34 Set Up Manufacturing Information

This chapter contains these topics:

34.1 Setting Up Standard Procedures


From Shop Floor Management (G31), enter 29

From Shop Floor Control Setup(G3141), choose Standard Procedures

You can set up generic messages (48/SN) that represent procedural or message text for your company. Use them to describe a standard procedure for each step in a routing.

The description you define for the code prints on shop floor documents and appears in online inquiries that access data on Enter/Change Routing.

What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Indicating the procedure to use for routings After you define standard procedure codes, you can enter them in the Standard Description field on Enter/Change Routing to indicate the procedure to use for each routing operation.

To set up standard procedures

On Standard Procedures

Figure 34-1 Standard Procedures screen

Description of Figure 34-1 follows
Description of "Figure 34-1 Standard Procedures screen"

  1. Complete the following fields:

    • Character Code

    • Description

  2. Choose General Message.

    Figure 34-2 General Message screen

    Description of Figure 34-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 34-2 General Message screen"

  3. On General Message, complete the following fields to add a message to the code you selected:

  • Message Number

  • Message

Processing Options

See Section 37.2, "Generic Rate/Message Records Program (P00191)."

34.2 Setting Up Employee Labor Rates


From Shop Floor Management (G31), enter 29

From Shop Floor Control Setup(G3141), choose Employee Labor Rates

Employee labor rate codes are generic rates (31/ER) that represent hourly labor rates for your employees. The rate that you define for each employee appears in the Employee Rate field on the Hours and Quantities Entry form when the employee enters time transactions. For each code, you can define the name or type of employee that the code represents and the hourly labor rate for the employee or job category.

To set up employee labor rates

On Employee Labor Rates

Figure 34-3 Employee Labor Rates screen

Description of Figure 34-3 follows
Description of "Figure 34-3 Employee Labor Rates screen"

Complete the following fields:

  • Character Code

  • Description

  • Rate

Field Explanation
Rate A code used to define rate information in the General Rate/Message Records table (F00191).

Processing Options

See Section 37.2, "Generic Rate/Message Records Program (P00191)."

34.3 Setting Up the Shop Floor Calendar


From Shop Floor Management (G31), enter 29

From Shop Floor Control Setup(G3141), choose Shop Floor Calendar

You can define the work days by month and year for each branch or all branches in your system in the Shop Floor Calendar. The system uses this calendar to determine manufacturing schedules.You can also define calendars by shift and name. The system uses these calendars for line sequencing by shift in repetitive manufacturing.

To increase plant capacity, manufacturers run production lines for more than one shift, as well as run different lines of production on different days of the week. You specify these shifts and lines on the Shop Floor Calendar.

What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Deleting a branch calendar If you delete a branch calendar for a month and year, the calendar record no longer exists. However, if you locate a month and year that does not exist, it appears with default values. You can then add the record.
System defaults If the shop calendar for the branch, month, and year are not yet defined, the system preloads default work days (Monday through Friday) and weekends (Saturday and Sunday). Holidays are always user defined.
Shift calendars Shift calendars are not used for DRP/MPS/MRP.

To set up the shop floor calendar

You set up a calendar month by locating the month, year, and branch, and entering any different day types.

On Shop Floor Calendar

Figure 34-4 Shop Floor Calendar screen

Description of Figure 34-4 follows
Description of "Figure 34-4 Shop Floor Calendar screen"

Complete the following fields:

  • Branch

  • Calendar Year

  • Calendar Month

  • Shift (for repetitive manufacturing)

  • Line (for repetitive manufacturing)

  • Type of Day

The calendar on the left shows the actual calendar days for the month and year that you requested. The calendar on the right shows the workdays and non-workdays that you define.

Field Explanation
Branch A code that represents a high-level business unit. It can be used to reference a branch or plant that might have departments or jobs, which represent lower-level business units (data item MCU), subordinate to it. For example:
  • Branch/Plant (MMCU)

  • Dept A (MCU)

  • Dept B (MCU)

  • Job 123 (MCU)

Business unit security is based on the higher-level business unit.

