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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (




CachingExpressionContextDecorator - Class in oracle.odi.domain.xrefs.expression.contexts
Implementation of IExpressionContext that provides caching of SnpsExpressionTags for a concrete IExpressionContext instance.
CachingExpressionContextDecorator(IExpressionContext) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.xrefs.expression.contexts.CachingExpressionContextDecorator
Construct a new CachingExpressionContextDecorator.
CATALOG_NAME_MAX_LENGTH - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiPhysicalSchema
Max length of catalog name.
changeToTemporary() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiInterface.TargetDataStore
For internal use only Switches the datastore to a temporary datastore.
changeToTemporaryColumn() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces.TargetColumn
Internal use only Modifies an existing target column for use when the target datastore is changed to temporary.
checkAcceptsKMTechnologies(OdiKM<?>, Boolean, OdiTechnology, OdiTechnology) - Static method in class
Returns true if the specified KM supports the given source and target technology, and multiple connection setting.
checkExpression(OdiInstance, IExecutableTextHolder, IJMSCallBack) - Method in interface
checkPermission(Permission) - Method in class
This is a helper method to check the Permission on the current authentication.
checkPermission(IRepositoryEntity, PermissionType) - Method in class
This is a helper method to check the Permission on the current authentication.
CheckResponse - Class in
An instance of this class contains the response from a IOdiInterfaceExpressionChecker checker.
CheckResponse.Response - Enum in
An enumeration of the possible response results from checking an expression.
checkSubInterfaceValid(OdiInterface) - Static method in class
A static method to check for validity of a sub-interface.
checkUserIsSupervisorOnPreviousRepository(Connection, String, char[]) - Static method in class oracle.odi.setup.restricted.RepositorySetupUtil
This API is designed for Upgrade Assistant pre upgrade checks and you should not use this API anywhere else.
chooseKM(OdiTechnology, OdiTechnology, Collection<? extends OdiKM>) - Static method in class
A static method used to pick a KM from among the available KMs.
The KM that is most suited to the specified source and destination technology will be picked.
The list of available KMs must be passed to the method.
chooseKM(OdiTechnology, OdiTechnology, Collection<? extends OdiKM>, boolean, Boolean) - Static method in class
A static method used to pick a KM from among the available KMs.
chooseMapping(OdiInterface, String) - Method in interface
Choose a mapping SQL text for the given pColumnName in the given interface.
chooseMapping(OdiInterface, String) - Method in class
chooseMapping(OdiInterface, String) - Method in class
chooseMapping(OdiInterface, String) - Method in class
chooseMapping(OdiInterface, String) - Method in class
chooseNewTargetKey(OdiInterface, IKey<?>) - Method in interface
Chooses a new update key for the target datastore of interface pOdiInterface.
If null is returned, then no update key will be selected for this interface.
chooseNewTargetKey(OdiInterface, IKey<?>) - Method in class
Chooses a new update key for the target datastore of interface pOdiInterface.
If null is returned, then no update key will be selected for this interface.
chooseNewTargetKey(OdiInterface, IKey<?>) - Method in class
Chooses a new update key for the target datastore of interface pOdiInterface.
If null is returned, then no update key will be selected for this interface.
chooseNewTargetKey(OdiInterface, IKey<?>) - Method in class
Chooses a new update key for the target datastore of interface pOdiInterface.
If null is returned, then no update key will be selected for this interface.
chooseNewTargetKey(OdiInterface, IKey<?>) - Method in class
Chooses a new update key for the target datastore of interface pOdiInterface.
If null is returned, then no update key will be selected for this interface.
chooseNewTargetKey(OdiInterface, IKey<?>) - Method in class
Chooses a new update key for the target datastore of interface pOdiInterface.
If null is returned, then no update key will be selected for this interface.
ClauseImporterDefault - Class in
ClauseImporterDefault is the default implementation of IClauseImporter for importing join and filter clauses for a source data store.
