Buyer Work Center

Buyer Work Center - An Overview

Buyer Work Center is a central launchpad from which requestors, buyers, contracting officers, contracting specialists and other users can efficiently perform their daily tasks—such as viewing and acting upon purchase requisition demand, creating and modifying awards and Indefinite Delivery Vehicles (IDVs), initiating solicitations (if Oracle Sourcing is licensed and implemented), and managing the supply base.

Buyer Work Center provides you with varied capabilities to satisfy your document creation needs. You can:

Note: Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) and Consigned Inventory are not supported in CLM.

Buyer Work Center consists of the following tabs (pages) and sub-tabs.

  1. Requisitions

  2. Assignments

  3. Post Award Requests

  4. Awards

  5. IDVs (Indefinite Delivery Vehicles)

  6. Modifications

  7. Deliverables

  8. Negotiations

  9. Suppliers

  10. Contract Administration

  11. Contract File

  12. Protests

An overview of these tabs is in the following sections.

Read Only Buyer Work Center

Two new menus called View Awards and View Purchasing Documents enable you to view CLM document details. When an award is viewed using these menus, you cannot modify the CLM document. Additionally, you cannot create any new documents using these menus.

View Awards and View Purchasing Documents menus provide view-only access to users who do not have a CLM Purchasing responsibility or who are not buyers. These menus need to be added to the responsibility for those users who need view-only access.


The Requisitions tab consists of the following sub-tabs: Demand Workbench, Summary, Amendments, Post Award Requests and MIPR Own.

Demand Workbench

Demand Workbench enables you to view purchase requisitions. Various views are available (for example, My Late Requisitions, My Requisitions for Services and so on) and you can personalize the views or create new ones. If you need to create a view that filters out requisitions for a particular operating unit, click the Personalize button to create / modify a view.

With Demand Workbench you can access and aggregate requisition demand existing in Oracle iProcurement to create new purchasing and sourcing documents. Using the Demand Workbench, you can:

To use the Demand Workbench, identify requisitions to source, and then use those requisitions to create an award or solicitation.

Additionally Demand Workbench enables you to return or reassign purchase requisitions if required. If you need to return a purchase requisition to the requester, clicking on the Return button removes the purchase requisition from the requisition pool. The usage of the Add button is described in the Document Builder section.

The View region of the Demand Workbench enables you to see requisitions according to the view criteria. By default the View region displays each requisition line with information about the Operating Unit (OU), Requisition number, Line number, Informational flag (whether the line is Informational or not), Option line indicator (Base or Option line), Item/Job, Qty, Price, Currency, Need-by, Source.

There are predefined searches (views) that are available within the Demand Workbench. Additionally, any personalized views that you have created are also displayed. To use a view, select the view from the View drop down menu and click Go. You can use these views to search for requisitions as follows:

Search enables you to find requisitions based on criteria such as Buyer, Requisition, Category, and Supplier. Add additional search criteria by selecting a value from the Add Another LOV. Some fields that you can use as search criteria are: Priority Code, Issuing Office, Suggested COR Office Address, or Suggested Award. A list appears displaying all possible search criteria (for example, you may want to also search on Item Description).

Use Advanced Search to create a combination of search criteria that helps locate the appropriate requisitions. To use the advanced search function click the Search button.

When performing advanced searches, you can require entries to match all the search values or allow them to match any of the search values.

Advanced Search enables you to search for requisitions using a combination of values for Buyer, Requisition, Category, and Supplier.

When the search results display, you see all requisitions that matched the criteria for the view/search (for organizations to which you have access). For multi-line requisitions, there is an entry for every unprocessed requisition line. Processed lines do not appear in the list.

Sort the results by clicking any column header. You can see information for the requisition and requisition line by clicking the Requisition and/or Line links. If the suggested supplier has a profile defined in iSupplier Portal, you can view the profile information by clicking the Source link.

Note: You cannot perform the following actions in Demand Workbench for CLM documents: Replace, Update from Catalog Favorites.

Note: Purchase requisitions may also be created using other e-Business Suite modules (such as Planning, Manufacturing, and so on). In a CLM enabled instance, these purchase requisitions are always imported as non-FAR documents. As a result, the subsequent or ensuing orders are also created as non-FAR (non-CLM enabled) documents. As non-FAR (non-CLM enabled) documents, they are seamlessly integrated with Receiving and Invoicing functions in e-Business Suite.

Click a requisition to view the details of the selected Requisition. If you are accessing this page using the Purchasing responsibility, then you will be able to view only the Requisition, Negotiation and Awards regions with the details.

MIPR Others

If the status of the MIPR-Others is Approved, Accepted, it will be displayed in the Demand Workbench along with the rest of the purchase requisitions. The Requisition Type column in the search results of Demand Workbench show which type of requisition (Requisition, MIPR Others – Direct Citation, MIPR Others – Reimbursement Order) is displayed.

The Requisitions / MIPR Others tab enables you to autocreate awards, solicitations, modifications and also add to awards, solicitations and modifications. Requisitions and MIPR Others are autocreated to awards which are not obligating documents. These are regular awards and are treated as such. Thus posting to FPDS-NG, sending to supplier, and so on take place in the same way they would for regular awards.


If the status of the MIPR-Own is Approved, Acknowledged, it will be displayed in the Demand Workbench as a separate tab called MIPR Own. The Requisition Type column in the search results of Demand Workbench show which type of requisition (MIPR Own – Direct Citation, MIPR Own – Reimbursement Order) is displayed. You can use the list search to filter the data.

MIPR-Own lines are used to create obligating awards. These lines cannot be used to autocreate a solicitation.

The process to autocreate a document is the same as autocreating from requisitions. Refer to the section AutoCreate Using Document Builder in this chapter for details on how to proceed with autocreate.

After the award is autocreated, the value of the field Control Type is defaulted to Obligating Document. If award is an obligating document (used to reserve funds only), the award will not be sent to the supplier and the following values will default in the award:

The award distribution details page shows the MIPR details such as whether it is MIPR-Own or MIPR-Others, Line, MIPR Reference, Obligating Type and Reimbursable Amount.

If the Control Type is Obligating Document, this value will default in the modification to the award as well. It will display in the modification document in the same way it shows up in the award. The Obligating Document is applicable to MIPR Own only.

AutoCreate Using Document Builder

When you have located the requisitions to include in your document, use the Document Builder to create a new document.

  1. Scroll the Demand Workbench page to the right.

  2. Select a Document Builder Document Type. This indicates the outcome you expect from the Document Builder. The values you can select are: New Award, New Solicitation, New Modification. For New Solicitations, if you click the Fair Opportunity check box that displays when you select New Solicitation, a Fair Opportunity Notice type solicitation will be auto-created for you.

  3. Select an operating unit for the outcome document by clicking the OU Find icon and selecting an entry from the OU results.

  4. Select your requisition lines by selecting the check box in the Select column for each requisition row.

    Alternatively, add all the requisition lines available in search results table to Document Builder.

    Add an entire requisition, which may contain several hundred lines, without having to navigate to multiple pages to select the lines. To add all eligible lines at once, scroll to the right in the requisitions search results table, and click the blue square icon in the Actions column.

    Using this icon, you can add all eligible requisition lines to Document Builder. Examples of eligible lines are CLINs, SLINs, and Option Lines. The gray square icon indicates that you cannot add the requisition lines to Document Builder.

