
Modifications Overview

A Contract Modification may be issued for any reason following an Award/IDV. Usually the rationale includes a needed change to the requirements/deliverables or Terms and Conditions of the Award/IDV. Alternatively, it may be issued to execute an Option line on an Award/IDV, or to increase incremental funding on a line or sub-line or increase/decrease the scope of work. Modifications may also be issued to make Administrative changes to an Award, such as effecting a change to an address of one of the Government parties to the contract, or to revise a named point of contact in a Procurement office. In all cases the Modification is a separate document, sometimes with specific Terms and Conditions that apply to that Modification, and with a separate approval process and sometimes requiring the signatures of both the Procurement office as well as the supplier while other times being issued without requiring the signature of the supplier. Once approved and signed as required, the Modification becomes part of the Award/IDV.

See Creating a Modification.

From Buyer Work Center, using the Awards and IDVs pages, click the Modifications sub-tab to see the modifications with various statuses. The Awards Modifications or IDVs Modifications pages display the modifications based on the default view – Draft Modifications. The Views region enables you to see all the modifications to which you have access. For example, to see your Draft Modifications, or their Approved Modifications, you need to select the appropriate view. You can personalize the views as well. Views are predefined searches for modifications. To use a view, select the view from the View list and click Go.

Use the following predefined views to search for modifications:

Searching for a Modification

Click Search to find any modifications that may not be listed in the search results region. The default search criteria are: Modification, Award / IDV, Supplier, Description; however you can add other search criteria by selecting a search field from the Add Another LOV. You can also personalize the search and convert it into a saved view.

You can enter partial field values as your search criteria. The system shows you search results that matches the partial search criteria. For example, enter "PST" in the Modification field. Every modification with a number that starts with "PST" is displayed in the search results.

The Total Change in Fund Value column shows the changes in the fund value of the modification. This column is not displayed by default, but it may be displayed using personalization.

Some of the fields that you can use as search criteria using the Add Another LOV are: Operating Unit, Modification Number, Modification Effective Date, Modification Amount, Modification Status, Modification Issuing Office, Modification Administrative Office, Order Number, Supplier Name, Buyer, Cancelation Indicator, Document Style.

Depending on the record you select, the values in the Actions list change. For example, for a draft modifications you can perform the following actions: Check Funds, View Conformed PDF with Applied Changes, Delete, Sync, and Update. With Approved and Merged Modifications, you can perform the following actions: View Action History, View Base Document, View Change Summary, View Description, View Modification PDF, and View Point-In-Time PDF. See Printing Supplier Name Attributes in the PDF Output of Standard Forms for information about supplier name and attributes in the PDF output.

Preferences Page

As a user, you can specify the office address and contracts that you want to default on the Address and Supplier Details page. Using the options on the Preferences page, select values for the different office addresses and contacts. This enables you to save on data-entry time and effort, because the office addresses and contacts values that you specify in the Preferences page default on each document you create.

Click the Preferences link located at the top of the page to view and edit the default values that will appear on the modification. The CLM Preferences (Office and Contacts defaults) link opens a region that enables you to select the Location and Contact for an Office Type (COR Office, Payment Office, Issuing Office and so on). The selected master data defaults on the modification in the Address and Supplier Details tab. You can change the values of the defaulted data on the specific modification. This data on the modification is retained, even if the preference settings change at a later point of time.

Creating a Modification

The ways in which you can create modifications are as follows:

Users who create the Modification should have a Buyer role in the system, otherwise they cannot create a modification.

A modification with a status of Draft is be created for that Award or IDV. The field values of the Award or IDV are also displayed in the Modification. For example, if the IDV has a value in the Set Aside Status field, the same value is displayed in the Modification document and is available for editing.

Note: You can create modifications for awards or IDVs that have a status of Approved.

For an award or IDV, there can be more than one active modification at a given point of time.

See also: Creating and Using Post Award Requests.

Modifying Complex Work Orders

You can create a modification for a complex work order in the same way you would for an award or an IDV. However, note the following rules for a modification of a complex work order:

Requisition Amendments and Modifications

Using the Requisitions > Amendments sub-tab in Buyer Work Center, you can implement a purchase requisition amendment. During this process, the changes to the header and line details have to be manually updated in the corresponding award or solicitation. However, newly added info funded SLINs or new distributions are automatically updated in the corresponding award or solicitation. All other changes (including other SLINs and existing distributions) do not get automatically updated during the Review and Implement process.

If the amendment line you are accessing is part of a draft modification, an error message is displayed. If the amendment line you are accessing is part of a modification that is undergoing approval, the amendment cannot be accepted until the modification gets approved.

Attachments in Modifications

When a modification is created for an award or IDV with attachments, the modification document needs to be saved first, and then any changes to the attachments can be carried out.

Related Topics

Copying Attachments

Global Updates on a Modification

Actions on a Modification

Update FPDS-NG Reporting Information action

Warrants for a Modification

Approving a Modification

View Base Document

System Generated Description

Concurrent Modifications

Modification Header

Every modification has a header tab, using which all the general information about the modification can be entered. Some of the fields in the main region of the header tab are:

To view requisitions that have been added in this modification, select View Requisitions from the Actions list. The Requisition Summary page opens. This page does not show previously created lines in the base award or in other modifications.

The Modification Justification region consists of the following fields:

The IDV Agreement Details region consists of agreement-specific information. The IDV Type, Supplier, Supplier Site, and other information is displayed here. The Umbrella Program LOV is also displayed here. The value of the Umbrella Program defaults from the IDV, however it may be changed if required.

Apart from the above regions, the header contains other regions that are relevant to the award or IDV.

See also: Attachments region.

Terms region

Contract Financing: Contract financing activities/tasks take place when the Contracting Officer provides some form of financial assistance to the contractor/vendor during contract execution or performance. This financial assistance may or may not be in the form of payments to the contractor, however, assistance such as loan guarantees may be provided. Select one of the following from the Contract Financing list of values:

Payment Instruction: Select one of the following values from the Payment Instruction LOV:

Payment Instructions can be updated in the award modfication, funds uttilization changes will come into effect with the modification document and there will not be retrospective effects.

For more information on Payment Instruction, refer to the Awards chapter, Payment Instruction section.

Related Topics

Attribute Setup Workbench - Introduction

Attribute Setup Workbench - Value Sets

Attribute Setup Workbench - Attributes and Attribute Groups

Attribute Setup Workbench - Functions

Attribute Setup Workbench - Templates

Attribute Setup Workbench - Simulate

Extending CLM Attributes using UDA - Document Numbering

Extending CLM Attributes using UDA - Complex Pricing

Extending CLM Attributes using UDA - Forms

Extending CLM Attributes using UDA - Addresses

Extending CLM Attributes using UDA - Predefined Attribute Groups

Address and Supplier Details

The Address and Supplier Details tab enables you to select Office Types, Locations and Contacts that need to be associated to the modification. This information will often default from the user preferences or previous documents in the process, and can be changed / updated by you any time prior to approval. When the modification is approved, this data may not be changed / updated, except through another modification. Even if the master data changes over a period of time, the data that is stored as part of the modification does not change. For example, an Issuing Office location is changed after 2 years after the approval of a modification. The value of the fields in the modification which used that office location will not change to the new office location value, it will retain the original location values which existed at the time of approving the modification.