Form-specific information

This value identifies the branch or plant in which the calendar resides. It must be a valid business unit.

Calendar Year The calendar year.
Calendar Month The calendar month.
Shift A user defined code (07/SH) that identifies daily work shifts. In payroll systems, you can use a shift code to add a percent or amount to the hourly rate on a timecard.

For payroll and time entry:

If an employee always works a shift for which a shift rate differential is applicable, enter that shift code on the employee's master record. When you enter the shift on the employee's master record, you do not need to enter the code on the timecard when you enter time.

If an employee occasionally works a different shift, you enter the shift code on each applicable timecard to override the default.

Form-specific information

For repetitive manufacturing, this field identifies the shift for the production line.

The Line Scheduling Workbench and Line Sequencing Workbench programs use these shift and line specific calendars to schedule production accordingly.

Calendar Name An alphanumeric field that identifies a separate entity within a business for which you want to track costs. For example, a business unit might be a warehouse location, job, project, work center, or branch/plant.

You can assign a business unit to a voucher, invoice, fixed asset, and so on, for purposes of responsibility reporting. For example, the system provides reports of open accounts payable and accounts receivable by business units to track equipment by responsible department.

Security for this field can prevent you from locating business units for which you have no authority.

Note: The system uses this value for Journal Entries if you do not enter a value in the AAI table.

Form-specific information

For repetitive manufacturing, this field provides the link to the Work Center Master, which allows the system to create calendars for that production line. You must also identify all shifts for the production line.

The Line Scheduling Workbench and Line Sequencing Workbench programs use these shift and line specific calendars to schedule production accordingly.

34.4 Setting Up Manufacturing Constants


From Shop Floor Management (G31), enter 29

From Shop Floor Control Setup(G3141), choose Manufacturing Constants

You set up manufacturing constants to maintain general branch or plant information that affects processing throughout the Manufacturing system, such as:

  • When inventory is committed and backflushed

  • Which overhead costs calculations are used

  • Whether work center efficiency is considered when calculating direct labor and overhead

  • Whether an audit trail tracks all changes made to bills of material

  • Whether the system validates bills of material online as you enter them

Information that you define for manufacturing constants affects all areas of the JD Edwards World Manufacturing system, so you should make your choices carefully.

Complete the following tasks:

  • Set up engineering manufacturing constants

  • Set up production manufacturing constants (optional)

  • Set up accounting manufacturing constants

To set up engineering manufacturing constants

On Manufacturing Constants

Figure 34-5 Manufacturing Constants screen

Description of Figure 34-5 follows
Description of "Figure 34-5 Manufacturing Constants screen"

  1. Complete the following fields:

    • On-Line BOM Validation

  2. Complete the following optional fields:

  • Log Bill of Material Changes

  • Master Routings

  • Percent Bill Validation

  • Activity Rules Flag (Y/N)

  • Actual Costing only:

    • Labor Rate Source

    • Machine Rate Source

Field Explanation
Log Bill of Material Changes This field determines whether changes to the bill of material are recorded in the Bill of Material Change table (F3011). Valid values are:

Y – Yes, log changes.

N – No, do not log changes.

Blank will assume an N.

When you log bill of material changes, the system saves the old bill of material and the new changed bill of material.

On-Line BOM Validation (Y/N) Determines whether the system performs an online component/parent validation and low-level code assignment when you revise a bill of material.

Valid values are:

Y – Yes, validate items online.

N – No, do not validate items online.

Note: JD Edwards World recommends that you validate items online (enter Y) unless your bills of material are extremely large.

Important: If you enter N, you must validate the items in batch. Run the Print Integrity Analysis program (P30601) after bill of material updates and before you run the Cost Simulation (P30820) and Cost Update program (P30835) or perform a DRP/MPS/MRP generation (P3482).

