
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  I  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U 


changing or deleting, 5.7.1
Agreement Adjustments form, 5.7.1
Agreement Constants form, 9.2
Agreement Entry Window form, 4.4.2
Agreement Exchange Ratios form, 3.3.10
Agreement management
processing, 2.2
Agreement Management
setup, 6.2
system integration, 1.1
tables, 1.3.1
Agreement Master form, 3.2
Agreement Quantities form, 3.3
detail area, 3.3.4
Agreement Quantities Schedule form, 3.3.8
Agreement Search program, 5.2.1
Agreement Selection Window, 4.3.2
Agreement Source/Destination form, 3.3.6
detail area, 3.3.6
Agreement Transaction Detail form, 5.2.5
Agreement Transaction Ledger form, 5.2.5
Agreement Transactions Window, 5.2.2
adjustments, 5.7
assign to transactions, 4.1
balance statements, 5.4
choosing an agreement to assign, 4.3
creating, 3.1
managing, 5.1
reviewing quantities, 5.2.2
revising, renewing, and closing, 3.1.2
searching for, 5.2.1
status, 5.2
transaction information, 5.2.5
types of, 1.2
enter on agreements, 3.3.1
Assigning agreements
Agreement Entry Window, 4.4.2
Agreement Selection Window, 4.3.2
automatically, 4.1.2
during load confirmation, 4.4
setup, 9.1
Assigning agreements manually, 4.2
Assigning borrow agreements from foreign depots, 4.4.4
Assigning loans or borrows during load confirmation, 4.4.2
Automatic accounting instructions
attaching messages to, 10.1.3
revising, 10.1.2
Automatic Accounting Instructions form, 10.1.2


Balance information
review, 5.3
Batch orders, 9.2
assign foreign depot agreement, 4.4.5
defined, 1.2.2


Choosing an agreement to assign, 4.3
Close an agreement, 3.1.2
Committed Transactions Window, 5.2.2
Confirm Bulk Load - Order form, 4.4.5
Consignment agreement
defined, 1.2.5
Cost rules
define for an agreement, 3.3.3
Creating a preference for penalties, 8.6
Creating adjustments, 5.7
Creating an agreement, 3.1
Currency amount agreements, 3.1.2


Define Order Detail Groups form, 8.3
Defining agreement values, 3.3
Defining an agreement, 3.2
Defining exchange rations, 3.3.10
Defining items and destinations, 3.3.1
Defining penalty adjustment schedules, 8.5
Defining penalty adjustments, 8.4
Defining price overrides and cost rules, 3.3.3
Defining product source, 3.3.6
Defining the order detail group for agreement penalties, 8.3
Defining time frames, 3.3.8
enter on agreements, 3.3.1
Direct ship order, 4.1
Distribution Automatic Account form, 10.1.2


Electronic Data Interchange, 4.1, 9.2
Enter an agreement
Agreement Master, 3.2
amounts, 3.3.1
attach a note, 3.1.2
cost rules, 3.3.2
define values, 3.3
exchange ratios, 3.3.10
items, 3.3.1
price overrides, 3.3.3
product sources, 3.3.6
quantities, 3.3.1
time frames, 3.3.8
Exchange agreement
defined, 1.2.1
define ratios, 3.3.10
Extending an agreement, 3.1.2


Preference Type, 8.2
Foreign depot
assign borrow agreements, 4.4.5
on borrow agreements, 4.1
setting load confirmation processing option, 9.3
Agreement Adjustments, 5.7.1
Agreement Constants, 9.2
Agreement Entry Window, 4.4.2
Agreement Exchange Ratios, 3.3.10
Agreement Master, 3.2
Agreement Quantities, 3.3
Agreement Quantities Schedule, 3.3.8
Agreement Search, 5.2.1
Agreement Selection Window, 4.3.2
Agreement Source/Destination, 3.3.6
Agreement Transaction Detail, 5.2.5
Agreement Transaction Ledger, 5.2.5
Agreement Transactions Window, 5.2.2
Automatic Accounting Instructions, 10.1.2
Committed Transactions Window, 5.2.2
Confirm Bulk Load - Order, 4.4.5
Define Order Detail Groups, 8.3
Distribution Automatic Account, 10.1.2
General User Defined Codes, 7.1
Online Balance Inquiry, 5.3
Online Statement, 5.2.2
Preference Hierarchy, 8.2
Preference Master, 8.2
Price Adjustment Definition, 8.4
Price Adjustment Detail, 8.5
Price Adjustment Schedule Preference, 8.6
Price and Adjustment Schedule, 8.5