    To remove the added requisition lines from Document Builder, click Clear.

  5. Click Add to put the lines in your document. Lines that can be added can be CLINs, SLINs, option lines without a base line or Informational lines. If you select a CLIN to add, the entire CLIN/SLIN structure (if one exists) gets added to the award.

    Option CLINs available in Document Builder along with other requisition lines. Option CLINs without a base line can be returned to the demand pool or removed from the Returns page (select an Option CLIN and click Return). Option lines without a base line are not displayed if the associated base line is not available in the Document Builder.

    The Select check box next to the requisition lines is enabled only for regular CLINs or for option CLINs without a base line. The Select check box next to the CLIN of a CLIN/SLIN structure is not enabled if the structure contains at least one cross-linked option line. When a CLIN is selected and added to Document Builder, all associated SLINs (if present) are added to Document Builder along with the selected CLIN. When a base line is added to Document Builder, all linked option lines, in turn, are also automatically added.

  6. To create the document, scroll right. Enter any additional information your document type requires and click Create. Optionally enter an IDV to reference, a Supplier and Supplier Site, Currency, Award Type (these are not mandatory fields). Search for a supplier using D-U-N-S Number and CAGE as search criteria. The Document Style is defaulted on the Document Builder, you can change it, if required. The Document Styles list contains only those styles for which you have access.

  7. To clear the document builder and start creating the document again from the beginning, click Clear.

  8. If you would like to update additional information such as IDV Line Reference, PO Line Number, and so on, while creating the order, enter the changes and click Update.

  9. The selected document type is displayed.

  10. Complete the document and click Create.

  11. If you select New Award or Add to Award, the Update Award page is displayed. If Oracle Sourcing is licensed and implemented, and you selected New Solicitation, the Oracle Sourcing Negotiations page is displayed.

    When Add to Award is selected, you must select a modification to add lines to an approved award.

Adding Lines to Awards/Modifications

You can add requisition lines to your existing draft CLM document by selecting the Add to Award / Modifications action in the Type LOV. Select the Add to Award / Modification from the Document Builder's Type LOV. Then select the requisition lines to add in the Views region and click Add. The Document Builder area now displays the Award / Modification search LOV. Search for the award or modification to add lines. After you have selected a draft award or draft modification, the Style field is populated with the document style of the draft award or draft modification. If you have selected requisition lines, then the Recently Added Items list displays the selected line information. Click Create to add the requisition lines to the award / modification. The award / modification page opens, with the Header tab highlighted. Click the Lines tab to verify that the requisition lines got added successfully to the document.

Click Update to open the Update Document Builder: Add to Award / Modification page. You can reselect an award / modification by using the search LOV to replace the original document with a new one to update.

The Update Document Builder: Add to Award/Modification page enables you to re-select an award or modification and also to group requisition lines with the same or similar fields:

For example, if you have an identical or related item number for two items on two different requisition lines, they can be grouped into a single requisition line based on the item number. The Item Description is the only field that need not be identical or similar among the requisition lines.

The following rules are applicable to grouping lines:

The Requests region consists of a Group By LOV with 2 values: Default and Requisition. The defaulted value is Default. The Default method of grouping groups different requisition lines into the same award line, if the grouping conditions match. The Requisition method of grouping creates individual award lines for each of the requisition lines. If the lines from the requisition and the existing lines of the award / modification are found to be the same or similar by the system, the Default method of grouping makes the line number of the requisition editable. This means that you can modify the line number to group it with another line if required, provided the grouping follows the rules specified above.

By default, if there are multiple fund sources on different PR lines, they always get grouped as part of the Priced Line with all the associated distributions. A common DoD usage is to have multiple fund sources to be added as Informational SLINs. Using the action Convert Distributions to Info SLINs, the multiple distributions lines are can be converted to Info SLINs directly in the award.

Adding Lines to Solicitations / Amendments

Select the Add to Solicitation / Amendment from the Document Builder's Type LOV. Then select a solicitation or amendment number to add the requisition lines. The Document Builder area displays the Solicitation / Amendment Number search LOV. Search for the award or modification to add lines. After you have selected a draft solicitation or draft amendment, select the requisition lines to add to the solicitation / amendment and click Add. After you have selected the requisition lines, the Recently Added Items list displays the selected line information.

Click Update to open the Update Document Builder: Add to Solicitation / Amendment page. You can reselect a solicitation / amendment by using the search LOV to replace the original document with a new one to add lines.

The Update Document Builder: Add to Solicitation / Amendment page enables you to re-select a solicitation or amendment and also to group requisition lines with the same or similar fields:

For example, if you have an identical or related item number for two items on two different requisition lines, they can be grouped into a single requisition line based on the item number. The Item Description is the only field that need not be identical or similar among the requisition lines.

The following rules are applicable to grouping lines:

The Requests region consists of a Group By LOV with 2 values: Default and Requisition. The defaulted value is Default. The Requisition method of grouping enables you to allow automatic grouping of lines by the system. The Default method of grouping enables you to make changes/updates to the line numbers so that you have more control over the grouping of the lines. If the lines from the requisition and the existing lines of the award / modification are found to be the same or similar by the system, the Default method of grouping makes the line number of the requisition editable. This means that you can modify the line number to group it with another line if required, provided the grouping follows the rules specified above.

If there are two priced CLINs with different distribution accounts are matched, they are grouped together to finally create one line with multiple distributions. However, different distribution accounts are not allowed in DoD usages. Using the action Convert Distributions to Info SLINs, the multiple distributions lines are converted to Info SLINs. However, the combined priced CLIN is not changed and the resulting lines will be single priced CLINs with Info SLINs that can be grouped.

Funding Awards / Modifications from new Requisitions

In order to enable users to incorporate and use funds from a purchase requisition line to an existing line on an award modification, the functionality Add Funds to Awards / Modification is provided in Document Builder. This is usually required while exercising an option or providing incremental funding. Despite the fact that you can add funds to a modification using purchase requisition amendments, some federal agencies prefer to use separate purchase requisitions so that the lifecycle of purchase requisitions can remain short and the request to add funds is tracked separately from the original requisition.

In this process, new distributions are created under the target shipment and the following information is defaulted from the source distribution:

User Procedures

  1. Using the appropriate CLM Purchasing responsibility, navigate to the Requisitions tab in Buyer Work Center.

  2. Select one or more requisition lines using the Select check box.

  3. Scroll to the right and in the Document Builder window, select the value Add Funds to Awards / Modification from the Type LOV. Ensure that the correct Operating Unit is selected.

  4. Click Add (next to Select Requests: above the requisition lines).

  5. The Document Builder window shows you the recently added items and also enables you to now select the award / modification to link with the requisition line. Click the Search icon to add the award / modification number to link with the requisition line. The Style field (below the Award / Modification number field) automatically gets populated with the original document style name.

  6. Click Update to open the Add Funds to Awards / Modification page. The Modification number and corresponding document Style are displayed at the top of this page.

  7. Using the Requests region, you need to select a destination shipment for the linking to take place. Use the Search icon at the Shipment column (this is a mandatory column) to select the shipment you need to link the requisition line to.

  8. Click Create to confirm the linking process you started. You can remove a requisition line that is eligible for linking by clicking the Remove icon at each eligible requisition line that displays in this page.

