The instructions in this section describe how to install and configure two types of development environments, one with Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search (Search) and one without. Both environments:

Each ATG instance (EAR file) running in your application server includes the appropriate configuration and modules for its designated tasks. The publishing instance runs ATG Content Administration, Oracle ATG Web Commerce Merchandising, and Site Administration. The production instance runs Commerce Reference Store and the ATG Content Administration publishing agent. For environments that include Search, the publishing instance also runs Search Administration and the Search Engine, while the production instance runs Search Routing. The two servers communicate with each other through the Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) API, for example, when the ATG Publishing server deploys content to the ATG Production server.

The Commerce Reference Store EAR files are assembled in development mode, where only classes, libraries, and J2EE modules are imported to the EAR file, and Nucleus configuration and other resources are used directly from the ATG install directory.

Commerce Reference Store includes three storefront sites: ATG Store US, ATG Store Germany, and ATG Home. These sites are related in the following ways:

Additionally, the three sites include support for the languages shown in the following table:


Language Support

ATG Store US

English, Spanish

ATG Store Germany

German, English

ATG Home

English, Spanish

Commerce Reference Store uses a switching database configuration that allows you to deploy changes to an offline copy of your data, rather than making changes directly to the data your live site depends on. After the data is deployed to the offline copy, a switch is made so that the offline copy becomes the online copy and vice versa. In this way, you avoid deploying to your live site, which can cause errors, inconsistencies, or poor site performance.

When you deploy from the publishing server to the production server, data that is ready to go live is copied from a versioned database, implemented as part of ATG Content Administration, to the production database. Not all data benefits from versioning, so the production database contains several schemas:

The versioned database only has one schema, Publishing, that contains all the data required for your sites, plus additional fields that manage asset versioning.

The following illustration shows the Commerce Reference Store architecture with Search:

This illustration is described in the preceding text.

The following illustration shows the Commerce Reference Store architecture without Search:

This illustration is described in the preceding text.