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Sun QFS and Sun Storage Archive Manager 5.3 Installation Guide     Sun QFS and Sun Storage Archive Manager 5.3 Information Library
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Document Information


1.  About Sun QFS and Sun Storage Archive Manager

2.  Planning Your Environment

3.  Preparing for Installation

4.  Release Package Contents, Directories, and Files

5.  Installing Sun QFS and SAM-QFS

6.  Installing and Configuring SAM-QFS Manager

7.  Configuring the File System Environment

8.  Setting Up Mount Parameters and Initializing the File System Environment

9.  Backing Up SAM-QFS Data and Files

10.  Upgrading Sun QFS and SAM-QFS

Upgrade Overview Task Map

Preparing for an Upgrade

Upgrade Considerations

Support for Rolling Upgrades in a Shared Environment

How to Perform Rolling Upgrades in a Shared Environment

Preserving Information for an Upgrade

Backing Up Existing File Systems

Backing Up Using the Version 1, Version 2, and Version 2A Superblocks

How to Back Up the File System (Sun QFS Configurations)

How to Back Up a File System (SAM-QFS Configurations)

Example Of Using the samfsdump Command

Stopping Archiving Operations

How to Stop Archiving Operations From SAM-QFS Manager

How to Stop Archiving Operations From the Command Line

Unsharing File Systems

Unmounting File Systems

How To Unmount a File System Using SAM-QFS Manager

How to Unmount a File System From the Command Line

How to Unmount by Editing the /etc/vfstab File

Removing Existing Software

How to Remove Existing Software

Adding the Upgrade Packages

How to Add the Packages

Upgrading SAM-QFS Manager

Restoring the File System

How to Verify the mcf File

How to Modify the /etc/vfstab File

How to Reinitialize and Restore the File System

How to Check the File System

Mounting the File System

How to Mount the File System Using SAM-QFS Manager

Recompiling API-Dependent Applications

Upgrading Hardware

General Prerequisites

Switching Between SPARC and AMD Platforms

Configuring EFI Labels for Shared x64 and SPARC Volumes

How to Convert Disk Labels From the Default SMI VTOC8 to EFI

Upgrading the Oracle Solaris OS

How to Upgrade the Oracle Solaris OS in a Sun QFS Environment

11.  Uninstalling the SAM-QFS Manager Software

12.  Installing Sun QFS and Sun Storage Archive Manager -- Quick Start

Adding the Upgrade Packages

The software packages use the Oracle Solaris packaging utilities for adding and deleting software. The pkgadd command prompts you to confirm various actions necessary to upgrade the packages.

How to Add the Packages

  1. Use the cd command to change to the directory where the software package release files reside.
    • If you downloaded the release files as described in Obtaining the Release Files, change to the directory to which you downloaded the files.

    • If you obtained the release files from a CD-ROM, change to the directory on the CD-ROM that corresponds to your OS version.

  2. Use the pkgadd command to upgrade the packages.

    For example:

    # pkgadd -d . SUNWqfsr SUNWqfsu
  3. Enter yes or y in response to each of the questions.

    During the installation, the system detects the presence of conflicting files and prompts you to indicate whether you want to continue with the installation. You can go to another window and copy any files you want to save to an alternate location.