Master Routings (Y/N) This field controls whether the system uses the master routing for an item or a routing defined for the parent item. Both routings are retrieved from the Routing Master table (F3003). Valid values are:

Y – Yes, use the master routing for an item, if one exists. The Shop Floor Control system checks the Item Cross Reference table (F4104), Cross Reference Type MR, for the parent item. If the system finds a cross-reference, the system uses the master routing from the Routing Master table (F3003). If the system does not find a cross-reference, the system uses the routing defined for the parent item.

N – No, do not check for a master routing for the item. The system always uses the parent item's routing from the Routing Master table (F3003).

Percent Bill Validation This flag designates whether percent bills are allowed to contain fixed or variable components in addition to the 100% formula. If left blank, the system allows only percent components and must total 100%.
Activity Rules Flag (Y/N) This flag determines allowable status changes. Prior to turning on the Activity Rules Flag (P3009), establish rules for each Document and Work Order type combination you use in the branch/plant. Activity Rules for Manufacturing Work Orders are optional by branch/plant.

Y - Yes. Use Activity Rules to regulate updates to Work Order and Rate Schedule status codes. With Activity Rules activated, attempted status updates not allowed by the rules generate an error and prevent completion of the requested action.

N - No. Do not regulate updates to Work Order and Rate Schedule status codes.

Labor Rate Source If manufactured items are set in Cost Revisions (F4105) to use Sales /Inventory cost method 02, you must select a 1 or 2 in the field. The code specifies the source for labor rates. Valid values are:

1 - Work Center Rates table (F30008)

2 - Employee Labor Rates table (F00191)

Machine Rate Source If manufactured items are set in Cost Revisions (F4105) to use Sales/Inventory cost method 02, you must select a 1 or 2 in the field. The code specifies the source for machine rates. Valid values are:

1 - Work Center Rates table (F30008)

2 - Equipment Rates table (F1301)

To set up production manufacturing constants

On Manufacturing Constants

Complete the following optional fields:

  • Backflush Option

  • Commitment Control

  • Hard/Soft Commit

  • Hours

  • Shift Code

Field Explanation
Backflush Options Determines how the system performs commitment and release of inventory during the backflush process. Valid codes are:
  1. Create a standard parts list based on the value in the Commitment Control field in the Manufacturing Constants table (F3009).

  2. Create a parts list, committing to the location indicated in the Work Center Master table (F30006). The Operation Sequence field in the Bill of Material table (F3002) determines the work center that is used.

Note: You must create the work order routing before the parts list. If you are running work order generation, the work order routing and the parts list must be created at the same time.

Commitment Control Determines how the system commits inventory to a work order, and limits the inventory location to which commitments are made. The system activates this field only when you create hard commitments. Valid codes are:
  1. Make commitments to the primary location in the branch/plant where the work order originates.

  2. Split the parts list and commitments to fill any component shortages. The system can cross branch boundaries to fill requirements. In this case, the system uses the next alphabetical branch/plant listed in the table that occurs after the branch/plant on the work order header. For example:





    If the system starts committing inventory at branch/plant CHI, it accesses CLE as the next branch/plant. If inventory is low in all locations, the system makes the remaining commitments to the primary location of the branch/plant on the work order header.

  3. Same as 2, but the system cannot cross branch boundaries.

When you set the Commitment Method field in the Item Branch/Plant table to 2 or 3 (lot number or expiration date control), you must set this field to 3.

Hard/Soft Commit Determines how the Shop Floor Control system commits inventory. Valid codes are:
  1. The system performs a hard commitment at the creation of the parts list. The hard commitment remains in effect until inventory is relieved.

  2. The system performs a soft commitment at the creation of the parts list. This is changed to a hard commitment during the pick list print process for the work order. The hard commitment remains in effect until inventory is relieved.

