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Sun Fire X4800 M2 サーバーサービスマニュアル
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Sun Fire X4800 M2 サーバーサービスマニュアルの概要




Sun Fire X4800 M2 サーバー のサービスに関する手順および情報

BIOS 設定ユーティリティー画面

Main (メイン)

Advanced (詳細)


Boot (ブート)

Security (セキュリティー)

RC Settings (RC 設定)

Chipset (チップセット)

Exit (終了)

Sun Fire X4800 M2 サーバー 仕様


Chipset (チップセット)

Advanced Chipset Settings (チップセットの詳細設定)
* Advanced    PCIPnP    Boot    Security    RC Settings    Chipset    Exit     **
*                                                                              **
* Advanced Chipset Settings                           * Configure CPU Bridge   **
* *************************************************** * features.              **
* WARNING: Setting wrong values in below sections     *                        **
*          may cause system to malfunction.           *                        **
*                                                     *                        **
* * CPU Bridge Configuration                          *                        **
* * North Bridge Configuration                        *                        **
* * South Bridge Configuration                        *                        **
*                                                     *                        **
*                                                     *                        **
*                                                     *                        **
*                                                     *                        **
*                                                     * *    Select Screen     **
*                                                     * **    Select Item      **
*                                                     * Enter Go to Sub Screen **
*                                                     * F1    General Help     **
*                                                     *(CTRL+Q from remote kbd)**
*                                                     * F10   Save and Exit    **
*                                                     *(CTRL+S from remote kbd)**
*                                                     * ESC   Exit             **
Advanced Chipset Settings (チップセットの詳細設定) > CPU Bridge Configuration (CPU ブリッジ構成)
*                                                          Chipset             **
*                                                                              **
* CPU Bridge Chipset Configuration                    * Spread spectrum        **
* *************************************************** *  modulation.           **
*                                                     *                        **
*                                                     *                        **
* Spread Spectrum Mode           [Enabled]            *                        **
*                                                     *                        **
*                                                     *                        **
*                                                     *                        **
*                                                     *                        **
*                                                     *                        **
*                                                     *                        **
*                                                     *                        **
*                                                     * *    Select Screen     **
*                                                     * **    Select Item      **
*                                                     * +-    Change Option    **
*                                                     * F1    General Help     **
*                                                     *(CTRL+Q from remote kbd)**
*                                                     * F10   Save and Exit    **
*                                                     *(CTRL+S from remote kbd)**
*                                                     * ESC   Exit             **
Advanced Chipset Settings (チップセットの詳細設定) > NorthBridge Chipset Configuration (NorthBridge チップセット構成)
* NorthBridge Chipset Configuration                   * Configure Option ROM   **
* *************************************************** *                        **
*                                                     *                        **
*                                                     *                        **
* * Option ROM Scan for PCIe devices                  *                        **
* * I/O Allocation for PCIe devices                   *                        **
* * Resource Rebalancing features                     *                        **
*                                                     *                        **
* MMIOL Reclaim                  [Enabled]            *                        **
* PCI MMIO 64 Bits Support       [Disabled]           *                        **
*                                                     *                        **
*                                                     *                        **
*                                                     * *    Select Screen     **
*                                                     * **    Select Item      **
*                                                     * Enter Go to Sub Screen **
*                                                     * F1    General Help     **
*                                                     *(CTRL+Q from remote kbd)**
*                                                     * F10   Save and Exit    **
*                                                     *(CTRL+S from remote kbd)**
*                                                     * ESC   Exit             **
Advanced Chipset Settings (チップセットの詳細設定) > CPU Bridge Configuration (CPU ブリッジ構成) > Option ROM Scan for PCIe devices (PCIe デバイスのオプションの ROM スキャン)
*                                                          Chipset             **
*                                                                              **
* Option ROM Scan for PCIe devices                   ** Enable/Disable loading **
* ***************************************************** of the Option ROM for  **
*                                                    ** PCIe NIC3.0            **
* Scanning OPROM on BL3 NIC0     [Enabled]           **                        **
* Scanning OPROM on BL3 NIC1     [Enabled]           **                        **
* Scanning OPROM on BL3 FEM0     [Disabled]          **                        **
* Scanning OPROM on BL3 FEM1     [Disabled]          **                        **
* Scanning OPROM on BL3 EM0      [Disabled]          **                        **
* Scanning OPROM on BL3 EM1      [Disabled]          **                        **
*                                                    **                        **
* Scanning OPROM on BL2 NIC0     [Enabled]           **                        **
* Scanning OPROM on BL2 NIC1     [Enabled]           **                        **
* Scanning OPROM on BL2 FEM0     [Disabled]          ** *    Select Screen     **
* Scanning OPROM on BL2 FEM1     [Disabled]          ** **    Select Item      **
* Scanning OPROM on BL2 EM0      [Disabled]          ** +-    Change Option    **
* Scanning OPROM on BL2 EM1      [Disabled]          ** F1    General Help     **
*                                                    **(CTRL+Q from remote kbd)**
* Scanning OPROM on BL1 NIC0     [Enabled]           ** F10   Save and Exit    **
* Scanning OPROM on BL1 NIC1     [Enabled]           **(CTRL+S from remote kbd)**