  9. The award or modification page opens at the Header tab and you can navigate to the Lines, Schedules and Distributions tab to view the newly added lines/distributions.

  10. In the Distributions tab, you can see that the funding from the purchase requisition lines has been added to the tab. You can update the new distribution(s) and make further changes, if required. You may need to update the quantity at the distribution level to ensure that the total distribution quantity is equal to the shipment quantity.

Status of Linked Purchase Requisition Lines

After you have manually linked one or more purchase requisition lines to a modification or award, the requisition lines now have the Modification Number and/or Award Number field populated with the linked modification/award number. You can see this referenced number in Oracle CLM iProcurement. The purchase requisition lines are neither available in the demand pool (Demand Workbench), nor are they available in the Desktop Receiving pages of Oracle CLM iProcurement.

Splitting Requisition Lines

You can split purchase requisition lines so that several lines may be used to fund smaller amounts of the award lines. Only lines that have a match basis of Quantity can be split.

You may not split the following lines: lines that are used as base lines for options, option lines and informational lines.

The following line types can be split (provided they are quantity-based):

To split requisition lines:

  1. Select your requisition line from Demand Workbench page.

  2. Click the Split icon in the Actions column.

  3. Enter the new quantities in the Qty column for each requisition line. The sum of the quantity for split quantity based lines may not exceed the original quantity of the purchase requisition line.

    If the quantity of all the split lines is less than the original quantity, then un-reserve of funds takes place for the quantity that is no longer available in the split purchase requisition lines.

  4. Click Save Split to save the split lines and create the new purchase requisition lines. The original purchase requisition is canceled and the new requisition lines are saved.

  5. Click Cancel Split if you do not want to split the requisition line and to restore the line(s) to the original line.

Workload Assignment

The Workload Assignment List of Values (LOV) enables Workload Administrators to create a new assignment for a buyer, to add requisition lines to an existing assignment or to remove lines from an assignment. Additionally, if you select all the lines of a requisition, you can create, add to an existing assignment, or remove a requisition from an assignment. Thus, you could process workload assignments with either selected requisition lines, or with an entire requisition (all lines). If multiple requisitions match the search criteria in Demand Workbench, they are displayed in the search results table. Proceed with creating a new assignment, or adding those lines to an assignment, or removing those lines. You can also reassign the requisition line to different buyers using the Reassign button. The Reassign button is available only if the profile option PO: CLM PALT & Milestones Enables is set to N.

For more information on creating and using Workload Assignments, refer to the Workload Assignments chapter in this guide.

Related Topics:

Summary tab

Overview of Requisition Amendments

Using FAR and non-FAR Transactions


Search for requisitions based on the content of their headers, lines, and distributions by clicking the Summary tab. Note that you can save your search as a personalized view.

When the page refreshes, you see all requisitions that matched the criteria for that view/search. For multiline requisitions, there is an entry for every requisition line (for example, you might see two entries: requisition 12345, line 0001; and requisition 12345, line 0002). If you see a requisition with multiple lines, but some of the lines are absent from the list, those lines have already been processed.

Funded Value and Funds Remaining columns indicate the following: Funded Value is the original funded value on a purchase requisition including any amounts from approved and merged requisition amendments. Funds Remaining are the funds that are available after the requisition is used to fund one or more award lines. Even if part of the funds are used in an award, the requisition line will not be available in Demand Workbench as part of the demand is met. The funds on such lines are still available for linking to one or more Award lines.

Sort the results by clicking any column header.

Click a requisition to view the details of the selected Requisition. You can view details about the Address Type, Business Priority and Project Information, Sourcing Information, Acquisition Plan, Attachments, Title, and other Details about the line such as Line number, Informational, Description, Need-by, Period of Performance Start Date, Period of Performance End Date, Deliver-To, Contract Type, Unit, Quantity, Quantity Delivered, Quantity Canceled, Open Quantity, Price, Amount, Option, Line Status, Order number, and MIPR Obligation Type. You can also click the Details icon for each line to view line details, or click the Pricing Details icon to view the pricing details for the selected line.

If you access this page using the Purchasing responsibility, then you will be able to view only the Requisition, Negotiation and Awards regions with the details.

Overview of Requisition Amendments

Requisition Amendments enables you to make changes to approved requisitions as may be required during the lifecycle of the requisition. You can create requisition amendment even after requisition lines have been solicited, offers have been received, and awards have been created for them. The creation of a requisition amendment does not affect the solicitation and award creation process from requisitions. Using requisition amendments, you can add new lines, cancel one or more lines as well as update information in the original requisition, such as line item information, delivery, billing and funding information. Requisition lines changed in requisition amendments are made available to contracting professionals and they can implement the changes in the Solicitation or Award documents created from the requisition lines.

Use the Requisition Amendment functionality when you need to make changes on an approved requisition. The Requisition Amendment is a separate document that maintains the changes suggested to an approved Requisition and it contains some additional amendment-specific fields. Thus, all the requisition information in the header, lines and distributions gets copied to the amendment document. You can edit/update any of the information. Enter your changes in the Requisition Amendment document (including adding new lines or cancelling lines), and then save and submit the amendment for approval. When the amendment gets approved, changes made in the requisition amendment are merged into the conformed requisition document. The Amendment History page enables you to view and track the changes that you have made in the lifecycle of the amendment.

Note: You can only create amendments for requisitions that have a status of Approved or Returned.

Note: The change order process is not supported in CLM.

At any point of time, there can be only one inprocess amendment for a requisition and only when this amendment is approved or rejected, another amendment can be started. Thus, only one amendment document per requisition is allowed at a given time.

When the amendment is approved, the updates / changes that were made as part of the amendment are now made part of the conformed requisition. For example, a new line has been added as part of the amendment. When the amendment is approved, the new line is added to the original conformed requisition.

During the approval of an amendment, the amendment can be withdrawn from approval. Withdrawing an amendment enables you to edit and resubmit the amendment or delete the amendment. This is useful in situations where you require updating the details even though the amendment is submitted for approval.

You can create a requisition amendment if the requisition lines have been used to create a solicitation (using Document Builder), that has either been submitted for approval or has been approved. When the award has been approved, the only changes (amendments) you can make to the requisition are to modify the funding information (such as Quantity, Total Amount, Distribution, Funded Value, and so on) on the lines.

To create an amendment for an approved requisition, click the Change icon (in the Requisition Summary page) or the Change button (in a requisition checkout page).

Prior to this, if you have already clicked Change and your amendment is in progress, you may not create another amendment unless you have completed the first amendment. An error message displays that there is a pending amendment.

If a requisition amendment has a status of InProcess, you can withdraw it from the approval process and update it again. A withdrawn requisition amendment is removed from the approval process and the status displays as Incomplete. You can edit the withdrawn requisition amendment and resubmit it for approval.

Review and Implement Amendments from Demand Workbench

View the approved requisition amendment lines in the Amendments tab of Buyer Work Center. Only those requisition amendment lines that have been referenced in the award are displayed in this tab. Changes to the amendment lines can be implemented in the following scenarios:

The system automatically displays all the fields you entered in the original requisition and enables you to edit them per your requirements, except the requisition creation date. You can add new attachments or edit existing ones, add or update supporting documents and exhibits. You can create a requisition amendment even after creating awards or solicitations. For solicitations, you can also create an amendment after receipt of offers, and creation of a draft award. You can create requisition amendments at any time. However, if the award is closed, then the application ensures that your changes are not implemented. If the amendment line you are accessing is part of a modification that is undergoing approval, the amendment cannot be accepted until the modification gets approved.