  3. The system performs a soft commitment at creation of the parts list. The soft commitment remains in effect until inventory is relieved.

When the hard/soft commit option is set to 2 or 3, any line item in the parts list may be hard committed prior to printing or relieving the inventory.

Note: When you set the Commitment Method field in the Branch/Plant Constants form to 2 or 3, you must use 1 or 2 for this field because a hard commitment must be performed.

Note: A soft commitment will not be generated for a secondary location. So if there is a location that is filled in on the parts list the part has to be hard committed. This is a hard rule that overrides other rules. If the system is set to soft commit until inventory is relieved, the system will not use the commitment control field because only a soft commitment to the primary location will be created and used until the inventory is issued.

Work Hours Per Day The number of work hours that the manufacturing plant operates per day.

Form-specific information

For repetitive manufacturing, identify the number of work hours per shift for the specified branch. The Resource Generation program uses the corresponding shift hours to calculate the available resource units for each shift, and the total for the day.

Since the shift hours may apply to different days of the week, the system uses the total of the first three hours to define the work hours per day value.

Shift Code A user defined code (07/SH) that identifies daily work shifts. In payroll systems, you can use a shift code to add a percent or amount to the hourly rate on a timecard.

For payroll and time entry:

If an employee always works a shift for which a shift rate differential is applicable, enter that shift code on the employee's master record. When you enter the shift on the employee's master record, you do not need to enter the code on the timecard when you enter time.

If an employee occasionally works a different shift, you enter the shift code on each applicable timecard to override the default.

Form-specific information

For repetitive manufacturing, use the six corresponding shift fields to identify all production line shifts for the specified branch. The Resource Generation program uses the corresponding shift hours to calculate the available resource units for each shift, and the total for the day.

To set up accounting manufacturing constants

On Manufacturing Constants

  1. Complete the following fields:

    • Modify Cost by Work Center Efficiency

    • Include Efficiency in Overhead

    • Include Variable Labor Overhead in Cost

    • Calculate Variable on Direct Labor

    • Calculate Variable on Setup Labor

    • Include Fixed Labor Overhead in Cost

    • Calculate Fixed on Direct Labor

    • Calculate Fixed on Setup Labor

    • Include Variable Machine Overhead in Cost

    • Include Fixed Machine Overhead in Cost

  2. Complete the following optional field:

  • Overheads as Percents or Rates

Field Explanation
Overheads as Percents or Rates Determines how values for overhead fields (cost components C1 through C4) in the Work Center Rate Revisions table (F30008) are expressed. Valid codes are:

R – Express overhead values as rates (currency values). For example, enter five dollars as 5.00.

P – Express overhead values as percents. Enter percents as whole numbers. For example, enter five percent as 5.00.

Modify cost by Work Center Eff Controls whether the cost rollup creates cost component B4 (for labor efficiency) based on the direct labor value (cost component B1) and the Work Center Efficiency percent from the Work Center Revisions table (F30006). Valid values are:

Y – Yes. Create cost component B4.

N – No. Do not create cost component B4.

Include Efficiency in Overhead If you specified that you want to modify costs by work center efficiency, this field determines whether the cost rollup includes work center efficiency when calculating overhead values. Valid values are:

Y – Include work center efficiency.

N – Exclude work center efficiency.

Include Var. Labor Overhead in cost Controls whether the cost rollup creates cost component C3 (for variable labor overhead) in the Cost Components table (F30026). Valid values are:

Y – Yes. Create cost component C3.

N – No. Do not create cost component C3.

Calculate Var. on Direct Labor Determines whether the cost rollup includes direct labor expenses (cost component B1) in the total used to calculate variable labor overhead (cost component C3). Valid values are:

Y – Include direct labor expenses.

N – Exclude direct labor expenses.

Calculate Var. on Setup Labor Determines whether the cost rollup includes setup labor expenses (cost component B2) in the total used to calculate variable setup overhead (cost component C3). Valid values are:

Y – Include setup labor expenses.

