ATG Portal includes a Nucleus component, /atg/portal/process/CommunityProposalHome, that can be used to create, edit, and delete community proposals. It includes getItem, createItem, addItem, and removeItem methods that work on CommunityProposal objects. The CommunityProposalHome.addItem method creates a CommunityProposalMessage, which can be used by scenarios or other components as a starting point for creating new communities based on the CommunityProposal object.

You can use the CommunityProposalHome component as a basis for form handlers, portlets, JSP pages or other interfaces that allow users to create, edit, and delete community proposals.

The following example creates a CommunityProposal, setting its name, url, and creator properties to joe:

import javax.servlet.http.*
import atg.portal.process.*
import atg.userdirectory.*
import atg.userprofiling.*

CommunityProposalHome home =
CommunityProposal cp = home.createItem();
UserDirectory ud = (UserDirectory)
Profile profile = (Profile)request.resolveName("/atg/userprofiling/Profile");
User user = ud.findUserByPrimaryKey(profile.getRepositoryId());
System.out.println("user = " + user);

You could create a form page for creating community proposals that allows users to input the properties of the proposal.

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