* Scanning OPROM on BL1 FEM0     [Disabled]          ** ESC   Exit             **
* Scanning OPROM on BL1 FEM1     [Disabled]          **                        **
* Scanning OPROM on BL1 EM0      [Disabled]          **                        **
* Scanning OPROM on BL1 EM1      [Disabled]          **                        **
*                                                    **                        **
* Scanning OPROM on BL0 REM      [Enabled]           ** *    Select Screen     **
* Scanning OPROM on BL0 NIC0     [Enabled]           ** **    Select Item      **
* Scanning OPROM on BL0 NIC1     [Enabled]           ** +-    Change Option    **
* Scanning OPROM on BL0 FEM0     [Disabled]          ** F1    General Help     **
* Scanning OPROM on BL0 FEM1     [Disabled]          **(CTRL+Q from remote kbd)**
* Scanning OPROM on BL0 EM0      [Disabled]          ** F10   Save and Exit    **
* Scanning OPROM on BL0 EM1      [Disabled]          **(CTRL+S from remote kbd)**
*                                                    ** ESC   Exit             **
Advanced Chipset Settings (チップセットの詳細設定) > CPU Bridge Configuration (CPU ブリッジ構成) > I/O Allocation for PCIe devices (PCIe デバイスの I/O 割り当て)
*                                                          Chipset             **
*                                                                              **
* I/O Allocation for PCIe devices                    ** This can prevent I/O   **
* ***************************************************** resources from         **
*                                                    ** being assigned         **
* I/O Allocation for BL3 NIC     [Enabled]           ** to NIC3.0 & NIC3.1     **
* I/O Allocation for BL3 REM     [Enabled]           **                        **
* I/O Allocation for BL3 EM0     [Enabled]           **                        **
* I/O Allocation for BL3 EM1     [Enabled]           **                        **
* I/O Allocation for BL3 FEM0    [Enabled]           **                        **
* I/O Allocation for BL3 FEM1    [Enabled]           **                        **
*                                                    **                        **
* I/O Allocation for BL2 NIC     [Enabled]           **                        **
* I/O Allocation for BL2 REM     [Enabled]           **                        **
* I/O Allocation for BL2 EM0     [Enabled]           **                        **
* I/O Allocation for BL2 EM1     [Enabled]           **                        **
* I/O Allocation for BL2 FEM0    [Enabled]           **                        **
* I/O Allocation for BL2 FEM1    [Enabled]           **                        **
*                                                    **                        **
* I/O Allocation for BL1 NIC     [Enabled]           **                        **
* I/O Allocation for BL1 REM     [Enabled]           **                        **
* I/O Allocation for BL1 EM0     [Enabled]           **                        **
* I/O Allocation for BL1 EM1     [Enabled]           **                        **
* I/O Allocation for BL1 FEM0    [Enabled]           **                        **
* I/O Allocation for BL1 FEM1    [Enabled]           **                        **
*                                                    ** *    Select Screen     **
* I/O Allocation for BL0 NIC     [Enabled]           ** **    Select Item      **
* I/O Allocation for BL0 REM     [Enabled]           ** +-    Change Option    **
* I/O Allocation for BL0 EM0     [Enabled]           ** F1    General Help     **
* I/O Allocation for BL0 EM1     [Enabled]           **(CTRL+Q from remote kbd)**
* I/O Allocation for BL0 FEM0    [Enabled]           ** F10   Save and Exit    **
* I/O Allocation for BL0 FEM1    [Enabled]           **(CTRL+S from remote kbd)**
*                                                    ** ESC   Exit             **
Advanced Chipset Settings (チップセットの詳細設定) > CPU Bridge Configuration (CPU ブリッジ構成) > Resource Rebalancing features (リソースの再分散機能)
*                                                           Chipset            **
*                                                                              **
* Resource Rebalancing features                       * Total IO Ratio value   **
* *************************************************** * in all Processor       **
*                                                     * Modules should add up  **
*                                                     * to 8. IO Ratio value 0 **
* BL3 IO RATIO                   [Auto]               * is not supported. The  **
* BL2 IO RATIO                   [Auto]               * granularity is 8Kb.    **
* BL1 IO RATIO                   [Auto]               *                        **
* BL0 IO RATIO                   [Auto]               *                        **
*                                                     *                        **
* BL3 MMIO RATIO                 [Auto]               *                        **
* BL2 MMIO RATIO                 [Auto]               *                        **
* BL1 MMIO RATIO                 [Auto]               *                        **
* BL0 MMIO RATIO                 [Auto]               * *    Select Screen     **
*                                                     * **    Select Item      **
*                                                     * +-    Change Option    **
*                                                     * F1    General Help     **
*                                                     *(CTRL+Q from remote kbd)**
*                                                     * F10   Save and Exit    **
*                                                     *(CTRL+S from remote kbd)**
*                                                     * ESC   Exit             **
Advanced Chipset Settings (チップセットの詳細設定) > South Bridge Chipset Configuration (South Bridge チップセットの構成)
*                                                            Chipset           **
*                                                                              **
* South Bridge Chipset Configuration                  *        Options         **
* *************************************************** *                        **
* SMBUS Controller               [Enabled]            * Enabled                **
*                                                     * Disabled               **
* Restore on AC Power Loss       [Last State]         *                        **
* SATA Master Break Event        [Disabled]           *                        **
*                                                     *                        **
*                                                     *                        **
*                                                     *                        **
*                                                     *                        **
*                                                     *                        **
*                                                     *                        **
*                                                     * *    Select Screen     **
*                                                     * **    Select Item      **
*                                                     * +-    Change Option    **
*                                                     * F1    General Help     **
*                                                     *(CTRL+Q from remote kbd)**
*                                                     * F10   Save and Exit    **
*                                                     *(CTRL+S from remote kbd)**
*                                                     * ESC   Exit             **