N – Exclude setup labor expenses.

Include Fixed Labor Overhead in cost Controls whether the cost rollup creates cost component C4 (for fixed labor overhead) in the Cost Components table (F30026). Valid values are:

Y – Yes. Create cost component C4.

N – No. Do not create cost component C4.

Calculate Fixed on Direct Labor Determines whether the cost rollup includes direct labor expenses (cost component B1) in the total used to calculate fixed labor overhead (cost component C4). Valid values are:

Y – Include direct labor expenses.

N – Exclude direct labor expenses.

Calculate Fixed on Setup Labor Determines whether the cost rollup includes setup labor expenses (cost component B2) in the total used to calculate fixed setup overhead (cost component C4). Valid values are:

Y – Include setup labor expenses.

N – Exclude setup labor expenses.

Include Var. Machine Overhead in cost Controls whether the cost rollup creates cost component C1 (for variable machine overhead) in the Cost Components table (F30026). Valid values are:

Y – Yes. Create cost component C1.

N – No. Do not create cost component C1.

Include Fixed Machine Overhead in cost Controls whether the cost rollup creates cost component C2 (for fixed machine overhead) in the Cost Components table (F30026). Valid values are:

Y – Yes. Create cost component C2.

N – No. Do not create cost component C2.

34.5 Setting Up Work Order Activity Rules


From Shop Floor Management (G31), enter 29

From Shop Floor Control Setup (G3141), choose Work Order Activity Rules

Activity Rules for manufacturing can be set up for Work Orders and Rate Schedules to define beginning statuses and allowable status changes by Document Type and Work Order Type.

Branch/Plant in the Manufacturing Constants (P3009) activate Work Order Activity Rules for manufacturing. When the Activity Rules Flag (Y/N) field on the Manufacturing Constants video is set to Y, any programs that set or update the status of a Work Order or Rate Schedule, use these rules and status changes have to follow the allowed status flow. Attempted changes that are not allowed by the rules, generate an error that prevents the corresponding processing.

Before You Begin

Create a Branch/Plant

In Manufacturing Constants (P3009) set Activity Rules Flag (Y/N) field to Y to turn on Activity Rules.

To set up Work Order Activity Rules

On Work Order Activity Rules

Figure 34-6 Work Order Activity Rules screen

Description of Figure 34-6 follows
Description of "Figure 34-6 Work Order Activity Rules screen"

  1. Complete the following field:

    • Document Type

    • Work Order Type (this may be left blank)

Field Explanation
Work Order Status Specifies the From statuses. Some Programs use the first value in this column as the beginning status when none is otherwise specified.
Next Status Specifies the To statuses. Some programs use these values as default To statuses when you enter * in the update status processing option.
Other Allowed Statuses Specifies up to five additional To Statuses for each From status.

Processing Options

See Section 35.1, "Manufacturing Work Order Entry (P48013)."

See Section 35.2, "Generate and Print Work Orders (P31410)."

See Section 35.22, "Super Backflush (P31123)."

See Section 35.4, "Work Order Repost (P3190)."

See Section 35.14, "Work Order Inventory Issues (P31113)."

See Section 35.20, "Work Order Completion - Full (P31114)."

34.6 Setting Up Work Centers


From Shop Floor Management (G31), enter 29

From Shop Floor Control Setup (G3141), choose Enter/Change Work Centers

You can maintain general information about a work center, such as pay points, prime load codes, number of machines and workers, crew size, and backflush locations.

As an alternative to creating work centers manually, you can use the Work Center Master Revisions Z File (P3006Z) program to import an extensive amount of data into your system. See Appendix D, "Import Mass Data into Manufacturing Systems" for more information.

Before You Begin

Set up your work centers and dispatch groups as valid business units on the Single Business Unit Revisions form.

