23 Work with Automatic Debits

This chapter contains these topics:

23.1 Working with Automatic Debits

You can automatically debit (withdraw funds from) a customer's bank account by creating a tape or diskette file for Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) by the bank.

Working with automatic debits consists of:

  • Processing automatic debits

  • Reviewing and approving automatic debits

  • Posting automatic debits

  • Copying files to tape or diskette

23.1.1 Before You Begin

  • Contact your bank to determine the transfer format

23.2 Processing Automatic Debits


From Accounts Receivable (G03), choose Customer and Invoice Entry

From Customer and Invoice Entry (G0311), choose Other Invoice Entry Methods

From Other Invoice and Receipts Entry Methods (G03111), choose Process Automatic Debits

You can select A/R invoices that are subject to direct debiting from a customer's bank account by processing automatic debits in proof or final mode.

You can also specify the type of agreement you have with your customer regarding automatic debits. In Germany, businesses can enter into the following automatic debit agreements:

  • Einzugsermaechtigung - An agreement between the business (supplier) and the customer that allows the customer to dispute the automatic debit charge within six weeks.

  • Abbuchungsvereinbarung - An agreement between the business (supplier) and the bank. In this case, the customer does not have the right to protest the charges.

Program Explanation
Proof mode The program:
  • Validates the selection of invoices that are debited to your customers

  • Does not update the A/R Ledger file

  • Enables you to exclude invoices from automatic debiting using Speed Status Change

Final mode The program:
  • Updates invoices as paid and creates matching records when you process batch receipts.

  • Creates a batch to post receipts to the Account Ledger file (F0911).

  • Creates a tape or diskette file for the bank.

  • Prints a customer statement of those invoices that are debited. You control this with a processing option.

  • Prints a final report of processed invoices.

After you run the program in final mode The program:
  • Prevents you from rerunning the same version of automatic debiting until you copy the created file to tape. This protects the information from being overwritten by a new version before it is saved.

  • Allows you to reverse or delete receipts.

23.2.1 Before You Begin

23.2.3 Data Selection for Processing Automatic Debits

J.D. Edwards recommends that you process automatic debits by company. The receipts applied to the selected invoices are generated for the G/L bank account of the company.

23.3 Reviewing and Approving Automatic Debits


From Accounts Receivable (G03), choose Customer and Invoice Entry

From Customer and Invoice Entry (G0311), choose Other Invoice Entry Methods

From Other Invoice and Receipts Entry Methods (G03111), choose Auto Debit Journal Review

After you process automatic debits, you can review and approve them before posting them to the general ledger.

To review and approve automatic debits

On Auto Debit Journal Review

Figure 23-1 Auto Debit Journal Review screen

Description of Figure 23-1 follows
Description of "Figure 23-1 Auto Debit Journal Review screen"

  1. Display all batches for all users, or complete any of the following fields to limit the information displayed:

    • User ID

    • Batch Number

    • Batch Date From:

    • Batch Date Thru:

    • Batch Status

  2. To approve an automatic debit, complete the following field:

    • Approval

23.4 Posting Automatic Debits


From Accounts Receivable (G03), choose Customer and Invoice Entry

From Customer and Invoice Entry (G0311), choose Other Invoice Entry Methods

From Other Invoice and Receipts Entry Methods (G03111), choose Post Automatic Debits to G/L

After you review and approve batches of automatic debits, you need to post them to the general ledger. When you post automatic debits, you use the standard Post program, which is also used to post invoices, receipts, and drafts.

23.4.1 Processing Options

See Section 33.11, "General Ledger Post (P09800)."

23.5 Copying Files to Tape or Diskette


From Accounts Receivable (G03), choose Customer and Invoice Entry

From Customer and Invoice Entry (G0311), choose Other Invoice Entry Methods

From Other Invoice and Receipts Entry Methods (G03111), choose Copy File to tape/Diskette

After you post your automatic debits, you need to send the information to your bank. Use the Copy File to Tape/Diskette program to copy your automatic debits to either a tape or diskette.

If necessary (perhaps for different versions), you can run this program more than once.

23.5.1 Processing Options

See Section 33.12, "Copy Tape File to Tape (P03579)." What You Should Know About Processing Options

Option Explanation
Automatic debits version (1) Automatic debit information is stored using the P03575 version.
Copy to tape options (2) Use this option to initialize the tape or diskette. If you leave it blank, the contents of the Auto Debit Build are written to diskette.
Country specific formatting options (4) Use this option to specify a customized program. P03579DT produces the variable record length format common to Germany.

If you specify an RPG program, you might need a specific tape. For example, P03579DT creates the tape file DTAUS if it does not already exist. Any tape file name specified in the first option is ignored.

23.5.2 Data Sequence for Copy Files to Tape or Diskette

Set the auto debit sequence to the copy-to-tape or diskette stage (T).