

  excess link
  fixed link
  recurring link
accounts distribution
  upgrading link
Accounts Distributions tabbed region
  Billing Term Details window link
  Payment Term Details window link
adjustment term link
administration, lease link
aggregation link
  rent increase link
Agreement tabbed region link
  entering link
  floors link
allowances link
Alphabetical Space Assignments Report link
  by Floor link
  by Postal Code link
Amend Lease window link
  tabbed region of link
  window reference link
amendments, lease link link link link
  normalizing terms link
amount of payment and billing items link
anchor contribution link
  using as stop link
ancillary agreements link
Annual Accounting Pro Forma Report link
Annual Cash Flow Pro Forma Report link
  concurrent program link
approval rules link
approval status of leases link
Approve Operating Expense Terms concurrent program link
approve variable rent volumes
  approve variable rent volume concurrent program link
approving billing schedules link
approving payment schedules link
approving schedules link
  exceptions link
  program link
  validation link
approving schedules
  rules link
Area tabbed region link
area type
  term details link
area type used in term details link
assigning office space link
assigning space link
  cost centers link
  employees link
  finding vacancies link
  description link
  operating expense reconciliation link
Authorize Billings window link
Authorize Payments window link
authorizing payments and billings link


back-billed rent increase
  term frequency link
basis calculation link
  example link
basis dates link
Basis Periods tabbed region link
Bill tabbed region
  Term Details window link
  scheduling link
billing events link
  creating link
billing information
  entering link
billing items
  amount of link
  deferring link
  export link
  exporting to Oracle Receivables link
billing line items
  defined link
Billing Schedule Details window link
billing schedules link
  approving link
  creating link
billing term details
  entering link
billing terms link
billings link link
  authorizing link
  entering link
  prepayments link
  process overview link
Billings milestones link
Billings tab control link link
Billings tabbed region link
BOMA link
bookable locations link
  defining link link link
  defining link
Buildings window link
  window reference link


CAD link
CAD interface
  import link link
CAFM link
calculate recovery link
calculate rent increase link
calculate variable rent
  concurrent program link
calculating variable rent link link
  gross variable rent link
   See also net variable rent
  invoicing method link
  methods link
  negative rent link
  net variable rent link
  recalculating link
  Variable Rent Billing Report link
calculation methods link
   See also partial year calculation methods
  cumulative volumes link
  partial year link
  concurrent requests link
  operating expense link
catch-up payments link link
changing lease status link
child terms
  creation of link
  normalization of replacement link
common report fields
  RXi link
  contacts for link link
Computer Assisted Facilities Management link
Computer-Assisted Design link
concurrent program
  approve rent increase terms link
  approving variable rent terms link
  calculate recovery link link
  calculate variable rent link
  cost center synchronization with HR link
  creating accounts distribution link
  creating variable rent terms link
  load expenses from GL link
  populate recoveries with expenses link
  purge the expense lines interface table link
  transfer normalized lines link
concurrent programs link
  approve operating expense terms link
  list link
  month to month rollforward link
  variable rent true up link
concurrent requests
  cancelling link
  monitoring link
  viewing the status of link
Concurrent Requests Summary window link
Configuring Descriptive Flexfields for Search
  Lease Contracts Command Center link
  Increase Over link
  operating expense link
  rent increase link
  variable rent link
Constraints tabbed region link
Constraints window
  variable rent link
  overview of link
Contacts tab control link
Contacts tabbed region link
contracting leases link
  before last approved schedule link
  disallow before approved schedule link
  draft leases link
  finalized leases link
contracting rent increase agreements link
contracting tenancies
  finalized leases link
contracting terms link
  finalized leases link
  renormalization link
contribution link
  using as stop link
copying locations link
cost center
  employee space assignment link
  synchronization with HR link
cost centers
  assigning space to link
  insurance link
coverage, insurance link
Create Reconciliation: Enter Data link
creating accounts distributions link
creating billing schedules link
creating variable rent terms
  concurrent program link
critical dates
  operating expense agreement link
currency conversion
   term amount link
customer space assignments link
Customer tabbed region link
  billings to link


  operating expenses link
  operating expense agreement link
deductions link
deferring billing items link
deferring payment items link
deferring payments and billings link
  floors link
  offices link
deleting space assignments link
Details milestones link
Details tab control link
Details tabbed region link link
draft approval status of leases link
draft lease
  modify lease status link link
Draft status of leases link link
draft status of leases link
  from General Ledger
    customizing windows link
duplicating locations link


