The ATG platform includes two classes that help identify the appropriate mapping file for each item descriptor that you want to use with the repository2xml data binding facility. These classes are used by Web service clients:


An ItemDescriptorMapping is a simple bean that holds information about relationships between repository item descriptors and mapping files. The mapping files describe what properties are to be exposed when an item from that item descriptor is to be transformed into XML. Each ItemDescriptorMapping pertains to exactly one repository: for example, you would have a UserProfileItemDescriptorMapping, or a PromotionItemDescriptorMapping component, each of which would provide a list of item descriptor names from the corresponding repository and their corresponding mapping files.

An ItemDescriptorMapping contains only three properties:

Property Name





The path to the repository supported by this ItemDescriptorMapping. This is a read-only property



The path to the repository supported by this ItemDescriptorMapping. Similar to repositoryPath but this property will resolve to an actual Repository instance, and is writeable.



A map where the keys are item descriptor names and the values are locations of mapping files, relative to the configpath, which provide rules for how an item of the keyed item descriptor name appears in XML format

Here is an example properties file for an ItemDescriptorMapping that supports the profile repository:


Here we see the there are two entries in the itemDescriptorMapping property, one for the user item descriptor, and one for the contactInfo item descriptor.

Whenever an entry is added to the itemDescriptorMapping property, whether through a properties file, or directly in code, the ItemDescriptorMapping checks to make sure that the key of the entry, the item descriptor name, resolves to an actual item descriptor of the repository this service is configured to support. If any item descriptor name does not resolve, a RepositoryException is thrown.

By themselves, ItemDescriptorMappings don’t do any work. They simply hold state. In order to put them to work, you must add them to the ItemDescriptorMappingManager, described below.


Class: atg.repository.xml.ItemDescriptorMappingManager
Component: /atg/repository/xml/ItemDescriptorMappingManager
Module: DAS

The ItemDescriptorMappingManager serves as a registry of ItemDescriptorMappings. It is through this service that you obtain mapping files for all repository and item descriptor combinations. The mapping files are registered in the itemDescriptorMappings property of the ItemDescriptorMappingManager component:

Property Name





An array of ItemDescriptorMapping components. When a user calls methods to retrieve mapping files, this component sifts through the itemDescriptorMappings to determine the correct mapping.

Here is an example properties file:


The following ItemDescriptorMappingManager methods can be used to retrieve mapping files:

getMappingFileName(String pRepositoryPath, String pItemDescriptorName)
Using the given repository path and item descriptor name, returns the mapping file for that given path:name combination, or null if none exists.

getMappingFileName(Repository pRepository, String pItemDescriptorName)
Using the given repository and item descriptor name, returns the mapping file for that given repository:name combination, or null if none exists.

When you use the atg.repository.xml.GetService to get repository items in XML form, you can pass along a mapping file name using these ItemDescriptorMappingManager methods. Using the ItemDescriptorMappingManager, you can centralize all mapping files in one component for all item descriptors, and just call that to determine which mapping file to use for a given item descriptor.

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