Click Review and Implement to view and the requisition line changes that will be made to the award or solicitation. The Amendment Changes page displays the changes made to the line or lines of the requisition. The associated award or solicitation number is also displayed and once you have entered your comments in the Comments field, click Accept or Reject.

When accepting the changes by clicking Accept, the draft Awards or Solicitation page displays, enabling you to enter the changes manually in case of header level changes. If the Award or Solicitation has been approved, you will get a message, prompting you to enter a modification or solicitation amendment for updating the Award or Solicitation with the changes.

When rejecting the changes by clicking Reject, a page displays where you need to enter comments. The rejected lines are flagged as Rejected in the amendment and will be removed from the amendment list. They will not be available to the buyer and if required, the requester has to create a new amendment line. Any comments that are made by you are visible to the requester in the lifecycle page of the requisition amendment line.

Amendment Checkout Process

If you have clicked the Change button or the Change icon to start the requisition amendment process, your shopping cart now displays a label - Amendment Cart, and any actions that you perform will be applicable to the requisition amendment.

The Amendment Cart enables you to start changes to the requisition lines, add new lines to the requisition lines, or cancel a requisition line.

The Amendment Checkout process is the same as the requisition checkout process. To add a new line to the requisition amendment, click the Return to Shopping link. To continue updating existing line information, click Amendment Checkout. You will be taken to the Amendment Checkout page, which is similar to the Requisition checkout page. Additionally, you will need to provide a reason for the amendment in the Requisition Amendment page.

Amendment Checkout is a 3-stage process. Each stage has it's own page and sub-pages that you can drill down to, in order to enter the information relevant to the requisition amendment. Given below are the details of the 3-stage amendment checkout process.


A workload assignment consists of tasks (also called milestones) that the buyer needs to accomplish in the given timeframe. The Workload Administrator allots the requisition lines to the buyer for further processing. Thus, as part of an assignment, a buyer could create a solicitation, publish it, award it and get the award approved. The buyer completes the assigned tasks (milestones) associated with the requisition lines within a given timeframe or does not. The workload assignment is then evaluated by the Workload Administrator as being completed on time or overdue.

For more information on creating and using Workload Assignments, refer to the Workload Assignments chapter.

Post Award Requests

The Post Award Requests sub-tab is similar to the Requisitions sub-tab in Demand Workbench. You can use the list search to filter the data. Click the Post Award Requests sub-tab to display the Views region in the Post Award Requests page. Predefined views such as My Post Award Requests or My Approved Post Award Requests are available to you. However, if you need to modify or update the existing views, click the Personalize button to open the Personalize Views page. Click the Update icon to modify a view. Click Duplicate to make a copy of an existing view. Click Create View to create a new view.

Workload Administrators can assign requisition or post award request lines to buyers for the purpose of completing procurement tasks. Workload administrators can access the Workload Assignment functions from the Requisitions page or the Post Award Requests page in Buyer Work Center. The Workload Administrator first navigates to the Requisitions or the Post Award Requests page and selects one or more requisition or post award request lines, then selects a value from the Workload Assignment LOV and clicks Go. The Workload Assignment LOV displays the following options: Create New Assignment, Add to Existing Assignment, Remove Lines from Assignment, Create Assignment for PAR, Add PAR to Assignment and Remove PAR from Assignment.

Manual assignment of buyers to post award request lines is performed by the Workload Administrator. Automatic Assignment is the activity of assigning a responsible Buyer to a collection of lines on a Post Award Request document automatically for purposes of administering procurement activities. In the Setup: Purchasing > Document Styles page (Post Award Requests Controls region), you can select or unselect the automatic assignment capability using the check box Auto Assign Post Award Requests. The Auto Assign To list of values in the same page (Document Styles) enables you to specify to auto assign the post award request lines to the Award Administrator, Buyer or Contracting Officer. If you leave this value blank, the system will automatically assign the post award request lines to the Award Administrator, Buyer or Contracting Officer (in that order) if any one person has been specified in the post award request. When the check box Auto Assign Post Award Requests is selected, then a new assignment is created always.

For more information on workload assignments, refer to the chapter Workload Assignments in this guide.

AutoCreate Modifications from Post Award Requests

Use AutoCreate to create modifications or to add information to existing modifications from post award requests. Post Award Request lines can be used to autocreate new and draft modifications, but no other documents. Thus the action Type in Document Builder enables you to perform one of the following actions: Add to Modification or (create) New Modification.

Add Post Award Request lines to the Modification for the same award that the post award request is created from. Autocreate a modification from the Post Award Request lines with the same base award as the post award request.

Click Add to start the autocreate process. The Document Builder region now displays the award number, the line details, and so on. Click Create to add the selected lines to an existing modification or to create a new modification. The existing modification with the newly added lines or the new modification is displayed in a new page. Click the Lines tab of the modification to see the newly added lines.

Note: If your system administrator has enabled concurrent modifications, you can also autocreate concurrent modifications from the post award request lines.

You can also view the post award request in the Modifications page using the View Post Award Request action.


A CLM Award document outlines the agreement between the government and a supplier to provide goods and/or services. The Award itself describes the goods and/or services to be provided, incorporates or references terms and conditions, and obligates the government to payment terms. An Award can be stand alone or reference an IDV. An Award becomes legally binding when either signed by both parties or once performance by the supplier is started.

Note: The change order process and contractor request functionality are not supported in CLM.

Indefinite Delivery Vehicles (IDVs)

When an agency identifies a strategic need for supplies and/or services, such as a long term requirement for desktop computers across the agency for an extended period of time, the agency may negotiate an Indefinite Delivery Vehicle (IDV) to fill those strategic needs. IT Services is another example where a Procurement office would issue an IDV to meet the needs of a currently undefined requirement over a specified period of time. Almost all IDVs contain Terms and Conditions under which both parties agree to operate, and in some cases contain line items and item numbers for supplies and services, with minimum and maximum quantities for each. The IDV itself is not a funded Award, but may have similar requirements for approvals as other Award documents and serves to be an ordering vehicle for future Delivery Orders.

There are two types of IDVs - Agreements and ID/IQ contracts. Agreements are further classified as Basic Ordering Agreement (BOA), Basic Agreement or Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA). ID/IQ contracts are further classified into Requirements, Indefinite Quantity or Definite Quantity.

An IDV created in Purchasing is established to identify the specifics of needed goods/services. The IDV is utilized when some information about the requirement is known prior to the actual purchase. For federal procurement transactions, there are specific elements that need to be made available on the IDV for the contracting specialist to capture.

For more information, refer to the IDVs chapter.

Orders Referencing IDVs

An order referencing an IDV is placed against an established contract or agreement or with Government sources. This is an order that references an existing IDV as the source document. When an order is issued, it inherits the terms and conditions of the parent IDV, as well as information from the initiating purchase requisition.

For more information, refer to the Orders Referencing IDVs chapter.


