For the purposes of managing your company’s relationship with its site visitors, it is useful to be able to track what happens as a result of the elements within a scenario. For example, if you set up a scenario that sends a promotional e-mail to new members offering them a discount on a product, it is helpful to keep a record of the members to whom the e-mail is sent. Information such as this can help you monitor the success of your promotions, and it also allows you to provide better customer service.

You can track anything that happens in a scenario through recorder elements, which you insert at specific points in the scenario. Recorder elements collect data you can use to create reports. The Scenarios module comes with a predefined recorder element called an Audit Trail that you can use to keep a simple record of what happens in a scenario.

The Audit Trail (which is a type of Action element) works as follows: When you create a scenario, you insert an Audit Trail element after scenario elements that you think are significant and that you want to track. When a site visitor triggers that element in the scenario, the system records information that includes the following:

The system records this information in a predefined dataset called Audit Trail. You can then set up a report that displays the information that the audit trail collects.

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