In addition to parameters such as maxDocs that limit how many index items are returned, the browse request also allows paging through of these index items, and it is controlled by the following attributes:

<browse pageNum="num" pageSize="size"

The pageSize attribute controls how many results are returned at one time. If pageSize is empty, no paging is performing. If paging is used, and the results do not fit on a single page, resubmit the query with pageNum="1", pageNum="2", etc. to access the additional results (the first result page is page 0).

ATG strongly recommends that you do not use a pageSize value greater than 100, as this can lead to performance problems or even Search engine failure.

Group size for results is controlled by one of two parameters:

<browse pageGroupSize="gsize" responseNumberSettings="settings"

These controls set the maximum item results to consider (i.e. sN,oN,tN), the maximum number of groups to return (i.e. docN,propN), and the size of the result groups (e.g. perProp if grouping by property). An alternative to these controls for the size of the groups is the pageGroupSize attribute. If these controls are not supplied, the browse algorithm obeys the maxDocsPerSet instead.

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