

basic information about the REST service invocation is captured as REST service metadata:
  Overview link
business events
  annotate link
  download link
  Upload file to the database link
  Upload iLDT files link
  validate link
Business Service Objects Design Tasks
  Adding a Partner Link for File Adapter link
  Adding an Assign Activity link
  Adding an Invoke Activity link
  Creating a Partner Link link
  Creating a SOA Composite Application with BPEL Process link


Composite Services
  download link
  modify link
  overview link
  view link
connection information
  Application Server Connection link
create and upload custom interfaces
  business events link
  composite service validation link
  creation link link
  View and Administer composite services link
create and use custom interfaces
  create steps link
  overview link
  use custom interfaces link
create custom interfaces
  composite services link
  interface types link
Creating BPEL Using Business Events
  Assign link
  Create a New BPEL Project link
  Create a Partner Link AQ Adapter link
  Create a Partner Link File Adapter link
  invoke link
  receive link


Defining REST Service Invocation Metadata
   Creating an Error Subscription to Enable Error Processing for REST link
  Creating a Local Subscription to Invoke the REST Service link
  Creating a Receive Event for REST Response (Optional) link
  Creating a Receive Event Subscription for REST Response (Optional) link
  Creating a REST Service Invoker Business Event link
deploy and test bpel
  deploy bpel link
  test bpel link
Deploy and Test Concurrent Program
  deploy bpel link link
Deploy and Test Custom BPEL
  deploy bpel link
  test bpel link
Deploy and Test Event BPEL
  deploy bpel link
  test bpel link
Deploy and Test PL/SQL BPEL
  deploy bpel link link
  test bpel link link
Discovering and Viewing Integration Interfaces
  Generating Web Services link
  overview link
  REST Messages link
  review details link
  review WADL details link
  review WSDL details link
  search and view interfaces link
  SOAP Messages link


Integration Repository Annotation Standards
  annotation glossary link
  business entity link
  business event link
  composite service - BPEL link
  concurrent program link
  guidelines link
  Java link
  PL/SQL link
  XML Gateway link
Invoke SOAP service
  example link
Invoke Web Services
  Calling Back to Oracle E-Business Suite With SOAP Service Responses link
Invoking a custom Java Bean Service
  Creating a Security Grant link
  Creating and Compiling Custom Java APIs link
  Deploying a Custom Java Bean Service link
  Deploying Custom Java Classes and Source Files link
  Uploading a Custom Java Bean Service link
Invoking a Java Bean Service
  Recording the WADL link
Invoking a REST Service
  Creating a Project with a Java Class link
  Deploying a REST Service link
  Recording the WADL link link
Invoking an Application Module Service Using Token Based Authentication and XML Payload
  Creating a Project with a Java Class link
  Creating a Security Grant link
  Deploying a REST Service link
  Invoking a REST Service Using a Java Class link
  Recording the Deployed WADL URL link
Invoking REST Services Using Service Invocation Framework
  Defining REST Service Invocation Metadata link
Invoking SOAP service steps
  creating a Local Event Subscription for SOAP link
  Creating a receive Event for SOAP Response link
  Creating a receive Event Subscription for SOAP Response link
  creating an Error Event Subscription for SOAP link
  Creating Invoke and Receive Events link
Invoking SOAP Services Using Service Invocation Framework
  metadata definition link
  understanding SOAP metadata definition link


JSON Payload with REST Header
  Deploying a PL/SQL REST Web Service link
  Invoking REST Service Using a Java Client design time link
  Invoking REST Service Using a Java Client runtime link
  Recording the Deployed WADL URL link


Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway
  component features link
  Major Features link
  Overview link


REST Extensibility
  postInvokeService link
  preInvokeService link


Sample Payload
  Inbound Purchase Order link
  Supplier Ship and Debit Request link
SOAP Extensibility
  addCustomSOAPHeaders link
  addWSSecurityHeader link
  postInvokeService link
  preInvokeService link
  setInputParts link
SOAP service invocation
  consideration link
  Extending Seeded Java Rule Function link
  Testing SOAP Service Invocation link
  Troubleshooting SOAP Service Invocation Failure link