What You Should Know About

Topic Description
System calculations If you set the Modify Cost by Work Center Efficiency field to Y on Manufacturing Constants, the system multiplies the Efficiency field value by the direct labor cost to create a B4 cost type (labor efficiency) in the Item Cost Component Add-Ons table.
Warehouse Management interface If you use Warehouse Management and do not set up valid work center locations, the system interfaces with Warehouse Management when you attach a parts list to a work order. If you do set up valid work center locations before you attach a parts list, but the quantity exceeds the quantity you have in the work center, the system uses Warehouse Management to create a pick request for the remaining quantity to fill the work order request.
Maintaining rates for your work center From Enter/Change Work Center, you can access Work Center Rate Revisions to maintain both simulated and frozen values for machine and labor hours. You can update the simulated rates, but not the frozen values. The system updates frozen values when you run the Frozen Cost Update program or when you run the Freeze Work Center Rates program.

Other JD Edwards World manufacturing programs use these values, including Costed Routings, Labor Rate Variance reports, Direct Labor Efficiency reports, and Cost Rollup reports.

Maintaining business units and tracking costs From Enter/Change Work Center, you can access Business Unit Information to maintain business units and track costs.
Crew size and backscheduling The crew size is used to calculate the actual labor hours on the attached routing. For example, if in the Routing (P3003) the hours for labor is 2 and the crew size is 10, then when the routing is attached to a work order, the labor hours on the attached routing will be 20 hours. This calculation will only influence backscheduling for variable lead-time items as backscheduling for fixed lead-time items uses the "Average time per operation" formula.

To set up work centers

On Enter/Change Work Center

Figure 34-7 Enter/Change Work Center screen

Description of Figure 34-7 follows
Description of "Figure 34-7 Enter/Change Work Center screen"

  1. To locate the record for your work center, complete the following field:

    • Work Center

  2. Complete the following optional fields:

  • Dispatch Group

  • Work Center Type (for repetitive manufacturing)

  • Calendar (for repetitive manufacturing)

  • Crew Size

  • Queue Hours

  • Move Hours

  • Replenishment Hours

  • Location - Issue

  • Location Branch

  • Capacity Standard (for repetitive manufacturing)

  • Capacity Unit of Measure (for repetitive manufacturing)

  • Capacity Minimum (for repetitive manufacturing)

  • Capacity Maximum (for repetitive manufacturing)

  • Hours (for repetitive manufacturing)

Field Explanation
Work Center An alphanumeric field that identifies a separate entity within a business for which you want to track costs. For example, a business unit might be a warehouse location, job, project, work center, or branch/plant.

You can assign a business unit to a voucher, invoice, fixed asset, and so on, for purposes of responsibility reporting. For example, the system provides reports of open accounts payable and accounts receivable by business units to track equipment by responsible department.

Security for this field can prevent you from locating business units for which you have no authority.

Note: The system uses this value for Journal Entries if you do not enter a value in the AAI table.

Dispatch Group A super category code to group work centers within an overall business unit. For example, you can group like machines operating out of several work centers that report to one business unit under a dispatch group.
Crew Size The number of people who work in the specified work center or routing operation.

The system multiplies the Run Labor value in the Routing Master table (F3003) by crew size during costing to generate total labor dollars.

If the Prime Load Code is L or B, the system uses the total labor hours for backscheduling. If the Prime Load Code is C or M, the system uses the total machine hours for backscheduling without modification by crew size.

Form-specific information

For Shop Floor Control:

If you leave the Hours field on the Routing Revisions form blank, the system uses the value entered in this field for leadtime and scheduling calculations.

Move Hours The planned time in hours that is required to move the order from this operation to the next operation in the same work center.

If the Routing Master values are blank, the default value comes from the work order routing. However, the system uses these values only for backscheduling variable leadtime items.

Form-specific information

If you leave the Hours field on the Routing Revisions form blank, the system uses the value entered in this field for leadtime and scheduling calculations.