ClauseImporterDefault() - Constructor for class
ClauseImporterLazy - Class in
ClauseImporterLazy is a lazy implementation of the IClauseImporter interface which does not import clauses, effectively behaving as a no-op.
ClauseImporterLazy() - Constructor for class
cleanStaleSessions() - Method in class oracle.odi.runtime.agent.RuntimeAgent
Clean the stale sessions present in the work repository.
clear() - Method in interface oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive.IInterfaceUndoListener
Clears the list of "undo" actions.
clearAll() - Method in class
Clears the cache of both missing refs and corrected missing refs.
clearCache(IInterfaceSubComponent) - Method in interface
Clears the cache.
clearColumns() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiInterface.TargetDataStore
For internal use only On a temporary datastore only, deletes all target columns of the datastore.
clearCorrectedMissingRefs() - Method in class
Clear the corrected missing refs cache.
clearCurrentThreadAuthentication() - Method in class
Unbind the Authentication currently bound to this SecurityManager and to the current thread.
clearGlobalAuthentication() - Method in class
Unbind the Authentication currently bound to this SecurityManager as global authentication.
clearObjTraces() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiInterface
For internal use only Removes all object traces from this interface.
close() - Method in class oracle.odi.core.OdiInstance
Close this OdiInstance, releasing any held resources.
close() - Method in interface oracle.odi.core.persistence.IOdiEntityManager
Close this application-managed IOdiEntityManager.
close() - Method in class
This method will close the resources associated to this Authentication.
close() - Method in class
closeEntityManager(IOdiEntityManager) - Static method in class oracle.odi.core.persistence.OdiEntityManagerFactoryUtils
Close the given IOdiEntityManager, catching and logging any cleanup exceptions thrown.
CODE_MAX_LENGTH - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.model.AbstractOdiSubModel
Maximum length supported for the "code" property.
CODE_MAX_LENGTH - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.model.OdiModel
The maximum length of an OdiModel's code.
CODE_MAX_LENGTH - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiProject
Maximum length of an Odi Project's code.
CODE_MAX_LENGTH - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiContext
Max length of context code.
ColumnNotFoundException - Exception in oracle.odi.domain.relational
Thrown to indicate a column was not found for a given data store.
ColumnNotFoundException(String, IDataStore<?, ?>) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.domain.relational.ColumnNotFoundException
Construct a new ColumnNotFoundException.
commit(ITransactionStatus) - Method in interface oracle.odi.core.persistence.transaction.ITransactionManager
Commit the given transaction, with regard to its status.
commit(ITransactionStatus) - Method in class
compare(TargetColumn, TargetColumn) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiInterface.ColumnSorterId
compare(TargetColumn, TargetColumn) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiInterface.ColumnSorterPosition
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiKMComparator
Used internally by the Comparator consumer.
CompoundExpressionContext - Class in oracle.odi.domain.xrefs.expression.contexts
An IExpressionContext that chains a sequence of one or more IExpressionContexts.
CompoundExpressionContext() - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.xrefs.expression.contexts.CompoundExpressionContext
Create an empty CompoundExpressionContext.
CompoundExpressionContext(boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.xrefs.expression.contexts.CompoundExpressionContext
CompoundExpressionContext(IExpressionContext[]) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.xrefs.expression.contexts.CompoundExpressionContext
Create a CompoundExpressionContext with a given initial context sequence.
CompoundExpressionContext(IExpressionContext[], boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.xrefs.expression.contexts.CompoundExpressionContext
computeAliasForDataStore(IDataStore<?, ?>, DataSet) - Method in interface oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive.IAliasComputer
Computes the alias name for a source or target data store.
computeAliasForDataStore(IDataStore<?, ?>, DataSet) - Method in class
computeAliasForDataStore(IDataStore<?, ?>, DataSet) - Method in class
computeAliasForDataStore(IDataStore<?, ?>, DataSet) - Method in class
This implementation bases the alias computation on the value of OdiDataStore.getDefaultAlias() or the name of the OdiInterface.TargetDataStore if pDataStore is a OdiInterface.TargetDataStore.
