The ATG Configuration and Installation Manager (CIM) is a wizard-based tool that helps to simplify ATG product configuration by walking you through the required steps. This ensures that all necessary steps are completed and are done in the correct order. You can use CIM to get a working installation running quickly and easily, but keep in mind that you will most likely end up doing further configuration on your installation as your project evolves.

Important: If you have already configured other ATG products, and you are now adding ATG Campaign Optimizer, it is recommended that you not use CIM. If you do choose to set up ATG Campaign Optimizer with CIM on top of an existing ATG installation, be aware that CIM will reconfigure the existing products. In most cases, as long as you specify the existing installation’s parameters, the changes are harmless, but some parts of the process require CIM to recreate database tables and reimport initial data into them, which will cause errors to occur.

CIM handles the following configuration steps:

See the ATG Installation and Configuration Guide for additional information on CIM.

To configure ATG Campaign Optimizer using CIM:

  1. Install the ATG platform, ATG Campaign Optimizer as described at the beginning of this chapter. Also install ATG Commerce if your environment uses it.

  2. Start CIM. To do so, switch to <ATG9dir>\home\bin at a command line prompt and type:


  3. Follow the prompts. Type h at any prompt for more information. See also the tips in the next section, CIM Selections for ATG Campaign Optimizer.

CIM Selections for ATG Campaign Optimizer

At the CIM Main Menu, type p and press Enter to go to the Production Selection screen. Then make one of the following choices:

At the next screen, Choose Add-Ons, select the ATG Campaign Optimizer options that are applicable to the environment you are setting up. Some of the add-ons shown for ATG Campaign Optimizer (for example, Dedicated Lock Servers) are part of the platform configuration. There are two add-on choices specific to ATG Campaign Optimizer:

Note that you need to complete all the steps in the Main Menu (including Select Application Server and Database Configuration) except Custom CIM Plugin Launcher.

For detailed information on CIM prompts, please refer to the CIM online help.

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