Each address row consists of the following information: Address Details, Address Type, Location Address Code and Contact.

Modification Lines

As part of modifying the IDV or award, you can either create a new line or edit an existing line. You cannot delete a line that has defaulted from an award or IDV. If you do not want to perform any transactions or actions for that line, you can use the Cancelation Indicator to indicate to the supplier that you will not be performing any further transactions for the line. However the line quantities or services may be received. The Cancelation Indicator for the line has the following values:

If any award lines have changes to them in the base award, those lines have an indicator icon in their rows. This helps you to identify the changed lines, and update them as required.

If you create a new line, the new line is the last in sequence of lines. A CLIN is created by default and you can add SLINs to it and thus create a CLIN/SLIN structure.

Every modification line is automatically numbered, you cannot change the numbering of an existing line, however you can change the numbering of a newly-added line. The Contract Line (CLIN) and Sub-line (SLIN) structure is used in all CLM documents. A Contract Line records information about the item(s) or service(s) to be procured in the contract with or without the pricing details. Thus, a Contract Line (CLIN) can be a priced line or an informational line. Similarly, Sub-Lines, which are used to record additional information about the CLIN, can be priced sub-lines or informational sub-lines.

CLIN numbers are always 4 digit numeric values that fall in the range 0001-9999. Duplicate numbers are not supported by the system and an error message displays if a duplicate number is found.

SLINS are Sub-lines that use a 6-character numbering format – numeric or alphanumeric. The first 4 digits of the SLINs are populated with the parent CLIN number. The next 2 digits are automatically generated, based on whether the SLIN is a Priced sub-line or an Informational sub-line. SLIN numbers cannot be updated by users.

If the SLIN is Informational, the last 2 digits are always numeric values in the range 01-99.

If the SLIN is Priced, the last 2 digits are always alphabetic values ranging from AA to ZZ (except the alphabets I and O which are not used in number generation at all).

For more information on the guidelines that govern the numbering of purchasing document lines, refer to the Appendix – Common CLM Functionality.

For more information on exhibits and CDRLs, refer to the section ELINs and CDRLs in the Awards chapter in this guide.

Specify the Line Type using the Type LOV. Lines are usually Quantity Based (for items/supplies) or Amount Based (for services). Depending on the Line Type that is selected, the Item/Job field is enabled (for Quantity Based types) or disabled (for Amount Based types). If the item or service exists in Inventory, iProcurement store or catalog, then the Description and Category field values are defaulted. For Amount based lines, the pricing related fields are entered in the Pricing Details popup and the final computed amount is stored for that line.

Select from the available Contract Types in the Contract Type LOV. Based on the Contract Type selected, a pricing calculation takes place and the item/service is priced on the line.

Enter a Quantity in the Qty field and a Unit of Measure in the Unit field. The Previous Qty field is read-only, however you can update the Change and the Qty fields. If you update the value of the Change field from 0 to 2, and the Previous Qty has a value of 10, the Qty field displays a final value of 12. Any changes in the quantity will automatically affect the calculation of the total amount of the line.

The Amount field gets calculated based on the formula of the Contract Type field, Unit Price, the Quantity and Unit of Measure.

For more details on the various Contract Types and their formulas, refer to the Appendix – Common CLM Functionality.

You can create an option line on a purchasing document that you intend to exercise at a future point in time. Instead of modifying the source document at a future date, you can enter the anticipated options on the original award. For more information on Options, refer to the Appendix – Common CLM Functionality.

You can also perform actions such as Update and Duplicate for each line. The Duplicate action makes a copy of the line and places it below the original line. The Update action enables you to view the Update Line page and enter/edit additional line information. The Delete action is applicable only to new lines that you create in the modification, you cannot delete lines that have been defaulted from an award or IDV. If you are deleting a CLIN that has SLINs associated to it, the entire CLIN/SLIN structure is deleted. If you delete a SLIN only, the SLINs below it move up one level in the structure for that CLIN/SLIN hierarchy.

You can adjust funds in one modification (from one line to another) without losing reference to the backing Purchase Requisition, if your administrator has configured CLM Controls to select the Release Funds to Backing Requisition check box.

You can also perform other actions such as View Post Award Requests, View Change Summary, Unlink Requisition, Revert, Payment Instruction Sequence, Notify, Link to Request Lines, Global Update, Copy, Convert Funding to Info SLINs, and View Requisitions. Use the View Requisitions action to display the Requisition Summary page. This page shows you all the requisition lines that have been added in this specific modification, and not previously created lines in the base award or other modifications. Use the View Award Changes action (in modifications with any status) to view the changes that happened in an award. Select this action to open the View Change Details for Award page, that displays the changes in the base award at the header, lines, schedules, and distribution levels. The Draft Modifications check box enables you to view changes to the draft modifications.

To unlink the linked requisitions for an award line, shipment, or distribution and create another link for the award line against another requisition document, select Unlink Requisition from the Actions list. This action is available only for CLM modification documents, for distributions that have not been received or billed.

Select at least one line from the table. If you select more than one line simultaneously, then the linked PR lines will be unlinked from all selected lines. Encumbrance is enabled at the operating unit for the award document, and the amount that is unreserved is only to the extent of the funds from the PR distributions that are used by the unlinked award line. For more information on unlinking in Modifications, see: Distributions (for Award Modifications only).

When you unlink requisitions on a modification document, the unlinked distributions are no longer displayed in the modification document. After you merge the modification document with the award, the unlinked distributions are not available in the award document. Until you merge the modified document with the award document, the application automatically applies a full lock on all the distributions, and these distributions are not available when another modification is created for the award document.

The Unlink Requisitions action is available from the Modifications – Lines page, the Modifications – Schedules page, and the Modifications – Distributions page. The Unlink Requisition action is not available on distributions that are already received or billed.

Using Document Builder, you can add a new requisition line to a modification: In Buyer Work Center, navigate to the Requisitions tab to Demand Workbench and select a new requisition line. Add the new line to the modification.

The first region in the Update Lines page defaults the information for the line. In addition, the pricing details are displayed, such as Contract Type, Cost Constraint, Quantity, Unit, Unit Price, Total Amount. The formula for calculating the Total Amount is also displayed in this region.

The Option check box in the Option region enables you to convert a line into an option line or an option line into a regular line. You get a message, warning of the conversions. Click Continue to proceed with the conversion or Cancel to retain the existing lines as is.

To associate a base line to your option line, select a Option Base Line from the LOV. The option line may or may not be associated with a base line.

Option Number is a system generated number and is non-updateable.

Option Dates are mandatory fields.

The Exercised check box enables you to exercise an option line.

The Exercised Date field enables you to enter the date on which you exercised the option. For more information on exercising options, refer to the section below - Exercising an Option Line.