computeDDLDifferences(Number, String, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.odi.generation.IDDLGeneratorService
Computes a DDLDifferences object for a given ODI Model ID.
computeDDLDifferences(Number, String, boolean) - Method in class
computeExecutionLocationForDatastores(SourceDataStore, SourceDataStore) - Static method in class
For internal use only Computes the default exection location of an expression between two specfied data stores.
computeExpression(String, IExecutableTextHolder, OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation, DataSet) - Method in interface oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive.IActionHelper
Computes the expression of the SQL text.
Note that pDataSet is optional (can be null when pExecutionLocation is TARGET.
computeExpression(String, IExecutableTextHolder, OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation, DataSet) - Method in class
For internal use only Computes the expression object of the specified SQL expression text for the given text holder in the desired data set and execution location.
computeExpression(String, OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation, DataSet, IExpressionContext) - Method in class
This method computes an expression from a Sql text that would be executed on a DataSet and in the specified Location.
computeIssues(T, IActionHelper) - Method in interface
Computes the errors (issues) for an interface sub-component.
computeSourceSets() - Method in interface oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive.IInteractiveInterfaceHelper
Recomputes the SourceSet objects for the associated interface.
Should be called at some point after source data stores are added to or removed from the interface, or some mappings/joins/filters have been added or had their locations changed, to create the correct source sets.
Typically called before setting the KMs for the interface source set, or before calling preparePersist.
The current source set computer (which can be passed to the constructor for this helper instance) will be used to compute the source sets.
To know whether you should call this method, use IInteractiveInterfaceHelper.areSourceSetsDirty().
computeSourceSets(DataSet, IInterfaceActionListener, IInterfaceUndoListener, IActionHelper) - Method in interface oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive.ISourceSetComputer
Computes the new source sets in the interface and updates them directly in the interface.
computeSourceSets() - Method in class
Recomputes the SourceSet objects for the associated interface.
Should be called at some point after source data stores are added to or removed from the interface, or some mappings/joins/filters have been added or had their locations changed, to create the correct source sets.
Typically called before setting the KMs for the interface source set, or before calling preparePersist.
The current source set computer (which can be passed to the constructor for this helper instance) will be used to compute the source sets.
To know whether you should call this method, use InteractiveInterfaceHelperWithActions.areSourceSetsDirty().
computeSourceSets(DataSet, IInterfaceActionListener, IInterfaceUndoListener, IActionHelper) - Method in class
Computes the source sets in the interface, creates new source set objects, and updates them directly in the interface.
computeSourceSets(DataSet, IInterfaceActionListener, IInterfaceUndoListener, IActionHelper) - Method in class
computeSourceSets(DataSet, IInterfaceActionListener, IInterfaceUndoListener, IActionHelper) - Method in class
Computes the source sets in the interface, creates new source set objects, and updates them directly in the interface.
computeSourceSets(DataSet, IInterfaceActionListener, IInterfaceUndoListener, IActionHelper) - Method in class
Computes the source sets in the interface, reuses existing source set objects when possible and updates the KM or creates new source set objects, and updates them directly in the interface.
computeSQLWithHeaders(Expression, DataSet) - Static method in class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiInterface
Returns a String representing a more functional representation of pExpression.
concatenateSubPurgeLogReportItems(PurgeLogServiceReport) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.purge.PurgeLogServiceReport
Concatenate the sub PurgeLogServiceReport results
configureWorkRuntimeRepository(String, String, String, String, int, String, TechnologyName) - Method in interface oracle.odi.setup.IWorkRepositorySetup
Deprecated. with no replacement this method was only useful for RCU old integration usecase
configureWorkRuntimeRepository(String, String, String, String, int, String, TechnologyName) - Method in class
ContextManager - Class in
This class is a helper to provide expression contexts for each <@link DataSet> in an interface, as well as a context for target expressions.