Replenishment Hours The time required before a consuming work center will have a replacement container of goods available from this supplying work center.

This value is used only for KANBAN card processing in Shop Floor Control.

Work Center Type Defines the type of work center. Possible values are:

Blank Stand alone work center

  1. Production line in a repetitive environment

  2. Reporting work station within a production line

Form-specific information

For repetitive manufacturing, the system verifies the value is not valid as a work center for an operation from the routing.

Calendar Enter the value of the calendar which corresponds to the calendar type. For example, if the calendar type is ROUTE, enter a valid route code to display the calendar for a particular route.
Capacity Max The upper limit capacity beyond which a production line can not produce.
Capacity Min The lower limit capacity beyond which the production line should not operate. This value is decided by management based on efficiencies, costs, etc.
Capacity UOM Production unit of measure used to express the capacity of a production line. For example Stamps, injections, etc.
Capacity Std The standard capacity level at which a production line usually operates.
Hours The number of work hours that the manufacturing plant operates per day.

Form-specific information

For repetitive manufacturing, identify the number of work hours per shift for the specified work center. Use the six corresponding shift fields to identify all production line shifts for the specified work center.

Shift Code / Description The number of work hours that the manufacturing plant operates per day.

Form-specific information

For repetitive manufacturing, identify the number of work hours per shift for the specified work center. Use the six corresponding shift fields to identify all production line shifts for the specified work center.

34.7 Setting Up Resource Units


From Shop Floor Management (G31), enter 29

From Shop Floor Control Setup (G3141), choose Enter/Change Resource Units

Resource unit information indicates the capacity of a work center on a given day. The system uses this information to backschedule work orders in shop floor control and to calculate available hours for capacity planning.

Before You Begin

Define workdays for the branch or plant in the shop floor calendar

What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Generating resource units You can manually change the values to account for scheduled or unscheduled downtime, additional shifts, or vacation time. However, each time you run Refresh Resource Units, the system recalculates the form values based on information in the Work Center Revisions, Shop Floor Calendar, and Manufacturing Constants tables and overwrites your manual changes.

You cannot manually change the values if the shift value is an * to show total hours on Enter/Change Work Center.

Refreshing information Refresh Resource Units is a DREAM Writer program that recalculates the work center hours and updates them on the Enter/Change Resource Units form. The system recalculates the resource units for a work center based on information in the Enter/Change Work Center form, Shop Floor Calendar form, and Job Shop Manufacturing Constants table. You can create versions to recalculate the labor, setup, or machine hours and set the processing options to update different dates and branches. Any manual changes that you make to the hours on the Enter/Change Resource Units form is overwritten when you run the refresh process.

The system multiplies the number of machines or employees from the Enter/Change Work Centers form by the work hours per day from the Job Shop Manufacturing Constants table for each work day defined on the Shop Floor Calendar for the branch.

Resource unit calculations for machine and labor related hours are:

  • Machine related hours (prime load code = C or M)

    Number of machines X Work hours per day

  • Labor related hours (prime load code = L or B)

    Number of employees X Work hours per day

See Also:

To set up resource units

The Work With Resource Units form shows the work hours available each day of a specified month for a work center.

On Enter/Change Resource Units

Figure 34-8 Enter/Change Resource Units screen

Description of Figure 34-8 follows
Description of "Figure 34-8 Enter/Change Resource Units screen"

  1. Complete the following fields:

    • Branch

    • Unit of Measure

    • Work Center

    • Calendar Month/Year

    • Resource Unit

  2. Complete the following optional fields:

    • Shift (for repetitive manufacturing)

    • Efficiency

    • Utilization

Field Explanation
Unit of Measure A user defined code (system 00/type UM) that identifies the unit of measurement for an amount or quantity. For example, it can represent a barrel, box, cubic yard, gallon, an hour, and so on.
Work Center An alphanumeric field that identifies a separate entity within a business for which you want to track costs. For example, a business unit might be a warehouse location, job, project, work center, or branch/plant.

