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Oracle Fusion Middleware Architecture Reference for Oracle Unified Directory 11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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Document Information


1.  Introduction

2.  The Directory Server Access Control Model

3.  Understanding the Directory Server Schema

4.  Directory Server Index Databases

5.  Directory Server Replication

Overview of the Directory Server Replication Architecture

Basic Replication Architecture

Replication Servers

Replication Change Numbers

Replication Server State

Operation Dependencies

How Replication Works

Replication Initialization

Directory Server Change Processing

Replication Server Selection

Replication Server Selection Algorithm

Replication Server Load Balancing

Change Replay

Auto Repair

Directory Server Crashes

Replication Server Crashes

Historical Information and Conflict Resolution

What is a Replication Conflict?

Resolving Modify Conflicts

Resolving Naming Conflicts

Purging Historical Information

Schema Replication

Schema Replication Architecture

Replication Status

Replication Status Definitions

Degraded Status

Full Update Status and Bad Generation ID Status

Replication Groups

Assured Replication

Assured Replication Modes

Safe Data Mode

Safe Read Mode

Safe Read Mode and Replication Groups

Assured Replication Connection Algorithm

Assured Replication and Replication Status

Assured Replication Monitoring

Fractional Replication

Fractional Data Set Identification

Fractional Replication Filtering

Fractional Replication and Local Operations

External Change Log

How the External Change Log Works

Porting Applications That Rely on Other Change Logs

Differences Between the ECL and the LDAP Change Log Draft

Index Differences

DIT and Schema Differences

Additional Differences Between the ECL and the Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition Retro Change Log

API for Compatibility With the LDAP Change Log Draft and the Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition Retro Change Log

Limitations of the Compability API

6.  Directory Server Root Users and the Privilege Subsystem

7.  Supported Controls and Operations

Overview of the Directory Server Replication Architecture

The directory server replication model is a loosely consistent, multi-master model. In other words, all directory servers in a replicated topology can process both read and write operations.

Replication is built around a centralized publish-subscribe architecture. Each directory server communicates with a central service, and uses the central service to publish its own changes and to receive notification about changes on other directory servers. This central service is called the replication service.

The replication service can be made highly available by using multiple server instances running on multiple hosts. Within the replication architecture, a server instance that provides the replication service is called a replication server. A server instance that provides the directory service is called a directory server.

The parties in a replication session authenticate to each other using SSL certificates. A connection is accepted if the certificate that is presented is in the ADS trust store. No access control or privileges are enforced.

The topics in this section describe the replication architecture and the various elements that make up this architecture.

Basic Replication Architecture

The basic replication architecture is shown in the following illustration.

Figure shows the basic replication architecture

At startup time, each directory server selects a single replication server and connects to it. The directory server sends all changes that it processes to that replication server, and receives all changes from other servers in the topology through that replication server. Each replication server is connected to every other replication server in the topology.

When a replication server receives a change from a directory server, the replication server forwards the change to all the other replication servers in the topology. These replication servers in turn forward the change to all the directory servers to which they are connected. When a replication server receives a change from another replication server, the replication server forwards the change to the directory servers to which it is connected, but not to other replication servers. A directory server never sends a change directly to another directory server. This architecture ensures that all changes are forwarded to all servers without requiring complex negotiation.

Every change is assigned a change number by the directory server that originally processed the change. The change number is used to identify the change throughout its processing. A replication server maintains changes in stable storage so that older changes can be resent to directory servers that were not connected when the change occurred or that fell behind, becoming temporarily unable to receive all the changes at the time they were processed. For more information, see Replication Change Numbers.

The current update state of each directory server is maintained by keeping a record of the last changes that the directory server processed. When a directory server connects to a replication server, the replication server uses this record to determine the first change in the list of updates to send to the directory server.

Because multiple directory servers can process updates simultaneously, an update operation on one directory server can conflict with another update operation that affects the same entries on another directory server. Each directory server resolves conflicts when it replays operations from other directory servers, so that all directory server data eventually converges.

Conflicts can occur because of conflicting modify operations, called modify conflicts. Conflicts can also occur because of conflicting add, delete, or modRDN operations, called naming conflicts. To resolve conflicts in a coherent way, directory servers maintain a history of successive changes to each entry. This history is called historical information. Historical information is stored as an operational attribute inside the entry on which the changes occurred. For more information, see Historical Information and Conflict Resolution.

Replication Servers

A replication server performs the following tasks:

Replication servers are not the same as directory servers. However, like directory servers, replication servers use a configuration file, can be configured and monitored online, and can be backed up and restored. Replication servers are therefore always LDAP servers or JMX servers, even though replication servers do not store directory data.

Replication Change Numbers

Change numbers uniquely identify changes that are made on an LDAP directory server. Change numbers also provide a consistent ordering of changes. The change number order is used to resolve conflicts and to determine the order in which forwarded changes should be replayed.

A change number consists of the following elements:

Replication Server State

When a directory server connects to a replication server, the replication server must determine how up to date the directory server data is before the replication server can send changes that the directory server has not yet seen. This “up to date” state of the directory server is called the replication server state.

Server state is maintained as a vector. A server might have missed relatively old changes from another remote server, yet might already have seen and processed more recent changes from a server that is close by. Server state is therefore maintained by recording the last change number processed by each replica, according to the replica identifier.

Because administrators can stop and restart servers, the server state must be saved to stable storage. Ideally saving the server state would be done after each local or replicated change is made. Saving information to the database after each change would add significant overhead, however. Server state is therefore kept in memory and saved to the database on a regular basis, and when the server is properly shut down.

A drawback of this approach is that brutal interruptions such as kills and crashes can cause the server to lose track of changes that have already been processed. This can result in the need to fix inconsistencies when the server restarts. For an explanation of how crash recovery is managed, see Directory Server Crashes.

Operation Dependencies

Sometimes an operation cannot be replayed until another operation is complete. For example, when an add operation is followed by a modify operation on the same entry, the server must wait for the add operation to be completed before starting the modify operation.

Such dependencies are quite rare and are generally necessary for a few operations only. Most operations do not have dependencies (since most are modify operations). In such cases, it is necessary to replay operations in parallel to obtain the best performance with multi-CPU servers.

The replication model is built on the assumption that operation dependencies are rare. The replication mechanism therefore always tries to replay operations in parallel, and only switches to processing operation dependencies if an operation fails to replay.