This region also contains the quantity calculation for your supplies/services. The Previous Quantity field is read-only (that is, non-updateable), and you can either update the Change in Quantity or the Quantity fields. For example, if you enter a final value of 15 in the Quantity field, and the Previous Quantity is 10, the Change in Quantity will be automatically calculated to display 5 as the change in value. You can also enter a value in the Change in Quantity field, and the final Quantity will be automatically calculated. Any changes in the quantity will automatically affect the calculation of the total amount of the line.

In addition, you can change the Unit of Measure for the line quantity by selecting a value from the Unit list of values. For example, if you entered a final value of 20 10Pack (where 10Pack is the unit of measure) in the Quantity field and the Previous Quantity is 10 Each (where Each is the unit of measure), the Change in Quantity field will display 10. The new value for Unit is 10Pack and the calculation of the extended price will be Quantity * Unit Price. You need to modify the Unit Price to reflect the change in the unit of measure. Thus the Unit Price now reflects the price for a 10Pack and not for Each. The Unit Price field displays the new price followed by the Unit of Measure. The change in UOM fields will default the price applicable to that item in terms of changed UOM, therefore the user has to modify the Quantity. The change in Qty fields will be display-only only if previous UOM and Changed UOM are same. If the they are not the same, then Change in Qty fileds will show up as blank. Note that the Unit of Measure can be changed in the modification only if the receipt or Accounts Payable invoice is not created for that line.

For more information on the Inspection and Acceptance Information region, refer to the Award Lines section in the Awards chapter.

For existing lines, the Need-By Date and Period of Performance Dates will not be calculated, and you can enter values for the Need-By Date and Promised Date manually. However, the Need-By Date and Period of Performance Dates are updateable in the newly added lines of the modification. For more information, refer to the Lines and Schedules sections in the Awards chapter.

For more information on delivery event, refer to the Lines and Schedules sections in the Awards chapter.

Undefinitized Contract Actions

Refer to the section Award Lines in the Awards chapter to learn how to undefinitize a line.

Definitizing a Line

Using the Actions list of values, select the Definitize action in order to definitize outstanding Undefinitized Contract Actions for the line. The Definitized Details region displays. Click Add Actions to select and add one or more outstanding Undefinitized Contract Actions. For an amount based lines, the maximum allowable change in the pricing value as a result of definitization action is the sum of the Not to Exceed Amounts of the selected Undefinitized Contract Actions. For quantity based lines, the maximum allowable change in line total as a result of definitization action is the difference between sum of Not to Exceed Amounts and sum of Undefinitized Amounts of the selected Undefinitized Contract Actions. However, you can still go ahead and change the value of the pricing attributes in case of amount based line and line total in case of quantity based line, such that the actual change is more than the maximum allowable change. In case you select all the outstanding Undefinitized Contract Actions for definitization, the value of Undefinitized would change to No, otherwise the value would remain unchanged as Yes. In case an outstanding Undefinitized Contract Action has already been selected for definitization in a modification, the same will not be available for definitization in any subsequent concurrent modifications.

In case you want to definitize a description based Undefinitized Contract Action, it is mandatory for you to enter value in Definitization Description column. The same is optional for amount based Undefinitized Contract Action. Also, if receiving and/or invoicing has already taken place for a quantity based line prior to definitization, you will not be able to change the Unit Price for such lines during the definitization process, or even otherwise.

Adding Undefinitizing scope to an Undefinitized Line

Select the action Undefinitize from the Action LOV and the Undefinitized indicator changes to Yes. Additionally, the Undefinitized Details region displays with the following fields and you can add the undefinitizing scope to the undefinitized line:

There are two types of undefinitization actions: Amount Based Undefinitization and Description Based Undefinitization. When you perform an Amount Based Undefinitization action, you need to enter data in the following fields: Undefinitized Amount, Not To Exceed Amount, Limitation of Government Liability, and Planned Definitization Date.

When you perform a Description Based Undefinitization, you need to enter data in the following fields: Planned Definitization Date and Undefinitization Description.

If you create an undefinitized line with cost constraints Not Separately Priced or No Charge, then you need to perform only a Description based Undefinitization. The other fields that are not relevant to Description Based Undefinitization are not enabled for your use.

Updating Pricing Details on a Modification

You may or may not change the Contract Type and/or Cost Constraint on the modification CLIN/SLIN. You can change the pricing attributes such as Line Type, Unit Price, Unit of Measure and Quantity in addition to changing the Contract Type and/or Cost Constraint.

You can create a new priced CLIN/SLIN in the modification and then update it (while it still has a status of Draft), if required, by changing the Contract Type and / or Cost Constraint or any of the pricing attributes. If the Line Type is Quantity Based or Amount Based, the Line Details page displays the Pricing Details link. Clicking the Pricing Details link displays the Pricing Details popup. Enter any changes to the pricing attribute values, and the application calculates the final Total Amount.

You can update priced CLIN/SLIN in the modification, if required, by changing the Contract Type and / or Cost Constraint or any of the pricing attributes. If the Line Type is Quantity Based or Amount Based, the Line Details page displays the Pricing Details link. Clicking the Pricing Details link displays the Pricing Details popup. Enter any changes to the pricing attribute values and the application calculates the final Total Amount.

When the modification is submitted for approval, the lines with a total price of 0 (zero) are considered Null and are validated as such by the system. Thus, it is possible to enter and save a CLIN/SLIN with a total price of 0.

The Approver can update the Contract Type and Cost Constraint and the related pricing elements / attributes during the approval process. If the Approver changes the Contract Type and Cost Constraint, the updated Contract Type and Cost Constraint values are displayed in the line.

The Approval notification displays the Contract Type. The approver can view the cost constraint and the associated pricing attributes by clicking on the attachment in the notification.

When the award is approved, the contract type and cost constraint along with the related pricing elements / attributes cannot be updated in any way. If any of these fields need to be changed, another modification document needs to be created.

Funding on a Modification (for Awards only)

For more information on creating default distributions, refer to the section Distributions in the Awards chapter.

For more information on linking requisition lines to lines / schedules, refer to the section Linking Requisition Lines in the Awards chapter.

The Distributions tab enables you to enter or update the funded information for the shipment. On partially funded shipments, the modification displays the partial funded amount in the Funded Value field. However, on new shipments, the funded value defaults to the total amount. However this can be modified by you and the funded value may be 0 or less than the shipment amount. The Partial Funded check box is selected to indicate that the funded value is less than the shipment amount. The following funding-related fields are in the Distributions tab to capture the funding information:

The Functional Currency code is displayed along with the Funded Value field. The sum of the Funded Value fields of the distributions is displayed at the purchase request line level. Similarly the sum of the Funded Value fields is displayed at the header level.

You may not modify / change the Accounts on the existing Distributions on the PO Modifications page.

None of the Account derivation attributes are available for Modification. If you want to modify the accounts on a distribution, you have to update the funded value on the Distribution to 0 (zero) and then create a new Distribution with the new accounts.

Even if the funding related fields are not updated, the total line value cannot be less than the Funded Value, that is, the Funded Value cannot be greater than the total line value.

Funds are locked on the original conformed award when the modification is being approved or merged.

You can check the availability of the funds while creating the modification by selecting the Check Funds action in the Actions LOV in the header and lines pages.