early termination
  terms link
Edit Lease window link
  tabbed region of link
  window reference link
editing leases link link link
  normalized terms link
  steps link
  cost center
    synchronizing link
employee cost center
  derivation link
    human resources link
Employee Title Report link
  assigning space to link link
  removing inactive link link
Employees Deleted From Space Allocation Report link
Enter Person window link
entering billings link
Enterprise Asset Management
  export to link
Equipment Leasing Navigator Paths link
estimated amount of payment link
estimated payments link
  approving terms link
    rules link
  calculating catch up link
  creating terms link
  entering in agreement link
  entering in lease link
  updating link
event notification link
expanding leases link
  child terms link
  extending terms link
  normalizing new terms link
  normalizing terms link
  renormalizing existing terms link
  lease link
expense and revenue recognition link
expense class
  setup link
expense clause link
expense groups link link link
  contributions link
  standard group link
Expense lease class link link
  payments and link
expense recognition link
  Lease link
export billing items link
export locations link
Export to CAD Interface link
Export to CAD Interface concurrent program
  submitting link
Export to Payables window link
Export to Receivables window link
exporting payments to Oracle Payables
  concurrent program link
exporting to Oracle Payables link link
exporting to Oracle Receivables link link
extending and contracting rent increase agreements link
extending leases link
  extending terms link
  impact on rent increase link
extending rent increase agreements link


field reference
  operating expenses link
final approval status of leases link
Final status of leases link link
final status of leases link
finalized lease
  contracting link
    before last approved schedule link
    rent increase agreements link link
    tenancies link
    terms link
  extending or expanding link
  modify lease status link
finalizing payment and billing terms link
Find Space Assignments link
  As of Date link
Find Space Assignments window link
  defining link
Floors window
  window reference link
Future Minimum Rent Obligations Report link


General Ledger
  drill down link
general ledger
  transferring journal entries link
generate rent increase periods link
generating periods link
gross variable rent link
   See also calculation methods
grouping invoices
  payable link
  receivable link
grouping payable invoices link
grouping receivable invoices link


history of lease transactions link
Holdover lease status link
human resources
    employee cost center link


IFMA link
Import from CAD link
Import from CAD concurrent program
  submitting link
inactive employees
   deleting link
Increase Over constraints link
increase over constraints
  carry forward amount link
  carry forward percentage link
  no carry forward link
index finder date link
index history
  entering link
index rent link
  calculating the basis link
insurance information in leases link
Insurance milestones link
Insurance tab control link
Insurance tabbed region link link
integration link
  with Oracle Payables and Receivables link
Invoice Review window link
invoicing method
  for variable rent agreements link


  defining link
Land window
  window reference link
  accounting for link
  description link
  management link
Lease Abstract Summary Report link
lease class link link link
  payments and billings and link
Lease Command Center
  Prerequisites for Using Lease Contract Command Center link
Lease Contracts Command Center link
  Configuring Descriptive Flexfields for Search link
Lease Contracts Command Center Dashboard link
lease description
  general lease attributes link
Lease Details tabbed region link
Lease Expiry Process link
Lease Milestones window
  window reference link
lease payment or billing link
lease schedule
  approval link
lease status link
  changing link
  Lease Ordered and Signed link
    draft leases link link
    finalized leases link
  Month to Month and Holdover link
Lease window
  Locations tab link
  window reference link
lease window
   tabbed region link
  abstraction of link link
    steps in link link
  administration of link
  amending link
  amendments to link link
  ancillary agreements link
  approval status of link
  contracting link
  editing link link
  expanding link
  extending link
  history link
  information sources link
  insurance information in link
  location information in link
  master link link
  modifications to link
    lease status and link
  modifying link
  name of link
    setting up link
  number of link
  obligation information in link
  options information in, link
  overview link
  reviewing link
  services information in link
  status of link link link
  statuses link
  tenancy link
  transactions link
  type of link
  types of link
Leases window link link link link
  payments and link
  tabbed region of link
leases windows link
legal entity
    billing terms link
    payment terms link
line items
  defining link
Line Items window
  Deductions tab link
  Volume tab link
Loading Lease Contracts Command Center Data link
  duplicating link
  modify link
    alias link
location alias
  update link
location codes
  defined link
  floors link
    from and to dates link
  regions and office parks link
Locations tab link
Locations tabbed region link link


