15 Review Engineering Change Orders

This chapter contains these topics:

15.1 Reviewing Engineering Change Orders

An ECO reviewer reviews ECO and checks outstanding ECOs that await approval.

An ECO coordinator reviews ECO information to:

  • Check work orders and purchase orders for affected items

  • Determine if anyone has rejected an ECO

  • Check an ECO's progress

  • Plan and schedule work

  • Review who is in the process of reviewing an ECO

  • Review who is pending notification

15.2 Locating ECO Information

Locating ECO information consists of the following optional tasks:

  • Locate ECO revision information

  • Locate approval audit information

  • Locate open tasks

For an ECO, you can locate all the revision level changes made to the item. In order to view the most current revision information, you should run the ECO Population program daily.

You can review the approval status of an ECO to display which reviewers have approved it, are in the process of reviewing it, and who is pending notification.

You can locate an ECO for requested dates, start dates, and labor hours by operation to help you plan and schedule work.


From Manufacturing Systems (G3), choose Engineering Change Management

From Engineering Change Management (G3013), choose ECO Revision Inquiry

To locate ECO revision information

On ECO Revisions Inquiry

Figure 15-1 ECO Revision Inquiry screen

Description of Figure 15-1 follows
Description of "Figure 15-1 ECO Revision Inquiry screen"

Complete the following fields:

  • Branch/Plant

  • Item Number

The following fields display revision information:

  • Drawing Revision

  • Related Order

  • Change Type

  • Type Bill

  • Batch Quantity

  • Unit of Measure

  • From Revision

15.2.1 Processing Options

See Section 19.7, "ECO Revision Inquiry (P30135)."


From Manufacturing Systems (G3), choose Engineering Change Management

From Engineering Change Management (G3013), choose ECO Approval/Audit Review

To locate approval audit information

On ECO Approval/Audit Review

Figure 15-2 ECO Approval/Audit Review screen

Description of Figure 15-2 follows
Description of "Figure 15-2 ECO Approval/Audit Review screen"

Complete the following field:

  • ECO Number

15.2.2 Processing Options

See Section 19.8, "Approval Audit/Review (P48185)."


From Manufacturing Systems (G3), choose Engineering Change Management

From Engineering Change Management (G3013), choose ECO Open Task Review

To locate open tasks

On ECO Open Task Review

Figure 15-3 ECO Open Task Review screen

Description of Figure 15-3 follows
Description of "Figure 15-3 ECO Open Task Review screen"

Complete the following fields:

  • Branch/Plant

  • As of Date

  • Assigned to

  • Work Center

  • Status

Field Explanation
As of Date A numeric code that identifies either the period number or the date that you want to locate. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the ending date of the current period that is set up for the company. Valid period numbers are 1 through 14.
Status User defined code system 31, type OS. The from operation status is used as a beginning point to select work order information to display.
Thru A user defined code (system 31, type OS) used as an end point to select work order information to display.

15.2.3 Processing Options

See Section 19.9, "Assignment Review (P30220)."

15.3 Reviewing Future Bills of Material


From Manufacturing Systems (G3), choose Engineering Change Management

From Engineering Change Management (G3013), choose Future Bill Inquiry

You can review a bill of material as it would look at a specified date in the future, if pending ECOs are implemented.

To review future bills of material

On Future Bill Inquiry

Figure 15-4 Future Bill Inquiry screen

Description of Figure 15-4 follows
Description of "Figure 15-4 Future Bill Inquiry screen"

  1. Complete the following fields:

    • Branch/Plant

    • Parent Item


    If more than one selection type exists, the system displays Batch Quantity/Type Selection.

    Figure 15-5 Branch Quantity/Type Selection screen

    Description of Figure 15-5 follows
    Description of "Figure 15-5 Branch Quantity/Type Selection screen"

  2. On Batch Quantity/Type Selection, enter the selection option next to the future bill of material that you want to review.

  3. To review more information about the future bill of material, access the detail area.

15.3.1 Processing Options

See Section 19.10, "Future Bill Inquiry (P30210)."

15.4 Printing ECO Information

You can print ECO information to help you manage the ECOs you create. There are two ECO reports available:

  • ECO Details Report

  • Open ECO Report

15.4.1 ECO Details Report


From Manufacturing Systems (G3), choose Engineering Change Management

From Engineering Change Management (G3013), choose ECO Details Report

You can generate the ECO Details report to list all details for a specific ECO. Set up processing options to specify the amount and type of information in the report.

Figure 15-6 ECO Work Order Print

Description of Figure 15-6 follows
Description of "Figure 15-6 ECO Work Order Print"

15.4.2 Processing Options

See Section 19.11, "ECO Work Order Print (P48020P)."

15.4.3 Open ECO Report


From Manufacturing Systems (G3), choose Engineering Change Management

From Engineering Change Management (G3013), choose Open ECO Report

Use the Open ECOs report to list the ECOs that are currently in the approval process or as a basis for running the ECO Population program.

You can customize this report as follows:

  • Set up the report by document type and status code

  • Set up the report by category code and product family

  • Set up the report by status code for pending approval

  • Set up the report by status code for ECOs that have been approved

Figure 15-7 ECO Summary by Branch/Plant

Description of Figure 15-7 follows
Description of "Figure 15-7 ECO Summary by Branch/Plant"