A Contract Modification may be issued for any reason following FAR-compliant Awards and non-FAR Awards. Usually the rationale includes a needed change to the requirements/deliverables or Terms and Conditions of the Award or may be issued to execute an Option line on an Award, or to increase incremental funding on a line or sub-line or increase/decrease the scope of the acquisition. Modifications may also be issued to make Administrative changes to an Award, such as effecting a change to an address of one of the Government parties to the contract, or to revise a named point of contact in a Procurement office. In all cases the Modification is a separate document, sometimes with specific Terms and Conditions that apply to that Modification alone, and with a separate approval process and sometimes requiring the signatures of both the Procurement office as well as the supplier while other times being issued without requiring the signature of the supplier. Once approved and signed as required, the Modification becomes part of the Award.

For more information on creating and using Modifications, refer to the Modifications chapter in this guide.


Federal agencies enter into contractual agreements with their trading partners, and as part of the contractual agreement will have commitments to fulfill. The commitments on the documents, besides products and services bought or sold, are classified as deliverables, under the Terms and Conditions of the business document. In addition to the contractual commitments that federal agencies need to fulfill, they might define other internal tasks that contribute to the overall execution of the business document.

You can define deliverables as part of the contract template creation process. If a business document refers to a contract template, all deliverables associated to that contract template are copied to the business document.

Note: You can only define deliverables for contract templates with the Buy intent.

When a contract template is applied to a business document, you can update the deliverables that have become part of the business document, and you can create new deliverables specifically for the business document.

If you want to see information about deliverables in the preview output of a business document, you must create one or more special "deliverables" clauses. For more information, see Deliverable Variables in Clauses.

You can perform the following operations on deliverables in contract templates and business documents:

  1. Creating and Updating Deliverables

  2. Viewing Deliverable Details

  3. Reordering Deliverables

  4. Deleting Deliverables

If you are a Contract Administrator, then you can access the Deliverables tab if:

The search results will display all the deliverables for the contract document for which you are the Contract Administrator. If you are the Contract Administrator for multiple contract documents, then the Manage Deliverables page displays all the deliverables defined for all those contract documents. You can view the history of the deliverables as well as report progress on the deliverables.

As a Contract Administrator, you can perform the following operations:

  1. Monitor status of the deliverables

  2. Record updates to deliverable status

  3. Attach documents to the deliverable

  4. Perform necessary actions on deliverable status change

  5. View status of the deliverables

  6. View history of changes that has happened to the deliverables

  7. View documents attached to the deliverable

For deliverables in business documents, you can check which deliverables are overdue, and if any responsible party failed to perform one or more deliverables. In addition, you can update the status of the deliverables in the business documents.

For more information, refer to the Oracle Procurement Contracts Implementation and Administration Guide.


The Oracle Sourcing Negotiations page is the starting place for all your sourcing tasks. The tasks you can perform are organized into functional areas and are accessible from different tables and links. The main regions in this page are:

  1. Searches

  2. Published Negotiations

  3. Quick Links

  4. Containers

For more information on the Negotiations page, refer to the Oracle Contract Lifecycle Management for Public Sector Sourcing User Guide.


Define suppliers to record information about individuals and companies from whom you purchase goods and services, and to record information about employees whom you reimburse for expense reports. If your supplier does business from multiple locations, you store supplier information only once, and enter supplier sites for each location. Different supplier sites can function as pay sites, purchasing sites, or procurement card sites. For example, for a single supplier, you can buy from several different sites and send payments to several different sites. Most supplier-level information automatically defaults to all supplier sites to facilitate supplier site entry. However, you can override these defaults and have unique information for each site.

You use the Suppliers Tab to complete the following actions:

For detailed information on the fields that appear on the supplier definition pages, see: Oracle Payables User Guide and Oracle iSupplier Portal User Guide

Creating Suppliers

Use the Create Supplier page to create a new supplier.

To create a new supplier, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Create Supplier button on the Supplier Tab. Select the Supplier Type. You can select from Standard Supplier and Supplier used to process expense payments to internal employees.

  2. If you select Standard Supplier, enter the following details:

    • Enter the Organization Name of the Supplier Organization. This is a mandatory field.

    • Enter the Alias and the Name Pronunciation.

    • Enter the D-U-N-S number, which is the unique nine-digit Dun & Bradstreet Number associated with the organization.

    • Enter the supplier site URL.

    • Select the Context Value for the supplier.

    • Enter a unique Supplier Number.

    • Select the Tax Country associated with the supplier.

    • Enter the Tax Registration Number associated with the supplier.

    • Enter the Taxpayer ID associated with the supplier. This could be a corporation or partnership's federal identification number/federal tax ID.

    • Enter the Supplier Home Page URL.

    • Enter the Trading Partner associated with the supplier.

  3. If you select Supplier used to process expense payments to internal employees, enter the following details:

    • Select the Employee Name. This employee will perform the role of the supplier used to process expense payments to internal employees. Once you select the Employee Name, the application automatically displays the Employee Number.

    • Select the Operating Unit.

    • Select the relevant check boxes to Create Payment Site. You can select Home, Office, and Provisional.

    • Enter the Supplier Number. This is a mandatory field.

    • Enter the Supplier Home Page URL.

    • Enter the Trading Partner associated with the supplier.

  4. Click Apply to create the new supplier, or click Cancel to discard your changes. Once you click Apply, the Quick Update page displays. You use this page to update information about the supplier you created, and to enter additional information about Supplier Sites, Company Profile, and Terms and Control.

    See: Quick Update

  5. Enter supplier and site information in the appropriate Company Profile and Terms and Controls pages.

    See: Company Profile Information

    See: Terms and Controls

Quick Update of Supplier Profiles

The Quick Update page is the default page that the application displays when you initially access the profile details for a supplier. The page provides access to the main Hold flags for the supplier, along with site-level key purchasing and payment setup attributes. Use the Quick Update page for routine maintenance of supplier profile information.

To complete a quick update, do the following:

  1. Update the Supplier Name, if required. You cannot update the Supplier Number.

  2. Update the Alternate Supplier Name, if required. You cannot update the Registry ID.

  3. Enter an Inactive Date to prevent invoice or award entry for this supplier after this date.

  4. Update the Alias, if required.

  5. Select the All New Awards Hold to prevent new awards being created for the supplier. Select the Hold All Invoices, Hold Unvalidated Invoices, or Hold Unmatched Invoices check boxes to hold payment options for supplier sites. Holds that you apply manually, prevent payment for an invoice.

  6. Click the Site Details tab to maintain additional supplier attributes for each supplier site. The sites associated with the Supplier display in the results table. The Site Name and the Operating Unit display. Enter the following additional details:

    • CAGE - this is the Commercial and Government Entity Code, which is a five-character ID number. You can enter a value for this field if the supplier is a Non SAM supplier. The application automatically displays this field for SAM Suppliers at the site level and you cannot edit it.

    • Legal Business Name - this is the name of the person or entity that owns a business. You can enter a value for this field if the supplier is a Non SAM supplier. The application automatically displays this field for SAM Suppliers at the supplier site level and you cannot edit it.

    • Doing Business As - this is the name under which the business or operation is conducted such as a franchise, licensee name, or an acronym. This is not the legal name of legal person or persons who own it. You can enter a value for this field if the supplier is a Non SAM supplier. The application automatically displays this field for SAM Suppliers at the supplier site level and you cannot edit it.

    • Division Name - this is the name of the division. You can enter a value for this field if the supplier is a Non SAM supplier. The application automatically displays this field for SAM Suppliers at the supplier site level and you cannot edit it.