Master lease link link
  defined link
menu paths link
Milestone Analysis Report link
milestone types
  overview of link
    window reference link
milestones link link link
  setting up link
  leases link
Month to Month lease status link
Month to Month Rollforward concurrent program link
Monthly Accounting Pro Forma Report link
Monthly Cash Flow Pro Forma Report link


  task categories link
navigation paths link link
  navigation paths link
negative rent link
net variable rent link
  negative rent link
Normalized Rent Schedule Report link
  rent increase terms link
normalizing payments and billings link
  in Leases window link
  operating expense agreement link
  reconciliation link
Notes tab control link
Notes tabbed region link


obligation information in leases link
Obligations tab control link
Obligations tabbed region link
Occupancy tabbed region link
  assigning link
  defining link
Offices window link
  window reference link
one time schedules link
open interface tables
  descriptions link
operating expense agreement
  caps link
    first year constraints link
    overruns and shortfalls link
    subsequent year caps link
  creating link
  critical dates link
  dashboard link
  deleting link
  estimated payments link
  expense groups link
    contribution link
  method details link
  notes link
  pro rata basis link
  reconciliation link
  stops link link
  updating link
  window reference link
Operating Expense Agreement page
  field references link
    Caps tab link
    Critical Dates tab link
    Estimated Payments tab link
    Expense Groups tab link
    Method Details tab link
    Pro Rata Basis tab link
Operating Expense Dashboard
  field references link
Operating Expense Reconciliation
  audit link
  field references link
    Expense Groups tab link
    Overview and Notes tab link
    Pro Rata Basis tab link
operating expenses
  overview link
operating expenses dashboard link
  lease link
Options milestones link
Options tab control link
Options tabbed Region link
Options tabbed region link
Oracle Human Resources
  inactive employees and link
Oracle Lease Contracts Configuration link
Oracle Payables
  exporting payments to link link
  payments and link
Oracle Property Manager
   using link
  about link
Oracle Receivables
  billings and link
  exporting billings to link link
overrun credit link
  Lease Contracts Command Center link


page reference
  operating expenses link
Parameters window link
Parcel window
  window reference link
partial year calculation methods link
Pay tabbed region
  Term Details window link
  entering link
  scheduling link
payment details
  entering link
payment events link
payment items
  amount of link
  deferring link link
  export link
  exporting to Oracle Payables link
payment line items
  defined link
Payment Schedule Details window link
payment schedules link
  approving link
  creating link
payment terms link
payments link link
  authorizing link
  estimated amount of link
  prepayments link
  process overview link
  setting up link
  target date of link
Payments milestones link
Payments tab control link link
Payments tabbed region link
People window link
  generating link
Populate Existing Variable Rent Transactions link
Prepayments link
  entering link
  recoveries link
Prerequisites for Using Lease Contract Command Center link
Pro Forma reports
  Annual Accounting link
  Annual Cash Flow link
  Monthly Accounting link
  Monthly Cash Flow link
pro rata basis link
  submitting link
  defining link
  managing link
  overview link
Properties window link
  window reference link
  hierarchy link
  modify link
  setting up link
  space assignment and link
property manager
  reports link
Property Manager concurrent programs link
property standards
  BOMA link
  IFMA link
prorating item amounts link
purge interface tables link
purge variable rent gateway link