Funds are not reserved or liquidated at the time of modification creation. Every modification needs to be reserved just before approval. It is only during approval that funds are reserved. When the encumbrance action is successful, the modification gets approved. Liquidation/Reservation of the funds takes place when approving the modification.

When the Partial Funded check box is selected, the Encumbrance is created for the incremental or decreased funded value while approving the modification. Funds are encumbered in a period as per the GL Date entered while creating the modification.

When the document is approved, the Encumbered Amount on the distribution should be updated with the Funded Value and encumbered flag is set to Yes. However, Distributions that are marked with Prevent Encumbrance flag with a value of Yes are not considered for Encumbrance actions.

Exercising an Option Line

Apart from adding option lines to existing CLINs/SLINs, you can also exercise an option line, that is, convert an option line into a line whose supplies/services can be received in the present time if the funds are available. You can exercise an option line by selecting the Exercised check box and entering a date in the Exercised Date field. The line that is being exercised may or may not be funded. For more information on funding, refer to the Funding section in the appendix – Common CLM Functionality and the Funding section in this chapter.

When you select the Exercised check box, the Exercised Date defaults to the system date. This is an updateable field. The Exercised Date is a date that should be between the Option From Date and Option To Date.

On a modification, you may or may not choose to exercise the option line. If you do not choose to exercise the option, the Exercised check box is not selected, and the Exercised Date field is not entered.

Alternatively, you can create a modification to exercise the option and also enter the funding information for the same line for the Distributions tab (for Awards only – IDVs are not funded).

Therefore, you can create a modification to exercise as well as fund the option line.

When you exercise an option line via a Modification, a notification is sent to the buyer, providing the details of the exercised option line.

After the option line is exercised and funded (not necessarily fully), CLM ensures that Receiving takes place only for the amount that is funded. Therefore, if the option line is not exercised and funded, then any further transactions such as receiving and invoicing are not allowed.

In the case of IDVs, the option line can only be released after it is exercised.

Line Level Actions

Copy Lines action

The Copy Lines : Specify Copying Options page enables you to copy CLIN/SLIN structures and option lines in the same CLM document. The copy alternatives are:

In addition, the Define Need By Date and Period of Performance Dates region enables you to enter a specific date or obtain a derived date. A derived date is calculated from the existing date values by the system after you enter a duration, for example, 1 month after the Need By Date of the source line.

The Define Option Dates region enables you to either enter a specific date or obtain a derived date. A derived date is calculated from the existing date values by the system after you enter a duration, for example, you can specify that the Option Start Date should be set to 3 months earlier than the Need-By Date derived for that line.

Click Apply to start the copy and when you return to the Lines page, you will see the copied lines with the appropriate dates and CLIN/SLIN structures and options, if any.

For more information on the rules governing the Copy action, refer to the appendix - Copy Action.

Unlink Requisition Action

If you link a post award request line to a modification line in error, you can either delete the modification line, or unlink the post award request line from the modification line. In either situation, the post award request line is available in Demand Workbench after the deletion or unlinking.

To unlink the post award request line from the modification line, select Unlink Requisition from the Actionlist and click Go. A confirmation message appears, informing you that the unlink is successful.

Related Topics

Attribute Setup Workbench - Introduction

Attribute Setup Workbench - Value Sets

Attribute Setup Workbench - Attributes and Attribute Groups

Attribute Setup Workbench - Functions

Attribute Setup Workbench - Templates

Attribute Setup Workbench - Simulate

Extending CLM Attributes using UDA - Document Numbering

Extending CLM Attributes using UDA - Complex Pricing

Extending CLM Attributes using UDA - Forms

Extending CLM Attributes using UDA - Addresses

Extending CLM Attributes using UDA - Predefined Attribute Groups

Schedules (for Award Modifications only)

The fields in this tab enable you to enter information regarding the shipment of the items being procured.

If any award schedules have changes to them in the base award, those schedules have an indicator icon in their rows. This helps you to identify the changed schedules, and update them as required.

Enter schedule details: Schedule, Locations, Organization (Org), Quantity (Qty), Need-By Date, Period of Performance Start Date and Period of Performance End Date. For service lines, period of performance dates is the time period (start and end date) in which the service takes place. A line may not have both a Need-By Date and a Period of Performance Start Date / Period of Performance End Date.

The Previous Qty field is read-only, however, you can update the Change and the Qty fields. For example, if you update the value of the Change field from 0 to 2, and the Previous Qty has a value of 10, the Qty field displays a value of 12. You can update the value of either the Change field or the Qty field to display the new quantity. Any changes in the quantity will automatically affect the calculation of the total amount of the schedule.

To expand the schedule to full page view, click the Actions Update icon.

In the Update Schedule page, the Previous Quantity field is read-only, however, you can update the Change in Quantity and the Quantity fields. For example, if you update the value of the Change in Quantity field from 0 to 5, and the Previous Quantity has a value of 10, the Quantity field displays a value of 15. You can update the value of either the Change in Quantity field or the Quantity field to display the new quantity. Any changes in the quantity will automatically affect the calculation of the total amount of the schedule.

For existing schedules, the Need-By Date and Period of Performance Dates will not be calculated by the system. You need to enter the dates manually. However, Need-By Date and Period of Performance Dates are editable in the newly added schedules of the modification.

To view requisitions that have been added in this modification, select View Requisitions from the Actions list. The Requisition Summary page opens. This page does not show previously created lines in the base award or in other modifications.

Use the View Award Changes action (in modifications with any status) to view the changes that happened in an award. Select this action to open the View Change Details for Award page, that displays the changes in the base award at the header, lines, schedules, and distribution levels. The check box enables you to view changes in modifications that have a status of Draft.

For more information on the Schedules tab, refer to the section Schedules in the Awards chapter.

For more information on delivery events, refer to the Lines and Schedules sections in the Awards chapter.

Distributions (for Award Modifications only)

The Distributions tab incorporates the following funding fields: Non-DoD Funding Indicator, External Account and FMS Case Number.

If any award distributions have changes to them in the base award, those distributions have an indicator icon in their rows. This helps you to identify the changed distributions, and update them as required.

The Previous Qty field is read-only, however, you can update the Change and the Qty fields. For example, if you update the value of the Change field from 0 to 2, and the Previous Qty has a value of 10, the Qty field displays a value of 12. You can update the value of either the Change field or the Qty field to display the new quantity. Any changes in the quantity will automatically affect the calculation of the total amount of the distribution.

If you make a change in the Change in Funded Value field, the difference will be recalculated and displayed in the Fund Value field. Alternatively, if you make a change in the Fund Value field, the difference will be recalculated and displayed in the Change in Funded Value field. Correspondingly, the value of the Quantity Funded field is also updated.

To view requisitions that have been added in this modification, select View Requisitions from the Actions list. The Requisition Summary page opens. This page does not show previously created lines in the base award or in other modifications. .

You use the Unlink Requisition action to unlink the linked requisitions for the Award line/shipment/distribution and create another link for the award line against another requisition document. This action is available only if the document is a CLM modification document. You must select at least one line from the table to use the action. If you select more than one line simultaneously, then the linked PR lines will be unlinked from all such selected lines. Encumbrance is enabled at the operating unit for the award document and the amount that is unreserved is only to the extent of the funds from those PR distributions that are used by that award line.