    • Small /Other Than Small - this identifies the size (small, other-than-small) of the vendor. You can enter a value for this field if the supplier is a Non SAM supplier. The application automatically displays this field for SAM Suppliers at the supplier site level and you cannot edit it.

    • SAM Registration Indicator - This identifies whether the vendor is registered with SAM. The application automatically displays this field for SAM suppliers and you cannot edit it. This field does not display for Non SAM suppliers.

    • SAM Registration Status - This identifies the current status of vendor registration with SAM. SAM maintains a extract code as A (Active) and E (Expired). The application automatically displays this field for SAM suppliers and you cannot edit it. This field does not display for Non SAM suppliers.

    • SAM synchronized Date - This identifies the date the vendor record was last synchronized with SAM and is included in the PO during approval. The application automatically displays this field for SAM suppliers and you cannot edit it. This field does not display for Non SAM suppliers.

    • Debarred displays the Debarment Indicator. This could be Yes or No.

    • Debarment Start Date - this indicates the start date of supplier site Debarment.

    • Debarment End Date - this determines the end date of supplier site debarment.

    • Enter any Comments.

  7. Click Create to create addresses. On the Create Address: Site Creation page that displays, select the Address Name. The Address Details Purpose, Supplier Name, and Supplier Number are displayed. Select the appropriate Operating Units, and select Override Default Site Attributes, if applicable. Click Apply.

  8. Click the Key Purchasing Steps tab to specify the purchasing and payment options for supplier sites. These options default on the Supplies Terms and Controls pages which you can override, if necessary.

  9. Click the Key Payment Steps tab. The results table displays details of the Site Name, Operating Unit, Invoice Amount Limit, Invoice Tolerance, Invoice Match Option, Invoice Currency, Hold from Payment, Payment Hold Reason, Services Tolerance, Payment Currency, Payment Priority, Pay Group, Deduct Bank Charge from Payment, Terms, Terms Date Basis, Pay Date Basis, Retainage Rate (%), Always Take Discount, and Exclude Freight From Discount.

Printing Supplier Name Attributes in the PDF Output of Standard Forms

The attributes of a supplier's name include the legal business name and the "doing business as" (DBA) name. To print a supplier's name and attributes in the PDF output of standard forms, ensure that these details are available in the supplier record. See Quick Update of Supplier Profiles for information about legal business and DBA names.

This topic describes the rules that Oracle CLM applies when printing a supplier's name, the legal business name, and the DBA name in the PDF output of standard forms.

Printing Supplier Name Attributes on Standard Forms

When printing the supplier's name attributes on standard forms, Oracle CLM applies the following rules in the sequence listed here. For the OF347 Form, see *Note for OF347 Form.

This table lists the standard forms for documents that display the legal business name or the DBA name in the relevant blocks.

Document Standard Form Standard Form Block
Award, IDV, Order of IDV SF1449 17a. CONTRACTOR/OFFEROR
Award, IDV, Order of IDV SF1447 13. CONTRACTOR/OFFEROR
Award, IDV, Order of IDV DD1155 9. CONTRACTOR
Award, IDV, Order of IDV *OF347 7b. COMPANY NAME

Note: *For the OF347 Form

Company Profile Information

These pages contains all of the personal information about the supplier, their identity and their type of business. If you have implemented Oracle iSupplier Portal, you can give suppliers access to most of the profile details so that they can maintain the information for you. Any updates that the supplier provides are handled as change requests that require approval by an internal administrator.

See: Amendment Oracle CLM for Public Sector iSupplier Portal User Guide

Use the Company Profile Information to enter details about the following:

Entering Organization Details

To enter organization details, complete the following steps:

  1. Enter the Supplier Name. This is mandatory.

  2. Enter the Supplier Number. This is mandatory.

  3. Enter an Alternate Supplier Name.

  4. Enter the SIC or Standard Industry Code.

  5. Enter the National Insurance Number.

  6. Select the Organization Type.

  7. Search and select the Parent Supplier Name, if applicable. The Parent Supplier Number displays.

  8. Enter the Customer Number. This is the number your supplier uses to identify your enterprise.

  9. Select the One Time check box to indicate that you do not expect to do repeat business with the supplier.

  10. Select the SAM check box to indicate that the Supplier is registered with SAM.

  11. Enter an Inactive Date, if required. This is the date from which the supplier or supplier site will no longer appear on a supplier list of values.

  12. In the Global Details region, select the Context Value from the list.

  13. If you use G-Invoicing, you must select GTAS Supplier Attributes as the Context Value, select F: Federal as the Federal or Non-Federal Code, and select the Servicing Agency Identifier as the Trading Partner Agency Identifier.

  14. In the Additional Information region, enter the Supplier Home Page and Trading Partner details, as applicable.

  15. In the Organization region, enter the D-U-N-S Number, which is the unique nine-digit Dun & Bradstreet Number associated with the organization.

  16. Search for and select the relevant Legal Structure associated with the organization.

  17. Enter the Principal Name.

  18. Enter the Year Established, Incorporation Year, and Control Year.

  19. Enter the Mission Statement for the organization.

  20. Enter the Chief Executive Name, Chief Executive Title, and Principal Title.

  21. In the Total Employees region, enter the Organization Total and Corporate Total.

  22. Select the Organization Total Type and Corporate Total Type to indicate if these totals are Actual or Estimated.

  23. In the Tax and Financial Information region, enter the Taxpayer ID, which is the Supplier's Tax Identification Number (TIN).

  24. Enter the Supplier's Tax Registration Number. The Supplier's VAT Number is displayed.

  25. Select the Fiscal Year End from the list.

  26. Select the Federal Agency check box to indicate that the supplier is a federal agency.

  27. Enter the Analysis Year, Currency Preference, Annual Revenue and Potential Revenue.

  28. In the Basic Information region, select the Context Value. Click Show Additional Basic Information or Hide Additional Basic Information as required.

  29. In the Attachments region, search for and select an attachment to add. Alternatively, click Add Attachment to upload a local attachment or a document catalog.

  30. To upload a local attachment, accept the default Desktop File/Text/URL from the Add menu. Give the attachment a title, description, and select a Category value to indicate its original source. Browse to the location of the attachment and select it, and click Apply.

  31. To upload an attachment from the document catalog, select From Document Catalog from the Add menu, and search on the document title, or expand the search options to use additional search fields. Select the document, and click Apply.

Entering Tax Details

To enter tax details, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Income Tax region, enter the Taxpayer ID.

  2. Select the appropriate Reporting check boxes. Select the Federal check box if the supplier is reportable to a federal taxing authority. Select the State check box if the supplier is reportable to a state taxing authority.

  3. Select the Allow Withholding Tax check box to allow withholding taxes for the supplier and supplier site.

  4. In the Default Controls area of the Transaction Tax region, select the Rounding Level and Rounding Rule to apply to all invoices and tax registration records of the supplier.

  5. Select the Set Invoice Values as Tax Inclusive check box, as applicable.

  6. In the Tax Registrations region, search for and select a tax registration based on criteria such as Default Reporting Country Name, Default Reporting Tax Registration Type, and Default Reporting Registration Number. From the results table, click Update to update existing tax registration details, or Remove to remove the tax registration details associated with the supplier. Alternatively, click Create to create new Tax Registration Details.

  7. On the Create Tax Registration Details page that displays, select the Tax Regime Code from the list. This is a mandatory field.

