This section describes how to perform ATG Campaign Optimizer setup tasks If you used CIM to set up ATG Campaign Optimizer, the database schemas have already been created and the data sources configured, so you do not need to follow the procedures in this section.

Creating the Database Schema for the ATG Campaign Optimizer Server

Follow these steps to create the database tables required by the ATG Campaign Optimizer server.

  1. If you haven’t done so already, create the database tables for the ATG Adaptive Scenario Engine. For instructions, see the Configuring Databases and Database Access chapter in the ATG Installation and Configuration Guide.

  2. Run the following SQL scripts in your production database:



    If you installed ATG Campaign Optimizer for Commerce, run the following SQL scripts in your production database:



  3. Run the following SQL Scripts in your publishing database:



    If you installed ATG Campaign Optimizer for Commerce, run the following SQL script in your publishing database:



Configuring the ATG Campaign Otpimizer Server Data Source

The ATG Campaign Optimizer server relies on the database instance configured for the underlying ATG Content Administration system. (This database stores the versioned test assets checked in to the ATG Content Administration system. It also stores the profiles of ATG Content Administration and ATG Campaign Optimizer users.) Initially, the ATG Content Administration system uses the default ATG data source. If you haven’t already done so, you need to reconfigure this data source so it points to a production-quality database. For more information, see the ATG Content Administration Programming Guide.

Importing the Initial ATG Campaign Optimizer Data

To import the initial ATG Campaign Optimizer data into your database:

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