You can assign a business unit to a voucher, invoice, fixed asset, and so on, for purposes of responsibility reporting. For example, the system provides reports of open accounts payable and accounts receivable by business units to track equipment by responsible department.

Security for this field can prevent you from locating business units for which you have no authority.

Form-specific information

This value identifies the available capacity for the work center.

Shift Code A user defined code (07/SH) that identifies daily work shifts. In payroll systems, you can use a shift code to add a percent or amount to the hourly rate on a timecard.

For payroll and time entry:

If an employee always works a shift for which a shift rate differential is applicable, enter that shift code on the employee's master record. When you enter the shift on the employee's master record, you do not need to enter the code on the timecard when you enter time.

If an employee occasionally works a different shift, you enter the shift code on each applicable timecard to override the default.

Form-specific information

You can view the total resources available for a given day by entering an asterisk (*) in this field.

For repetitive manufacturing, enter a 1-6 to allow the system to display a specific shift's units, or enter a * to view the total resource availability for the specified time period. While this program displays the total units for the shift/day for work centers defined with a standard capacity and unit of measure in those units, the system stores the data in hours.

Efficiency A user defined value that indicates how efficiently a work center operates. This value usually refers to people efficiency. When you enter a value in this field, and the Modify Cost by Work Center Efficiency field in the Job Shop Manufacturing Constants table (F3009) is set to Y, the system creates a new cost component (B4) from the cost calculated from the direct labor cost (B1). The system also uses this value to calculate rated capacity.

Example: If the constant is set to Y, the value of this field is 80%, and the direct labor cost is 10, the system creates a B4 cost component for 2 in the Item Cost Component Add-Ons table (F30026).

Enter percents as whole numbers, for example, enter 80% as 80.00.

Total Resource Units The total resource units for the month.
Utilization A percentage that indicates how intensively a work center is being used. This value usually refers to machine use. It is the ratio of the direct time charged for production activities to the planned hours. This value is also used to calculate rated capacity.

Enter percents as whole numbers, for example, enter 80% as 80.00.

Processing Options

See Section 37.3, "Work Center Resource Units Refresh (P3007G)."

34.8 Setting Up Line and Item Relationships


From Shop Floor Management (G31), enter 29

From Shop Floor Control Setup (G3141), choose Line/Item Relationships

The Line/Item Relationships program allows you to add, change, and delete data stored in the Line/Item Relationships table. These relationships include lines where an item is produced and the amount of resources consumed by an item on each line. Planning uses the record you flag as the default when the system creates rates. The specification for shift and period is only valid for the default line.

To set up line and item relationships

On Line/Item Relationships

Figure 34-9 Line/Item Relationships screen

Description of Figure 34-9 follows
Description of "Figure 34-9 Line/Item Relationships screen"

Complete the following fields:

  • Branch/Plant

  • Item Number

  • Line/Cell

  • Capacity Units

  • Default

  • Shift

  • Period

Field Explanation
Line/Cell Identifier Defines a production line or cell. Detailed work center operations can be defined inside the line or cell. For rate based manufacturing to use this value for reporting, this value must match the line cell in the header.
Resource units consumed Indicates how many of the line's resource units are needed to produce one item.
Shift Code A user defined code (07/SH) that identifies daily work shifts. In payroll systems, you can use a shift code to add a percent or amount to the hourly rate on a timecard.

For payroll and time entry:

If an employee always works a shift for which a shift rate differential is applicable, enter that shift code on the employee's master record. When you enter the shift on the employee's master record, you do not need to enter the code on the timecard when you enter time.

If an employee occasionally works a different shift, you enter the shift code on each applicable timecard to override the default.

Month/Week/Day/Shift A code that determines the frequency of the schedule. Valid codes are:

1 – Monthly

2 – Weekly

3 – Daily

4 – Per Shift