

Clustering Overview

Component Support for Clustering

Load Balancing and Failover

Clustering Setup Summary

Creating a GlassFish Cluster

To Create a GlassFish Cluster

Adding a Java CAPS JBI Component to a Cluster

To Add a Shared Library to a Cluster

To Add a Java CAPS JBI Component to a Cluster

Modifying Server Properties for Java CAPS JBI Components in a Cluster

To Modify Runtime Properties for a Component in a Cluster

To Create Application Configurations and Variables for a Component in a Cluster

To View the Descriptor for a Component in a Cluster

To Set Logging Properties for a Component in a Cluster

To Monitor a Component in a Cluster

Configuring the BPEL Service Engine for Clustering

Setting Up the BPEL Database

To Set Up the BPEL Database

Adding the BPEL Service Engine to the Cluster

To Add the BPEL Service Engine to the Cluster

Debugging a Business Process Deployed in a Cluster

To Debug a Business Process Deployed in a Cluster

Configuring the IEP Service Engine for Clustering

Setting Up the IEP Database

To Set Up the IEP Database

Adding the IEP Service Engine to the Cluster

To Add the IEP Service Engine to the Cluster

Configuring the XSLT Service Engine for Clustering

To Add the XSLT Service Engine to the Cluster

Configuring the Java EE Service Engine for Clustering

To Enable the Java EE Service Engine on the Cluster

Configuring the Data Mashup Service Engine for Clustering

To Add the Data Mashup Service Engine to the Cluster

Configuring the Database Binding Component for Clustering

Creating the Clustering Database for the Database Binding Component

To Create the Clustering Database for the Database Binding Component

Adding the Database Binding Component to the Cluster

To Add the Database Binding Component to the Cluster

Configuring the File Binding Component for Clustering

Adding the File Binding Component to the Cluster

To Add the File Binding Component to the Cluster

Configuring the File BC WSDL File for Clustering

To Configure the File BC WSDL File for Clustering

Configuring the FTP Binding Component for Clustering

Adding the FTP Binding Component to the Cluster

To Add the FTP Binding Component to the Cluster

Configuring the FTP BC WSDL for Clustering

To Configure the FTP BC WSDL for Clustering

Configuring the HTTP Binding Component for Clustering

Enabling the HTTP Binding Component on the Cluster

To Enable the HTTP Binding Component on the Cluster

Configuring the HTTP BC Port Numbers for Clustering

To Configure the HTTP BC Port Numbers for Clustering

Configuring the JMS Binding Component for Clustering

To Add the JMS Binding Component to the Cluster

Configuring the LDAP Binding Component for Clustering

To Add the LDAP Binding Component to the Cluster

Configuring the Scheduler Binding Component for Clustering

To Add the Scheduler Binding Component to the Cluster

Deploying a Service Assembly to a Cluster

To Deploy a Service Assembly to a Cluster

Configuring Components for Standalone High Availability and Failover

Configuring the BPEL Service Engine for Multiple Standalone Instances

To Configure the BPEL Service Engine for Multiple Standalone Instances

Configuring the IEP Service Engine for Multiple Standalone Instances

To Configure the IEP Service Engine for Multiple Standalone Instances

Configuring the File Binding Component for Clustering

When the File BC is implemented in a cluster, files are distributed evenly across instances in inbound mode and each file is delivered to only one instance if a file locking mechanism is in place. In on-demand read mode, each file is available to read either from all the instances (configuration mode) or from only one instance (payload mode). In outbound mode, all instances write to either one file (append mode) or to independent files, depending on how the BC is configured.

You do need to configure the File WSDL file to ensure that outbound files are not overwritten by simultaneous threads and that inbound files are picked up only once by only one inbound thread. Name the output files using a pattern that includes either a UUID or sequence number in the filename to prevent the files from being overwritten. For inbound files, you need to configure the locking mechanism of the File BC to prevent the files from being picked up by more than one instance. For on-demand read files, there is a new property named deleteFileOnRead that allows you to specify that a file be removed from the directory when it is read. You should also configure the BC to archive files if you have them removed. These steps are described under Configuring the File BC WSDL File for Clustering.