Note: When you perform the Unlink Requisition action on a modification document, then the unlinked distributions are no longer displayed in the modification document and are not available in the award document after merging the modification document with the award. Until you merge the modified document on which you perform the Unlink Requisition action with the award document, the application automatically applies a full lock on all the distributions and these distributions are not available when another modification is created for the award document. The Unlink Requisition action is not available on distributions that are already received or billed. The Unlink Requisitions action is available from the Modifications – Lines, Modifications – Schedules, and Modifications – Distributions pages.

In case you link a requisition to an incorrect or another award line that you did not intend to link to (in the same award), use a single modification document to unlink the requisition first, and then link it to the correct award line that you require.

As an example: You have a requisition for $1000, with $1000 funds remaining. You could create an award with 2 lines. Link the requisition to award line 1 with $600. The award gets approved, and the funds remaining is $400.

If you need to use award line 2 instead for the linking, you can use a single modification document for the correction: create a modification document, unlink the requisition from award line 1, and then link (or relink) the requisition to award line 2, so that the correct line is linked.

To unlink the requisition from the line, navigate to the Distributions tab, select line, and then use the Unlink Requisition action from the Actions drop-down.

When the requisition is unlinked from the line, the total funds remaining is $1000 again for the current modification. (Funds Remaining = Encumbered Amount on requisition, that is, $400 – Unposted Increase in award or modification ($0) + Unposted Unlink Decrease on modification, that is, $600.)

Now, navigate to the Demand Workbench tab, and use the Add to Awards/Modifications action to relink the requisition line to the line you require. In this example, you need to link the requisition to line 2. You could link the line up to the total funds in the requisition, that is, $1000.

If you link line 2 to the requisition using $800, the funds remaining is $200 (Funds Remaining = Encumbered Amount on requisition, that is, $1000 – Unposted increase in award or modification, that is, $800 + Unposted Unlink decrease on modification ($0)).

To expand the distribution to full page view, click the Actions Update icon.

In the Update Distribution page, the Previous Quantity field is read-only, however, you can update the Change in Quantity and the Quantity fields. For example, if you update the value of the Change in Quantity field from 0 to 5, and the Previous Quantity has a value of 10, the Quantity field displays a value of 15. You can update the value of either the Change in Quantity field or the Quantity field to display the new quantity. Any changes in the quantity will automatically affect the calculation of the total amount of the distribution.

In the Update Distribution page, the Encumbrance Date field gets its value from the Encumbrance Date field of the base award. However, in the following situations, the Encumbrance Date field value may be automatically adjusted or validated:

If a post award request line is autocreated to a modification, then the post award request details are shown in the Distribution details page.

The Distribution details page also shows the MIPR-related fields. If your award is autocreated from a MIPR (either MIPR Own or MIPR Others), the following read-only fields display in the distribution and are populated from the MIPR: MIPR Own / MIPR Others (document number), Line, MIPR Reference, Obligating Type, Reimbursable Agreement.

Use the View Award Changes action (in modifications with any status) to view the changes that happened in an award. Select this action to open the View Change Details for Award page, that displays the changes in the base award at the header, lines, schedules, and distribution levels. The Draft Modifications check box enables you to view changes to the draft modifications.

For more information on the Distributions tab, refer to the section Distributions in the Awards chapter.

Copying Attachments

The Attachments region enables you to add new attachments, update attachments that belong to the base document (award or IDV), delete attachments that belong to the base document, copy attachments from the base document to the modification document in order to update the attachments.

The Attachments region in the modification document (header, lines or schedules) has the following subblocks:

Global Updates on a Modification

Global Update enables you to add common field values for multiple lines or update common field values for multiple lines on draft CLM documents.

Navigate to an award or IDV Modification. Select more one, multiple, or all lines, schedules or distributions (use the Select All link) and then click Global Update. The Global Update Lines page displays with the fields that you can update for multiple lines, schedules or distributions.

If you want to add a new value to the modification lines such as Customer Project Code or Customer Project Text, enter the value in the Global Update Lines page and click Apply. If you want to update / replace the original field value(s) with a new field value, such as FSC/PSC, select or enter the new field value and click Apply. A message confirming that the update was successful displays in the Update CLM (Award or IDV) Modification page. You can navigate to individual modification lines to verify that the update has taken place for the fields you specified.

Similarly, you can globally update field values for modifications schedules and distributions, wherever applicable.

Globally updated fields are displayed in the system generated description of the modification document. The View Change Summary action also displays the changes that occurred as a result of globally updating the fields.

Note: You cannot blank out any existing values using Global Update. You can only add or update a value

Actions on a Modification

Terminating or Canceling an Award/IDV using a Modification

The Cancelation/Termination Indicator in the header details of the award/IDV enables you to terminate or cancel the award or IDV. The values that can be selected are:

Updating the conformed document

The data that is modified is synchronized with the conformed award or IDV. This synchronization can also be done by selecting the Sync action from the Actions LOV. A series of validation checks is carried out to perform the sync.. For example, an approved award has a line with a quantity of 100. A modification is created for the award. During the life of the modification, if you have received or invoiced a quantity of 80, the validation checks ensure that you cannot change the quantity to less than 80. In this way, the modification data is synchronized with the conformed award or IDV.

During the merge of the modification with the conformed award or IDV, the conformed document is updated with the changes made in the modification. A new revision is created for the award or IDV. The updated data is thereafter available on the conformed award or IDV.

Synchronizing and merging take place for a modification during the modification approval process.

Bilateral Signature

Prior to finally approving a modification, the system checks to see if the modification's Bilateral Indicator field indicates whether the modification approval should be done by the buyer and the supplier.

When the value of the Bilateral Indicator field is Signature, the supplier accesses the modification during approval using Oracle iSupplier Portal and signs the document. The signature is recorded in CLM Purchasing module.

When the value of the Bilateral Indicator field is Proxy Signature, the supplier sends the acceptance via hardcopy mail, email or any other means. The buyer signs on behalf of the supplier with the following details - Name, Title and Date Signed.

Number of Signed Copies: If the supplier is required to sign the modification, this free-text field indicates the number of (hard copy) copies to return to the contracting office.

Small Business Coordination Record

In order to view the DD-2579 document associated with the award modification, IDV with Lines modification, IDV without Lines modification, use the action View Small Business Coordination Record and click Go. This opens the Small Business Coordination Record page where you can see the details of the DD-2579.

In order to update the DD-2579 document associated with the award modification, IDV with Lines modification, IDV without Lines modification, use the action Update Small Business Coordination Record and click Go. This opens the Small Business Coordination Record page where you can edit the details of the DD-2579, provided it is in an editable mode.

If the total value of the modification exceeds the Threshold Amount (specified in the Purchasing Options page > CLM Controls region), a warning message is displayed to the user while submitting the modification. If the status of the Small Business Coordination Record is not Signed while submitting the modification for approval, a warning message is displayed.

Note: A DD-2579 created for a prior modification will remain on that modification. It will not be merged with the conformed document, and it will not be copied over to new modifications.

When a draft modification to which a DD-2579 is associated is being deleted, an error message will be displayed. If you proceed, then the associated Small Business Coordination Record is deleted / canceled based on the status of the DD-2579 document.

Update FPDS-NG Reporting Information action

Your CLM document (Award, IDV or Modification) has an action called Update FPDS-NG Reporting Information in the Actions LOV (the Actions LOV is available on all the tabs). For example, the tabs in an award are: Header, Addresses and Supplier Details, Lines, Schedules and Distributions. Using the Actions LOV on any of these tabs, you can select the action Update FPDS-NG Reporting Information to open the Edit FPDS-NG Reporting Information page. This page enables you to enter/update/view the reporting details for the CLM document. That is, all the information relevant to FPDS-NG reporting is displayed in this page.

You can also select the action Update FPDS-NG Reporting Information using the Views region in any summary page for any CLM document. Select a CLM document and then select the action Update FPDS-NG Reporting Information from the Select Award (or Select IDV or Select Modification) LOV.

Refer to the chapter Federal Procurement Data System – Next Generation (FPDS-NG) for more information.

Warrants for a Modification

A Contracting Officer is an official with the authority to obligate money for the federal government. The Contracting Officer's duties include issuing solicitations, awards, modifications, and orders, and he/she utilizes the majority of the processes and features within the federal system as well.

A Contracting Officer is also assigned the task of approving and signing awards, IDVs and modifications that are within the warrant amount associated with the Contracting Officer. For example, the Contracting Officer has a Type 1 warrant of $5000, and the Type 1 warrant is associated with an award. This means that the total amount of the award should be $5000 or less, if it needs to be approved by the supplier and the Contracting Officer. If the total amount of the award exceeds $5000, the buyer can assign another Contracting Officer who has the authority to approve and sign for a larger sum of money.

In CLM, a buyer is specified as a Contracting Officer. When a buyer is marked as a Contracting Officer in the system, a warrant is also associated with the Contracting Officer. For more details on setting up warrants, Contracting Officer, associating CLM documents with warrants, and so on refer to the Contract Lifecycle Management for Public Sector Implementation Guide.

A Warrant consists of Warrant Types and a Contracting Officer association. A Contracting Officer can be associated with one Warrant only. Every Warrant Type has a Warrant Amount associated with it. The predefined Warrant Types in CLM are available as lookup values as:

The Warrant Types can be defined and set up by individual agencies, according to their particular requirements. Additionally, implementers can enter different Warrant Amounts for each Warrant Type, and again, this differs from agency to agency. Warrant Amounts cannot be negative values.

To ensure that the award or IDV modification amount you submitted for approval is validated against the Warrant Amount, your system administrator needs to enforce warrants by associating a Warrant Type to a CLM document style in the Document Styles page. For example, your Document Style is Award, and the Warrant Type associated with it is Type 1 (The Warrant Type for a modification document is inherited from the base document, that is, Award or IDV). Type 1 has a Warrant Amount of $5000 and is associated with a Contracting Officer. When a Contracting Officer signs a modification document, the warrant defined for that Contracting Officer is validated during the document submission step as well as during the final approval of the document. The warrant amount should be greater than or equal to the sum of the absolute values of the modification line change amounts. For example, if line-0001 is increased by $15000, line-0002 is increased by $2000 and line-0003 is reduced by $3000. Thus the modification document total change amount is $20000. Hence the warrant amount for the Contracting Officer should be at least $20000. Therefore, the system validates if the total amount of the modification exceeds the Warrant Amount that is associated to the Contracting Officer. You cannot proceed further unless you change the total amount of the modification or change the Contracting Officer, so that another Contracting Officer who has greater authority for obligating larger sums of money can be associated with the modification.

Enforcing Warrants for a Modification

  1. Use the Create Modification action to create a modification for an Award or IDV. Note that the warrant level set for the document style from which the modification document (Award-Modification or IDV-Modification) is created is considered for warrant validation. If the document style is not enforced for warrants, then no validation is performed.

  2. Update the required and relevant fields for your modification. When the line information is updated, the changed amount of the line(s) is calculated and validated against the total warrant amount. This implies that the Contracting Officer, who is associated with a warrant, should have the capability to approve a modification with a total change amount that is not greater than the warrant amount. If the warrant amount is less than the total change amount of the modification, then the buyer can assign another Contracting Officer with a higher warrant authority to the modification document.

  3. Only line amount changes are validated not amounts at the schedule or distribution level.

  4. When warrant currency is different from the ledger currency or the document currency, appropriate validations are carried out and you see an error message.

  5. Submit your modification for approval. During document submission, some validations are performed: checks such as the validity of the warrant and Contracting Officer, active status of the warrant, total amount of the CLM document and the total warrant amount, and so on are carried out. If any of the validation checks fails, an error message is displayed and you need to make the necessary corrections in order to proceed.

  6. The status of your modification is now Pre-Approved or Approved, depending on whether you need the document to be electronically signed by the Contracting Officer or not. The Acknowledgment column in the document Views region displays whether a signature is required. For more information on electronic signatures, refer to the Electronic Signatures section.

System Generated Description

In the Modification page, select the Generate Change Description action from the Actions LOV. The Change Description page displays. Select a mode to generate the system description for the modification - Background Mode or Runtime Mode. Runtime Mode is selected by default.

To generate the change description summary document in runtime, select the Runtime Mode radiobutton and click Generate. A message displays, informing you that the Change Description has generated successfully. Click the link to the rtf document to download the change description summary document. Open the rtf file to view and update the change summary if required. Use the Upload Change Description field to perform the upload of the change description summary document from your local computer to the CLM system. Click Browse to find the rtf file on your local computer and to select it. Click Apply to save your change description summary document with the modification document. A selected check box, Text Edited by User, also displays, indicating that you have updated the change description summary document. A selected check box, Text Edited by User, also displays. Note that this check box always remains selected, whether you modify the change description or not.The Mod Updated After Generating Description check box displays as selected when you have made changes to the modification after the change description is generated.

When you select Background Mode and click Generate, a concurrent request is run in the background. A confirmation message displays, telling you the concurrent request ID that has been submitted. Navigate to the Requests > View Requests page to verify if the concurrent request has processed successfully. If the concurrent request has processed successfully, the link to the change description summary document (in rtf format) displays on the Change Description page. Click the link to the change description summary document and save or open the rtf file as per your requirement. You will see a summary of the changes you made as part of the modification.

Edit the text if you need to update any of the changed descriptions. Then use the Change Description page to upload the updated rtf file back to the system. Use the Upload Change Description field to perform the upload of the change description summary document from your local computer to the CLM system. Click Browse to find the rtf file on your local computer and to select it. Click Apply to save your change description summary document with the modification document. A selected check box, Text Edited by User, also displays. Note that this check box always remains selected, whether you modify the change description or not.

This description gets printed as part of the SF30 form generated for modifications.