  8. Select the Tax, Tax Jurisdiction Code, Company Reporting Name, Tax Registration Type, Tax Registration Number, Tax Registration Status, Legal Registration Address, Tax Registration Reason, Source, Issuing Tax Authority, and the effective dates. Select the Set as Default Registration check box to set these tax registration details as the default for the supplier.

  9. In the Invoice Controls region, select the Rounding Rule from the list, and select the Set Invoice Values as Tax Inclusive check box as applicable.

  10. In the Associated Fiscal Classifications region, click Add Another Row to add a Fiscal Classification. Select the Fiscal Classification Type Code, Fiscal Classification Code, Fiscal Classification Name, and enter the Effective From Effective To dates. Click Remove to remove the row.

  11. In the Supplier Sites region, click Create to create a new Supplier Site. On the Create Address: Site Creation page that displays, select the Address Name. The Address Details Purpose, Supplier Name, and Supplier Number are displayed. Select the appropriate Operating Units, and select Override Default Site Attributes, if applicable. Click Apply.

Adding Addresses

To add addresses, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Address Book page, you can search for an address to update or remove. To create a new address, click Create.

  2. On the Create Address: Confirm Details page, in the Address Details region, select the Country. This is mandatory.

  3. Enter the Address Lines, City, County, State, andPostal Code.

  4. Enter the Address Name. This is a mandatory field.

  5. Enter the Global Location Number, Addressee, Geography Code Override , and select the Language, and Context Value.

  6. In the Contact Details and Purpose region, select the Update to all new sites created for this address check box to use the contact details on all new sites you create for the address. Enter the Phone Area Code and Phone Number. Enter the Fax Area Code andFax Number. Enter the Email Address and select the Address Purpose.

  7. In the Business Classifications region, select the Applicable check box adjacent to the appropriate classifications, and select the Minority Type, if applicable. Enter the Certificate Number, Certifying Agency, and Expiration Date of the Classification. Click Apply.

    Note: The Business Classifications entered at the Vendor Level default for the addresses. You can retain this or update it at address level. Any site that uses an address will have the business classification information defaulted and you can change it at site level for a given unique entity identifier if required.

Adding a Contact Directory

To add a contact directory, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Contact Directory page, click Create.

  2. On the Create Contact page, select the Contact Title. Enter the First, Middle, and Last Names of the contact. Enter the Job Title, Department, Email Address, and Phone and Fax details of the contact. Enter an Inactive Date to make the contact inactive from the specified date.

  3. Select the Create User Account for this Contact check box to create a user account for the new contact.

  4. From the Addresses for Contact region, click Add Another Row to add an address for the contact. Click Apply.

Entering Business Classifications

To add business classifications, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Business Classifications page, select the Applicable check box for all classifications you require, and select the Minority Type, if applicable. Enter the Certification Number, Certifying Agency, andExpiration Date of the certificate. Select the appropriate status from the list.

  2. Click Save.

    Note: Supplier level business classifications do not default on to addresses, during prospective supplier registration process. If you have already defined Business Classification information against a supplier at the supplier header level, then it automatically defaults on to any new address that is created for that supplier. Once Business Classification information is defaulted on to address level and is stored at address level, it cannot default again for existing addresses, from the supplier level. You must then make changes at the address level only. It is possible for two sites using the same address to have different business classifications.

Adding Products and Services

To add products and services, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Products and Services page, click Add to add a new product or service.

  2. On the Add Products and Services page that displays, select the appropriate radio button to search for products and services, view the Sub-Categories, and select the Applicable check box to select the product or service. Click Apply.

Entering Banking Details

To enter banking details, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Banking Details page, select the Account Assignment Level from the list. You can select from Supplier (default), Address, Address - Operating Unit, andSite.

  2. In the Payment Details region, click Add to search, select, and add a bank account.

  3. Click Create to create a new bank account.

  4. On the Create Bank Account page, the Payee Name, Payee Site, Internal Organization, and Supplier Site Name display automatically.

  5. Select the Country from the list. Select the Allow International Payments check box, if applicable.

  6. In the Bank region, you can select from an existing bank or branch, or add a new bank.

    If you search for an Existing Bank, then you can search on the Bank Name or Branch Name. The Bank Number, and theTax Payer ID display automatically. If you search on the Branch Name, theBranch Number, BIC, and theBranch Type display automatically.

    If you select the Create New Bank option, then you must enter the Bank Name, Bank Number, and theTax Payer ID. You can select the Branch Name, or opt to create a new branch. If you opt to create a new Branch, then, you must enter the Branch Name, theBranch Number, BIC, and theBranch Type.

  7. In the Bank Account region of the Create Bank Account page, enter the Account Number. This is a mandatory field. Enter the Check Digits, IBAN, Account Name, andCurrency.

  8. Enter an Alternate Account Name, Account Suffix, Agency Location Code, Start Date, Account Type, Secondary Account Reference, Description, and End Date. Click Apply.

    Note: If you use G-Invoicing, then you must enter the Servicing Agency Location Code as the Agency Location Code.

Updating Surveys

As part of the supplier profile, you can update custom questionnaires that you can use to gather feedback from suppliers' surveys.

  1. From the Surveys page, click the Update icon adjacent to the survey.

  2. Make the necessary updates, and click Apply.

Terms and Control

Use the Terms and Control pages provide access to all of the attributes that are used to control the business relationship you have with the supplier. These include:

Accounting Information

To enter Accounting Information, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Accounting page, select the Ledger, Site Status, Site Name, and Operating Unit and click Go to search for a supplier site.

  2. The Liability tab displays the Liability Account and description for a supplier site's invoices.

  3. The Prepayment tab displays the prepayment information for the supplier.

  4. The Bills Payable tab includes details of future dated payments and the future dated payment account you want to use.

  5. The Distribution Set. tab includes the default Distribution Set for all invoices entered for the supplier site.

Tax and Reporting

Use the Tax and Reporting page to record supplier tax information to enable three defaults during invoice entry, and to provide tax reporting information.

  1. Enter the Reporting Name. This is the tax reporting name for a supplier subject to United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) income tax reporting requirements.

  2. Enter the four character Name Control for federally reportable suppliers.

  3. Enter the Verification Date. This is the date you received tax verification from the supplier.

  4. Select the Organization Type from the list. This is the type of enterprise for this supplier.

  5. Select the Allow Tax Applicability, Set for Self Assessment / Reverse Charge, and Allow Offset Taxes check boxes as applicable. Select the Tax Classification from the list.

  6. Select the Tax Reporting Type Code from the list. The Data Type displays. Select the Reporting Code from the list. The Description displays. Enter the Effective From and Effective To dates. Click Remove to delete the information.

  7. In the Supplier Site region, select the Income Tax Reporting Site check box if applicable. Click the Update Transaction Tax icon to make updates. Click Save.


Use the Purchasing page to enter purchasing defaults for your suppliers.

  1. Select the All New Awards or the Create Debit Memo from RTS Transaction check boxes to define award holds, as applicable.

  2. In the Search results table of the Supplier Sites region, the application displays the Site Name and the Operating Unit in the Purchasing tab. Select the Ship-To Location, Bill-To Location, and Ship Via values from the lists.