rate type link
recalculating variable rent
  adjustment term link
Receivables Details Report link
Receivables Summary Report link
  creating link
  creating terms link
  making payments link
  reviewing link
    data for pro rata bases link
    summary information link
  revising link
  skipping reconciliations link
reconciliation calculation
  pro rata basis link
reconciliation frequency link
reconciliation notes link
reconciling operating expenses link
  creating reconciliations link
    abstracting basic information link
    expense groups link
    notes link
    other information link
    pro rata bases link
  proration link
  reviewing reconciliations link
  revising reconciliations link
reconciling variable rent link
recoveries link
  abatement details of the recovery line review link
  agreement calculation methods link
  agreement creation link
  agreement line details creation link
  agreement line details for abatements creation link
  agreement line details for area creation link
  agreement line details for expense link
  agreements link
  approve terms link link
  area class setup link
  billed recovery review link
  billing recovery estimates link
  calculate recovery agreement link
  calculate recovery concurrent program link link
  calculation methods for agreements link
  consolidate recovery terms link
  constraint details of the recovery line review link
  create a General Ledger account mapping link
  create agreement link
  create agreement line details link
  create agreement line details for abatements link
  create agreement line details for area link
  create agreement line details for constraints link
  create agreement line details for expense link
  create area class details link
  create expense class details link
  expense class setup link
  expense details of the recovery line review link
  find tenants without agreements link
  import expense lines link
  load expenses from Oracle General Ledger link
  populate recoveries with expenses link
  prerequisites link
  prorata share recovery calculation
    variables link
  purge the expense lines interface table link
  recalculate recovery agreement link
  recovery agreement calculation link
  recovery agreement recalculation link
  recovery extract link
  recovery line review link
  recovery line status link
  review abatement details of the recovery line link
  review billed recovery link
  review constraint details of the recovery line link
  review expense details for recovery lines link
  review line details: area link
  review line details: expense link
  review recovery lines link
  setup link
  status of recovery line link
  terms review and approval link
    prorata share recovery calculation link
  field references link
  window references link
regions and office parks
  overview link
  setting up link
Regions and Office Parks window link link
rent increase link
  agreement contraction link
    agreement termination date link link
  agreement extension link
  basis dates link
  calculating link
  calculating the percentage link
    prorating link
  creating terms link
  determining timing link
  entering link
  late calculation link
  normalizing terms link
    length of link
  window references link
rent increase calculation
  concurrent program link
rent increase constraints
  entering link
Rent Increase Details tabbed region link
rent increase periods
  generate link
Rent Increase window
  window reference link
rent increases
  aggregation link
  allocating link
  calculating link
  creating allocated terms link
Rent Obligations Report link
Rent Schedule Details Report link
Rent Schedule Export Report link
Rent Schedule Report, Normalized link
Rent Schedule Summary Report link
reports link
  Alphabetical Space Assignments link
    by Floor link
    by Postal Code link
  Annual Accounting Pro Forma link
  Annual Cash Flow Pro Forma link
  Employee Title link
  Employees Deleted From Space Allocation link
  Future Minimum Rent Obligations link
  Lease Abstract Summary link
  Milestone Analysis link
  Monthly Accounting Pro Forma link
  Monthly Cash Flow Pro Forma link
  Normalized Rent Schedule link
  Receivables Details link
  Receivables Summary link
  rent increase and accounting details link
  rent increase details link
  rent increase summary link
  Rent Schedule Details link
  Rent Schedule Export link
  Rent Schedule Summary link
  Space Allocation link
  Space Utilization link
  Space Utilization by Floor link
  Space Utilization by Office link
  variable format link
  variable rent billing link
  property manager link
  RXi link
  RXi: Lease Options Report link
  RXi: Milestone Report link
  RXi: Rent Roll and Lease Expiration Report link
  RXi: Space Assignment by Lease Report link
  RXi: Space Assignment by Location Report link
  RXi: Space Utilization by Lease Report link
  RXi: Space Utilization by Location Report link
reports and listings
  overview link
  submitting link
Requests window link
responsible user link
Revenue lease class link link
  billings and link
revenue recognition link
  concurrent request status link
revising reconciliations link
rights link
Rights tab control link
Rights tabbed region link link
  service provider
    Contacts tab control and link
   reports link
  common report fields link
RXi: Lease Options Report link
RXi: Milestone Report link
RXi: Rent Increase Detail Report link
RXi: Rent Increase Summary Report link
RXi: Rent Increase with Accounting Details Report link
RXi: Rent Roll and Lease Expiration Report link
RXi: Space Assignment by Lease Reports link
RXi: Space Assignment by Location link
RXi: Space Utilization by Lease Report link
RXi: Space Utilization by Location link