If you have made identical updates or additions to various lines in the document, the system collates or rolls-up these changes in the change description summary document. For example, you updated the Need-By Date in 4 lines to the same value (that is 01-Jul-2012). The change description summary displays the changed date and mentions the line numbers that were updated.

The consolidated summary is available for all CLINs, SLINs and CLIN-SLIN structures. All the fields are eligible to be collated or rolled-up in a summary, except for the following:

Return to the Update Modifications page and select the View Change Description action from the Actions LOV to see the summary of changes. You can download the change summary document rtf by clicking the filename link. If you have updated the modification after generating the change description, the read-only check box Mod Updated after Generating Description is shown as selected.

Approving a Modification

When you complete your modification and are ready to start the approval process, select the Submit button in the Update page using any of the sub-tabs.

The Approvals Workflow along with the Approvals Management Engine (AME) is used to perform the approval cycle. When you select the Submit button, Purchasing performs submission checks to verify that the document is complete and in an appropriate state for the action you chose. Status checks are performed when you take an approval action.

The following fields must be validated and/or populated during the approval process:

You can approve documents through the Notification Details Web page, accessible through the Notifications Summary menu in Purchasing. The Notifications Summary page lists all the documents awaiting your approval, so that you can manage your pending approval queue and take approval actions. After opening a notification, you can drill down to the document itself, and review it and its action history.

Important: You can modify the document only if Approver Can Modify is enabled for the document type.

Oracle Purchasing performs a submission check on all documents that successfully complete a status check whenever you perform or attempt an approval action. The submission check verifies that all mandatory fields have been entered and that various quantities, amounts, and dates are within prescribed ranges or limits. If your document fails any of the submission check rules, Purchasing automatically brings you to the Approval Errors window where you can review the cause(s) of failure. You can then return to the document entry window to make required corrections.

Oracle Purchasing offers the following document approval actions in the notification: Approve, Approve and Forward, Forward, and Reject. You can also reassign a notification to somebody else.

Prior to finally approving an award, the system checks to see if the award's Bilateral Indicator field indicates whether the award approval should be done by the buyer and the supplier. If the Bilateral Indicator field indicates that the supplier's signature is required, the Vendor Signatory field (Name, Title and Date Signed) are required to be entered. Thus the contracting officer may send the award to the supplier and after receiving the supplier's signature on the printed award, he may update the award header with the Vendor Signatory information. See also: Electronic Signature for a Modification.

On approval, the changed fields on the modification get merged with the original conformed document. Thus the conformed document now contains the modified details and any further changes to it require another modification to be created.

Checking Funds on a Modification Notification

An approver or a fund manager can check funds on a modification approval notification.

As an approver, you receive a modification notification for approval.

To check funds:

  1. Click Edit Document on the notification. The Update CLM Award Modification page appears.

  2. Select the Check Funds action and click Go.

  3. Review the budgetary control information message and click View Results.

  4. Review the Budgetary Control Results report for funding details.

Electronic Signature for a Modification

If the value of the profile option Contracting Officer's Electronic Signature Required is set to Yes, then the Contracting Officer will be required to sign an award, IDV or modification document. You can select one of the following values from the Bilateral Indicator LOV:

Bilateral Indicator value Document Signed By:
None Contracting Officer
Proxy Signature Buyer (on behalf of the supplier) and Contracting Officer
Signature Supplier and Contracting Officer

Use the Header tab to specify a Contracting Officer if one is not already defaulted from the Preferences page.

The Purchasing CLM Defaults page in the Preferences link enables you to view the default Contracting Officer. You can override the default values of the Preferences page by entering or selecting the value you want in the CLM document.

Electronically Signing Modifications by Supplier and Contracting Officer

When you create a CLM document and need to get supplier acceptance for the modification, you need to ensure that the value of the Bilateral Indicator field (in the header tab) is set to Signature and the number of Signed Copies is greater than zero. This enables electronic signature of the modification by the supplier and the Contracting Officer. After you submit the document for approval, the status of the document displays as Pre-Approved and the Acknowledgment column displays Pending Supplier Signature.

The following steps need to be performed in order to complete the electronic signature process:

  1. The supplier will sign the document electronically via iSupplier Portal. After the supplier signs the document, you (the Contracting Officer) need to navigate to the Notifications Summary page.

  2. Open the notification that requests your signature. The Notification page requires you to Accept or Reject the document. Enter an acceptance or rejection reason in the Response region and then click Accept to accept the document, otherwise click Reject or Reassign (to reassign to another Contracting Officer).

  3. On accepting, the Notifications page prompts you for your user name and password to complete the electronic signature process.

If you have logged in as a buyer, using the Awards > Views page, you will see that the status of the award is now Approved and that the value of the Acknowledgment column is now Accepted. Click the Accepted link to view the Acknowledgment History page. Click the eSignature icon in the Acknowledgment History page to view the history of the signature process for this document. The E-record page displays, enabling you to view the signature details, acknowledgment details and other information related to the e-record.

Proxy Signing of Modifications by Buyer (on behalf of Supplier) and Contracting Officer

When you create a modification and need to get the document proxy signed, you must ensure that the value of the Bilateral Indicator field is set to Proxy Signature and the Number of Signed Copies field should have a value greater than zero. This enables electronic signature of the modification by the Contracting Officer and proxy signature on behalf of the supplier by the buyer. After you have entered the data in the document and submitted it for approval, the status of the document displays In Process and the Acknowledgment column should display Requires Signature. After the approvers have approved the document, the status of the document should be Pre-Approved and the Acknowledgment column should display Requires Signature.

As a buyer, you need to perform the following steps to complete the proxy signature process:

  1. Create a modification document and enter the relevant change information at the header, address and supplier, line, schedule and distribution tabs.

  2. The buyer opens the notification and signs on behalf of the supplier. The notification requesting your (buyer's) signature displays in the Open Notifications view in the Notifications Summary. The sender of this notification is the supplier user, on whose behalf the you will be signing.

  3. Enter relevant values in the Response region (for the following fields: Comments, Supplier Contact Name, Supplier Title, Signed Date).

  4. On accepting (user can reject or reassign as well) you need to enter your user name and password in order to complete the proxy signature process.

  5. The status of the CLM document is still Pre-Approved, and the value of the Acknowledgment column is Pending Contracting Officer Signature.

As the Contracting Officer, you need to perform the following steps to complete the Proxy Signature process:

  1. Login as the Contracting Officer and use the appropriate Purchasing responsibility. Navigate to the Notifications Summary page.

  2. The Notifications Summary page shows you the notification requesting your signature. Click the notification link or select the check box next to the notification link and then click Open.

  3. The Notification Details page displays the supplier and buyer names. Additionally, you can enter a reason for accepting or rejecting the CLM document. You can perform the following actions with respect to the document: Accept, Reject, Forward, Reassign.

  4. If you click Accept, the Sign Notification page displays, where you (as the Contracting Officer) need to enter your user name and password in order to complete the electronic signature process. Enter your user name and password in the fields indicated, and then click Sign.

  5. The status of your CLM document should be Approved and the Acknowledgment column should display a value Accepted. Click the Accepted link in the Acknowledgment column to display the Acknowledgment History page.