Adding the File Binding Component to the Cluster

The File BC is dependent on the following shared library:

To Add the File Binding Component to the Cluster

  1. Add the following shared library to the cluster as described in To Add a Shared Library to a Cluster:
    • sun-encoder-library

  2. Add the File BC to the cluster as described in To Add a Java CAPS JBI Component to a Cluster.

    The name of the File BC node is sun-file-binding.

  3. Before you click OK on the Manage Targets page, enter the number of threads for the outbound processor.

    Note - If you need to modify the number of outbound threads once the File BC is deployed to a cluster, you need to make the changes using the GlassFish Admin Console and you need to update the property for each instance in the cluster.

Configuring the File BC WSDL File for Clustering

The File BC has no runtime configuration requirements for clustering, but there are a few requirements and options for configuring the properties in any File BC WSDL documents deployed to the cluster. These options assist with concurrency issues, load balancing, and failover.

In a clustered environment, you need to ensure that inbound files are picked up only once by one instance and that outbound files are not overwritten by simultaneous threads. For outbound files, you can specify a pattern for the output message name using either %u or %seq_name to keep all file names unique (note that %d is not sufficient here). To ensure that inbound messages are not processed by more than one instance, use the File BC's file locking mechanism. This mechanism uses a thread lock (T_LOCK) and a file lock (F_LOCK) to protect the messages from concurrent polling. The File BC processes messages as follows using the locking mechanism:

  1. Acquire the file lock.

  2. If the file lock is acquired, continue processing; otherwise release the thread lock.

  3. List the files under the directory specified by file:message/@fileDirectory that match the file name or pattern.

  4. Move each of the files to a working directory with the specified pattern appended to the file name.

  5. Place the file names in the working directory into a queue.

  6. Release the file lock.

For more information about the properties discussed below, see the following topics in Using the File Binding Component:

To Configure the File BC WSDL File for Clustering

  1. For outbound messages, do the following:
    1. In the File BC WSDL document, scroll to the input message definition under Bindings (named file:message, by default).
    2. Select file:message.

      The Properties panel displays the properties for the message.

    3. In the FileName property, enter a name for the output file using either %u to assign a unique UUID number to each output file or %{seq_name} for persisted sequence number creation. For example, output%u.txt.

      Note - Do not use %d in the file name. It does not ensure a unique file name and files might be overwritten.

    4. In the fileNameIsPattern property, enter true.
    5. Save and close the WSDL file.
  2. For on-demand, read-only messages, you can configure any of the following options:
    1. In the File BC WSDL document, scroll to the input message under Bindings (named file:message, by default).
    2. Select file:message.

      The Properties panel displays the properties for the message.

    3. Do one of the following:
      • To allow multiple instances and processes to access the input file, set the value of the deleteFileOnRead property to false.
      • To ensure only one thread and one process accesses the file, set the value of the deleteFileOnRead property to true.

        This deletes inbound on-demand messages once they are read.

    4. If deleteFileOnRead is set to true, do one of the following:
      • To retain a copy of the deleted files, set the value of the archive property to true and specify an archive directory.

        The files are removed from the input directory and are copied to the archive directory with a UUID appended to the name to ensure it is unique. This retains a history of the files that have been processed.

      • To simply delete the files once they are read, set the value of the archive property to false.
  3. For inbound messages, use the file locking mechanism of the File BC to ensure that each inbound file is picked up only once by one instance in the cluster.

    Use the following attributes to implement the locking mechanism:

    • file:address/@lockName - The file name used for the F_LOCK.

    • file:address/@workArea - The name of the working directory.

    • file:address/@seqName - The name of the directory where all sequence numbers are saved.

    • file:address/@persistenceBaseLoc - The name of the directory where the lock files are stored.

    For more information, see Configuring File BC WSDL Attributes in Oracle Java CAPS File Binding Component User’s Guide and Inbound Message Processing in Oracle Java CAPS File Binding Component User’s Guide.