Testing SOAP Service Invocation
  Command Lines link
  Test Business Event Page link
  Troubleshooting SOAP Service Invocation Failure
    Concurrent Manager (CM) Tier JVM link
    OACORE WebLogic Server link
    Standalone JVM link


Understanding REST Service Invocation Metadata
  Advanced Configuration link
  REST Service Details link
Understanding SOAP Messages
  SOA Header for XML Gateway Messages link
  SOAP Header for Applications Context link
  SOAP Messages Through SOA Provider link
  SOAP Security Header link
understanding SOAP metadata definition
  Additional Subscription Parameters link
  Invoke Web Service Wizard link
  SOAP Service Security link
use custom interfaces
  design tasks link
  overview link
  runtime tasks link
Using Business Events
  deploy and test bpel link
  overview link
  using Business Events link
Using Business Service Objects
  deploy and test bpel link
  overview link
  using Business Service Objects REST Services link
  using Business Service Objects SOAP Services link
  using Business Service Objects WSDL design time link
Using Concurrent Program
  design tasks link
  Overview link
  runtime tasks link
Using Concurrent Program design tasks
  Adding a Partner Link for File Adapter link
  Assign activities link
  Creating a New BPEL Project link
  Creating a Partner Link link
  Invoke activities link
Using Custom WSDL
  Adding a Partner Link for File Adapter link
  Create a New BPEL Project link
  Create a Partner Link link
Using custom WSDL
  Add an Assign activity link
  Add an Invoke activity link
Using Java APIs as REST Services
  Application Module Service Invocation Example link
Using Java Bean Services
  Invoking a Custom Java Bean Service link
  Invoking a Custom Java Service from HTML Using JavaSript link
  Invoking a REST Service link
  Invoking a REST Service using a Java Class link
  overview link
Using Open Interface Tables
  Creating a Security Grant link
  Deploying a REST Service link
  Invoking a REST Service link
  Overview link
  Recording the WADL link
Using Open Interface Tables and Views
  Overview link
Using PL/SQL
  deploy and test bpel link link
  overview link
  Synchronous BPEL Process link link
  using PL/SQL REST Service link
  using PL/SQL WSDL link
Using PL/SQL REST Service
  JSON Payload link
  XML Payload with REST Header link
  XML Payload with REST Header runtime link
  Add a Receive activity link
  Add an Assign activity link
  Add an Invoke activity link link
  Add Assign activities link
  Adding a Partner Link for File Adapter link link
  Create a New SOA Composite Application with BPEL Process link link
  Create a Partner Link link
Using Service Invocation Framework to Invoke REST Services
  Callback link
  Managing REST Service Invocation Errors link
  REST Service Security link
  Understanding REST service invocation metadata link
Using Service Invocation Framework to Invoke SOAP Services
  overview link
Using XML Gateway
  deploy bpel link
  overview link
  test bpel link
  using XML Gateway Inbound link
Using XML Gateway Inbound
  Creating a New BPEL Project link
using XML Gateway Inbound
  using XML Gateway Inbound design time link
Using XML Gateway Inbound by SOA Provider
  Assign link
  Creating a Partner Link link link
  Invoke link
Using XML Gateway Inbound SOA Provider
  Runtime tasks link
Using XML Gateway Inbound SOA Provider Run-Time Tasks
  deploy link link
Using XML Gateway Outbound
  deploy and test bpel link
Using XML Gateway outbound
  using XML Gateway outbound link
Using XML Gateway outbound design task
  Add a Partner Link for File Adapter link
  Add an Assign Activity link
  Add an Invoke Activity link
  Adding a Receive Activity link
  create a new BPEL project link
  create a Partner Link for AQ Adapter link
  overview link


Web Service Invocation Using SIF
  invoking SOAP services link
  message patterns link
  Supporting WS-Security link
  Web Service Input Message Parts link


XML Payload with REST Header
  Deploying a PL/SQL REST Web Service link
  Invoking REST Service Using a Java Client link
  Recording the Deployed WADL URL link