  3. In the Self-Billing tab, the application displays the Site Name, Operating Unit, and Pay On date. Select the Alternate Pay Site, Invoice Summary Level, Create Debit Memo from RTS Transaction check box, Gapless Invoice Numbering check box as applicable. The Selling Company Identifier displays automatically.

  4. In the Freight tab, the application displays the Site Name and Operating Unit. Select the FOB (Free-on-Board) code for the supplier. Select the Freight Terms, Transportation Arranged, and Country of Origin, as applicable. Click Save.


Use the Receiving page to enter receiving defaults for your suppliers.

  1. Select the Enforce Ship-to Location. This determines whether the receiving location must be the same as the ship-to location:

  2. Select the Receipt Routing. This is the default receipt routing that you assign to goods.

  3. Select a value from the Match Approval Level list to perform online matching of invoices and original purchase orders.

  4. Enter a value for the Quantity Received Tolerance. This is the maximum over-receipt tolerance percentage.

  5. Select a value for the Quantity Received Exception. This determines how Oracle Purchasing handles receipts that exceed the Quantity Received Tolerance.

  6. Enter the Days Early Receipt Allowed and Days Late Receipt Allowed to determine how Oracle Purchasing handles receipts that are earlier or later than the allowed number of days selected.

  7. Select the Allow Substitute Receipts and Allow Unordered receipts check boxes as applicable.

  8. Select a value for the Receipt Date Exception from the list and click Save.

Payment Details

Use the Payment Details page to specify the payment method and payment attributes associated with the supplier.

  1. In the Payment Method region, select a default, if required, for the payment method. You can also enter an End Date if you require. Alternatively, click Add to add a new payment method.

  2. In the Payment Attributes section, enter the Delivery Channel, Bank Instruction, Bank Instruction Details, Settlement Priority, and Payment Text Message in the Payment Delivery Attributes tab.

  3. In the Payment Specifications tab, enter the Bank Charge Bearer, Payment Reason, Payment Reason Comments, and Payee-specified Payment Format. Select the Pay Each Document Alone, as applicable.

  4. In the Separate Remittance Advice Delivery tab, select the Delivery Method, and enter the Email and Fax details. Click Save after entering the Supplier Site details.


Use the Relationship tab to maintain the relationship details of suppliers.

  1. Search for and select a supplier.

  2. In the results region, view the Supplier Site, Remit To Supplier Name, Remit To Supplier Site, From Date, To Date, Primary, and Additional Information. Click Update to update the details. Alternatively, click the Inactivate icon to inactivate the supplier details. Click Save.

Invoice Management

Use the Invoice Management page to set the controls for holds on invoices.

  1. Select the Invoice Currency.

  2. Enter the Invoice Amount Limit.

  3. Select the Invoice Match Option.

  4. Select the appropriate Hold from Payment check boxes.

  5. In the Invoice Payment Terms region, enter the Payment Currency, Payment Priority, Terms, Terms Date Basis, Pay Date Basis, and the Pay Group. Select the Always Take Discount, Exclude Freight From Discount, and Create Interest Invoice check boxes as applicable.

  6. In the Supplier Sites region, search for the supplier site. You can see the Site Name and Operating Unit. Enter the Invoice Amount Limit, Invoice Tolerance, Invoice Match Option, Invoice Currency, Hold from Payment details, Payment Hold Reason, and Services Tolerance. Click Save.

Contract Administration

The Contract Administration tab enables you to manage your CLM documents efficiently. You can use the list search to filter the data. You can perform mass update operations such as mass closeout, supplier change, supplier name change and multiple modifications on a batch or set of awards or IDVs. The Contract Administration tab also has a region for displaying exceptions that occur during the batch processing of your CLM documents. The exceptions can be errors or warning and you can rectify them before continuing with the rest of the batch process.

For more information on Multiple Modifications and Closeout, refer to the Contract Administration chapter in this guide.


A Protest is defined as an objection by an interested party to a solicitation or cancellation of the solicitation, an award or termination/cancellation of the award. The objection usually contains an allegation that there are improprieties concerning the award or solicitation of the contract.

The supplier who starts the objection usually believes that the awarding of the solicitation is improper or unfair and thus logs a protest.

The buyer or contracting professional can enter a protest for a solicitation which has a status of Draft, Published, Amended, and so on. That is, a protest can be started for a solicitation with any document status. A protest can be started for an award that has a status of Approved or has any other post-approval status.

Note that in CLM, the buyer or contracting professional enters the protest in the system on behalf of the suppliers, because all suppliers may not have access to the CLM system.

Using the appropriate CLM Purchasing responsibility, navigate to Buyer Work Center menu and click the Protests link. Note that the Protests link is available via Buyer Work Center only.

Click the Protests link to open the Search page. Enter criteria such as Protest Number, Protest Status, Document Number and Supplier to find existing protests. Additionally, you can add more search criteria fields such as Filing Date, Protest Category, Resolution Date, Document Type and so on by using the Add Another list of values and clicking Add. The additional search criteria fields appear below the first four search criteria fields. Enter a value for the additional search criteria fields and click Go, the search results appear in the region below. Click the Update icon to edit a protest's details.

Click Create Protest to create a new protest against a solicitation or award. The Create Protest page displays and you need to enter the relevant protest details here.

In the first region, it is mandatory to enter a Protest Number, and a Document Number. You can enter any Protest Number of your choice. This number should be unique. The CLM document that needs to be associated with the protest can be selected using the Document Number search list of values. When you have selected a CLM document (solicitation or award) and associated it to the protest, you can proceed to fill in other information. Enter a Protest Status by selecting a value from the Protest Status LOV. The Protest Status LOV is a user-defined lookup, therefore users can add / modify the values of the LOV, as required.

The Supplier / Protester Information region enables you to enter the details of the supplier who logged the protest. Even though none of the fields are mandatory for entry, it is better to enter the protester details in the system. To enter a supplier / protester who has not been registered in the system, select the Supplier information is not available in the system check box. This way you can enter a supplier / protester who is not in the system.

The Additional Information region consists of additional fields that you can use to enter protester or protest information. These are mandatory fields.

The Attachments region enables you to attach relevant protest documents, such as objection documents, to the protest you have created. There are two categories of protest attachments - Protest and Protest Internal. Attachments belonging to the category Protest are sent as notifications with a zip file to the relevant receipient's email address.

Click Save or Apply to save your changes. Click the Notify button to inform the required people about the protest that has been entered. You can send notifications to any number of persons / email ids. The Notification Details page displays and you can enter notes as part of the notification. Enter recipients by typing in their names (Person) or email addresses (Email). Click the Send button. You get a confirmation message that the notification was sent successfully.

As a recipient of the protest notification, you will see the read-only notification in your notification inbox. The protest details are shown in the notification. A message displays at the top of your screen informing you that this message does not require a response.

You can opt to reassign the notification to someone else or request more information from the supplier. Click OK to confirm that you have read the notification.

Using FAR and non-FAR Transactions

You can create either FAR or non-FAR transaction data depending on the responsibility you log in with. The value of the profile option PO: CLM Enabled controls the user access for a given responsibility. If you need to create both FAR as well as non-FAR transactions, then you must have two different responsibilities (one to access FAR data and the other responsibility to access non-FAR data). For example, using a single user login, you can be assigned two responsibilities to create FAR and non-FAR purchases within the same operating unit.

If you require to create and use both FAR and non-FAR transactions, refer to the following guides: