For Motorprise, custom catalogs are assigned to an organization via a contract. You can create contracts in the Purchases and Payments > Contracts area in the ACC. We used contracts to associate a price list and a catalog with an organization.

In Motorprise, each organization has only one contract. However, you could easily extend your site to allow multiple contracts per organization and to set the default to the currently active contract when the user logs in.

Each organization has a Contract property and it derives its Catalog and Pricelist properties from the contract.

Users inherit the Contract property and thus its Catalog and Pricelist properties. You could assign catalogs and price lists directly to organizations, rather than using contracts; in that case users would inherit the Catalog and Pricelist properties directly from the organization.

For more information, see the Using Requisitions and Contracts chapter in the ATG Commerce Programming Guide.

The USMW contract associates USMW with a price list and a custom catalog.

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