General User Defined Codes form, 7.1


enter on agreements, 3.3.1


agreement searches for, 9.2


Load confirmation, 4.4.1
processing option for borrow agreements, 9.3
Loan or borrow
defined, 1.2.2


Managing agreements, 5.1
Monitor agreements, 5.2
Multi-currency, 3.1.2


attach to agreement, 3.1.2


Online Balance Inquiry form, 5.3
Online Statement form, 5.2.2


assign to partners or agreements, 8.6
preference master, 8.2
reviewing, 5.6
setup, 8.1
adjustments schedule, 8.5
create penalty preference, 8.6
define adjustments, 8.4
order detail group, 8.3
preference hierarchy, 8.2
Preference Hierarchy form, 8.2
Preference Master form, 8.2
Preference Type
defined, 8.2
Price Adjustment Definitions form, 8.4
Price Adjustment Detail form, 8.5
detail area, 8.5
Price Adjustment Schedule Preference form, 8.6
Price and Adjustment Schedule form, 8.5
Price overrides
define for an agreement, 3.3.3
Printing balance statements, 5.4
Printing the Agreement Balance report, 5.5
Programs and IDs
P00051 (general user defined codes), 7.1
P38001 (agreement constants), 9.2
P38010 (agreement master), 3.2
P38011 (agreement quantities), 3.3
P38012 (agreement source/destination), 3.3.6
P38013 (agreement quantities schedule), 3.3.8
P38014 (agreement exchange ratios), 3.3.10
P38020 (agreement adjustments), 5.7.1
P38200 (agreement search), 5.2.1
P38200W (agreement selection window), 4.3.2
P38250 (agreement transaction detail), 5.2.5
P38300 (online statement), 5.2.2
P38300W (committed transactions window), 5.2.2
P38350 (agreement transaction ledger), 5.2.5
P38350W (agreement transactions window), 5.2.2
P38375 (online balance inquiry), 5.3
P38400 (agreement statement), 5.4
P38410 (agreement balance), 5.5
P40070 (preference master), 8.2
P40073 (preference hierarchy), 8.2
P40300 (price adjustment schedule preference), 8.6
P4070 (price and adjustment schedule), 8.5
P4071 (price adjustment definitions), 8.4
P4072 (price adjustment detail), 8.5
P40901 (automatic accounting instructions), 10.1.2
P4092 (define order detail groups), 8.3
P40950 (distribution automatic account), 10.1.2
P49510 (confirm bulk load - order), 4.4.5
P49CT (agreement entry window), 4.4.2
Purchase orders, 4.1, 9.2


enter on agreements, 3.3.1


Renewing an agreement, 3.1.2
Agreement Balance, 5.5
Agreement Statement, 5.4
Reviewing agreement status, 5.2, 5.2.2
Reviewing balance information, 5.3
Reviewing penalties, 5.6
Reviewing transaction information, 5.2.5
Revising an agreement, 3.1.2


Sales orders, 4.1, 9.2
Scheduling, 3.3.8
quantity information, 5.2.3, 5.3.1
reviewing time frames and quantities, 5.2.2
Searching for agreements, 5.2.1
Setting up agreement penalties, 8.1
Setting up agreement selection or assignment, 9.1
Setting up the agreement management constants, 9.2
Setting up the load confirmation processing options for agreements, 9.3
Setting up the preference for agreement penalties, 8.2
Setting up user defined code lists, 7.1
constants, 9.1
penalties, 8.1
preference hierarchy, 8.2
requirements, 6.2
to select or assign an agreement, 9.1
user defined code lists, 7.1
Source locations
define for an agreement, 3.3.6
balance, 5.4
Stock movements, 4.1, 9.2
Storage agreements
defined, 1.2.6


Throughput agreement
defined, 1.2.4
Tonne per tonne agreements
defined, 1.2.3
Transaction information, 5.2.5
assign agreements to, 4.1
assigning agreements manually, 4.2
automatic agreement assignment, 4.1.2
choosing an agreement to assign, 4.3
Transfer orders, 4.1, 9.2


User defined code lists
setup, 7.1