43 Set Up Employee Master History and Turnover

This chapter contains these topics:

43.1 Setting Up Employee Master History and Turnover

To help you manage your employee information, you can set up your system to store historical records of employee information. This means that when you enter or update employee information, the system creates a historical record of the old information. For example, when an employee receives a promotion or changes marital status, you can update the employee's current information to reflect the change and store the previous information in historical records.

You can also set up your system to store turnover records. Turnover records show employee movement within your organization, such as when an employee changes jobs, as well as movement resulting from new hires and terminations.

You can use history and turnover information to:

  • Review the employee's job progression since you began tracking history

  • Review salary increases given at the same time a job change was made

  • Analyze historical changes to employee information

  • Monitor employee movement within your company

You can track history and turnover for any of the information that the system stores in the Employee Master table (F060116).

To set up your system to track history and turnover, you must complete the following tasks in the order that they are listed:

  • Setting Up History and Turnover Constants

  • Selecting Data for Tracking Purposes

  • Setting Up Turnover Columns

  • Activating History and Turnover Tracking

You set up history and turnover constants to indicate that you want to track history and turnover records.

To specify the types of employee information for which you want to track historical information, you select data for tracking purposes.

You set up turnover reports so that you can analyze the reasons for employee movement within your organization.

You activate history and turnover tracking to create an initial history record for each of the current records in the Employee Master table. You can review these initial history records to determine when you began tracking history and turnover.

43.1.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Starting the subsystem and monitor After you complete the tasks for setting up employee history and turnover tracking, you must start the Human Resources (HR) subsystem and monitor so that the system can convert changes to employee information into history and turnover records.

See Section 35.2, "Starting the Subsystem and Monitor."

43.2 Setting Up History and Turnover Constants


From Payroll Master (G07), enter 29

From Payroll Setup (G074), choose History & Turnover Setup

From History & Turnover Setup (G0748), choose Constants Information

You set up history and turnover constants to indicate that you want the system to store history and turnover records. You can choose to track history only, turnover only, or both.


Before you can perform many important payroll functions, such as processing interim checks, you must access the human resources constants and use the Change action. You must perform this action regardless of whether you need to enter or change any of the information on the form. When you access these constants, the system locates the data file library in which your Employee Master table (F060116) resides. To process correctly, many programs require this library information.

To set up history and turnover constants

On Constants Information

Figure 43-1 Constants Information screen

Description of Figure 43-1 follows
Description of ''Figure 43-1 Constants Information screen''

  1. Review the value in the following field:

    • Master File is in Library

  2. Complete the following fields:

    • Human Resources Subsystem Name

    • Employee History

    • Employee Turnover

    • Track by Effective Date

Field Explanation
Master File is in Library The name of the data file library in which the data queue exists. When you change any of the history constants, the system automatically determines which library the Employee Master table (F060116) is in and creates the data queue in the same library. This library is normally called the Production Library.
HR Subsystem Name Enter the name of the Human Resources subsystem. A subsystem is the portion of the overall processing capacity of the computer that is used for a specific purpose. The system creates the subsystem (if it doesn't already exist) when you run the program that starts the Human Resources subsystem. Because the Human Resources subsystem provides a place for the monitor to run, it is important to know the name of the subsystem so you can determine if the monitor is running.
Employee Turnover (Y/N) A code that determines whether to create employee turnover records when you change employee information. Valid codes are:

Y – Yes, create employee turnover analysis records

N – No, do not create employee turnover analysis records

Turnover information consists of any records in the Employee Turnover Analysis table (F08045) with a change reason that is not blank. Before the system can create turnover records, you must start the Human Resources subsystem and monitor.

Track by Effective Date (Y/N) A code that indicates the date on which the system creates employee history and turnover records, in relation to the date of the change. Valid codes are:

Y – Yes, use the effective date of the change (data item EFTO) to track employee history and turnover

N – No, instead of using the effective date of change, use the date on which you entered changes into the system  

If you enter a Y in this field, the system prompts you to enter an effective date each time you change any employee information for which you are tracking history or turnover.

Note: If you enter a Y in this field, you must also choose to track employee history, employee turnover, or both.