An ODI interface expression context (<@link IExpressionContext>) is an object that is able to produce all the recognizable parsing tags that will be used when parsing the expression, for a specified language and technology.
Each of the context returned by this class ensures that they refer to:
source <@link DataStore> columns in the given DataSet project and global objects (variables, sequences, user functions), referred to in this class as "external objects" (because they are outside the interface itself). See method giveContext to learn how to retrieve a context for a given dataset.
ContextManager(OdiProject, IOdiEntityManager, boolean) - Constructor for class
Create a context manager that will include tags for the specified project.
ContextManager(OdiProject, IOdiEntityManager) - Constructor for class
Create a context manager that will include tags for the specified project.
copy(boolean, OdiLoadPlanStepCase) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan.OdiLoadPlanCaseCondition
copy(boolean) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan.OdiLoadPlanStep
copy(boolean) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan.OdiLoadPlanStepCase
copy(boolean) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan.OdiLoadPlanStepContainer
copy(boolean) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan.OdiLoadPlanStepRunScenario
countAll() - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.runtime.lpi.finder.IOdiLoadPlanInstanceRunFinder
return the count of all the OdiLoadPlanInstanceRun
countAll() - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.finder.IOdiSessionFinder
Gets the number of ODI sessions stored inside runtime repository.
countByAgentNameAndStatus(String, Status) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.finder.IOdiSessionFinder
Gets the number of ODI sessions related to given ODI Agent and having given status in runtime repository.
countByLoadPlanInstanceRun(OdiLoadPlanInstanceRun.OdiLoadPlanInstanceRunId) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.finder.IOdiSessionFinder
Returns the number of OdiSession launched by given OdiLoadPlanInstanceRun
countByStatus(OdiLoadPlanInstanceRun.Status) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.runtime.lpi.finder.IOdiLoadPlanInstanceRunFinder
Count the number of OdiLoadPlanInstanceRun following their status.
countByStatus(Status) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.finder.IOdiSessionFinder
Gets the number of ODI sessions with given status in runtime repository.
createAuthentication(String, char[]) - Method in class
This method creates an ODI Authentication from a ODI user name and password.
createAuthentication(Subject) - Method in class
This method creates an ODI authentication from a previously authenticated Subject.
createAuthentication(String, char[], String) - Method in class
This method creates an ODI Authentication using the runas pattern.
createDataAccessInfo(OdiInstance, IInterfaceSubComponent[], IJMSCallBack, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface
Creates a DataAccessInfo to retrieve a request and a connection to the data of the elements that are sent in pInterfaceSubComponents.
createEntityManager() - Method in class oracle.odi.core.OdiInstance
Create an application-managed IOdiEntityManager.
createInstance(OdiInstanceConfig) - Static method in class oracle.odi.core.OdiInstance
Create an OdiInstance object.
createMasterRepository(String, String, String, String, int, TechnologyName, boolean, AuthenticationConfiguration, PasswordStorageConfiguration, IMassImportExportResource) - Method in interface oracle.odi.setup.IMasterRepositorySetup
Deprecated. replaced by #createMasterRepository(JdbcProperties, String, String, int, TechnologyName, boolean, AuthenticationConfiguration, PasswordStorageConfiguration) and IMasterRepositorySetup.createMasterRepositoryFromExport(JdbcProperties, String, char[], int, TechnologyName, boolean, IMassImportExportResource)
createMasterRepository(JdbcProperties, String, char[], int, TechnologyName, boolean, AuthenticationConfiguration, PasswordStorageConfiguration) - Method in interface oracle.odi.setup.IMasterRepositorySetup
Create an ODI master repository into the database specified by the given parameters.