schedule link
  date link
schedule events
  deferring an item in link
scheduled billings link link
  lease status and link
scheduled payments link link
  lease status and link
  approve link
  approvingapproving schedules link
  authorizing link
  cancel approval link
  manual creation of link
  one time link
  approval rules link
Schedules and Items
  concurrent program link
schedules and items link
Section window
  window reference link
services information in leases link
setting up
  new lease link
  payments link
  regions and office parks link
Setup and Configuration Steps
  Oracle Lease Contracts Command Center link
Setup window
  Allowances and Abatements tab link
  Breakpoints tab link
  Constraints tab link
SFFAS 54 link
  Support for link
Signed lease status link
  service provider
    Contacts tab control and link
skipping reconciliations link
Space Allocation Report link
Space Allocation Report, Employees Deleted From link
Space Assignment window
  window reference link
space assignments link
  cost centers link
  deleting link
  employees link
  finding vacancies link
  modifying link
  viewing link
Space Assignments Report, Alphabetical link
  by Floor link
  by Postal Code link
space management link
Space Utilization Report link
  by Floor link
  by Office link
status of leases link link
stops link link
Sublease lease class link link
  billings and link
Subledger Accounting
  transferring normalized expense and revenue link
  viewing information link
Submitted status of leases link
subsequent year caps link
  carry forward link
    overruns link
    savings link
  selecting basis type link
  selecting rate type link
  payments to link
Support for Statement of Federal Financial Accounting Standards 54
  SFFAS 54 link
synchronization with HR
  program link


target date of payment link
  for variable rent agreements link
Tenancy link
tenancy link
Tenancy Attributes Upgrade link
  accounting for link
term defaults
  entering link
term details
  area type link
Term Details window link link
  Bill tabbed region link
  Billing Accounts Distributions tabbed region link
  Pay tabbed region link
  Payments Accounts Distributions tabbed region link
  contracting link
timing rent increases link
  basis dated link
  date assessed link
  examples link
  index finder date link
  modifying periods link
Transactions window link
transfer normalized lines
  concurrent program link


update index history
  concurrent program link
update location alias link
upgrading tenancy attributes link
user responsible link


vacant office space link
variable format reports link
variable rent
  abatements link
  agreement template link
  agreements link
  allowances link
  approving terms link
  calculating link
  calculation frequency link
  constraints link
  contracting agreement link
  creating terms link
  deductions link
  entering agreement details link
  extending agreement link
  generating periods link
  invoicing frequency link
  line items
    defining link
  overview link
  reconciliation link
  reconciling link
  reporting frequency link
  Variable Rent Gateway link
  volumes link
    manual entry link
Variable Rent - Cascade Breakpoints from Line Items UI to Setup UI link
Variable Rent - Convert Natural Breakpoints to Artificial Breakpoints link
variable rent agreements link
Variable Rent Billing Report link
Variable Rent Gateway link
Variable Rent Gateway Import Process
  concurrent program link
variable rent gateway purge link
variable rent periods
  annual link
  calculation link
  invoice link
  reporting link
Variable Rent Template window link
variable rent term
  approve link
Variable Rent True Up concurrent program link
Variable Rent window link
viewing space assignments link
volumes link
  manual entry link
  Variable Rent Gateway link


window reference
  operating expenses link
    agreement link
    dashboard link
    reconciliation link
window references
  Amend Lease window link
  Billing Term Details link
  Buildings window link
  Edit Lease window link
  Floors link
  Land window link
  Lease Milestone window link
  Lease window link
  locations link
  Offices link
  Parcel window link
  Payment Term Details link
  Properties window link
  Rent Increase window link
  Section window link
  Space Assignment window link
  Amend Lease link
    tabbed region of link
    window reference link
  Authorize Billings link
  Authorize Payments link
  Billing Schedule Details link
  Billing Term Details link
  Buildings link
    window reference link
  Concurrent Requests Summary link
  Constraints window link
  Edit Lease link
    tabbed region of link
    window reference link
  Export to Payables link
  Export to Receivables link
  Floors link
    window reference link
  Invoice Review window link
    window reference link
    window reference link
  Lease Milestones
    window reference link
  Leases link link link link link
    payments and link
    tabbed region of link
  leases link
  Line Items window
    Deductions tab link
    Rent tabs link
    Volume tab link
  navigation paths link
  Offices link link
    window reference link
  Parameters link
    window reference link
  Payment Schedule Details link
  Payment Term Details link
  Properties link
    window reference link
  Regions and Office Parks link link
  Rent Increase
    window reference link
  Requests link
    window reference link
  Setup window
    Allowances and Abatements tab link
    Breakpoints tab link
    Constraints tab link
  Space Assignment
    window reference link
  Submit Request link
  Transaction link
  Variable Rent Template link
  Variable Rent window link
workflow link