  6. Click each or any of the e-Signature icons in the Acknowledgment History page to open the Electronic Records and Signatures: E-record details page. This page displays the signature, acknowledgment and other details pertaining to the signature action.

View Base Document

You can view the original (base) award on-line, as well as in a PDF format. When an award/IDV is modified, you can still view the original document details as they existed prior to any modifications. The base award/IDV is viewable in a read-only format and you can generate a PDF version of the base document as well. Open a modification and then select the View Base Document option from the Actions LOV. The Actions LOV is available in all the tabs of the modification document. Additionally, you can select the View Base Document option from the Actions LOV in the Views region or the Search page of the modification document.

Concurrent Modifications

Creating Draft Concurrent Modifications

Buyers and contracting professionals can create draft concurrent modifications from the following pages: Buyer Work Center, Awards/IDVs page and Document Builder.

In Buyer Work Center, if one or more draft modifications exist for the award/IDV, a message is displayed, informing you that there are some modifications already created for the award/IDV. Click Yes to create another new draft modification or No to edit an existing draft modification.

If no draft modifications exist for the award/IDV, the message above does not display.

If multiple lines are selected for performing a global update, and you attempt to update a field value that is locked in one or more lines, then an error message displays for those lines and other lines get updated via global update.

In Document Builder, the action New Modification enables you to create a concurrent modification. Select an approved award and then add the requisition lines that you want to add to the modification document.

Click Search in the Awards > Modifications sub-tab to find any modifications that may not be listed in the search results region. The default search criteria are: Modification, Award, Supplier, Description; however you can add other search criteria by selecting a search field from the Add Another LOV. You can also personalize the search and convert it into a saved view.

You can enter partial field values as your search criteria. The system shows you search results that matches the partial search criteria. For example, enter "PST" in the Modification field. Every modification with a number that starts with "PST" is displayed in the search results.

Some of the fields that you can use as search criteria using the Add Another LOV are: Operating Unit, Effective Date, Status, Order Number, Supplier, Supplier Site, Buyer, Cancelation Indicator, Document Style.

Modification Header

The regions of the modification Header along with the Supplier Details region (Addresses and Supplier Details tab) are grayed out if another user is updating the header level fields via another modification. However, the Main region and the Modification Justification regions are never grayed out because they are specific to the modification document. If you hover your mouse over the lock icon, a tooltip displaying the modification number and the buyer who locked the modification is displayed. You can request the other user to release the lock so that you can update the field values. The Revert button rolls back the changes made by the current user, that is, the changes made in the modification are discarded, and the lock is released. Thereafter another user can update the Header attributes via another modification.

In case of IDVs, the Ceiling Amount is the only field allowed for concurrent update.

For more information on lock types in concurrent modifications, refer to the appendix - Lock Types in Concurrent Modifications.

Addresses and Supplier Details

Each address (code, contact, location) can be concurrently. You can request the other user to release the lock so that you can update the address and supplier details field values. The Revert button rolls back the changes made by the current user, that is, the changes made in the modification are discarded, and the lock is released. Thereafter another user can update the Address and Supplier Details attributes via another modification.

Note: Modification Issuing Office and Modification Administration Office are specific to the modification and are not updated in the conformed document.

Modification Lines

As part of the modification updates, you can add new lines or update the field values on existing lines. You can add as many new lines as required, this action does not interfere with other users' actions of adding new lines.

When you add new lines to the modification, the line numbering that takes place automatically increments the last generated line number by 1. If other users are also adding new lines via other modifications, the line number will be last generated line number among the newly created lines on the modification(s) plus 1.

However, when you are updating the field values of an existing line, not all field values are available for updates if another user is updating them. Fields such as Price, UOM and Contract Type are locked fully when another user updates these values. Fields from Schedules (Need-By Date, Promised Date and Location) and Distributions (Requester, Deliver-to location, Project, Task, Expenditure type, Org, Date) are read-only when the modification is being updated.

When some field values are updated by you and another user(s), the system automatically displays a lock icon at that row, indicating that the field cannot be updated by you. Examples of such field values are Price, Qty, and so on. There are two types of locks that are available in concurrent modifications: full locks – where the lock cascades to Schedules and Distributions; partial locks – where the lock does not cascade to other entities and remains at the line level only. If the Schedule/Distribution is being updated by another user via a modification, the full lock does not apply and an error message is displayed.

When the current user updates a field on the modification line, an unlock icon is displayed.

Use the View Concurrent Changes action to see the report of the concurrent changes for the selected line(s).

When creating an IDV modification, the field values and price breaks for IDVs, are locked along with the line. When the line is locked (either partially or fully), all price breaks are implicitly locked.

For more information on lock types in concurrent modifications, refer to the appendix - Lock Types in Concurrent Modifications.

Modification Schedules (for Award Modifications only)

The Shipment level fields displayed at line level are read-only in the modifications for existing line(s). The values defaulted from the award are displayed and are available for update.

Shipment level attributes at line level: Need-by date, Promised date, Location

The Shipment Quantity can be updated concurrently; however it should not be a negative value in the last update. If a negative value is displayed, an error message is shown.

Modification Distributions (for Award Modifications only)

The Distribution level fields displayed at line level are read-only in the modifications for existing line(s). The values defaulted from the award are displayed and are available for update.

Distribution level attributes at line level: Requester, Deliver-to location, Project, Task, Expenditure type, Org, Date.

You can update the Change in Funded Value and Fund Value fields concurrently.

For more information on lock types in concurrent modifications, refer to the appendix - Lock Types in Concurrent Modifications.

Copying Attachments

The Attachments region enables you to add new attachments, update attachments that belong to the base document (award or IDV), delete attachments that belong to the base document, copy attachments from the base document to the modification document in order to update the attachments.

For more information on copying attachments, refer to the section Copying Attachments in this chapter.

Managing Draft Concurrent Modifications

You can perform the following actions/tasks on draft concurrent modifications:


In a situation where one or more users are creating and updating modifications to the same award/IDV, the region that is being updated by a user (e.g.: line, header region, and so on) is grayed out or a lock icon displays at that location. You cannotify the other user (using the action Notify) that the region is not available for update. When the notification is received by the other user, the other user can use the Revert action to undo the changes made by you. This action unlocks the region and it is now available to other users to update via their modifications.

To collaborate with another user and request the other user to update the modification, select the Notify action to inform the other user to do the needful. The other user can also reply to your notification with notes.

Manage Contract Terms in Concurrent Modifications

The following contract related entities are impacted in concurrent modifications:

The Manage Concurrent Updates page is displayed after you select the Manage Concurrent Updates action in the Contract Terms page. Using this page, you can check the status of sections, clauses, Contract Expert for any type of updates that are made as a result of concurrent modifications. You can see the User, Document Type and Document Number that are being updated. You can either notify other users or unlock a locked entity as part of your actions.

The following Contract Details can be updated via concurrent modifications:

Managing Concurrency in Concurrent Modifications

When there are multiple modifications concurrently updating an award/IDV, one of the following scenarios take place:

Managing Concurrency for In-Process Concurrent Modifications

When there are multiple in-process concurrent modifications, the following scenarios can occur: