Module name: repview

The Repository View Gear displays a read-only view of items from any repository. Display can be automatic or highly customized. The items displayed are selected by configurable targeters.

Repository and Targeter Configuration

The Repository View Gear requires an existing repository. The gear displays items of one type from the repository you specify. You need to create targeters keyed to that repository and repository item type so that the gear can determine which repository items to display. See Setting Up Targeting Services in the ATG Personalization Programming Guide for information about creating targeters.

Installation Configuration

To configure the Repository View Gear in the Portal Administration:

  1. Click the configure link for the gear in the Available Gears page. The configuration page opens, presenting the following seven steps in configuration: repository, delegate, resource bundle, featured item, short list, full list, display item.

  2. Click the repository link. Enter the Nucleus address of the repository whose items the gear will display and click Continue.

    Select the item descriptor of the type of repository items this gear will display and click Update.

  3. Click the delegate link. Check the box if you want to enable community leaders to configure each instance of this gear independently. Please note that the configuration is somewhat technically oriented and gives a higher than normal level of access to the data and repositories. It is not recommended to enable delegated configuration for non-technical or untrusted community leaders.

  4. Click the resource bundle link. If you want to change the gear’s user-visible text, because you want to change its labeling or because you have localized the Repository View Gear, you can specify the resource bundle to use.

  5. An instance of the Repository View Gear can be configured to display a single featured item, a short list of selected items, or a full list of all items in the repository. The next three steps, featured item, short list, and full list, let you configure which targeters are used to select the items and which properties of the items are displayed in each of these views.

  6. Click the featured item link.

    Select a targeter that chooses which item to display as the featured item.

    There are two ways to configure how the gear displays the properties of a featured item. Either enter the relative pathname of a custom JSP fragment that displays the item properties you want, or enter the names of the properties that should appear in the featured item display and the gear will create the display automatically.

    Two sample JSP fragments are included in <ATG9dir>/Portal/repview/src/repview.war/html/content/custom. If you create a custom JSP fragment, specify its pathname is relative to the <ATG9dir>/Portal/repview/repview.war/html/content/ directory. For example, if you put your custom JSP fragment in the same directory as the two sample fragments, enter custom/mycustom.jsp.

    Click Update.

  7. Click the short list link.

    Select a targeter that chooses which items to display in the short list of items in the shared view of the gear.

    Enter the names of the properties that should appear in the short list of items.

    Click Update.

  8. Click the full list link.

    Select a targeter that chooses which items to display in the full list of items in the full page view of the gear.

    Enter the names of the properties that should appear in the full list of items in the full page view of the gear.

    Click Update.

  9. Click the display item link. When a user clicks on an individual repository item to view it, the gear displays the properties you select on this subpage. As with the featured item, you can choose either to create a custom JSP page to display the selected item, or select the properties you want to display and the gear will create the display automatically.

    Click Update.

Instance Configuration

To configure an instance of the Repository View Gear:

User Configuration

An instance of the Repository View Gear provides an Edit button that portal users can click to set the maximum number of items displayed in the full and shared views of the gear.

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