createMasterRepository(String, String, String, String, int, TechnologyName, boolean, AuthenticationConfiguration, PasswordStorageConfiguration, IMassImportExportResource) - Method in class
createMasterRepository(JdbcProperties, String, char[], int, TechnologyName, boolean, AuthenticationConfiguration, PasswordStorageConfiguration) - Method in class
createMasterRepositoryFromExport(JdbcProperties, String, char[], int, TechnologyName, boolean, IMassImportExportResource) - Method in interface oracle.odi.setup.IMasterRepositorySetup
Creates an ODI master repository into the database specified by the given parameters and populates the master with informations from a master export.
createMasterRepositoryFromExport(JdbcProperties, String, char[], int, TechnologyName, boolean, IMassImportExportResource) - Method in class
createMetadataSession() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiEnterpriseScheduler
Internal: Internal method that is not part of the public API.
createOdiEntityManager() - Method in interface oracle.odi.core.persistence.IOdiEntityManagerFactory
Create an application managed IOdiEntityManager.
createOPSSAuthenticationConfiguration(String, char[]) - Static method in class oracle.odi.setup.AuthenticationConfiguration
Creates an OPSS enabled AuthenticationConfigaration.
createRegistryTableAndEntryIfNeeded() - Method in class
createRuntimeSession() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiEnterpriseScheduler
Internal: Internal method that is not part of the public API.
createSourceSetFor(SourceDataStore[], ISourceSetNameProvider) - Method in interface
Creates a SourceSet for the corresponding source datastores.
createSourceSetFor(SourceDataStore[], ISourceSetNameProvider) - Method in class
createStandaloneAuthenticationConfiguration(char[]) - Static method in class oracle.odi.setup.AuthenticationConfiguration
Creates a standalone AuthenticationConfiguration.
createStartupParams(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class oracle.odi.runtime.agent.invocation.LoadPlanStartupParams
A convenient method to create a LoadPlanStartupParams object from a Map<String, Object>.
createTargetMapping(DataSet, TargetColumn, OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation, Object) - Method in interface oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive.IActionHelper
For internal use only Create a new target mapping.
createTargetMapping(DataSet, TargetColumn, OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation, Object) - Method in class
For internal use only Create a new target mapping.
createWorkDevRepository(String, String, String, String, int, String, TechnologyName, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.odi.setup.IWorkRepositorySetup
Deprecated. replaced by #createWorkRepository(WorkType, JdbcProperties, int, String, TechnologyName, boolean, String)
createWorkDevRepository(String, String, String, String, int, String, String, TechnologyName, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.odi.setup.IWorkRepositorySetup
Deprecated. replaced by #createWorkRepository(WorkType, JdbcProperties, int, String, TechnologyName, boolean, String)
createWorkDevRepository(String, String, String, String, int, String, TechnologyName, boolean) - Method in class
createWorkDevRepository(String, String, String, String, int, String, String, TechnologyName, boolean) - Method in class
createWorkRepository(WorkRepository.WorkType, JdbcProperties, int, String, TechnologyName, boolean, char[]) - Method in interface oracle.odi.setup.IWorkRepositorySetup
Create an ODI Work repository into the database schema specified by the JdbcProperties parameters.
createWorkRepository(WorkRepository.WorkType, JdbcProperties, int, String, TechnologyName, boolean, char[]) - Method in class
createWorkRuntimeRepository(String, String, String, String, int, String, TechnologyName, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.odi.setup.IWorkRepositorySetup
Deprecated. replaced by #createWorkRepository(WorkType, JdbcProperties, int, String, TechnologyName, boolean, String)
createWorkRuntimeRepository(String, String, String, String, int, String, String, TechnologyName, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.odi.setup.IWorkRepositorySetup
Deprecated. replaced by #createWorkRepository(WorkType, JdbcProperties, int, String, TechnologyName, boolean, String)
createWorkRuntimeRepository(String, String, String, String, int, String, TechnologyName, boolean) - Method in class
createWorkRuntimeRepository(String, String, String, String, int, String, String, TechnologyName, boolean) - Method in class
CrossRef<T> - Class in oracle.odi.domain.xrefs
A CrossRef is a cross reference between an ODI object and another one through an Expression.

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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (



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