When you create a Web service, you specify whether it should be executed within the context of an HTTP session. Associating Web services with a session enables an application to maintain state across Web service calls and to use login information for security purposes.

JAX-RPC requires that clients support sessions, but a session is required to work with only a single Web service. Some other Web services frameworks, such at Microsoft’s .NET, permit session sharing, in which multiple Web services are executed within the same session. This enables you to build a client application that makes a series of Web service calls to perform some set of actions. To supply this same flexibility in Java, the ATG platform includes a version of Axis, Apache’s open-source JAX-RPC implementation, that has been modified to allow multiple Web services to be executed in a session.

For more information about using sessions with Java clients, see the Accessing ATG Web Services from Java Clients chapter. For more information about using sessions with .NET clients, see the Accessing ATG Web Services from .NET Clients chapter.

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