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Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3: Fortran User's Guide     Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 Information Library
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1.  Introduction

2.  Using Solaris Studio Fortran

3.  Fortran Compiler Options

4.  Solaris Studio Fortran Features and Extensions

4.1 Source Language Features

4.1.1 Continuation Line Limits

4.1.2 Fixed-Form Source Lines

4.1.3 Tab Form

4.1.4 Source Form Assumed Mixing Forms Case

4.1.5 Limits and Defaults

4.2 Data Types

4.2.1 Boolean Type Rules Governing Boolean Type Alternate Forms of Boolean Constants



Hollerith Alternate Contexts of Boolean Constants

4.2.2 Abbreviated Size Notation for Numeric Data Types

4.2.3 Size and Alignment of Data Types

4.3 Cray Pointers

4.3.1 Syntax

4.3.2 Purpose of Cray Pointers

4.3.3 Declaring Cray Pointers and Fortran 95 Pointers

4.3.4 Features of Cray Pointers

4.3.5 Restrictions on Cray Pointers

4.3.6 Restrictions on Cray Pointees

4.3.7 Usage of Cray Pointers

4.4 STRUCTURE and UNION (VAX Fortran)

4.5 Unsigned Integers

4.5.1 Arithmetic Expressions

4.5.2 Relational Expressions

4.5.3 Control Constructs

4.5.4 Input/Output Constructs

4.5.5 Intrinsic Functions

4.6 Fortran 200x Features

4.6.1 Interoperability with C

4.6.2 IEEE Floating-Point Exception Handling

4.6.3 Command-Line Argument Intrinsics

4.6.4 PROTECTED Attribute

4.6.5 Fortran 2003 Asynchronous I/O

4.6.6 Extended ALLOCATABLE Attribute

4.6.7 VALUE Attribute

4.6.8 Fortran 2003 Stream I/O

4.6.9 Fortran 2003 IMPORT Statement

4.6.10 Fortran 2003 FLUSH I/O Statement

4.6.11 Fortran 2003 POINTER INTENT Feature

4.6.12 Fortran 2003 Enhanced Array Constructor

4.6.13 Object-Oriented Fortran Support

4.6.14 Additional Fortran 2003 and Fortran 2008 Features

4.7 Additional I/O Extensions

4.7.1 I/O Error Handling Routines

4.7.2 Variable Format Expressions

4.7.3 NAMELIST Input Format

4.7.4 Binary Unformatted I/O

4.7.5 Miscellaneous I/O Extensions

4.8 Directives

4.8.1 Form of Special f95 Directive Lines Fixed-Form Source Free-Form Source

4.8.2 FIXED and FREE Directives Scope Uses Restrictions

4.8.3 Parallelization Directives

4.9 Module Files

4.9.1 Searching for Modules

4.9.2 The -use=list Option Flag

4.9.3 The fdumpmod Command

4.10 Intrinsics

4.11 Forward Compatibility

4.12 Mixing Languages

5.  FORTRAN 77 Compatibility: Migrating to Solaris Studio Fortran

A.  Runtime Error Messages

B.  Features Release History

C.  Fortran Directives Summary


4.1 Source Language Features

The f95 compiler provides the following source language features and extensions to the Fortran standard.

4.1.1 Continuation Line Limits

f95 allows 999 continuation lines (1 initial and 999 continuation lines). Standard Fortran 95 allows 19 for fixed-form and 39 for free-form.

4.1.2 Fixed-Form Source Lines

In fixed-form source, lines can be longer than 72 characters, but everything beyond column 73 is ignored. Standard Fortran 95 only allows 72-character lines.

4.1.3 Tab Form

The f95 fixed-format source text is defined as follows:

The f95 default maximum line length is 72 columns for fixed form and 132 for free form. Use the -e compiler option to extend the lines in fixed-format source to 132 columns.

Example: The tab form source on the left is treated as shown on the right.

!^IUses of tabs
^IREAL C = 3.0
^IWRITE(*,9) A, B, C
^I1 I3,
^I2 F9.1 )
!       Uses of tabs
        CHARACTER *3 A = ’A’
        INTEGER B = 2
        REAL C = 3.0
        WRITE(*,9) A, B, C
9       FORMAT(1X, A3,
       1 I3,
       2 F9.1 )

In the example above, ”^I” stands for the tab character, and the line starting with “1” and “2” are continuation lines. The coding is shown to illustrate various tab situations, and not to advocate any one style.

Tabs in f95 force the rest of the line to be padded out to column 72. This may cause unexpected results if the tab appears within a character string that is continued onto the next line:

Source file:

^Iprint *, "Tab on next line
^I1this  continuation line starts with a tab."

Running the code:

Tab on next line                                             this  continuation
 line starts with a tab.

When tab formatting is used with the —f77 option, there is no 132 character limit to the line length. The line can be much longer.

4.1.4 Source Form Assumed

The source form assumed by f95 depends on options, directives, and suffixes.

Files with a .f or .F suffix are assumed to be in fixed format. Files with a .f90, .f95, .F90, or .F95 suffix are assumed to be in free format.

Table 4-1 F95 Source Form Command-line Options

Interpret all source files as Fortran fixed form
Interpret all source files as Fortran free form

If the -free or -fixed option is used, it overrides the file name suffix. If either a !DIR$ FREE or !DIR$ FIXED directive is used, it overrides the option and file name suffix. Mixing Forms

Some mixing of source forms is allowed. Case

Solaris Studio Fortran 95 is case insensitive by default. That means that a variable AbcDeF is treated as if it were spelled abcdef. Compile with the -U option to have the compiler treat upper and lower case as unique.

4.1.5 Limits and Defaults