43.3 Selecting Data for Tracking Purposes


From Payroll Master (G07), enter 29

From Payroll Setup (G074), choose History & Turnover Setup

From History & Turnover Setup (G0748), choose Select Data for Tracking

After you set up history and turnover constants, you must specify the data items for which you want to track history. You have the option to track history for some data items and not others. For example, you might choose to track history for marital status, employment status, salary, and pay status, but not for gender or tax ID. Limiting the data items for which you track history makes it easier to locate information when you review history records.

All of the data items that you select for tracking must be included in the Employee Master table.

To choose data for tracking purposes

On Select Data for Tracking

Figure 43-2 Select Data for Tracking screen

Description of Figure 43-2 follows
Description of ''Figure 43-2 Select Data for Tracking screen''

  1. Review the value in the following field:

    • Data File

  2. For each data item for which you want to track history, enter Y in the following field:

    • Yes/No

Field Explanation
Data File The identification, such as program number, table number, and report number, that is assigned to an element of software.

Form-specific information

The table number for the Employee Master table (F060116). You can track history for only those data items that are included in the Employee Master table.

Y/ N A code that indicates whether the system creates historical records for the corresponding data item. Valid codes are:

Y – Yes, track history for this data item

N – No, do not track history for this data item

N is the default value for all data items except Address Number (AN8). You must track history for Address Number if you track history for any other data item.

Note: For each data item, history tracking begins when you change this code from N to Y. The system cannot retrieve information for changes that occurred when the code in this field was N.

43.3.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Changing data items When you need to change any data items that you use to track history, you must stop and restart the monitor before you make any changes to employee information.

Section 35.1, "Working with the HR Subsystem and Monitor."

43.4 Setting Up Turnover Columns


From Payroll Master (G07), enter 29

From Payroll Setup (G074), choose History & Turnover Setup

From History & Turnover Setup (G0748), choose Data Turnover Columns

If you set up your system to create turnover records, you must set up turnover columns for your reports. You use turnover reports to analyze the reasons for employee movement within your organization, such as when an employee changes jobs or business units, as well as movement resulting from new hires and terminations. Setting up multiple turnover columns makes it possible to create a variety of turnover reports.

When you set up turnover columns, you specify:

  • The headings that appear on the turnover reports

  • The change reason codes that you want to include under each column heading

For example, you can create a turnover column called Salary Increase that includes the following change reason codes:

  • Merit increase

  • Cost-of-living adjustment

  • Annual increase

When you print a turnover report, the value in the Salary Increase column includes all records that have the above change reason codes.

43.4.1 Before You Begin

To set up turnover columns

On Define Turnover Columns

Figure 43-3 Define Turnover Columns screen

Description of Figure 43-3 follows
Description of ''Figure 43-3 Define Turnover Columns screen''

  1. To define a turnover column, complete the following fields:

    • Turnover Column

    • Column Headings

  2. Enter one or more codes in the following field:

    • Change Reason

  3. Complete the following optional field:

    • Turnover Column Group

  4. To define another turnover column, repeat steps 1 through 3.

Field Explanation
Turnover Column The number of a column to define for your employee turnover analysis reports. You can define up to seven columns. The columns are numbered from left to right.
Column Headings This field, in conjunction with the second Column Heading field (data item TCH2), allows you to specify the title of one of the seven columns available on the employee turnover analysis reports. You use this first field to either enter the first word or an abbreviation of the column heading. You can enter a maximum of seven characters in this field.

For example, to title a column New Hire, enter the word New in this field and enter Hire in the field below this one. On the reports, this column title would look like this:



You do not have to define all seven available column headings.

Turnover Column Group You can define up to 999 sets of column headings for your turnover analysis reports. Use the Turnover Column Group field to number each set of column headings.

For example, the first group of column headings might be Turnover Column Group 000. To define an additional set of column headings, enter 001 in this field and then define as many of the seven available column headings as you need.

43.5 Activating History and Turnover Tracking


From Payroll Master (G07), enter 29

From Payroll Setup (G074), choose History & Turnover Setup

From History & Turnover Setup (G0748), choose Initialize History & Turnover

After you set up history and turnover constants and specify the data items for which to track history, you must run a program that populates the history and turnover tables with current employee records. If you activate history and turnover after you have been using the system for a while, you can use these initial records to determine when you began tracking history and turnover.

After you activate history and turnover tracking, the system creates history and turnover records each time you change any of the employee information for which you are tracking history or turnover.

43.5.1 Before You Begin