53 Petty Cash for Russia Processing Options

This chapter contains these topics:

53.1 Petty Cash Desk (P74R0011)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the Cash Account number  
2. Enter Transaction type. The values possible are:

'I' Display transaction when received the cash

'O' display transaction when pay the cash

Default blanks display all transaction.

3. Enter the period to process:

Initial Date (blanks invalid)

Final Date (blanks invalid)

4. Enter process amount mode:

D=Domestic mode F= Foreign mode

6. Enter process mode:

Blanks= Proof

'1' = Final

'2' = Reprinting

7. Enter the version's name of Petty Cash Issue Note P74R0030.

Default blanks ZJDE0001

8. Enter the version's name of Petty Cash Receipt Note. P74R0040.

Default blanks ZJDE0001

9. Enter '1' to print the paid invoices number in the "Attachment" field.  
10. Enter the currency code text as it should be printed

Enter the Cents text

11.Enter the currency code (in JDE term) for the transactions to print  
12.Enter the Type of Data to obtain the information corresponds to field 'With'  

53.2 Petty Cash Issue Note (P74R0030)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter '1' to print Account Number ('0' or blanks will not print it).  
2. Enter the Account Number Category Code to print on the report.

Valid values are 21, 22 or 23. If left blank mcu.obj.sub is printed.

Only valid if processing option 1 is '1'.

3. Enter '1' to print references to original document in attachments line ('0' or blanks will not print them).  
4. Enter the CEO address number for mailing name retrieval.  
5. Enter the Chief Accountant address number for mailing name retrieval.  
6. Enter the program name to translate amounts from numbers to words.

You can choose 'XS00500RU' or 'XS00500RU2' to translate amounts into Cyrillic.


53.3 Petty Cash Receipt Note (P74R0040)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter '1' to print Account Number ('0' or blanks will not print it).  
2. Enter the Account Number Category Code to print on the report.

Valid values are 21, 22 or 23. If left blank mcu.obj.sub is printed.

Only valid if processing option 1 is '1'.

3. Enter '1' to print references to original document in attachments line ('0' or blanks will not print them).  
4. Enter the CEO address number for mailing name retrieval.  
5. Enter the Chief Accountant address number for mailing name retrieval.  
6. Enter the program name to translate amounts from numbers to words.

You can choose 'XS00500RU' or 'XS00500RU2' to translate amounts into Cyrillic.


53.4 Petty Cash Book - Proof or Final Mode (P74R0050)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the company to be processed (required).  
2. Enter start date of Cash Book (required).  
3. Enter through date of Cash Book. If left blank, only the start date will be printed.  
4. Enter the Petty Cash Account Number.  
5. Enter the Ledger Type. If left blank, 'AA' assumed.  
6. Enter the currency code text as it should be printed.

Enter the Cents text.

7. Enter the currency code to be printed if the report will be printed in foreign currency.  
8. Enter process mode:

blanks = Proof,

'1' = Final,

'2' = Reprinting

9. Enter the page number to be printed, only valid when the process is executing in reprinting mode.  
10. Enter '1' if the process will be executed for the first time in the month in final mode. This option reinitializes the page counter from 1. If left blanks, the page counter will not be reinitialized.  
11. Enter the Cashier address number for mailing name retrieval.  
12. Enter the Chief Accountant address number for mailing name retrieval.  
13. Enter '1' to print Account Number ('0' or blanks will not print it).  
14. Enter the Account Number Category Code to print on the report.

Valid values are 21, 22 or 23. If left blank mcu.obj.sub is printed.

Only valid if processing option 1 is '1'.

15. Enter payroll, payroll taxes.

The format will be 999999999999.99

16. Enter the program name to translate amounts from numbers to words.

The possible values are:

X00500RU or X00500RU2

17. Output form

1 - Printer file

2 - Database file

3 - Printer and Database file

Default output: Printer File

Note: Consider that the overflow of the report is being conditioned by the processing options 17 and 18.

18. Entry the quantity details lines to be printed.

Default print 64 lines.

19. Entry the quantity total lines to be printed.

Default print 28 lines. Final.